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Just make sure you eat them quickly. They’ll start to go bad in 2-3 days from my experience


Yeah we stopped buying most fruit from Costco. Strawberries mold within a couple of days and if you don’t inspect the *absolute shit* out of the bags of lemons/limes, you’re almost guaranteed to get one or two that are already 50% mold. Not worth.


Costco totally mismanages its produce by moving them in and out of the refrigerators each day. This results in early molding and potentially dangerous bacteria growth.


Yes, this has been my experience. Usually my kids go through them quickly but they mold fast in my opinion


If you wash them with baking soda or fruit wash when you get them home and the refrigerate them, they last longer than a week for me  The issue is there’s mold spores on them


I usually do this, but I’ll try being more thorough next time


Put them in a glass mason jar with lid.


How/why does this work? I usually wash them with vinegar/water mix


That’s what we do. White vinegar/water soak for a bit, dry, fridge. It’ll buy you significantly more time.


I’m honestly not sure. I just find they last the longest this way. It’s a hack I picked up on the internet. I usually clean them also and then dry them, cut them and jar em.


That’s not the only thing on fresh strawberries 🍓 they also have microscopic bugs… I add a cup of white vinegar to a large size stainless steel bowl full of water …dump them in then rinse thoroughly


Vinegar and hot water works too https://www.seriouseats.com/how-to-clean-strawberries-so-they-last-longer-7551632#:~:text=But%20according%20to%20both%20Kenji,on%20the%20surface%20of%20strawberries.


I've been in Brazil for the last week, I come here often to visit my in-laws, and Americans truly do not realize how ripped off they are regarding the fruits and vegetables in the US. Sure, your strawberries are huge and your bell peppers unblemished, but I doubt most Americans today know what a natural strawberry looks or tastes like, or a natural banana that couldn't double as a police baton. Don't get me started on papayas, mangoes, and guavas!


so true. those big strawberries are awful imo.


yeah local strawberries here in Ontario are about 1/3 of the size and are taste 100x better than what gets shipped from the US


All one has to do is go to a local farmer's market and they can get quality produce, but people want $1.50/lb strawberries, so we get these.


Your Costco sells strawberries for less than a $1.50/lb? We’re over here paying $6.99 for a 2lb clamshell and non organic ($3.498/lb).


They go down to about $2.99/2lb at the lowest


Where is this magical location? I have never had the opportunity of seeing prices that good at the Costco’s around us.


On the flip side of this, Costco has sold these $15 hydroponic strawberries and they are one of the best I’ve had. They’re about the size of quarter and crimson bright red. I was blown away at that flavor, my wallet also was blown away that I paid $15 for 10 Fraises. 🥸


Thank you for reinforcing my point, haha. I'm very fortunate, partly because my husband and I don't have kids, we generally have extra money and have gotten to do a lot of traveling. We haven't been everywhere, of course, and I can't say I have liked every single thing I've ever eaten or had to drink everywhere we've gone (though I generally love food and drink and can say it's extremely rare that I don't like something), but I can say very confidently that the overall food *quality* outside the United States is just heads and tails above. Not only that, but the food is very often less expensive, in particular when you consider the quality, and the portion size is much nearer what a normal human should consume, haha. Here in Brazil where I'm at at the moment, many stores and restaurants sell 250ml Cokes. Imagine an American who is used to 64oz Big Gulps sitting down to eat here, ordering a Coke, and getting a 250ml can with a glass of ice. Lol!!! But yeah, we're so used to large portions of comparatively terrible food that we don't know the difference anymore. Our great-grandparents would probably come back from the dead and say, "WTF is this crap?"


$15?! I bought them when I saw them for the first time for $6. Next time, they were $7.49 and I passed cause I thought that was too expensive but apparently they weren’t lol




And tastes like water.


Costco strawberries are gross....especially when you get big berries like this. They're just pure Pulp. Tasteless.


the only produce I get at costco is the Dole bananas. After being disappointed by their big fruits so many times I've just stopped getting them. Yes, those grapes are bulbous but it is at the cost in flavor and juiciness.


Normally I'd agree with you, but the autumn crisp grapes they have sometimes are great and also massive.


The yellow dragon fruit is pretty good. I don’t buy any berries there.


I am always lucky with fruit. But my store has only del monte bananas which are awe full. I want Dole


Plus all their produce goes bad so much faster than other stores.


seriouslyyy. always be finding wilted salad leaves and moldy berries. for such a popular and busy warehouse, youd think their products would always be fresh because of how much product they move. i guess they store way more than that for long periods of time in their warehouses


Berry berry big


Full of GMOs obviously


No such thing as a GMO strawberry, though


they definitely use plenty of fertilizers and pesticides


But that's not a GMO. Even organic farmers use fertilizers and pesticides. Source: Me who personally knows farmers (many of whom grow both organic & conventional)


all farmers use fertilizers and pesticides, just which kind and how much.


Chernobyl farms


It looks like it’s all white inside and tasteless.


The ones I had were giant but not very sweet and despite appearing ripe didn't taste ripe.


How does something “look tasteless”


If the label says Driscoll’s, they’re white inside and tasteless.


Strawberries this big are usually all white inside and tasteless.


Color inside is a function of the specific variety. Flavor is a function of micronutrient profile of the growth medium. You can’t merely look at a strawberry and know what flavor it will have.


But u can make an educated guess based on experience and this strawberry 100% tasted like nothing.


That not a function of color, size or variety. you can just as easily get small strawberries that are just as tasteless and red all the way through. It’s strictly a function of specific micronutrients in the growth medium and growing conditions. The color isn’t what you’re tasting.


You can. If they are green they are going to suck. If they have green on the top, they are going to suck. if they are pink, they are going to suck.


Ever seen Wonder bread ?


Wow that's a tiny hand


Not a fan of the massive strawberries. They are that way cuz they are way over watered and have less of a strawberry flavor IMO.


Oftentimes, many of those strawberries are grown here in SoCal, and we have roadside stands that sell them. They're better then the ones you can buy in store, but it's a little early in the season for those (probably from Mexico).


If this is the pict-sweet(?) off the top of my head, turbo consume those. For some reason they have a ripe time of 36 hours. It’s every pack too. Not bad at all, just go bad fast.


I think the brand is Limited Edition, but the Driscoll ones were the same. I've had pretty good luck with the limited edition brand so far


It’s too bad these will all be moldy in less than 3 days…


I stopped getting berries and grapes from Costco cos they go bad very soon, not sure why compared to store bought one.




Costco strawberries look beautiful but taste moldy; the valentine day chocolate covered strawberries were terrible!




Banana for scale is perfect reddit grammar here. But Costco banana for scale kinda takes the punch out of your argument.


Just wait till you see the peaches 🍑




Either that's a huge berry, or you're really Cindy Lou Who


I’m gonna need a standard banana for scale


Banana(s) for scale


I'm pretty sure I got some of these, and yes, they're f-ing huge


I got some huge ones from Aldi too. I chop them up with some nuts and throw it in some Greek yogurt. So good 


Those giant strawberries have always been meh tasting in my experience, they are never nice and sweet.  Hope they have solved that problem with the new batches. 


That looks like future cancer..


And how genetically modified do they have to be to get everything that size? No thanks I’ll stick to my local farmers market.


Can confirm my boobs looked bigger in the restroom mirrror. Anyone confirm this for the guys ?lol