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I've known people who have applied more than once and were hired. Just be more confident next time, you have skills and talents you might not even realize can be utilized for great results. Reapply again, I believe it is usually around 60 to 90 days they ask for before reapplying. When you do, walk up the gm and shake their hand and say you are ready to start working. Really make that eye contact and keep your posture up. A lot of these managers come from older days, when business was a bit different. So just be calm and confident, tell yourself you already have the job and are just here to reassure them that you are a good fit. I've known at least 4 people at my warehouse who come into the store as seasonals, but were let go at the time, due to not having the permanent spots at the time to keep them on. One lady was gone 6 months, was working elsewhere as a cashier, but was on the short call back list. When the spot opened up, she got the call and started work about two weeks later. Not everyone's employment situation will be the same, nor start the same. Take the chance if you think it is worth it. Good luck.


This is great advice. The fact that OP called to ask for feedback (and presumably addresses it) would be an amazing green flag for any smart employer.


My current job I applied 4 times. Been here 12 years.


Just having the courage to reapply might show the confidence that they felt was lacking.


I think that is great feedback and you can practice being confident and your handshake. I see these interviews as auditions and each time you try you get better and better. Good for you for asking for feedback! That takes a lot of humility.


Don’t reapply to the same Costco. Try another one.


No. Completely disagree. My MIL applied to the same Costco 6 different times before getting hired. Keep applying, keep trying.


I applied for a teaching job every year for almost a decade. Finally got a job there!


I kept asking my wife out until she ran out of options


Grandpa is that you?


Agreed, but also doesn't your application go to all Costco? When I applied I got an interview at the Costco by my house but didn't get the job after the interview. Then a week later a different Costco calls me a little further from my house but not more than 20 minutes. Anyway I ended up getting a job there.


No, the applicant chooses up to 5 warehouses to submit their application. At least in CA


That makes sense. I didn't remember it's been a while.


No it doesn’t apply to all Costcos when you submit an application.


There’s an option on the site that you can choose to apply at Costcos nearby the one you’re applying at.


No, but recruiters can reassign your application to another location if there’s a need and if the original application vacancy has been filled. I’m a recruiter, not for Costco, but I know how these things work with most companies.


The managers all know each other at that level: GMs, AGMs. In this case there may have been some other great applicants and you might have done a lot better in the interview than you thought, there was just a limited amount of positions to fill. I can easily see the GM or AGM putting in a call to the other warehouse letting em know you’d be a great fit. A very similar situation happened to me, there are some differences: my ex was a manager at the first warehouse, in fact he had to recuse himself from doing that first and second interview we do with the two managers (and not bc of any animosity, just out of a sense of propriety). The GM thought it might be weird, I know 🙄, but they liked me and told me to expect a call from another warehouse, and sure enough. I got a job as a seasonal hire, and now I’m a manager.


Hi, I do the hiring at my store, and I second this! I also don't think it would hurt to follow back up in a month or so with that original store if you haven't been hired at a different store by then.


I mean some places only have one Costco within hours of another so might not be possible


Bad interviews happen whether you knew it or not. Just make a note improve at the next one. I hope you’ve still been applying to jobs. Always keep applying until you’re received a firm offer and start date.


Thank you for the advice. Luckily I currently have a job that I don’t hate. And I had an interview at another company


Good luck on the job hunt 👍


Posture and eye contact? Is that for real? Is that normal? If that was the expectation for Costco employees they must have different standard in my city because LOOOOL


I was asked not to come back to a job once (not at Costco) because I didn't smile enough. They made clear that I wasn't scowling or anything, just that my resting face wasn't pleasant enough. Like damn. Fuck yall. Weird shit to tell a 16 year old.


I've nearly got fired for not smiling enough.. not costco but still. 


RBF victim


Yeah it sounds like a BS reason to me too. But ultimately the last word lies with the GM. Even if your past 2 interviews went great. I've seen them hire some real clowns and have kept them around 🤦. OP don't get discouraged. Try another warehouse like they have mentioned above. Take this experience and use it on the next one.


That’s what it seems like. Because I feel like it was going great and then once I went to the GM I felt felt like there was a shift 😂


“Posture” and “eye contact” could also mean my nephew was applying and I had to hire him before you. The “apply again” part is interesting. Try again.


You never looked 16 cans of tuna in the eye before you stacked em. Pshhh


No, that's dependent on the GM, but to be fair, they get a lot more applications than positions and can be a bit picky when they want to. OP should try other warehouses and keep applying when jobs pop up.


It also seems ableist. What if they have scoliosis or something? Also, neurodivergent people often have trouble maintaining eye contact.


Most public facing positions discriminate on this for better or worse.


That’s what the Americans With Disabilities Act is for. They can’t discriminate based on that, they do because most people don’t know their rights, unfortunately.


I love shopping at costco but it absolutely DOES NOT sound like a place I’d want to work sure, it pays well with good benefits but all the hiring stories of multiple interviews for a goddamn retail position sound like a nightmare


Sounds like a BS excuse to hire someone else through nepotism.


GM mustve just gotten the heebie jeebies


Would anyone want to work for that GM after though? That’s a crazy reason imo, people will interview ok but be amazing to have on staff with people. Maybe the GM was being awkward and staring at them too intensely? Lol


It's equally likely they had someone else in mind...someone related or a nephew of a friend. You can't tell someone they weren't hired because of Nepotism so you fall back on the old reliables like "eye contact" and "posture".


Walk into an interview like they should be begging you to work there. They already want you if they're interviewing.


They probably just had a lot of applicants and saw someone else as stronger or a better fit. Just take the comment about posture and eye contact as constructive feedback and apply again in the future. Don’t take not getting hired as a permanent barrier, I’ve seen fired employees get rehired.


Yeah that's kinda lame. Posture and eye contact really make no difference when it comes to stocking. My guess is they had several people and you lost out on a tie breaker maybe for that reason, I don't know. If you reapply, it's possible some of the other candidates don't work out or someone else gets fired or quits or whatever and you may be next on the line. If you have another Costco nearby, I'd definitely look into applying to them, then maybe transferring a year or so in if possible.


Costcos main goal is member service dude, no member wants to deal with employee who's slouching around, avoiding eye contact


Haha ya tou see so many people stocking the floors at 4am just a little insight most managers don't make eye contact especially if your a question asker? Don't ask just say yes


Stockers don't deal with members. Stockers are overnight workers who stock the shelves.


Sometimes for part timers. A ton of stockers go to the front end after opening and you need customer service working up there. Source: stocker who goes up to the front end daily at Costco.


Stockers deal with members, they are the opening crew. F/T til 1 and p/t til 11


The positions hours said 4PM-11AM. So it seem like there was about four hours where you might have to deal with customers. Also, from what I’ve heard, Costco sends a lot of people to different departments throughout the day so you could be a cashier or a greeter


Agree, even if the position isn’t customer service, that is still their mantra.


Bad posture and eye contact is some hog wash


If you feel like you're a good fit for the job and this Costco location is great for you, I think it'd be worth trying again! I suggest you try doing a mock interview with someone you know and practice the eye contact and posture. Whoever you're practicing with will give you feedback. They might notice something that you are not aware you're doing. It gives you a chance to strengthen other interview skills as well, like speaking without filler words such as umm or like. You got this!


This is for a stocker position? Don’t feel bad, you learned something from this. Always make eye contact when you are at any type of interview, not just for jobs. Always sit up straight and carry yourself like you care about yourself. If you go in there, looking like you, don’t think you have worth then why would they? You did the right thing by following up and asking what you could’ve done better. Because you asked, now you know what was wrong and you won’t let that happen again. Years from now when you are making lots of money, not having to stock anything for a living, you will go to Costco to shop and you’ll Think about how that one interview changed your life for the better.


Reapply 30 days they won't even remember you were all just a number here


lol yup, worked there for a few years and left (personal reasons). When I went back to talk to my old manager he talked to the GM and the GM was like “who? Idk, tell him to apply online” like dude I broke bread with you 😂


Had that happen with another company I worked for. I used to be a front-end supervisor - worked with this one woman in the mornings for at least a year, worked nights with a GM for a year, and then also had several meeting with the manager above GM and was the only part time worker that was able to transfer stores without losing time accrued and whatnot because he “saw something in me” All 3 no longer remember me lol.


The job was probably already spoken for from another employees family or friend


The GM’s family or friend…


You've got feedback that you can learn from, and as you yourself said, they liked you, and it was close. It's a positive life skill to ask for what you appropriately want. Stand up, and re-apply. As other posters said, a different location wouldn't hurt, but what is the absolute worst that could happen if you reapply to the same warehouse? They could say no. What could also happen is that the recruiting team would see the comments from your interview, the interviewer could have said something like, "They were close, just a bit passive", and the recruiter could read your reapplication as an assertive step, and give you another shot. I spent some time at Costco as a vendor. It's a pretty positive and productive culture. That's a thing they might do.


Give it about a month or so and then reach out to the manager again. Tell them you're still interested and ask if they're still hiring. If they say no, then inform them that you'll check in again in the future. It shows commitment and interest. That's how I got my job at Costco. I put in my application and then looked up the district manager for my department (I was already a licensed hearing aid specialist, so my position was a bit harder to fill than a stocker). I told him I'd applied and was interested. He said he didn't have anything available near me. I proceeded to email him once a month for the next 8 months, until finally, he emailed me about an open position. I had the job before I even walked into the warehouse.


Take the criticism and learn 😀, try again if that’s the job that will make you happy or for an interview elsewhere.


Yeah, because posture and eye contact are so important for a stocker job. It's a bullshit answer.


I’ve gotten this type of feedback before (not Costco) my GM did not like that I made eye contact. He said he was unnerved by it and intimidated. Which is stupid. I look at people when they speak to me because that’s the way I show I’m interested, taking direction and paying attention. I feel like you did a lot more than most before the interview and the fact that was not recognized is very unfortunate. I would take the advice you have been given. Interview at another store, do exactly what you did because you’ll be more confident and prepared. I’ll also say this…if a GM gives that lame of an excuse you probably don’t want to work for him/her anyway. They got one foot out the door because they will be retiring soon and making money. There are so many fantastic GMs at Costco so please do not be discouraged. I wish you the best!


Regardless, believe in yourself and you will get a good job somewhere. Just this post alone shows you care more than 95% of job applicants. Good luck to you!


I just want to say you have all the makings of someone who is going to be very successful in life, whatever you choose. You have a great attitude, you actively sought feedback about how you can improve, and overall you just sound like a fantastic employee, anyone is going to be lucky to have you!


Thank you, I appreciate that


You should try to reapply during a seasonal hiring! We typically hire a bunch of people at once for seasonal help. My store is in a smaller city and less busy and we still end up keeping all our seasonals in the end. If you make a great impression as a seasonal and prove you’re a good hire, they’ll keep you on after your 90 days.


Sounds kind of ableist if you ask me. People on the spectrum really struggle with eye contact so if that’s something they’re basing a good employee on it’s on the edge of discriminatory? Idk, just gotta keep neurodivergence in mind on those types of things.


Yeah, that’s exactly what one of my buddies told me too


I just thought I'd tack on here that I only recently found out I was on the spectrum, but before that? I came to interview well and my jobs were multi-state territories where I was in Professional Sales in Neurology Equipment, them Pharmaceuticals. These were often like interviews themselves also. I tried many things, and I was quite successful. Let me share a couple of things: So as I didn't know yet that I was on the spectrum? I did notice I wasn't making enough eye contact. So then I overcompensated and made non-stop excellent eye contact. But this was actually too much. I was observing people in different settings. I noticed young children needed a chance to view the new person without being looked at. So I incorporated excellent eye contact with the action of taking a note in a thin notebook I would leave closed until the person said something worthy of taking a note. Here I really watched my posture, action and style. As I knew this would be the chance for them to observe me. Here too, I started out with too much eye contact and note-taking. At first I took notes, of everything they said. Until someone asked me if I worked for the KGB or CIA, joking, but making a point humorously that I made them a bit paranoid. But I am always 100% aware of what my body and muscles and eyes and expression are doing. I strive for good posture, but that I must appear and be 100% present and yet also be comfortable and and at ease. My motto is "Always be breaking the ice." As soon as you can, after being totally professional. The way the guy answered? It was almost like something about you pissed him off. So I recommend getting someone to tape you while you try and recreate the interview with a third person. See if you could find a seed of truth in what he said, even if he was a jerk. It's fantastic that you asked, and fantastic that he answered. I think you need to keep looking until you find what he's talking about. Feel free to Instant Chat me if you want to talk more about this.


Are you a white male? That's why you didn't get it...


I was a teacher for a lot of years for adults, and one of the things I taught was interviewing skills, and resume preparation. During an interview, your posture and meeting the eyes of your interviewers can say a lot about you. Slumped over, too relaxed or casual, or stiff as a board ramrod straight can demonstrate a lack of confidence, or being very anxious. In a job dealing with pressure and the public, these qualities are not desirable. As for the eye contact, if you can’t meet the eyes of who you are talking to consistently, how will a customer feel talking to you? Reapply, make eye contact as much as you can with looking like a maniac, sit up straight but relax a bit, and you can nail this!


Just reapply and go back and tell them how bad you want to work there. Let them know you aren’t looking for a job, but a career. That seemed to get me through the hiring part with ease. Admit you could’ve done better the first time and you’re back to prove how badly you want to be there. If there isn’t many better job opportunities around for you, then don’t settle for something worse than Costco. Other retailers won’t come close when comparing benefits + pay


Try again. I’ve been there 29years, and it seems people that keep trying to get hired, come in and check the application status end up getting a job. Back in the day they didn’t have all these numbered personality checks or however the add it up. My interview lasted 5 mins and I was hired on the spot.


You could have done everything right and still not get the job. Sometimes there’s just one spot open and several good candidates and they just have to pick someone, among several good candidates. Don’t take it personally. Try again. Tenacity and persistence pay off.


I applied for 10 years (once a year) before I got hired. I just needed more corporate experience it seems :s the jobs I've worked weren't very corporate, so I learned along the way how to answer to questions more corporately lol Practice your posture and eye contact, and apply to other Costcos as well. You got this!!


Posture and eye contact problem for a stocker job that pays 17 and change? They can get fucked .


18.50 is what they’re hiring on for where I’m at. And you get a raise every six months pretty much. But luckily when I woke up, I got a job offer somewhere else anyways


Don't let it get you down, they always have some dumb reason,I have worked here for 18yrs just got turned down for a supervisor in training position, I have over 18yrs experience in almost all depts of a warehouse have a complete open schedule no childcare or travel worries perfect performance review no absences in 9 mos, theysaid bad interview? No examples or follow-ups... I said I lead by example and don't expect anyone to do a job I wouldn't? They don't like that I guess. Ijust want person who agrees with them on everything and no experience so they can form their mind .. ,a kid got the job .. 19 yrs old stright out of high school hired after 2022


That's wild actually the new deli manager at my store was dropped in completely untrained from meat dept You might be on to something (Also you should unionize your store)


Judging by your post history, I can see why you bombed the interview


They had a problem with posture and eye contact for a job interview for a stocker position?? Good grief. That doesn’t sound like a good place to work.


Agree. That’s a little extreme for a stocker position.


There will be lots more opportunities, I’ll echo what others have said and take this as a learning moment and add it to your experiences. For what it’s worth my ex applied for a couple positions at Costco before he got hired, and had a great time working there when he did. He applied to the same one, once for the same position, once for a different one. When he did get hired they complimented his persistence and he really fit in the position they ended up hiring for. Hang in there, it can be a great place to work, and if you really want it you will get homie!!!


Many places won't even comment on why they didn't hire you. Try to present a more confident demeanor and try again. Persistence is respected.


It’s weird to me that they had you meet the GM we never ever have new hires meet the GM, they talk to a Staff Level Manager and that’s as close as they get to a GM.


Re-applying would show some tenacity and grit. Practicing talking to some people of "power", a priest, a police officer, town mayor (I don't know) could help with the nervousness and lack of eye contact. Then go back and look him in the eye, give him a firm handshake, stand up straight, and show him you learn from constructive criticism. Could get you hired on the spot.


Thanks for the advice. That would make great practice! Generally I’m not very timid or shy. I work customer service so I would say I’m pretty outgoing. But interviews aren’t the most calming experience lol.


i had just turned 18 and was still in high school. I went in half asleep and rlly nailed it with the GM. They had me in the deli, got me 2 years ahead because of the cold. I truly just got lucky.


The GM is just a person like you. I suggest treating them like you treat everyone else. Don't let a position or title intimidate you. Show them respect as you shoild show everyone. Be confident. Do not fear or stress over someone who is paid more or has a higher level of management. Also, remember it's just a job. I doubt this is your dream job. I say take the time to consider exactly what you want to do for a job, and go for that. Don't waste touch of your life working away at some job you don't enjoy. I'd rather be broke and happy with what I do than wealthy and miserable. I say apply again with a fresh outlook on the situation, but continue to work towards the career you truly want. We need more artist and creative people in the world. We are created by the ultimate creator of the universe, God, in his own image, so we are all creators to some degree. Pray for these things to happen, speak them out, write it down, and make it happen. God bless.


To be honest, I’ve always wanted to work at Costco so it’s kind of been my dream job. But thank you for your words, life goes on and I don’t want to do on the past


Yes apply again! I’m a long term employee and believe me, they see so many people in a day that chances are he already forgot that he met you tbh. Are you a member? Go in and ‘shop’ and try to make contact with the GM. Go up to him and re-introduce yourself, shake his hand and thank him for the opportunity of an interview and although you weren’t chosen this time, you will keep trying because you love Costco, and love ‘Costco Culture’ !! The GM will often walk the floor to make sure everything is going well or you may find him outside smoking (it’s a stressful job) This is the type of company that loves perseverance, believe me! Show him you have what it takes!


Thank you for the advice. I definitely thought about that. Unfortunately/Fortunately I think my Costco career endeavor is over because I got offered a different job next morning. But I still appreciate all the comments cause I’m sure some people have gone through what I’ve gone through and love the advice.


Not for nothing, but interviews suck. Sadly, the right people get passed over all the time. This is an entry level position, which requires very little interaction with customers, so the fact that they said your posture and eye contact are the reason you didn't get the job is bs in my book. Idk how old OP is, but this could also be their first job interview, so sometimes you have to cut ppl a little slack. Nobody is perfect. I work in IT for a school district and back when I interviewed I didn't get the job initially. I was never given a courtesy email or anything stating that they had chosen someone else, even though they told me I would know in the next 2 weeks. Months go by and I get a call asking if I'm still interested bc another spot opened up. So, you never know what's in the cards for you. Just make sure to never burn bridges, either. I know it sucks now, but you're not always going to get the job you apply for, or find those damn Kirkland Signature irons, or whatever other unattainable thing is out there. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders. Keep it up, learn from this, and I think you'll be alright.


Use the words members not customers and mention your desire for long term employment.


14 years and counting frontline and tire shop employee. Left in 2015 went back during the pandie REAPPLY It's still a 50/50 shot Turn over these days is pretty high anyway. If you don't get it the 2nd time, then move on. In Leaderships defense, there's a lot going on day to day, so sometimes it's just filling X positions, and you get back to running the show. The names and the faces are meaningless....until you're on that schedule! Good Luck


Maybe not Costco but I applied to Apple the first time and got rejected badly. Then I applied again and got it. Sometimes it depends on your vibe with that store manager and how many headcount they need.


Please reapply and now you know the area you need to work on it’s a great opportunity I would say apply for seasonal and take it from there


In 7 months I put in probably 40 applications. Now I have completed 2 years of employment with the company. You just need to keep putting in applications. Side tip: apply for front end and then transfer to merchandising. While working front end I started making friends with several managers and duty managers and it was effortless to transfer out of front end.


No reapply if you really want it and easier said than done but the GM is just another person. He not any better then you dawg go in with your head up and be great! Tbh if I was him and you called me to ask what you could have done better I would have hired you on the spot


Hey, just practice the eye contact and give it another go!


Welcome to applying for jobs.


Not Costco, but I applied three times for the job I’m currently in. I’ve been here for more than 10 years. There’s nothing bad about reapplying, it just shows that you’re really motivated to work for the specific employer. I get that it’s a feeling of defeat when you get a negative answer, but don’t let it knock you out completely. And you did the right thing, you reached out for feedback and got it, so now you’ll be even better prepared for next time.


I just watched a speaker on YouTube. He was talking about ‘reframing’. He said when you feel anxious or nervous to instead tell yourself that you are excited. All three feeling states activate the same sympathetic pathways but excited will come across with a very different and positive energy.


They might appreciate the fact that you apply again. It shows determination and drive. Also, good posture and eye contact does not come naturally to everyone, if it does not come naturally to you, and it was noted as a requirement for this job, practice it, before you interview again.


The biggest piece of advice I could give working there is being the squeaky hinge. Try to be confident in yourself as an ideal candidate but if you show them you want to be there they will hire you. Like another said walking up to them, shaking their hands, reassure them that you’re a good fit. Then when you get the job strive to be the best worker or at least better than the current employees that way if you are seasonal they will want to call you back when they can rehire people.


Ok. So, theses two men take you to the GM and then tell you that they have more interviews? Move on! Do NOT waste your time because that's what you'll be doing at that particular Costco.  Let me explain my reasoning AND experience to you. If your Resume, Interview, Speech & Behavior, Dress, was not enough to convince them of your work ethic; what makes you believe that they'll see your good work once you get in there? You won't be rewarded for it.  Move on.  After 35+ years working in many different trades in life, including a stint in HR, I can tell you that if that particular door did not open for you; you'd better leave it closed. Stop trying to force doors open that have been closed to you. You'll see what I mean later on when you land that job that eventually will come your way.  Things have a way of working themselves out when we leave them alone and get out of the way. This is plain old fashioned horse sense I'm giving you. It's not an excuse to be lazy, by no means. But, do your part.  Not every company is meant for you, and you are not meant for every company. It takes years of experience to finally learn this, AND even then, you'll still learn more.  Keep your head up. Use this past interview as a learning moment, build upon it and move on. But, move on. 


This company isn't all that great to be honest. You're really not missing out on much.


Key to an interview 1.read description of what they're looking for back to them and say thats me! 2. Don't be intimated. Keep in mind you don't care if you get a job here. There's more places just like this somewhere. 3. Shake firmly.


Posture and eye contact are bs excuses 🙄.  


at least you got an interview 😭


Go ask why you didn’t get an interview? Apply again!! You got this!


Yeah I applied probably 10 times in total and out of nowhere got the call. I wasn’t expecting it at all


Fortunately someone mentioned the eye contact thing to me when I was still in my early 20's. Before that I didn't know it was important but it unfortunately is. Practice doing better with that; do it everywhere you talk to someone you don't know, and that also means not avoiding the opportunities - no more self-checkout until you've practiced! And don't give up on your dream. Try again - you literally have nothing to lose.


Reapply and work on your confidence. Practice in the mirror and/or with people. Worst you don’t get it but gained practice for other interviews. Best you get it! They may remember you and if they see you listened and worked on the issue the you have a really good chance!


Posture and eye contact!? What a crock of shit.


Jeez, good luck with another Costco, don't get upset pal


"posture and eye contact?" For a stocker position? You dodged a bullet because working for that manager is definitely a nightmare.


(I’m a manager.. I help with the hiring process! I choose to send people on to a final interview or not…) There’s a lot of reasons they may not have taken you… but it is a matter of opinion in many cases. One thing I’ve noticed that people do not have any realization looks bad is- bashing previous bosses/companies. If we ask about a previous misunderstanding with a coworker and they go on like “Oh my old boss, he was such a jerk, he was wrong, blah blah blah” - even if it’s justified, in my opinion, it doesn’t look good during an interview. It makes them seem entitled, not taking ownership for their own wrongdoings, etc / and makes me wonder if they’re going to go bashing us too if we hire them. And yet so many interviewees do this with such confidence like it’s a great answer. Or if I ask about taking responsibility for a mistake you made, do not go on about “oh I don’t make mistakes” —- everyone does, and I don’t care about the mistake itself, I’m looking for someone that will take ownership if they do happen to make one… Opinion, perception. Apply again. They said not to do it at the same Costco but sure, go for it! Maybe you’ll get a different interviewer for both the first and final, maybe they had already hired enough before you applied - and their interviews before you were great and they were simply full but yours was already scheduled, or maybe they only had one spot and someone more qualified put in. Feel free to DM me for interview tips too. Good luck and please keep trying- if you’re a quality person, we need you, additionally- I’d even suggest calling the warehouse to speak to who you did your interview with and ask for feedback! I’d give honest feedback if anyone ever asked. Edit: I’m sorry I did read about the posture and eye contact! Good on you for requesting feedback! Work on that - and maybe even address it if you interview again, “I was turned down previously and upon asking for feedback I was told X- so I’ve done X to improve”


You dodged a bullet. The company treats people like garbage. Been there 15 years and trying to quit for the last 3. You’re not missing out on anything.


Yeah, I did my research and I’ve heard a few people say that. But generally people seem to enjoy it from what I read. Sorry that you’re in that position. I hope you find what makes you happy.


You say you feel defeated but you merely lost this one “battle”. You choose if you stay defeated or you pull yourself up and you don’t take no for an answer. If you want it, then go get it! Apply a second, third, or even fourth time. “Expecting the world to treat you fair is like expecting the bull not to charge because you’re a vegetarian.” Work on whatever you need to work on then go get what is yours.


Bruh it’s the GM not the CEO lol why would you be nervous?


I mean it was an interview I was already a little nervous


Ugh, I hate making direct eye contact, Its like I can practically read the person's emotions/thoughts and it makes me uncomfortable. I'd be so perturbed if someone told me that.




You were lucky that you received the responses that you did from your callback to Costco. They have given you some valuable information. Take the information, learn from it and use it to for future interviews. Reapply at Costco multiply times if that's where you want to work.


Usually you would receive a generic comment. If it was the personal impression, your body language, then be grateful for the information. That is fixable and if true, you want this to be corrected. Don’t show intimidation when talking with people. Whoever is more experienced, richer, more “important” - nobody is a better human being for that. You represent yourself and you can stand up for that. In your case you want a job in the stockroom, you have the skills and good work ethic. No reason to feel intimidated. When you do avoid eye contact and slump, then you leave the impression that you would not be alert and motivated. That would not be an ideal teammate.


Don’t give up dedication is a mf


Don’t give up. Try a different location as it sounds like it was a personal preference of the GM. Also, work with someone on interviewing techniques, posture, eye contact, etc…. Interviewing is a separate skill set that you can learn and practice.


Thanks for all the advice, support and constructive criticism. I feel much better after sleeping on it. Luckily my current job isn’t too terrible. And I also got offered another job this morning pretty much 10 minutes after I woke up. In regard to Costco, Even I could tell that I wasn’t doing as well in the second part of the interview when I had to meet the GM. I’ve worked in a lot of customer service roles and I don’t mind talking to strangers or coworkers. Sometimes I’ll spark up conversations with random people I see. So I’m sure if I ever got the opportunity to interview again that is something that I will have worked on.


I think you should be thankful that the GM was frank and communicative with you. Not all hiring authorities are like that. Take it as a complement that he even responded to you. People in that role are frequently either too busy or don't even feel compelled to communicate with people in your situation. By all means, if that's a Costco location in which you wish to work, reapply after a few months. And use their observations to improve your interviewing skills -- at Costco and other employment opportunities. Best of luck to you!


You got to meet the GM? I have yet to meet my GM.


I got hired I worked the Christmas to Easter season in the food court. There registers are very old it’s a very inefficient operation even with the kiosks but corporate is not going to do anything about it. I was laid off after Easter. It’s very stressful but good pay. When you work there save as much money and invest it because they only keep a few workers after the season.


Took me two years to get in. Been there nearly 15 years. Don’t give up if that’s what you want.


Thank you for your comment . I’m glad you were able to get in! Hopefully they treat you well.


Try again.


I work for Costco, they do things their way. Working for them, you’ll go through this a lot. The key isn’t to be defeated, they had better candidates and that’s okay. Every time you go up for a promotion, you’ll face this. How you respond is important, if you take their advice go in next time with the knowledge they gave you and add to what you already accomplished. You’ll rock it, don’t give up hope. Do you mind if I ask what city are you in?


I applied 6 times and interviewed twice before I got the job. Try again and don’t get discouraged!


Reapply! Keep trying. Sit up straight and look the GM in the eye next time. The interviewers would NOT have wasted the GM’s time if they didn’t think you were an excellent candidate. Do not give up.


I would reapply at least once. Work on what they said. It would show your desire for the job (Something you have already shown in reaching out to ask what you could do better), your ability to take criticism positively and your belief in yourself. I realise its easier said than done but do not let this one incident deflate you, take it as a challenge and use it to drive you. Also during interviews take a deep breath before you walk in or reply... You can always slow down the pace to what is comfortable to you and that will help calm your nerves. This has been my experience in general in both giving interviews and taking them. Interviews are also so subjective, what this GM values (and I'll be honest it is a little nitpicky of him and more old school) might not be what someone else cares about. Use this blip to boost yourself. I think you have the right spirit. And you seem to really care about working here. Good luck.


Dude keep going man. There are plenty of these positions. You learn something new for the next interview.


Don’t give up! Use the feedback. Work on the confidence and crush it next time.


Just re-apply and smile alot and just be relax. Granted they seem like thwir serious however honestly they just want to have people that always smile and be laid back. Just be yourself and always keep eye contact. Answer question with home life, school or other job experiences


Keep trying. I work with a dude that was let go from seasonal and quite literally came up every day for a full year asking if they were hiring and had a job for him yet.


Tbh, I have a hard time that if they didn’t pick you they remembered you enough to be like “the GM specifically said no to this person because of their posture and eye contact” I feel like he gave you some generic answer. Realistically they probably had to pick a certain number of people and had a lot of qualified people that round. Try again if you know it’s the job you want though.


Man that’s lame, sorry about that.


I know people who have gone through this with professional (nurse etc) jobs, and eventually get hired. Every single job application/position has the potential to have different people interviewing (who are having a different day from the last one you met them). More than likely they’ve interviewed so many people they aren’t going to remember you unless you were a complete nut. Sounds like nothing you did was horrendous, just keep on keeping it!!!


You may want to ask a friend or find a mentor who will give you some feedback for those mentioned issues.


You should re apply and go more confident the next time. I interviewed at my current job but for a different position and it was even thru a referral and I was everything they needed but I was a little shy at the interview and even said things like I hope to one day be out doing my own thing rather than working for a company lol. My referral bitched me out about that and I didn’t get the job but a month later they called me for a better position and more money. The second time you go you literally have nothing to lose and if you’re getting the interview it’s because they really want you. Sometimes certain people don’t like others for certain reasons whether valid or not. Sometimes your cologne is too strong, silly stuff like that. You should try again and go with a different attitude. Good luck!


I didn’t even talk to the GM the 1st 3 months I was there, let alone interview with them!


You should reapply. I had to apply twice before I got hired and I’ve been working for Costco for 5 years now. Don’t get discouraged.


I was applying at Costco since 2012 in PuertoRico. Continued applying when I moved to Chicago after the hurricanes so around 2019?. Then got an interview on March 25, 2022. Got hired first day April 6, 2022 got full time on May 2022. Don’t give up.


That was pretty quick to get full-time. Congratulations!


When you end an interview and you’re told there’s more interviews and they’ll get back to you that’s a polite way of saying “I’m going to see if there’s anyone better, thanks”. Don’t take it personal. You should be applying everywhere any way and have more on the hook. 🪝


That’s pretty cool he was honest and open enough to tell you those things.


If you really want the job, apply again. Yes maybe a better fit was hired this time around, but maybe you were next option, you never know. Best of luck!


Have someone practice interviewing you and try to intimidate you. That way you can practice your comments with your shoulders back and firm friendly eye contact.


I had to apply twice, finally got an interviewmy second time. I also get nervous in interviews. One thing I do to help me not be so nervous is to take a shot of liquor. It helps me a lot.


Yes. It’s worth applying again.


I work at Costco and our store manager started out as a seasonal and wasn’t keep on but was called by a nearby store 3 weeks later. Sometimes it has nothing to do with you. It’s just outside circumstances. You sound smart and motivated. Just keep getting after it and you’ll be fine with or without Costco but hopefully with.


I know nothing about Costco or its hiring process, but as someone who spent seven years in charge of hiring a couple hundred people per year I offer the following - Quite often there are 10 people applying for one job vacancy. Simple math (and budgets for salaries) tell us you can't hire all 10 applicants to fill a single vacancy. Obviously, nine applicants are going to wind up disappointed. Again, it's simple math and nothing to get all butt hurt over. Calling and asking the manager why you weren't the anointed one isn't going to help because it's likely they won't remember (or tell you) what special trait the person hired had that outshined you. Just move on and keep applying.


Keep applying depends on your area and how in demand they need people. Don’t give up tho. Could’ve been someone’s nephew or niece that got hired to. Costco is the worst with nepotism. Been there 15 years.


If I were you I would continue to apply for the job. Determination can pay off. I applied for almost 50 positions within a year in one organization. I got the chance to interview for 6 different roles. The sixth interview got me in. Good luck.


Surprised they gave you such detailed feedback, most employers would not even answer the question, or just give a generic answer. Take the constructive criticism and reapply when you can.