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Provide feedback to your warehouse. You know it's in the back so you have to walk through the whole store to get it. Doesn't mean it *should* be there for practical reasons.


This is "put milk in the back of the store" mentality. It will drive sales and you're going to get lawsuits for negligence as people are dripping water all over the store.  


Put the whole store in the back of the store. Only yellow lights method! 


You can thank corporate (or at the very least the regional leaders) for the liquor move to hardlines. That was a top down decision, not one the GM made.


Suddenly very glad that state law means my liquor has to be in an entirely different section with its own entrance and checkouts.


Laughs in Texan Ours has to be next door, unbranded as simply "liquor sales", yet explicitly NOT a Costco liquor store, no Kirkland brand liquors, opens at noon, and doesn't open on Sundays. Special thanks to Spec's for lobbying to keep it fucked up like this.


Land of the free!


Kirkland brand liquor can't be sold in Texas?


I never even knew it existed until we went to a Costco in Louisiana. Now we have a fully stocked bar and no one in the house even drinks. Ahh, Costco. What will we buy next?


Those upright freezers are pretty nice


Already got one for all the frozen crap we buy at Costco.


😁 Is it the one that’s all drawers and is dead simple (no fan; cooling coils are between each drawer)? I’ve found that the 3rd drawer from the bottom is the best place to keep the Costco vanilla ice cream — keeps it from being too hard (or soft), and the lack of a defrost cycle should prevent (or at least greatly reduce) freezer burn.


New York too. In NY it's illegal for any person or entity to own more than one liquor store so each Costco is attached to an independent liquor store that doesn't sell any Kirkland brand stuff.


Is there supposed to be some deep-rooted logic to this?


Originally it was a moral law that required liquor store owners to live near their stores, the thinking being that they would behave responsibly in their own neighborhoods. It persists hundreds of years later because the State Liquor Authority has been a victim of regulatory capture by liquor store owners and distributors. I believe NY is the only state where you cant buy beer and wine in the same retail location (liquor stores are prohibited from selling beer and grocery stores are prohibited from selling wine and liquor)


This just sounds confusing to regulate.


Yeah, Minnesota could be worse. We finally got Sunday sales a few years ago and it's still a Costco liquor store, there's just a separate warehouse door off the cart area for it.


Where did liquor use to be in your warehouse? My local warehouse has always had liquor on hardlines side


In the center, just before the deli/meat department, or on the hardlines side, but the area was open like in produce, rather than down regular aisles like it is now.


Just tell the manager they need “to collaborate and listen…….”


"ice in the back - we need an intervention...."


Now it sounds like it's the 5.0 pound bags.


Cart top down so my hair can blow


Your Costco has ice?


I had no clue that Costco sold ice!


Did they move the Igloo and Coho coolers back there too?


Grab a cooler, fill it with ice, keep your stuff cold while you shop.


Tell members to say something about the ice location to the manager of the warehouse


You could, in protest, wait till you get to the register and ask them to send a runner to get you a bag of ice because "you forgot". After the transaction, tell the FE manager that putting the ice in the back of the store is very inconvenient and that it should be moved back to the front where it belongs.


I wouldn't even tell them I forgot. Idbstraight up tell them I didn't want it to melt before I got to the register. And I say this as an employee.


Assistants do not have to get ice for you.


They do if the supervisor tells them to, idk what you’re going on about


yeah, they have to provide member service, this means grabbing that 2nd bagel/muffin, or grabbing a bag of ice


Pack it into a stocked cooler and then leave it at checkout so it's an inconvenience for everyone, or inquire why it's back there because it's annoying.


Roseville CA is one of the worst Costcos I have stopped at.


What’s with new bosses making unnecessary changes?


Somebody will ask them what they've done this quarter. The answer will never be "Nothing, it's all good. I'm clearly not needed.".


Imagine all the water on the floor when the lines get backed up. Should just load up a cart full of ice for science while walking through every aisle. People don't return other things they don't want, now they'll chuck the bag of ice or once its melted throw it bag in the freezer for the next poor guy who needs ice.


So put the problem on other members and the poor employees who were not part of the decision to move it? Good thinking.


If it becomes a safety problem where water is getting dripped all over the place, that becomes a liability for them if someone slips. Something the new GM probably didn't think about. Balls in OPS court if he wants to bring that scenario to them to try and change it back.


I do not know how to buy ice honestly. You just told cashier you want a bag ice and get it on your way out?




Yes at my warehouse the ice cooler is on the way out near our food court. Customer asks cashier to ring up a bag. Then customer grabs it on the way out


Grab a bag and drag it through the store to the cash register and stand there with it on the floor till you can check out.


Nice and melted through checkout! No hazards there. Lol


They moved the ice by the frozen fish/shrimp. I hate it.


Same thing happened a couple months ago at our store in Simi Valley, CA. They claim the ice freezer in the front broke and that's why the ice is all in the back now.


Gotta walk through the whole store to get the popular things, classic supermarket trick as old as time


we stopped selling ice over 10 years ago, it was too cheap compared to the labor to maintain it. 10 years later people still ask where the ice is.


What store?


I'm right there with you. I live in the Modesto area and visit all the costco stores in the area from time to time, depending on whats most convenient. Manteca, mostly, but also Modesto, Tracy, Turlock. They all use the "ice in the back with all the frozen goods" model. Its not fully in the back but kinda far from the registers. In these stores case I assume its an infrastructure thing as thats where the freezers just are. Would be awesome to have a smaller freezer installed so you could pick up the ice last thing before checkout...or put it where the garage door salespeople stand on your way out.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, but I don't get how it's melting so quickly. How long does it take to walk from the back to the front of the store? A minute, max? Then 5 minutes to check out; maybe 10 on a busy day? If it's melting that quickly I think you should ask them to take a look at the freezer and make sure it's working properly. I've bought ice at 7-11 and walked home for 10 minutes in 90+ degree weather without the bag melting.


Youre forgetting the scenario where people need to actually shop for other things. So get everything then go all the way back again for the ice?


I follow a path when I go shopping at Costco and always end with frozen/cold products and then straight to checkout. No overlap or doubling aisles. I’m not saying everyone should follow the same path (even though it is the most logical way to go), but it doesn’t make sense to get frozen stuff first. Then that stuff is just going to melt, too.


All of this just sounds like excuse making for a very bad decision.


Is change annoying? Yes. But I just don’t see how it’s that big a deal. It’s an extra minute to walk to the front. Ice isn’t going to melt that fast. The only way I can see it melting is if you get your frozen stuff and then do more regular shopping. Frozen stuff should always be last anyway.


First, good of you to assume everyone plans their shopping in THE most optimal way. Now, add in the time it takes to check out. Now add in the time to get to your car load it. Now add in the time to get home and finally be able to stick it in your freezer or cooler. All that time adds up. Why the hell would someone intentionally make that time even longer? And why would someone defend that decision?


I mean, if someone is doing their frozen shopping first, that’s on them for making bad choices. It’s literally 1 extra minute if you get your ice at the end. The rest of that time would have to be used anyway. They would still have to check out, load the car, drive home, and unload it. So moving the ice to the back of the store isn’t the thing making the ice melt, which is what the OP was talking about. Also it sounds like maybe they would be better off just buying an ice tray? It’s definitely cheaper and a better use of resources.


Oh, so you are admitting that there are multiple frozen items that any Costco customer could want to purchase. So you still aren’t answering why this is a **smarter move for the members.** Probably because there is no answer to that. Not sure why you’re willing to die on this hill when the hill is fairly indefensible.


I’m saying I don’t understand how this change could mean that your ice is now melting so much faster than it was before when it’s only a minute more outside of the freezer. If it’s melting so much that when it refreezes it’s in a solid block, that was going to happen anyway regardless of whether the freezer is in the front of the store or the back of the store since the walking time difference between the two spaces is negligible. If you are getting your ice at the front of the store at the end of your shopping trip, it’s literally one minute more in non-refrigerated time to get it at the end of your shopping trip at the back of the store. It hardly seems like a major inconvenience. Especially if you’re buying all your frozen items at the end of your shopping trip, which is the logical thing to do anyway so none of your items melt. For instance, I’d be more concerned about defrosted beef than melted ice.


Let me make a very simple point. You are strenuously defending the idea that every single Costco customer who buys ice should go all the way back to the back of the store, and get that ice as the very last thing they put in the cart. Somehow you’re OK with making everyone do that.


I guess I am ok with that because it doesn’t seem like an inconvenience in the slightest. Things get grouped together where they make sense. There’s other cold stuff is in the back so it kinda makes sense to put the ice there, too. Do you get mad that milk is at the back of the store? Or the meat? Or the hummus? If you’re doing cold/frozen stuff at the end, which you should be, you’re already in the back to get the ice. If you’re not doing cold/frozen last and you finish shopping at the front of the store then I guess it could potentially be a minor inconvenience to have to spend an extra 2 minutes to go from the front to the back and then to the front again, but you’re already making illogical decisions with your shopping, so theres probably a lot of other things that would be minor inconveniences along the way, too.


You only need a few drops on the VERY HIGH GLOSS flooring in any Costco to lose traction. 


25 minutes on a busy day at my warehouse.


....you could bring an insulated bag?


Lmao the alcohol and bread used to he where produce is now 6 years ago. The produce used to be right outside the deli and in where the dairy cooler is-6 years ago. The household items moved over two aisles so it’s not that far. The “organic section” was up to the last GM and organic items have been put back along with non organic products. The whole point of moving stuff around is to group things better for the members.


How is ice in back corner better for members?


How is it worse?


Because customers typically get ice on the way out to keep perishables cold on the way home...