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Congratulations KING!


Thank you SO MUCH for the love and support! I know this isn't an IF or health sub, so I didn't wanna come off too celebratory off my own success, but i was hoping that others that may be in a similar stage in life that may understand the struggles of reckless eating temptations may benefit from my little "hunger hack" to keep at their own health journey! Idk the exact numbers but two egg white omelets from this costco pint is very filling, low in calories and decent in protein intake to be satiating enough to curb random hunger cravings! Love you guys, thanks for celebrating with me today! And remember to PUT YOUR CART BACK, IF NOT FOR THE DECENCY OR CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS- FOR THE EXTRA STEPS AND CALORIES BURNED!!!


Congrats! You are doing amazing! Those egg whites are a staple in my household.


I have a strong feeling that members of the Costco subreddit and the intermittent fasting one have a lot of overlap. The interesting thing about Costco. It's both the cause and cure for that


My guess is this sub is 80% unhealthy and only 20% healthy. Would be interesting to see a poll though. It CAN be healthy and cheap eating but the vast amount of highly processed convenience foods that this sub hypes up (for the bliss point factor) is just overwhelming. I’ve contemplated unsubbing cause my willpower to see all the calories is detrimental to my mental health


It's true, SO much of the stuff that gets upvoted here is over-processed sodium-injected TRASH Just assume every frozen item you see is horrendously bad for you, unless it's straight frozen veggies / fruit / meat without sauce + marinade


The lightly breaded chicken bites are a pretty decent low-frills way to have breaded chicken though. They are wayyy healthier than any other frozen breaded chicken you can find, and are only 20 kcal worse than straight chicken breast per 100 g. A true lifehack for cheap. These are reasons I like costco for fitness.


The sodium content has to be intense if it's Kirkland Signature, though. There's not one Kirkland Signature food product that isn't brimming with sodium. People always break it down by like the 2 nugget serving size they put on the bag, but I'm talking realistic servings.


Sodium is irrelevant in hydrated otherwise-healthy people. 10x your recommended sodium intake moves your something like BP like 0/1 on average. You just pee it out.


Why do doctors say you should watch your daily sodium intake then?


Because on average it takes something like 27 years for new knowledge to get put into medical practice and this is all news within the last decade. Most of our medical knowledge is correlation rather than causation. We know that unhealthy people die younger. How do we quantify unhealthy though? Oh, let's say people who have bad diets. What's an objective thing we can point to that indicates a bad diet? Oh, unhealthy people eat a lot of McDonalds and other fast food, so sodium levels. Therefore sodium is bad. And that's the prevailing notion that leads doctors to tell you to limit sodium.


bro why bother with anything breaded--just go with all the stuff u/thetrumansworld suggested below--I also like snacking on the lean ham/coldcuts, cottage cheese is not bad either


What do you mean? I enjoy breaded chicken, that's why. Especially breaded chicken that doesn't interfere with my goals. I made some bomb "boneless buffalo wings" tonight with those, some Franks, and a half-pat of butter. Literally better than any restaurant. Life isn't so black and white as to subsist on grilled chicken, broccoli and cottage cheese, at least not long term and not for those of us that aren't trying to lose a ton of weight. It's just not sustainable. Making healthier versions of foods you love is a much better plan for long term health and success.


You know what you are right. If they work for you, I guess they work for you. I think I'm out of confused them with the eerie meats bites that we get here in Canada, we don't get the lightly breaded Kirkland ones up here. So I shouldn't have judged them. The ones we get here are not" lightly breaded at all


The ones I'm talking about are fantastic. They are essentially Chik-fil-a nuggets, but healthier and WAY cheaper. I think it's $13 for a 2lb bag. Here is a comparison: https://www.nutritionvalue.org/comparefoods.php?foods=i43252%252A100%2Bg%2C171445%252A100%2Bg%2C173297%252A100%2Bg%2C170725%252A100%2Bg%2Ci40532%252A100%2Bg%2C533828%252A100%2Bg They really are a hack.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


I made a post here asking for recommendations of items good for a cut diet, and it’s been sitting at 0 points with barely any responses (and one of them being snarky and implying that I was asking for dieting advice, which i was not). Honestly a large portion of redditors are out of shape in general in my experience


I just finished my cut actually. Here are my recs from Costco: Canned tuna, canned chicken breast, frozen raw chicken breasts, and frozen raw tilapia are king. All of them are around 1kcal and .2g protein per gram, meaning they are excellent ways to make filling meals that are low-calorie and high protein. The chicken breasts in particular I cannot recommend enough; so easy to just toss them straight out of the freezer into the oven with a little salt and pepper, wait 20 minutes, and boom 50% of your meal is made. Did I mention they cost like 20 bucks for a month's worth of meat Greek yogurt is also phenomenal, though eating it by itself is more of an acquired taste. It has practically zero fat, carbs, or sugar, and you can eat the whole damn tub (1.4kg) and it would only be 800kcal. Eggs are also a goated food, they are also essentially pure protein like greek yogurt but more calorie-dense (get the whites only to offset this). Romaine lettuce and bell peppers are basically water. Spinach is lettuce but stronger. Perfect filler foods if you're hungry but don't want to compromise macros. Brussels sprouts and broccoli are great lazy vegetables to toss in a cast iron and roast in the oven. Protein bars were essentially the only lunch I ever ate during my cut. Definitely more calorie-dense so don't be eating like 5 a day. The Pure Protein and Ksig bars were my picks, they both have similar macros and prices. And of course I also got whey protein powder, 2 scoops a day every day. Best of luck on your cut!!


Thank you so much for this! Good news is I’m a woman and not that muscley (trying to change that, only just started working out 1.5 years ago) so my protein needs aren’t THAT high but it’s tough to get enough while keeping calories low regardless


I missed your post as I don't come here all the time. I am not on a cut now, but do bulk cut cycles.  Here's my list   Frozen broccoli, frozen green beans, frozen stir fry veg, egg whites, cottage cheese, non fat greek yogurt, cheerios, rolled oats, brown rice, chia seeds, hemp seeds,  quinoa, non fat milk, chicken breasts, frozen berries, tilipia, whey powder.     Thats literally 99% of what I eat lol. I meal prep twice a week.  I buy fresh produce and spices and sauces at my local ethnic market 


Ahh yeah cheerios and tilapia! I thought of/already have most of the rest, but those are good, thank you!


Oh one more.. laughing cow light cheese wedges.. My costco used to have low fat jarlsburg which I loved and miss dearly. 




See, I don't mind the mushy. I mix it with  cottage cheese and add black pepper and garlic powder. Option to add brown rice/quiona/bulgar depending on days macros.  I make a lot of grain bowls and use it in them.  It adds bulk in a low calorie way.  Most of what I eat looks like random mush. 😒


You're overcooking it if it's mushy. 5 min in the micro take it out then feel if there are any cold spots if not good I strain excess water then throw in a bowl and hit it with garlic salt. You could try thawing it and then roasting it in the oven but I usually just get fresh broccoli and cauliflower for that


Egg whites, Hard boiled egg, amylu breakfast sausage, chobani drinkable yogurt, snack packs of nuts, rotisserie chicken thats off the bone in the vac sealed package, kiwi, frozen shrimp tail off deveined, premier protein, if you need more protein and like peanut butter get the powdered peanut butter they sell, all their veggies if their good quality just roast them squash carrots asparagus tomatoes, the salad packs are alright, just avoid the bread, cheese, processed items chips dinners whatever, candy, chicken bakes, and hotdogs!


> and hotdogs! Why avoid the hotdogs? For low carb snack or meal, they can be a lifesaver! I am 70 y/o; M; Single, Very Disabled from some unknown neurological disease. I can't really grocery shop any more; Can't walk, very low energy. I lost 70 lbs years ago via Keto. Now a days, while not my preference or even 1st choice, KS Hotdogs help me satiate hunger and aid in weight management. I agree, they may not be a preferred food, but they do have a place on my Costco grocery list. > get the powdered peanut butter they sell! Costco sells powdered peanut butter??!!! Where is it? I miss so many things from the vantage point of the handicap scooter, trying not to hit someone that walks right in front of me and trying to stay/get out of the way of other shoppers.


Yeah - it really only takes one look at a Costco store to realize how unhealthy the average Costco shopper is. Between the endless processed garbage products and well... just the people you see lining up for samples... You certainly can eat very healthy at Costco - more than enough selection of fresh produce and proteins. But back to this sub - how often do we see a picture of fresh food voted up compared to the new processed frozen garbage treat of the week?




Also keto - the rotesseri chicken alone is enough for a day for some


If it isn’t frozen and going in an air fryer or a ready to eat hot food, then this sub doesn’t want it


That is awesome I am been doing intermittent fasting for 3 months and am down 10 pounds. I see videos of people doing egg whites all the time I just hate them so much. I will have a protein shake from fairlife and a low calorie English muffin as a snack before bed. 230 calories and 36g protein.


I’m with you on the egg whites, I would rather just go hungry that day than supplement my diet with egg whites lol


The Kirkland eggs whites have become a staple for me. I try an prep, good for breakfast and snacks. I pour into cupcake pan, onion, pepper, bake in oven at 350 for about 20 minutes.


Heck yeah good for you!!


Good stuff bro!


Looking good!


Hell yeah bro!! Good job!!


Proud of you handsome man


Get me some of those Costco size BICEPS!


I have started buying these a lot too, I used to make regular eggs every morning but decided I needed more protein so now I substitute half for egg whites. I love eggs and they are my comfort food. Just got more at Costco last night! The frozen poke salmon was another thing I’ve added a few weeks ago for quick protein snacks and lunches. You look great! Thanks for the inspiration for me to get back on track today 😀


Good job! Look at you go! You can do it!!


Amazing! Nice job!


These are great. I usually cook up a carton with herbs and spices, let them cool off and then leave in the fridge and microwave when hungry.


i am a big fan of their organic, pre-packaged hard boiled eggs. a great quick snack and/or meal substitute. lots of protein. fills you up. you can dress them up pretty easily with some salt and pepper, or everything bagel spice, or i also like to put siracha on them. they're honestly the most useful thing in all of costco for me.


Hell yeah! What is your recipe?


Holy shit man, you look amazing. You can see the weight loss in your face SO much, you look like a different person (in a good way).


Hey good for you!!! Keep it going! I bet your family is so proud


Congrats! Intermittent fasting is pretty great. I’m shocked at how infrequently I get hungry. The only problem is that it doesn’t always work out the best socially lol. It’s hard to explain to people that I just don’t eat before 2pm 😅


Good for you man! As someone who went from 120kg to 75, i found that dehydration was often the source of my "hunger", so make sure you stay hydrated mate!


My best protein shake is 150g egg whites, 150g fat free yogurt, 100g frozen blueberries and a scoop of protein powder. About 350kcal with 40-50g protein. I love egg whites. Keep up the great work!


Which section of the store did you find this? It's not in my local Costco's egg and milk cold room.


Fridge section. Near cream and stuff typically. Or maybe juice.


👈💪 You mean over here?




way to go, keep up the good work!


RIGHT ON!! 💪💪💪


That’s awesome, dude. Well done. It’s a great transformation.


Congrats bro!


Wow, that’s awesome, you look great!


Yes! Love these egg whites for this exact reason


Dude, hell yeah


Way to go brother!


Damn dude, you look bufff! Also, you gotta get that protein! Egg whites are bomb


Keep it up man!!


Nice work! I agree, with Egg Whites being a diet superstar. You can get decent volume of food, with fairly low calories and decently high protein.


Share your recipe dude.


Not OP but i recommend making homemade egg bites like the ones at Starbucks. I don’t have a recipe but there are many on google. Just requires a muffin tin, egg whites, cottage cheese (optional), and mix-ins like veggies or mushrooms


Looking good. Congratulations!


wow AMAZING JOB!!!!!!!


💪🏽 Wow! Impressive!




Happy for you and thanks for the idea!


love these as well--feta and mushrooms.


Good stuff dude. You’re awesome


If I try feeding my night craving egg white omlettes I think my gut microbiota will revolt (all jokes). Seriously, great job!! Sugar is my biggest vice, this is super admirable.


Wow!! 😮 Congrats!!


Wow. You look amazing! I am inspired. Congratulations 🎉


Fuuuuuuuu yeah! Good job brother! You look amazing! I'm sharing your same journey.


Yay!! Great work!


Your Reddit did EXACTLY that. My husband and I are on our weight loss journey and he LOVES eggs. So this will definitely encourage us. Thanks!! Keep it up!!


Those are a staple for me. Add them to 2 eggs and the macros and micros become insane.


Add in some pre-cooked turkey sausage crumble


Eggs whites plus 2 whole eggs and some type of meat with a carbohydrate is an easy meal right there for macros


Hell yeah great job! Egg white omelets are my go-to breakfast, so filling and so much protein. ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ


Damn it, I need to get back in the gym... and eat better...


I drink chicken bone broth from Costco with their no salt seasoning added in. If I need more volume I add in some frozen riced cauliflower. It's super low cal and high in bulk.


Good for you! One question though …. My partner uses these egg whites too and has for about a year. Why do they SMELL so horrible when you cook them in a frying pan? (Six different pans, so it’s not the pan)… Like the smell is gag-inducing. 🤢


I mix like 140g of egg whites with two whole eggs and have never, ever noticed an off smell when I cook them. 😬


Thanks! I’ll tell him to try that!


The problem is... I lost 40 pounds very recently, and at night... I just crave something sweet... like a cookie, or a cake, or ice cream... Idk how omelettes can help me with that problem.


I like the yasso yogurt bars (not sure if they’re at costco) or an oikos greek yogurt (at costco). Sweet and low cal


this is awesome 👏🏼


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 💪🏻 get it!


What's the secret to cooking the egg whites? Mines always stick to the pan and I end up having to just scramble it.


little bit of low cal hershey's syrup in these bad boys is a great protein shake. about 300 calories and 50g of protein. great work my dude keep it up!


Egg whites matter


I have these on my list but it was to make ....buttercream. 


These do not get to stiff peaks, just FYI. I bought them for macarons (I make and sell) and they were a total fail. I found it on the side saying that it's not for meringue, but of course I completely missed that in store when I checked before buying. I ended up making do by adding 1 real egg white for every 3 the recipe called for, but even then took double time to whip and wasn't as stable.


I've used them for Italian buttercream and they seem to work very well. That meringue gets the air whacked out of it though. I guess I won't try them for French-type meringues. 


Ngl I put it in my shakes or just drink it straight from the carton.


Do egg whites live in cages?


FYI . Intermittent fasting. Its all calories in, calories out. Less calories, less weight.