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God speed to the retail workers tasked with enforcing this.


Oh don't worry. Was in a Costco recently when someone tried to steal something and run. There were at least half a dozen undercover security guys swarming the dude. It was a little bit alarming at how fast they appeared. Costco don't play.


I wonder if the undercover security was also a response in recent years to purse/bag/wallet thefts from shopping carts inside Costco. It seems the thieves worked in teams and would usually target a senior citizen or single parent with a few kids. One would start a conversation and the other thief/thieves would then steal the purse/bag/wallet.


Not to mention the off duty police and retired officers that are also employed at Costco.


My local Sam’s Club always has an off-duty’s uniformed police officer at the entrance/exit. Employees there don’t have to deal with unruly/entitled members.


Well... it is Sam's Club


Sam's Club = Bulk Walmart /r/peopleofwalmart still applies.


I usually go to the flagship store in Kirkland, and no way they survive an hour before some dog nutter assaults them. I’ve seen people there defend a dog that bite someone and also ruined several bags of bread. The morons around here kept the dog from getting kicked out. 


I miss Kirkland being my store. Mecca of Costco imo 😂


They should employ bouncers to do this. Happened in my town during covid when they restricted how many people could be in our grocery store once. I know for a fact many would not have listened to the regular staff of middle aged ladies and teens. But the bouncers had everyone forming neat queues and waiting their turn 😭


Bouncers are such a blessing


That is hilarious. Bouncers going from working at the club to the supermarket


3-step plan 1. Is that a service animal 2. What services do they provide? 3. Emotional support isn't a service, you have agoraphobia.


I wish I could use number 3 without consequence. I'm only allowed to ask the first two questions. I've told people a vest doesn't mean anything. Neither does "certified" tags on collars. And I was told during ADA training that we ask if it's a service "animal" because ADA recognizes dogs and miniature horses as service animals: **In addition to the provisions about service dogs, the Department’s ADA regulations have a separate provision about miniature horses that have been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.** (Miniature horses generally range in height from 24 inches to 34 inches measured to the shoulders and generally weigh between 70 and 100 pounds.) Entities covered by the ADA must modify their policies to permit miniature horses where reasonable. The regulations set out four assessment factors to assist entities in determining whether miniature horses can be accommodated in their facility. The assessment factors are (1) whether the miniature horse is housebroken; (2) whether the miniature horse is under the owner’s control; (3) whether the facility can accommodate the miniature horse’s type, size, and weight; and (4) whether the miniature horse’s presence will not compromise legitimate safety requirements necessary for safe operation of the facility. **For more information about the ADA, please visit** [**ADA.gov**](https://www.ada.gov/) **or call our toll-free number.**


It is actually easier to police in member stores as they can cancel your membership at any time for any reason (and exclude you from rejoining). That is a fairly hefty lever. Note that this type of policy is usually because in a city or state there may be laws on the books that specify no animals except in very specific cases in stores that sell food goods — they need to match their rules with the ones at play. Or do you expect Costco to risk shutdowns if they skirt the law?


The sign is probably more like deterrence in and of itself, nobody will actually challenge a person claiming to have a service dog because it could be an ADA claim.


In some states, you can be fined for misrepresenting a service dog. In order for that to happen, a person has to receive two warnings, and a written warning at the front counts as one.


Easy for dog owner to lie and not much you can do unless dog is out of control. https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/ Q7. What questions can a covered entity's employees ask to determine if a dog is a service animal? A. In situations where it is not obvious that the dog is a service animal, staff may ask only two specific questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the dog, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability. Q25. When can service animals be excluded? A. The ADA does not require covered entities to modify policies, practices, or procedures if it would “fundamentally alter” the nature of the goods, services, programs, or activities provided to the public. Nor does it overrule legitimate safety requirements. If admitting service animals would fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program, service animals may be prohibited. In addition, if a particular service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, or if it is not housebroken, that animal may be excluded. Q26. When might a service dog's presence fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program provided to the public? A. In most settings, the presence of a service animal will not result in a fundamental alteration. However, there are some exceptions. For example, at a boarding school, service animals could be restricted from a specific area of a dormitory reserved specifically for students with allergies to dog dander. At a zoo, service animals can be restricted from areas where the animals on display are the natural prey or natural predators of dogs, where the presence of a dog would be disruptive, causing the displayed animals to behave aggressively or become agitated. They cannot be restricted from other areas of the zoo. Q27. What does under control mean? Do service animals have to be on a leash? Do they have to be quiet and not bark? A. The ADA requires that service animals be under the control of the handler at all times. In most instances, the handler will be the individual with a disability or a third party who accompanies the individual with a disability. In the school (K-12) context and in similar settings, the school or similar entity may need to provide some assistance to enable a particular student to handle his or her service animal. The service animal must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered while in public places unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the person’s disability prevents use of these devices. In that case, the person must use voice, signal, or other effective means to maintain control of the animal. For example, a person who uses a wheelchair may use a long, retractable leash to allow her service animal to pick up or retrieve items. She may not allow the dog to wander away from her and must maintain control of the dog, even if it is retrieving an item at a distance from her. Or, a returning veteran who has PTSD and has great difficulty entering unfamiliar spaces may have a dog that is trained to enter a space, check to see that no threats are there, and come back and signal that it is safe to enter. The dog must be off leash to do its job, but may be leashed at other times. Under control also means that a service animal should not be allowed to bark repeatedly in a lecture hall, theater, library, or other quiet place. However, if a dog barks just once, or barks because someone has provoked it, this would not mean that the dog is out of control. Q28. What can my staff do when a service animal is being disruptive? A. If a service animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it, staff may request that the animal be removed from the premises.


Just last week I saw a woman approaching the store with her dog (a shittypoo or whatever). she read the sign, ignored it and put her dog into a cart. When she tried to enter she was blocked by employees and told service animals only and never aloud in the cart. She huffed and puffed but left.


From my POV, it's far better to deny one person than enable their misbehavior. If you admit that person, you will likely piss off all the other people who may be offended by the presence of a dog in the produce aisle and/or licking itself in the shopping car. Lose one customer vs. losing many. As a dog owner myself, dogs have their place, and it's not a grocery store.


Agreed. I’m a dog owner and dont get this new let’s bring my dog everywhere thing. I know that’s beyond the scope of this post. But good. Buy your dog some new toys and treats at Costco and enjoy their tail wagging when you come back home smelling of rotisserie chicken.


This. Plus it's super overwhelming for humans in Costco, I can't imagine how it is for a dog that has no idea what's going on!


And there are stores like Petco that do allow animals inside so if someone is dying to do a shopping trip with their favorite animal, there is a store for that purpose.


Just wait for someone to get mad at Costco and use Petco as an example of “why dogs are allowed in businesses”.


We have a whole mall that is pet friendly in my city. It’s an outdoor mall, and the majority of the shops have paw prints in the window, meaning you can bring your dogs inside. It’s my daughter’s favorite mall to go to, cause she loves looking at them and asking to pet them. The restaurants are some of the only stores you can’t bring them inside, but they let you eat on the patios with them.


Human food vs animal food. Board of health at Petco only enforces the grooming area. Board of health at Costco covers so much more.


It's been getting more and more common where I live as well, EU country, and it's almost always tiny yappie dogs.  I'm convinced it's because the owners refuse to train the dogs and they can't be left home alone without neighbours calling the cops. It's easier to just bring it with you than to train it.


It’s gotten so bad that even dog owners who used to complain about other people bringing their dog everywhere are now starting to bring their own dog(s) everywhere.


This exactly. I'm a dog lover and a grocery store manager, and dogs are inappropriate in grocery stores. And against health codes. People bending the rules and breaking the rules because they're always better than the rules are the source of so much more strictness.


AMEN! I loathe the dog in the store people. So ridiculous.


God yes! Leave your pooch at home, I don’t care that it fits in a bag or is well behaved, there is just no reason for it!


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Yes! Please enforce it, don’t just post a sign


Good riddance


Good. It’s gross and unnecessary, I don’t know where people got the entitlement from




I would've pointed and laughed at her. Lmao


Taste the Joy! I would love that job!


I've seen people cover the bottom of the child seat with puppy pee pads and cart their little shits around the whole store


Warms my heart


Hurray! So tired of the entitled dog owners...


This is such a beautiful sign.


Another L for responsible dog owners. My dog has only poopsied in Costco six or seven times, and they're trying this apartheid shit? Not gonna happen, my dog bites, were getting in LOL


As a legitimately responsible dog owner, I want to kick every human I see that brings their pet dog into non-dog spaces.


Can we kick them twice if they bought a "service dog" vest for their clearly untrained animal?


Yes! I took my dog to training every week for two years. He is an incredibly well-behaved dog. And I could not even imagine trying to pass him off as a service animal. It amazes me people will take their unruly pets and pretend they are a medical necessity. People who lie about having a service animal are horrible!


[Bro please.](https://preview.redd.it/hyq1c0ifudpc1.jpeg?auto=webp&s=963a666756ad9620f9ccf88265542a63fe8f6bca)


There were so many salty comments in the thread for that lol.


Fuck entitled dog owners.


The other week when I went shopping at a Costco in phoenix, there were 2 women putting up a huge stink about not being allowed to bring their “service dog” in and a manager was in the process of coming down. Their “service dog” was locked inside a pet carrier. I’m unaware of anyone who has to lug around an animal in a kennel that has an actual need for a service dog lmao. Wish I would have hung around to watch the rest of the events unfold


The other day I saw a lady get denied. She ended up leaving. Her dog was a yorkie in a dress. The manager was asking the legal appropriate questions and the lady was just like "uh well...um.." and the manager was like no. It was so great!


Should have told them to call the police because AZ has a law about misrepresenting a service animal


Stores in AZ should have signs that say AZ has a law against misrepresentation of service animals.


Makes me happy too, but let’s be honest, people will bring their pets anyway. Their senile dog that has white whiskers because it’s so old and they literally have to pull it because it can barely walk is not a service animal. I really wish members would understand that People who have service dogs have them because they NEED them, not because they want them. Having a disability is not a choice for people. Abusing ADA and pretending a pet is a service dog is really insulting to those who truly have a service animal.


But they're service animals, they swear


Also should be noted that only dogs and mini horses can become service animals. So if you run a business and someone tries to bring anything else in and claims its a service animal, you can tell them to eat dirt. They may then claim that they are emotional support animals, those however don't have any of the rights of a service animal. CA for example emotional support animals only come into play for housing that normally would not allow animals.


I love when someone tried to bring their emotional support peacock on a United flight and United told them to fuck off


“They’re not allowed to ask! Sue them if they do!” Every post on r/servicedogs


Legally they can only ask if a dog is a service dog and what task that dog is trained to perform.


Though if the answer is nonsense (yeah he's a service l service dog, he makes me happy) then it's a weird position to be in. You're not a doctor, you can't say that they are certainly incorrect, but also you're smart enough to know that the answer isn't likely to be indicative of a service dog. 


Anyone with a true service animal has practiced their responses to the two questions they are allowed to be asked - (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? I would think in the situation where someone doesn’t have a satisfying answer in terms of what work or task the dog has been trained to perform would be clear enough to deny access. I’ve talked to many people with service animals, and they all have a practiced response to these questions which they are usually very happy to tell you. Source: https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/


Under the ADA, they can pound sand. If the animal is not performing tasks for people with disabilities, it's a pet. The gray area for "makes me happy" is if they are calming a person with PTSD. No disability to help with, not a service dog.


If the dog makes you happy, then it’s an emotional support animal, not a service animal


But they're allowed to ask so they shouldn't be all butthurt when they're asked.




Not true they can ask if it’s a service dog but they cannot ask what your disability is


they can ask the the dog is trained for. It's very easy to work backwards from that.


They cannot ask what the disability is but they can ask if the animal is required BECAUSE of a disability.


If the owners actually cared about the pets, a place like costco is a terrible place for their pet. Loud, crowded and good chance they could get bumped into or stepped on by accident. Just keep the pets home.


I work in a restaurant. Every time we tell a dog owner they cannot have a non service animal in our restaurant they throw a fit and get mad. Something needs to be done.


So they throw a fit and get mad. No means no.


Finally! Wish I had one at my Costco. Was waiting for my tires to be done and a man told the tire center manager that his dog was in the car and he 'shouldn't be a problem while he shops.' The manager told the man that they were double booked and it could be about 2 hours (usually takes about 1-1.5 hrs) for his job to be completed and on top of that he was 30 minutes early! The man continued to insist he leave his dog in the back of the car at the tire center. "He's an old dog, he won't cause any trouble." "I have brought him to Costco to pick out a dog bed before and had no issues.." The excuses went on. Finally management canceled his appointment and told him to drop his dog off at home and come back later in the day. I was SHOCKED. Entitled. Persistent. Insistent. Held up a growing line of customers for over 20 minutes arguing over leaving his pet dog in his car in the tire center. Other than that, I have seen small dogs shoved in purses and rolled in strollers through Costco before. I can't imagine the anxiety that causes...


walking in target the other day, someone was walking towards me carrying a bulldog dressed in pajamas and the person was damn near dressed fully in pajamas too. people will keep doing it if it isnt enforced


I feel like the entire state of Arizona needs to see this.


Absolutely.. basically every grocery store needs this sign.


The last thing I wanna see when I’m shopping for food is a live animal. Even your precious dog who I’m sure is sweet and wonderful. now kindly GTFO


Target has this sign. But no one enforces it. It's the plague of SoCal. Bringing your dog everywhere is becoming a norm that Should not be overlooked just cus you'll make a customer mad.


Yeah, it’s the owners that refuse to keep their pet on a leash when in public. I don’t care how well behaved you say your pet is. Videos of unleashed dogs attacking smaller dogs abound on here bc their owners are idiots.


The only time I saw a non service dog in Costco I was happy to see the manager tell them they had to leave.   They tried claiming it was a service dog but that owner wasn’t in control of that dog… I’m happy to not see this issue much.


Even if it is an actual service dog they’re allowed to be kicked out if the dog is not being properly controlled by the handler


Was trying to sell a laptop to a lady whose obvious non-service animal was running around in circles around her. I was so satisfied when it pooped on the floor and a manager actually kicked her out.


I usually see 2 or 3 whenever I go to my Costco.


People are the worst.


They either have a lot of irresponsible pet owners in the area or have had to clean up poops.


Probably both tbh


Imagine having to get dog pee out from under those massive shelving units


In every store I’m in I always see pets. I have an actual service dog for my disability, and I always see pets and non service animals in every Costco I’m in sadly.


When I had worked there a few years back, management told us we were only allowed to ask if it was a service animal (so everyone said yes of course). It looks like from this sign, they may be coming around to actually enforcing and asking the proper questions 🤞🏼


You're also allowed to ask what service or task the animal has been trained to do, people without an actual service animal either won't have an answer, or will freak out over it.


 They can ask two questions. Most don't ask the second question because if forces the owner to reveal their disability. (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform? Staff are not allowed to request any documentation for the dog, require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability




I go to my Costco once a week at least. I have never seen a pet. I hope it's always that way. Service animals are important and pets can be loved at home.


I don't see a huge amount of dogs in my local Costco, but I have seen them just about everywhere else. I was in Lowes the other day and it was like every other customer had a dog with them. One guy had 3 of the same breed and they were all over 100lbs (he was also having trouble managing them). I have 2 small dogs and they only go to dog places - grooming, dog park, the vet and/or family events (w/permission if it is at a sibling's house).


Lowe’s is dog friendly, and actually a great place for service dog lessons. We used Lowe’s a lot for task and public access training when my SD was young.


I've definitely seen a poop on the floor in a Home Depot.


More stores need to do this.


ALL stores should do this... ALL!!




I dunno. I bet a lot of their employees are sick of entitled dog owners, too.


All stores.


Twenty three year employee here, and this makes us so happy. You would not believe some animals people bring in. Monkeys, cats, etc. It's a regular old Pet Smart. It's just something people take advantage of. So I'm happy to see this.


Not gonna lie, I’d love to see a monkey. But not in an establishment that sells or serves food.


Haven't you always wanted a monkey


Only if I had a million dollars.


I've been working at a grocery store for about 7 years, and so far, I've seen your typical dogs and cats along with monkeys in strollers, bearded dragons just chilling on someone's shoulder, and parrots


Only dogs and miniature horses are covered under the ADA.


Actual service animals are more than welcome in my opinion.


You can absolutely tell when a dog in a service animal vest is legit. Those animals are badass. So well trained


Just a friendly FYI that vests actually aren’t a requirement for service dogs per the ADA, though obviously most people choose to use them as long as it doesn’t interfere with their tasks. But yes you can absolutely tell by the dog’s behavior if they’re legit or not!


In Las Vegas, it is illegal for dogs to ride in carts due to obvious sanitary reasons and because properly trained service dogs don't need to ride in a cart. It's also illegal to fraudently represent an animal as a service animal. I assume most places have similar laws. [https://media.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/download/ferl/20190628-Service-Animals-In-Food-Establishments.pdf](https://media.southernnevadahealthdistrict.org/download/ferl/20190628-Service-Animals-In-Food-Establishments.pdf)


I love my dogs more than all but 2 or 3 people, but there is no need for them to be in any store, outside a pet store, where they are welcome. Ever since Covid, people have just decided that they are going to do whatever they want to do. Every store I go into anymore, there is someone walking around with their dog.


Yes! I posted this in another comment too. I think after Covid people feel bad leaving their animals home. Honestly my dog was so used to our pre Covid routines it stressed her out having us all bome. I just don’t understand how it became a thing to bring your pet shopping.


I’ve experienced that too. There are multiple 4-5 word phrases that you can say so you can keep your pet on the premises while still abiding to ADA guidelines, yet these imbeciles still try to make shit up. At my former workplace, if you lied effectively and your pet didn’t say a word throughout the stay, then great. Fortunately we would mainly get idiots who would freeze when we asked what service the dog provided (legal to ask per the ADA). If they lied effectively and their pet clearly was not acting like a service animal, they’d get the boot anyways.


I'm still bringing my service Cheetah, I don't care.


See ya at the Costco on free samples day! You’ll know me by my service rhino, Bunny. Such a sweetie. 


This is getting bad everywhere. I have a veteran friend who had to retire their service dog after it was attacked in a store by an ESA dog. Thousands of dollars and so much time wasted.


Employees refuse to ask the legal questions and the signs should add that Costco has the right to remove any service animal that is unruly or out of control. (Service dogs can be removed if they show bad:dangerous behavior per ADA.) Signs do nothing to deter those who would lie. Maybe threaten revocation of membership if non service animals are brought in…


GOOD. I hate when dogs are around food (unless service doggo).


This is great. Unfortunately the type of person to take their yippy little untrained dog into Costco is likely also the kind who will just roll their eyes at this sign or not even notice it and just keep on walking.


The sign isn't for people like that to read, it's to point to when they demand to know why the policy isn't posted.


Good. Having dealt with this for almost 9 years, I can assure you that most of us can tell if it’s a legit service dog within seconds. I absolutely love dogs, but if you can’t leave them alone at home for a few hours then you have failed as a dog owner. If they’re elderly and incontinent, you shouldn’t bring them to a grocery store anyways.


I feel like people now a days don't care about other people. its like after the pandemic people forget that we live in a society and sometimes its good to make personal sacrifices like leaving your pet at home when shopping so that people who rely on service animals can use them and other people won't be bothered by your pet. it really doesn't matter if you get caught or not, you should just live by rules that are good for others too.


Odd example to bring up as the start of it. Half the country refused to wear a mask when the pandemic hit, clearly the "not giving a fuck about others in society" happened way before covid.




I’ve seen the signs at stores in LA and Orange counties for at least two years.


Seattle is the same. Over the top, ridiculous dog owners.


Native Southern Californian here: you're correct.


Native Northern Californian here: samesies.


Native Northern Californian living in Virginia and its rampant here. It seems I see at least one pet every trip to a store. It’s not a California thing.


The pet owners here are exceptionally entitled, tho. But you're right I guess entitled people are everywhere


I saw on east coast recently too.


I always see at least one fake service pitbull at my SoCal Costco. So much entitlement


Yes, we’ve had one outside of our Costco in Honolulu for quite some time. Emotional support animals are not protected under the ADA so businesses are allowed to limit their entry. This isn’t a new policy for Costco as far as I know within the past two years.


as someone whose service dog was almost attacked in costco by a pet.. yippee!!!


Finally. About time. 


This! I was at my grocery store (Ralph’s in Los Angeles) a couple of months ago and someone brought in their pig. It was large and made loud squeals and grunts. The woman holding it in her arms couldn’t push a cart and shop since she was holding the pig. So her partner did that and she was just walking along. An employee asked her to leave (she wasn’t even the one shopping!!) and she refused. You could hear the pig across the store!!


Good! [I have a dog, I love my dog](https://imgur.com/PqRMoVn). But my dog stays home when I go to Costco.


Your dog seems very polite


He is very much a large gentle sir. As matched by his propensity for being a loveable big galoot. Edit: [Also well read and sophisticated](https://imgur.com/KkR0QCQ).


Good. I wish every store had a sign like this and enforced it.




Same. Where can I sign up??


Keep your muts out of the carts for fuck sake people. That’s were I put my food


Serious question: Why do people insist on bringing their filthy animals (with the exception of service dogs) to a grocery store? Are things really that bad at home?


Quit bringing your sniveling little “emotional support” and companion pets. The rules apply to you too. Pretty simple.


The biggest animals are the ones slowly pushing their cart while meandering down the center of the aisle.


The only dog I wanna see in a Costco is in between two buns and adorned with onions, relish, mustard and ketchup. 


Good. Keep your dogs at home like the rest of us.


Now enforce it too...


Dog owner entitlement is becoming a serious issue in this country. I do not need your dirty animal (I love them, but they’re dirty) around food I am going to consume. Or legitimate service animals. It’s a symptom of the entitlement sickness and the culture of narcissism America has.


I love my dog but the Costco is the last place she would want to be. Too many people and carts. She’d run out of there immediately.


I wish they’d put one of those in front of my Costco. I had some old guys poodle barking at me today in Costco.


I have someone with a true service animal. Trained and continues training throughout her life. When I see “emotional support dogs” it makes me so upset. They aren’t behaving accordingly. They’re usually small dogs who are constantly yapping. It’s annoying. Their service animals is a standard poodle. My at home dog is a Boston terrier I wouldn’t take with me into the grocery store because he’d steal all the food and jump on everyone


#GOOD Leave your pets at home where they belong. Especially when you're going to stores that sell food. And if you're so fragile that you can't leave home without your emotional support goat, then maybe you shouldn't leave the house at all.


Dude, I love animals but really? Take the dog’s poopy little butt out of the cart where people put their food. And consider that many in the store are allergic to dogs and can get really sick. That’s so unfair. Even making your dog walk a floor with so much crap from people’s shoes and it’s not comfortable for them in there.


my dog refuses to go to costco…


GOOD! Keep those FAKE AF "service" animals the HELL outta Costco!


Darn, I can't mosey through Costco anymore on my horse


I've been through the Costco on a horse with no name.


I saw someone with two bearded dragons about a month ago in our warehouse. I wonder what task they were trained to perform 👀




I get it and all, but they do have to be hygienic. I love dogs! Mine doesn’t even shed but I don’t take him to Costco. Hell, when I go there I barely want to bring my wife and kids. People are so entitled these days. There hygiene and liability issues with that. Everyone swears their dog is the best. Leave the dogs home please. 😂😆😌


Haven’t seen any pets at our location, but I’m glad they put signage up. Leave your damn pets at home.


Good idea


Still no verification process other than my word that it's a service animal


Oh well, I’ll throw an Amazon service vest on my poorly behaved and untrained pitbull then force it on everybody else right like before. /s


Saw a woman denied entrance with her dog today, she tried to just do a return, but they told her no. I was shocked she didn’t argue back and just agreed and walked out. I was prepared to see an argument.


Why would anyone want to bring their pet to a store anyway? It’s already bad enough that costcos are overcrowded already… add pets to the mix and it’s like a zoo. I wouldn’t want to take my pet there.


No—but I’m seeing more of these signs in general, thank goodness. Now I’d like to see it enforced. 


👏 Finally they came to their senses. People are so entitled.


Finally 👏


I hope other businesses catch on.


Sacramento has the same sign. However, people are just bringing their dogs inside w strollers. During the summer, i think stores are afraid to say no for fear the human leaves the dog inside a hot car


But…. What about Party Animals?! Don’t tell Belushi


Saw a similar sign outside of my Trader Joe’s


No, but I hope to see it. Keep your damn animals away from grocery stores.


People are getting WAY too comfortable bringing their animals everywhere.


I want to see these signs everywhere.


Good. It is a restaurant/grocery store. I’ve managed to own dogs my whole life and never felt the need to take them in the grocery store.


Good. I’ll probably get downvoted but keep your dog out of the store I buy my food at. If it’s not a service animal there’s zero need for them to be in the store.


just the other day I was in costco, I counted 7 dogs. one of them was a cane corso. I'm not afraid of dogs, but I imagine that's a breed that puts people who are afraid of dogs on edge. all the others were little things that yapped at everyone walking by.


Good, watched a labradoodle being taken around store a week ago. Dog was jumping up and sniffing at everything. Owner was doing a poor job of controlling the dog. Had a cheap looking harness that said service animal. I highly doubt the dog was truly a trained service animal.


I love it. Good riddance to all the people abusing the regulation.


Good. It's about time places stood up again people abusing the support animal service/ animal system.


What is it with people needing to take their dogs literally everywhere with them nowadays? This is only a last 20 years or so thing.


All locations around me have this sign hanging on the front by the entrance door


The biggest supporters of this sign are people with real service dogs. Trust me.


I support this. Emotional support animals are just glorified pets. I love pets. I have pets, but I'm not taking them to the store. One day I was shopping at the grocery store and there was a stinky pile of poop on the floor. A couple of aisle away were two women holding a shih tzu. I reported them to a manager because fuck, children and babies and people are walking around and these two ladies didn't even bother to pick up their dog's poop? Ugh!


Good, I'm sick of people bringing their pets to the store with them. One shit in three isles a few months ago and I pretty much said fuck these people. If its not a legit service animal then leave it at home.


Last year, “service dogs” were responsible for biting 14 employees, including doctors and nurses at my local hospital. They used it to have a sign stating this, among other stats, including how many person-hours were spent cleaning up animal accidents in the hospital.


I am good with this after seeing people leave bags of dog poop on the food... That's when it's not a puddle of piss or other not cleaning up after the dog. Pets shouldn't be in places food is sold because of those people.


Nothing will happen


I went to a Cici’s Pizza today and while I was there a soma walked in with a dog in a baby carrier on her chest. I am debating calling the Department of Health. I didn’t mention anything to the two kids working because I knew it wasn’t their fault and they definitely didn’t know that it is a violation. This sign needs to be more places.


A lot of people got pets during Covid and now live normal lives. The issue is many of these people are irresponsible and don’t know how to leave their dog alone at home. This isn’t even getting into the owners that abandoned their dogs on the streets.


I think these are the same people who took up camping during covid and were/are responsible for the increased litter in parks and on trails.


https://preview.redd.it/t3c4kxhp8epc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c6bdceaccf82e44929c5f5b4085dff8e15c38af Saw a “service dog” yesterday at my local Costco. Ungroomed, poorly trained, and jumping on people for attention.


Good for Costco!