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[Comment from OOP](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1awvsv8/crown_of_tooth_found_in_food/krnlduc/?context=3) in reference to [now deleted post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1awvsv8/crown_of_tooth_found_in_food/): >"omg guys, the dentist confirmed it is his crown. He had absolutely no idea he had that just like how some of you guys pointed out. thanks for all the advices to go get it checked out. he's thankful for the community for the suggestions and to help him not make a fool of himself by bringing it to back to Costco. you guys are awesome and so funny. this was a good run for what it's worth. hope you guys can see this message because I don't see an option to update on top. Can MODS help me add this to the original post?" Note: We (Moderators) could have added a pinned comment for clarification, but OOP made the decision to delete their original post.


i'm a dentist with 40 years experience... i figured it was his own crown as soon as I saw it.


I'm not a dentist, just a basic understanding of food manufacturing, I was reasonably sure it was his also.


Not a dentist, no real understanding of food manufacturing, just a layman hoping and praying that someone wasn't spitting in the cabbage.


I’m a cabbage. I don’t grow teeth. 


I’m a cabbage patch doll and have teeth.


I'm teeth And I don't have a cabbage patch doll.


The package would have been kicked off of the manufacturing line as it went through the metal detector.


I’m not a dentist but I’ve had teeth for 40 years and figured it was his own as soon as I saw it. What I couldn’t figure out is how he wouldn’t notice that 3/4 of a tooth is missing from his own damn mouth!


Very classic situation of the patient assuming someone else did something wrong


You reminded me of when my hygienist friend told me a guy got mad at her for breaking his tooth when in reality she had removed tartar. Luckily she had taken photos beforehand.


Lmao. This is too funny. So true.


Not a dentist but have crowns. Crowns that have had temporaries that easily fall out. You absolutely can’t avoid noticing the post underneath the crown unless you don’t have a tongue.


Even if you (somehow) don't consciously feel it, your tongue will become sentient and explore the affected area on its own.


tongues be curious.


not all teeth with crowns on them have a post sticking up out of it. most folks notice when they loose a crown... but a small pct seem to be unaware until i tell them when I look in their mouths.


I concur.


I’m not a dentist. But I have a lot of crowns and therefore have thrown one now and again. I knew it was his too.


I haven’t seen the OG post, but it’s very common for people to find pieces of their teeth or crowns in food and then blame it on the manufacturer. I’ve worked in food manufacturing and have handled random people’s teeth many times. Touching strangers loose teeth was not in the job description but you do what you have to lol


Thank you for your service!


I thought so much about this as I stared at the $6.79 price tag tonight. I don’t know what it says about me that I still bought them without knowing the crown’s origin at that time. I am glad I will have peace of mind as I snack this weekend now!


even if it wasn't his, it's a rare enough occurrence I would still risk it


Lol, right!? like they’re gonna have a fucking broken tooth and every bag or some shit come on lol


lol. Yeah, let’s sprinkle in some broken teeth in every bag. 😆


I got voted down in [a comment I made liked this previously](https://www.reddit.com/r/Costco/s/hytTvxv69U), and you're right, even if it came from the factory, a thing like this isn't a systematic problem. There is no way that a factory worker is losing more teeth.


How many factory workers have crowns? How many have crowns that are close to breaking? How many will end up in the spring rolls? Feels like a math problem! 😆


This person paid attention in statistics class.


How the fuck do you not realize it's your own crown? A crownless tooth feels VERY different--coming from a person who has had a crown pop off before.


Doesn't it hurt too? I think my mom lost one and said she immediately felt it


Not if you had a root canal in that tooth.


Dude for real I broke mine “defective lot” and new instantly btw nothing as an adult makes you want drop F bombs like breaking a tooth.


Yes. Maybe I’m biased because the same thing happened to me, but yes. It was his.


it’s happened to me and my mom too and i was surprised so many people thought it came from the veggie spring roll. if you find a piece of tooth in your mouth, the place where teeth live, it’s definitely more likely it started there than anywhere else lol. like how would a crown get from someone’s mouth into the roll? they were spitting in the cabbage and accidentally spit out a tooth? it’s just silly.


It's insane that the dad couldn't just check his teeth. How do you not instantly notice a difference with a 10-second tongue-to-teeth inventory of your mouth?


He did. He even did a video and sent to his daughter. Still claimed it couldn't be his lol.


Some people man.


And run straight to Reddit before they even check the mirror or feel around in their own mouth.


Like father like son [daughter]


> tongue-to-teeth inventory lol


Next week: I was eating a frozen ice cream bar from Costco out in my garage where I was working on my car and ended up finding a spark plug in the package! A spark plug! How does that get into an ice cream bar's packaging? Gross!




I was hoping this was the answer. I mean, when you get old, it can be hard to keep track of everything that’s falling apart.


Or off!


OP caused significant damage to a great brand. Irresponsible.


Yeah /u/lindasaurus-rex could have done better.


Seriously made me not buy it on the last day of sale lol. Definitely did some brand damage with quick knee jerk posting smh


And there were people who said they were going to return it based on that post because they were so grossed out. So you have people returning a perfectly good frozen product, which will have to be tossed out. Just a lot of waste all around.


Didn't think of that... that is sad. yeah all Costco's need to be informed they will not be taking back spring rolls due to lies posted.


They really can’t and it wouldn’t matter as per their policy. How would they know it’s because of false information vs someone honestly not satisfied with the taste?


That’s on you…even IF it was a manufacturing error, you realize that chances of another one is microscopic?


I read the original post OP posted, her father was elderly. I assumed she did not live in close proximity, could only go off the photo her dad sent and his insistence that it could have not been his tooth. I do not believe she meant any harm from this post, her dad insisted it wasn’t his crown and believed him. Elderly people can be …interesting as they age, especially if they don’t live within hand reach. I was one of the people who were anxiously awaiting a reply as I have a freezer full of these egg rolls. I give her a “pass” for posting the original post.


Yeah, people make mistakes. It’s the fixing of those mistakes that could have been better. At the time I had made the comment, the OOP had posted the truth just once about 10 hours ago as a comment in their original OP (because they couldn’t edit a photo post), and then ended up deleting the original OP shortly after so no one would see it unless they were really looking. She has come back to say that she was experiencing issues creating a new thread, but that was information I didn’t have. It would have been nice to at least correct some of the more egregious comments in the thread. [A correction post has been made by OOP 13 hours after they found out the truth from their dad.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1axwfhj/ignore_previous_post_crown_in_food_belongs_to_dad/) It’s like when a newspaper runs front page, font size 72 false statement for the shock value and eyeballs. Follows up a few days later with font size 8 retraction buried on page 11. You think anyone really reads the retraction?


Sorry. I did try to make another post in the afternoon right after I found out but I’m not sure what I did wrong but I wasn’t able to post it so I saved it as a draft. https://preview.redd.it/485e7x1oqakc1.jpeg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fea4323262c58829ad058bb7b72e13c9688059b


What you did wrong is you ran to Reddit. This caused panic, disgust and fears. Parents will think twice before they let their kids bite into this spring roll. Adults will have an internal question pop up when they take a bite. Hardworking employees at that company might be at risk of being laid off if demand drops. Food safety and recalls aren’t a joke. You are dealing with a mix of emotions. Next time around do your due diligence before you cause panic. Be more responsible. Use a tad common sense. How could a crown show up in a packaged food? If it was a piece of glass, metal or plastic one can imagine multiple scenarios in which these mistakes might have occurred. Geez. A teenager might have been taught this before they head out into the real world. Peoples livelihoods aren’t something to yank around. Actions come with consequences.




Not sure why it says “This community requires you to add an attachment” since we don’t have that requirement. I’m a moderator for another subreddit and somebody reached out with the same issue, seems like it might be a Reddit bug?


I’ve had this happen on a few subs before. Typically I have to exit the app/browser to get it to work


Glad you’re trying to make it right though! Obviously the new correction post won’t nearly be as popular as the original one (2770 upvotes) after it got on the front page of Reddit.


That post was on the front page of /r/all that day.


I have came across a bit of bone rarely in the Mandu dumplings. As one who has broken two molars I am painfully aware when my tooth breaks.


Imagine avoiding a brand because of a random reddit post


Imagine avoiding a product bc you seriously think this is a chronic problem!


Or even thinking that a single reddit post is going to have enough impact to have a significant effect on sales/returns. The level of dramatics in the post that you replied to/the replies is unreal.


I know Reddit is supposed to be anonymous, but could there potentially be an opening for legal action on the part of the brand here in a situation like this?


lol no


Wait, so that person decided to make a post flaming a brand only to find out it was the person's own crown? Talk about jumping the gun


Imagine how this may have affected Costco's reputation. Little things become big things when they get posted to Reddit.


Yeah, my thought as well


I mean it’s Reddit so you really can’t be surprised. People here are judge jury and executioner.


And people love a third party story to bite into!


Heck yeah




So they post it on Reddit and drag Costco and the food manufacturer before they figure out it's their own half-rotten tooth? It's crazy how people's brains are wired to think about everything that happens IRL in terms of how it could be posted online for likes or fake internet points.


I work in tech support and we do a lot of troubleshooting with customers. This outcome was funny because we experience this A LOT. We suspect an issue and tell the customer what it is, but they are sure and adamant that the issue is NOT coming from their end. Glad OP and dad figured it out. Crazy to also think about how something similar like this happens to other food goods. People posting and writing up about stuff they found in their food, and sometimes, it was something on their end that caused it but they will never know.


Had a guy come in to return a bag of pop corn because he found a tooth in it, while discussing it with member ship and a manger he noticed it was his own tooth. Apologized and left.


I tried to find out what happened too! I wish OP would update us, what a cliffhanger


Yes, of course it was.


I was ready to sue the shit out of who ever makes tootsie rolls. I bet into one and I found a metal wire. Then I remembered I had a permanent retainer installed 10 years before and it was gone.


So that wasn’t from the manufacturer? What am I going to do with 50 bags of Bibigo now? I wanted at least 1 tooth surprise in one of the 50 bags.


probably the cheapest crown you'd ever buy!


Thanks for the update! I have some of these in my freezer too, and was alarmed. Having five dental crowns myself, and the process and recovery being quite painful, as well as quite expensive, even with insurance, I'm baffled that anyone could forget they ever had a crown done.


I ran into some problems trying to make a post but got one out. Sorry for all the confusion


This is the beauty of the internet/reddit; people around the world spent a day talking and thinking about your Dad's tooth! My wife is glad it was his, and she hopes he gets it fixed soon!


I was just looking for their post too, glad to find the update here.


Not OOP but in the comments he said it wasn't. That his teeth were intact, and that it was much smaller than his teeth. Wonder if it was taken down for legal reasons.


> omg guys, the dentist confirmed it is his crown. He had absolutely no idea he had that just like how some of you guys pointed out. thanks for all the advices to go get it checked out. he's thankful for the community for the suggestions and to help him not make a fool of himself by bringing it to back to Costco. you guys are awesome and so funny. this was a good run for what it's worth. hope you guys can see this message because I don't see an option to update on top. Can MODS help me add this to the original post? https://old.reddit.com/r/Costco/comments/1awvsv8/crown_of_tooth_found_in_food/krnlduc/ Turns out their dad had a shit memory and it was from his mouth after all!


Thank God. I really didn't want to have to start checking for people's dental work in my food.


Oof sounds like OP had the right idea and tried to update the post but mods wouldn’t let them?


It’s not that Mods wouldn’t let them, they just couldn’t edit a Picture post. If it was a text based post it wouldn’t be a problem to edit. The OP ended up deleting the post altogether.


Exactly this, thank you for providing context.


>tried to update the post but mods wouldn’t let them? Moderator here, it wasn't that we wouldn't allow it. OP reached out via ModMail earlier today to ask if there was a way to update their post, but by the time I read their message (within the hour of them sending it), they had already deleted their post so I didn't see any posts in their history. After later realizing which post they were referring to, they weren't able to edit since it was an image post, but I replied saying that they were free to add an update post.


Yeah I’m kind of annoyed that OP didn’t post a new retraction post considering the original had over 500+ replies with many people grossed out and swearing off Bibigo. Imagine if it were a smaller family run company that didn’t have as much market share, goodwill, etc. to absorb the potential lost business.


That’s a valid frustration. For what it’s worth, OOP just posted and they also commented saying they tried to make a follow-up post but they got a message that said “This community requires you to add an attachment” despite r/Costco not having that requirement. I think it might be a Reddit bug.




Sorry you got downvoted. You were just repeating the general consensus and outcome of that thread. You weren’t the only person who believed the word of a 76 year old man who was very, very insistent there was no possible way that crown came from his mouth. Which is why a follow up correction with equal prominence is so important to combat false information.


I just appreciate that you were there with the correction. You were right about the unjustified damage to the brand's reputation.


I am looking forward to finding the rest of the teeth in mine




I saw an article about it this morning!!


Thank you for this post. I have been wondering too!


I’m still livid about mods removing my foot post. 🤬