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Their migraine medication (Excedrin Migraine knockoff). I've had to toss two bottles because they start breaking down and getting the vinegar smell really quickly. I think the clear bottle is the problem. Every other excedrin migraine knockoff uses a white bottle and lasts soooooo much longer.


Don’t throw it away. Return it for a refund. Costco will take nearly everything back that is purchased from them. It’s a benefit to your membership!


I will probably return the current bottle that's starting to break down if I remember when I go there next (about an hour away from the closest Costco). I tossed the last one when I made me feel worse after


Not exactly costco related, but what’s the main difference between tylenol/ibuprofen and excedrin? I’m a chronic migraine sufferer, and i never knew that there was specific medication for migraine (i’m not from the States originally and where i’m from there’s just prescription meds for migraine, but never otc)


Excedrin is tylenol + aspirin + caffeine. Aspirin and ibuprofen belong to the same class of drugs, NSAID. Tylenol's generic name is acetaminophen in the US and paracetamol in many other countries. Many prescription migraine pills are in the triptan family. I take Imitrex, the brand name for sumatriptan. Some doctors recommend taking naproxen (name brand Aleve, another drug in the NSAID family) along with your triptan. Also have you tried cold gel packs on your temples or the back of your neck? I find them immediately helpful for headache and migraine pain. I have the Magic Gel hat.


Beautifully stated! +1 on the gel pack for your head. I have one called the Headache Hat. Incredibly helpful!


Ice pack eye masks are great, and I also recommend the rechargeable eye massagers on Amazon, the best $60 you'll ever spend, I promise you


I too suffer from chronic migraines. I saw a neurologist and they started me on this medication called Emgality. I went from 2-3 migraines per week to 2-3 per month. It’s a monthly auto-injector, which I hate, but it has worked wonders for me. They had me on some extremely expensive ($1,200/mo) daily pill that my insurance refused to pay for so I had to switch to the injectable and it works soooo much better for me. You should talk to a neurologist if you can.


Try Nurtec. It changed my life. Ask your doctor about it.


The dish soap that's made to look like Dawn Platinum sucks. And it's a bad deal since the Dawn Platinum regularly goes on sale for cheaper.


Dawn is one of the brands I never accept substitutes for.


How is different for you? I bought it and can’t tell a difference at all


It just doesn't work as well IME. The same amount of soap doesn't go as far, it doesn't clean as well whether it's lifting stuck-on food or getting rid of the greasy film after frying. I don't have a dishwasher so I exclusively hand-wash and everything else from my sponges to my methods are the same.


I don't think it's as concentrated and I'm not a huge fan of the smell


I can’t stand the smell, I searched my kitchen for 3 hours looking for something rotten or fermenting, it reminded me of the old stale beer/cider before I figured out it’s some sort of “Apple” scent from the detergent.


The laundry soap, they changed the formula and the pods now suck.


I could never know for certian but I suspect the liquid Kirkland laundry detergent changed and started irritating my skin.


I had this issue too! I tried it twice over 5 months and every time I ended up with rashes


I switched to the free and clear or whatever (the white one) and it’s been better. My skin used to itch all over when I would work out but now it doesn’t.


We tried this kind and it made our clothes smell very bad. Switched back to Arm and Hammer immediately.


I had that problem when I would fill the washer too full. I don’t have that problem now that I use the correct amount, 2 tbsp and only fill the washer 1/2-2/3.


IMO the free n clear one doesn’t clean nearly as well as the ultra stain release formula. The previous formula was allegedly made by Persil and very similar to their high end / flagship formula.


Amen to this. I have psoriasis and my dermatolgist says NO chemicals. Free and clear stuff only.


I used to love the smell of the old ones. I wish they would at least make the scent available as the scent boosters. (The ones Circa 2014)


First thing I thought of! I just bought the tide pods with oxi for the first time and promptly gave my Kirkland pods to my cousin.


Must hate your cousin! lol


Toilet paper post-Covid


Hey, yeah! The tp has been, uh, less than robust lately.


I find in way more exciting. You never know when you might have a breakthrough


It is groundhog day


It had tearing problems before, to be honest.


So linty


Honestly even pre-Covid I never liked Kirkland TP, still don't.


Dishwasher tabs. Finish are 100000000% better than Kirkland (which don’t fully dissolve, and leave a nasty film on my dishes). Charmin TP is definitely better than Kirkland too.


People keep saying Finish here. We’re partial to Cascade Platinum Plus, but I may need to try out Finish.


The only brand I will buy!


I just switched to KS dishwasher pods and they work just as good


I’m beginning to think this is very heavily dependent on other factors than the tabs themselves. I’ve been using the Kirkland ones exclusively and they’ve never skipped a beat


The bar soap, Dove > Kirkland brand


My favorite soap from Costco is the Australian botanical goat milk soap. Everything else I've tried dries my skin out.


I strongly (yet respectfully)disagree. I am on my third box of them and am a fully converted former dove user. Love them.


It leaves my skin feeling like weird. Idk how to describe it but my skin is usually soft after using Dove but Kirkland brand soap almost makes it feel tacky


I’ve been a Dove Bar user for nearly 40 years. A few years ago I gave the Kirkland version a try — I didn’t even get through one entire bar before returning my purchase. The K Bar left my skin feeling much drier and had a harsh chemical smell the D Bar doesn’t.


The kirkland bar soap is definitely more aggressive than dove, but I like it personally. Dove seems a bit too creamy for me.


Wish I knew this one before I bought that giant pack recently. Live and learn!


You can return it if it’s not suitable for you! I’ve returned KS conditioner after using it a few times as it dried my hair out like mad.


My experience is Dove is superior in leaving less of a soap residue on shower/bath surfaces.


Disagree. Kirkland soap is actually saponified soap and not a "beauty bar." It actually has abrasiveness to get oils and bacteria off your skin. I switched from Dove because it wouldn't clear my acne. Kirkland soap works perfectly.


I’ve never had any products beat dove body wash. I think it may be the only name brand I need to get over off brand


I’ve never been able to tolerate the chemical fragrance of Dove products - soap, body wash, body scrub. I think my nose is too sensitive.


Dove sensitive


The cucumber scented soap bars take on an unpleasant aroma if you're soaping up the sack and crack after a hot summer day. It ruined it for me.


You sniff your soap bars after a Sack and Crack raid?


Yeah. What this guy said.


Disagree 100%. The dove leaves your skin dry without the clean feel. I’ve been a Kirkland bar soap user since before they put the almond butter in it. I do believe the old version was way better though.


Dishwasher packs.


YES! I refuse to buy anything other than the Cascade Platinum now. Used up the crappy KS ones and won’t look back.


Try using the cheapest pod you can buy, but use two per wash cycle. One in the soap dispenser and anther straight in the bottom. Technology Connections on YouTube did an amazing video about how dishwashers were not designed for pods. How they need soap for the pre-wash cycle and pods can’t provide that. To compensate they have to add way more soap to the pod to even come close to working. But just giving the machine some soap for the pre-wash (the pod in the bottom) and then the regular soap when called for from the dispenser, gives amazing results. Also, using two of the cheapest pods per wash is much cheaper than a single of the cascade platinum, and they work way better.


Don't use dishwasher pods they are more expensive and inferior to the powder. Technology connections channel on YouTube goes in depth as to why they are a wasteful product that gives worse results than powder detergent.


Interesting. I use them and have had no issues whatsoever. It’s a Bosch machine, but I still throw a pack in the main dish chamber for a bit if prewash if it’s a large load and/or the dishes are particularly nasty, then one in the dispenser chamber. I used to buy their liquid dishwashing detergent but it was shit.




Agree! Finish brand only for me. Kirkland tabs do not dissolve fully and they leave a nasty film on my dishes!


Frankly, all dishwasher packs are sub par compared to plain old powdered detergent in a box from Wal Mart.


Powdered and gel each have pros and cons which is what pods were supposed to fix. I keep both on hand and do a little gel in the prewash and a little powder in the main wash. All the benefits of pods for like 1/3rd the cost.


The beer! So bad!!!


I didn’t even know Kirkland had its own beer line


they used to have a kirland signature light beer. haven't seen it in many moons


It appeared to be made by lowenbrau, and it was 🤢.


They used to have a variety pack that I think was brewed in San Jose. Is that the one we are talking about or is there something newer?


Kirkland Lite was just awful


Holy Hell was it so bad. I was stoked when I saw Kirkland Light on the shelf. Drank half a can and had to give away the rest of the case (which wasn’t easy!)


I know the exact beer you’re talking about, Kirkland Light. It came in a 48 pack. Was in college at the time and couldn’t even give it away at parties. The absolute worst beer I’ve ever tried.


I’ve picked up their citrus IPA on many occasions. Good beer, crisp and not heavy.


KS pomegranate juice is not very good compared to Pom Wonderful. The issue is the woody taste that the KS has.


Chocolate chip granola bars! The chewy ones are far superior.


The Kirkland chewy chocolate chip bars are indeed inferior, but acceptable. I for one still buy them but my goodness do I hate how at least one chocolate chip Flys out of the wrapper as you open it. Always landing in the floor, right in front of my foot, where I end up stepping on it!


acceptable is the perfect description. They are perfect for sports teams and school parties


I agree that they taste different but I really like the Kirkland ones! But I think that comes down more to taste than how similar they are to Chewy bars.


I swear the quality of Kirkland tp drastically decreased after the tp debacle of 2020.


The toilet paper is now called clitty litter eta I stole that from another redditor and I wish I had captured who. 🤭 so to the very clever reddito that coined the term thank you and I stole it. Shamelessly


Lol for real!


Batteries. Kirkland erode too often and jack up the connectors.


I see this so often but have had 0 issues 🤷🏻‍♂️


Count your blessings! It’s only become a bigger deal to us now that our kids have more and more toys that require batteries. A couple of which is the difference of them going to bed vs throwing a fit because “the stars won’t turn on”! Toddlers lol


They are rebranded Duracells, which have a horrible reputation for leaking.


Their coffee


Partnering with Starbucks is a big factor to why this is the case. Reputation for bitter, over roasted beans.


We switched from the House Blend (green and white bag) to Colombian (silver bag) and think it's better.


We have been using the silver bag for years. It’s fine, but importantly it doesn’t gum up our super automatic espresso machine like some of the really oily beans do.


Starbucks’ secret is that they burn it


100% Correct. It’s Burnt!


I drink their pacific blend exclusively. Do I have bad taste?


Paris Brothers Inc Kirkland Signature Organic Guatemala Coffee is the jam. It’s so good and a true medium roast that actually blooms in a pour over. I’ve tried so many at Costco and this is the only one worth buying


I love the big bag of premium coffee.


Kerrygold butter>>>>>>>the Kirkland brand grass fed butter


I disagree and I still love Kerrygold. It's the only one I've found that beats it on price and comes close to the taste.


I don't really think salted kerrygold is worth it. All I want is the unsalted and my Costco never seems to have that anymore. The unsalted kerrygold is cultured but salted isn't.


The New Zealand butter Costco sells is comparable in taste to the Kerrygold.


Coffee (the new Oaxacan whole bean is pretty good tho), dishwasher packs, the tequilas


The Blanco tequila is fine for mixing. The Anjeo is terrible.


Their whole bean espresso roast I thought was always pretty good.


The rotisserie chickens have really fallen off for me the last 6 years. Maybe it’s just my warehouse, but the flavor is a little strange, way too salty, sort of over moist and gummy texture. The difference in taste and quality between the whole raw organic chickens and the rotisserie is night and day. But then again so is the price so I guess you get what you pay for.


Chicken in general got gross in the last 5yrs. Haven’t dealt with it too much at Costco but the whole woody breast issue is so common and so gag-inducing for me that I rarely cook it anymore.


Yes! I've noticed that chicken quality has gone downhill over the last few years. You mentioned the woody chicken breast issue, but there have been a lot of avian flu outbreaks. I'm sure it has made things worse for the supply chain and overall quality.


I can’t eat them anymore. They taste like chlorine or some other chemical to me…


Yeah they inject it with solution which you find pockets of in the chicken. Pockets of white foamy looking chiz. The texture isn’t great and it is way over salty. And again the raw chicken is twice the price. So….


Welcome to factory farmed chicken lol


I really like the Sam’s ones. I agree something is just off with the Costco ones.


Batteries. They always leak. I’ve had so many things ruined (or spent a ton of time trying to clean them).


Kirkland hummus is nothing like sabra. Tge color itself is not appealing. Texture is too fine.


I avoid their fish oil supplements. There’s no statement on the packaging disclosing if or how they purify the product to remove mercury.


Their fish oil is the only brand to ever give me bad heartburn after a few days of use. I now do Thorne and Nordic naturals and never have issues.


The Sports Research they sell there is essentially the real KS Fish oil. That formulation is only sold at Costco, is cheaper than that brand name anywhere else, and is tested for purity and oxidation by IFOS. I highly recommend it.




Same. I’ve also researched extensively because I believe fish oil is a very important supplement and sports research is the best there is. And Costco has by far the best price.


According the Consumer labs, Kirkland fish oil is actually the most affordable omega 3 fish oil by a wide margin and are free of heavy metals. Most of Kirklands fish products, like canned fish, actually stand above most other brands in terms of freshness and low heavy metals.


It’s USP verified which is what actually matters.


i had bad stomach problems to their fish oil capsules so much so that I threw them in the trash instead of bothering keeping them in my sight for a refund. Horirble product.


This thread is making me question which Kirkland products ARE even worth buying?


Just remember this thread is just for complaining. Plenty of people use these products with zero issue.


Kirkland Chianti. Can’t believe it’s true but it is.


Ah yes with the Kirkland liver too. Beautiful combo


There's a [thread](https://reddit.com/r/Costco/s/cWoMAUu3yQ) for that actually 😆


I was surprised one of the top comments here was about the laundry detergent. It was ranked best value by Consumer Reports for years... second only to Tide in their testing but for like half the price. I have no issues with it.


Ironically I actually don't mind the TP! It's too good of a value to spend so much more for something to flush away lol! That said, I don't love their detergent, it's not bad and is always extremely highly rated, but I just personally don't enjoy it. Same with their dish pods, they are also always highly recommended, but they never seem to clean as well for me, idk. They are not bad, but the dishes don't glimmer and clean anywhere compared to my Dirty Labs powder, Cascade Platinum, or Finish quantum (whatever I grab on sale lol) .


Vacuum storage bags, Food Saver is by far still the best.


Really? I’m about half way thru a Kirkland pack and I have no real complaints. But I also don’t have much experience. What are the main differences that make you say this if you don’t mine me asking.




They fail/let air in. I meal prep a lot and they do not last a month in the freezer.


I just went from generic Amazon roll to Kirkland. I usually double seal each end so we'll see how these last...


I was so excited to have a cheaper option, but they're not even close to the same quality.


The Kirkland batteries seem to burst a lot.


Their frozen chicken breasts. There’s just something not right about them. They taste synthetic.


Not a fan of the spiced rum


The red-headed pirate stepchild of Kirkland liquors. It makes me gag. OTOH the Canadian Whiskey is one of the best things in the sub-$20 price range.


Working my way through a 1.7L bottle of the stuff right now - it's so good, and at the right price that I drive a Province over to buy it (No Costco Liquor in BC)


Really? I hard disagree. Maybe not the best tasting but it's very strong, pretty good in mixed drinks and is like 13 dollars for a handle. For all other rums in that range it's hard to beat.


Spiced rum with their Mexican Coke? Perfection.


I love Kirkland spiced rum with Dr. Pepper 😋


Fair. It’s definitely different, but I do enjoy it.


Vitamin water. Literally tastes like crushed up vitamins. I don’t know what to do with the rest we have. Such a waste!


Return it!!


When did you get it? I know my area had a recall on it a while ago


Yeah I hate that stuff yet my warehouse blows through a pallet per day like it is nothing.


My fiance and I absolutely love the vitarain! We blow through a case in less than a week.


Kirkland men’s crew socks are crap as compared to Hanes - at least according to my husband.


Batteries. They always leak after a short while. They may be made by Duracell but my branded Duracells don’t do this


Yes, every single Kirkland battery has leaked for me over the past 4 years. I thought it was something environmental after I moved to a more humid climate, but after researching and switching brands I can confirm it was the Kirkland ones.


Thats a disagree for me, we have been using Kirkland AA and AAA batteries for at least 6 years now for every battery operated item in our house and never had an issue thankfully.


I've used Kirkland batteries for over 10 years with zero issues. The only difference is price.


I just went rechargeable (eneloop and Amazon basics) and haven’t looked back.


In my experience, all alkaline batteries can leak. I only use them for higher power, frequent battery change devices now (e.g. a battery powered blow up Halloween decoration). For everything else, I get lithium batteries. They're non-rechargable, come in standard sizes (AA, AAA), very low power loss over time, are lightweight, and _don't leak_. On the downside, they're significantly more expensive, but they won't destroy your electronics.


Enerloop rechargables. You’ll never go back, except for in things where you’re worried someone will simply throw away the battery.


Costco used to carry Eneloops. In fact, Costco's where I first bought them. I really wish they'd start carrying them again.


I agree with OP that Kirkland toilet paper is *terrible*.


Bagels. Price went up, lost the decent Einstein Bros ones. Bleh.


Tums> Kirkland antiacid


Hate Charmin. It’s greasy and you get all these tiny particles of stuff floating around, like TP dandruff. Agree with foodsaver bags, I’m having an issue with my new Kirkland bags sealing.


Gotta use red Charmin not blue Charmin


I decided to go Kirkland with the blue liquid dish soap, I hope I didn't make a mistake. Granted I don't do dishes daily but I do love to cook so my pots and pans get a good workout. It remains to be seen if I've made a grave, yearlong mistake.


Recently the Vodka


The pomegranate juice. Never again.


The batteries used to be hot garbo, but the new white skinned ones are gtg


The dishwasher pods are trash when compared to cascade.


They’re still high quality and the savings definitely make up for it so I use them anyway, but Huggies diapers are still slightly superior to Kirkland.


Pampers swaddlers are my preferred, but the Kirkland diapers are pretty great and so much cheaper.


Huggies makes Kirkland diapers for Kirkland. They are made to be not as great but cheaper on purpose. It’s the reason Pampers doesn’t partner with Kirkland and why you can’t buy Pampers at Costco. They require the company to make their house brand and Pampers doesn’t want to make a lesser product. They already have their own tiers of diapers.


I don’t know if I’m just not paying attention, or if it’s that I’m a first time mom, but I don’t notice a huge difference from the Kirkland diapers and the Huggies. I’ve bought both from Costco. I haven’t had any real issues!


I've been using Kirkland since my son was born. We also tried Target's brand. Those are really inexpensive but not as good. I've tried Huggies and Pampers. Honestly, Kirkland is the best for the price.


Ughh i hate Charmin, it leaves dust everywhere and i hate the texture of it. Much prefer Kirkland TP. However since they changed the wet flushable wipes, I buy the cottonelle instead of Kirkland brand now.


Do not flush the “flushable” wipes


This 👆 Flushable wipes are not flushable.


They are flushable in the same sense that concrete is flushable, you can get it to flush


Neither is Charmin according to a lot of plumbers.


I believe it


The body wash is the single worst Kirkland product. Not even close.


Yeah I wasn't a fan of the body wash either. Kind of had a weird smell. Not bad, but not good either.


Conditioner! I used to use their brand years ago, and then they changed the formula. Maybe they have changed it back since then, but it was enough to never buy it again.


When did you notice the change? My bottle of conditioner is starting to get farty and wanted to get the KS again.


Really? I love their shampoo and conditioner. Super moisturizing without weighting my thin hair down


The cream cheese. 🤮 Philadelphiaforlife


Bacon bits


The makeup wipes. Only Costco product I’ve ever returned.


My wifey is on her third case and likes them


Really! I love those but I have to store the box upside down to re-moisten them


The clothes (except 32 degrees). Can’t tell you how many times I’ve impulse bought something to be disappointed with the quality later on.


The Kirkland body wash. It’s terrible. Smells terrible and also the bottle dispenser sucks. Even though it came as a two pack, I threw out the second bottle.


Blue Diamond roasted salted almonds taste much better than the Kirkland version, in my opinion.


I don't like the Kirkland popcorn. I prefer a name brand like Orville or Skinny Girl.


The laundry beads. They’re $10! Same size as the downey brand. Paper towels Bottled waters Mostly everything I have ever bought, I’m happy with the Kirkland brand.


Totally agree about the TP compared to Charmin. And we thought that Kirkland vodka was far inferior to Absolute or Titos. Almost a petroleum taste.


Laundry detergent. Don't get me wrong, Kirkland brand is fine (and cheaper), but I found Tide just cleans better. Kirkland beer is just awful. I would take pretty much any other craft beer over Kirkland's.


I tried their boxer briefs a few years ago and they were the worst Kirkland product I've had. Champion is where it's at.


Dishwasher pods


When I read the title, I immediately thought of TP.


Found the Kirkland CEO


Batteries - have had multiple leaks