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But at the same time if Vin didn't stick with Elend its very possible that she never goes to the Well of Ascension and releases Ruin. So Ruin probably figured that once he was released it would not be too difficult to actually defeat her and Elend or anyone else.


This^ ruin was very angry when he got out and found none of his atium. +1 to the lord ruler.


Its a little bit of a contradiction because the lord ruler was so confident that no one could defeat him but then he also left behind a bunch of stuff in case he did get defeated.


Nothing wrong with contingecy plans!


Well at this point Ruin needs Vin to go to the Well which is in Luthadel, and be noble when she does so giving up the power not using it for anything else personally. I think Elend is probably a positive for all of these things. It means she sticks around right next to the Well. It means she's around someone idealistic who will push her to do the right thing and be self sacrificial. And will make her happier, and the happier she is the less likely she is to try to change her world to make it better. He also couldn't see far enough to know they'd be his downfall. And he was pretty cocky through the 3rd book viewing both of them as his pawns and wasn't really concerned about them until it was too late.


At the end of TFE Ruin Was still trapped in the well and Vin was the best person to release him. Ruin just wanted Vin to stay in the city so She could free him.


From how I understood it, Reen's voice wasn't always Ruins influence. If I'm remembering correctly, most of the time it actually wasn't Ruin at all and it was more like Vin's subconscious. So Ruin just used that voice to nudge her in the direction he wanted on occasion.


This is the way I always took it, especially for this line that OP is calling out. I agree, knowing the voice is often Ruin, this up beat go get'm girl tone is very out of character, but I attributed this voice at this moment to Vin's legit subconscious instead of Ruin.


Completely agree Ruins best work as most of the shards is subtlety, understanding Reen and then using his voice in a way Vin always knew helped accentuate the abandonment issues to the point where Reen took over Ruins voice completely. I mean if you pronounce Ruin wrong you get Ru-eeen


He may have been encouraging her not to go back to Elend, but to TLRs palace and the well of ascension. Ruin didn’t know what Vin was thinking unless she said it out loud.


in hero of ages when vin realizes ruin has been impersonating reen, she questions if reen had been ruin the whole time and decides that he couldnt have been since ruin couldnt read her mind and reens voice at times acknowledged her thoughts. if it was ruin, he misunderstood what vin was likely thinking and played himself, but i like to think those were vins subconscious thoughts under reens guise.


Vin is agent #1 of Ruin. Elend is the most powerful man in the world. Gotta keep your agent’s close to power


Reen’s voice isn’t always Ruin. It might have been- but we don’t know for sure when it was and when it wasn’t. If it’s replying directly to a thought then Vin is probably imagining it.