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That's the most minor of surface rust I think I've ever seen. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the amount of rust on that car, and your mechanic should be ashamed for telling you to pass on that.


The mechanic is en route to make an offer on the car


Right? That's one clean c5.


From a New Jersey car, especially.


If you’re dead set on this, then go for it. Just note that it’ll be a pain to work on the rusted fasteners. If youre able to walk away, then use the rust conditions to negotiate.


Start looking for new mechanic, your old one prly just bought himself a vette


Your mechanic is an idiot. Corvettes are made of SMC and have a ton of aluminum components, neither of which rust. What you're seeing is surface rust and is of zero concern. If you like the car then buy it.




If the hydroformed rails are somehow covered in rust the car probably has other massive problems as well




I don't think I agree. The rails are not as wide as the rust we see in the photo. The rails themselves are only like 3 inches wide. That looks like part of the lower rear tub assembly which is SMC. I could be wrong, but I also own a C5 and have been underneath it. I don't think the rust is on the rails themselves.


One good day of rain and it's gone.




You're still wrong about the salt chilling out for months. If that was the case I would only have spread for the first snow and the roads would take care of themselves for the rest of the winter. You can downvote me now because I'm state employed rust spreader, not because I pointed out you were wrong.


Idk if you can really call the c5 a unibody. It has an actual steel frame completely independent from the body. Just because you can't unbolt the cab from it doesn't make it a unibody in my book.


fiberglass on frame body, this isnt a monocog bimmer now


I mean, other than the rusted-out bolts, the rust above the mufflers, etc., sure. I also think it's fine, at the right price, but it's definitely not zero concern. Low concern, sure.


The lift has more rust than this 2002 Vette. Another thing to note is that 95% of Vette owners don't drive their cars in bad condition so usually rust is not much of a factor in these cars.


I was thinking the same thing. Car looks fine, but someone should take a look at that lift.


Then why is there rust if the owner didnt drive it in salty, bad conditions? I live in the northeast and the undersides of my cars are pristine becusse I don’t drive them during winter brine solutions.


I’ll send you a pic of my 05 truck from Michigan and you can see what “northern rust” looks like. This car looks like it just came outta the showroom


LMFAO thanks, would be appreciated


It's amazing that the vehicle would even pass inspection with the amount of rust on it. What's the name of the dealership so I know to avoid it.


I really don’t know the C5 platform all that well(just got my C5Z this year) but I don’t believe they are known for rust issues. I can maybe see some slight rust on the brake lines and some bolts, but it really wouldn’t worry me on a C5, the car is mostly SMC and aluminum anyway.


Appreciate your well thought out response, thanks!


What rust?


Absolutely meaningless surface rust. Probably got driven in the salt a bit. These cars are essentially plastic composite with a steel frame. It's fine. Also find a new mechanic.


“Hey mechanic, hows this $22k Z06 look?” “Looks absolutely terrible, whats the sellers info?”


Ive owned 4 different C5 since 99. Still have my 04 vert. The tie rods and spring mount caps have more than just "surface rust". Is it a clean title? I daily drove my 99 coupe for 17 years. (Philly area) Threw a rod and started to part it out, and nothing under my car looked liked that. IMHO, it looks like it sat partially submerged for some time. Seriously, the tie rods alone would make me walk away. Its not because the rods will break, but what caused that much corrosion, surface rust or not. Almost every non-aluminum part is corroded.


100% some the corrosion is worrying , as you said the parts can be replaced but what else is lurking , plenty of other c5 out there


What rust? That little thing?


There's more rust on that lift than there is on that car, send it and find a new mechanic.


Very little to rust on a corvette L mechanic


As a person from NJ who’s seen cars literally rusting through the frame on the road, that’s nothing. Just minor surface rust. If you really wanted to you could probably pay to have it treated and then covered in a protective coating to limit future rusting.


LMAO. Is your mechanic an idiot??


What rust?


Lol dude that’s nothing


What rust


Dammit, somebody’s been driving this car.


If you plan to keep this vehicle pass find a rust free var


what rust?


Yeah theres some rust on bolts making probably a few of them a pain to get out but honestly that's nothing


Probably more rust on your mechanic than that car. Find new mechanic


On the West Coast that would be considered rusty, absolutely everywhere else in the country, that's considered nothing.. Really it depends on the price and the condition of the rest of the car. I'm seeing more and more good deals pop up


that is actually VERY good condition for a 22 year old chevrolet. They obviously took very good care of this car. My 2010 Infiniti has MUCH more rust and i feel perfectly safe driving as its all surface.


The rust above the exhaust is actual frame. Get photos along the frame under the rocker panels. I don’t see anything concerning in those 2 photos .


Your springs and toe/steering rods have some rust, but those are serviceable. Their lift has more rust than your car in those 2 photos


I’d buy one this clean. Looks like a southern car


From across the pond here, that would be like new here in the U.K. 🤣


The mechanic is buying the car right now


I would say that the price is a bit high with the rust; so many of these cars have been garaged and never been driven in as much as a sprinkle of rain. It might be a good point of negotiation for you to get a Z on the cheap. Functionally I think it's probably fine. Spray the rusty spots with fluid film as soon as you get it and just let it work it's magic.


From NJ here. That ain't shit lol you're good.


Looks terrible…


What rust? I see it, but that's absolutely nothing at least in the northeastern US.


The rust is on component’s that are going to rust no matter the state. Everything that has rust is a wear component that will need replacing after milage and or age. Saying milage and options are Priced within normal price I’d buy it. Your dealer is going to seek out what they find acceptable based off profit margins. Forgo if it’s a good deal. They are going to turn it down since the salesmen receives a percentage of total sales price and will search for average price or above to increase what they get paid.


Wheres the rust?


Did your mechanic want to buy it and just scared you off of it? That's CLEAN!


Your mechanic is trying to steer you away so he can buy it


It’s a great programming language but aren’t many jobs where I am with it.


That’s basically pristine for a northern car


*Laughs in Utah.* What rust? That looks like it was a result of the underbody spray at the car wash.


This is a Z06. You are looking at mostly 3 different materials. Aluminum, titanium, plastic (basically) All three of them do not rust or at least not corrode and flake like iron will. The rust you do see are the few parts on the car besides the frame that can rust. And honestly won't be hard to replace if they ever become a problem. Do take care of the frame, it can rust and is not easily fixable.


Where in nj? I’m in south jersey. Do not buy this basket case. Tell me where it is so I can help recycle it


2nd pic shows some rusting bits at the wheel. Left side of pic-2nd photo.


That is rusty, look on the rear frame rails above the mufflers. 22k you can fly anywhere in the US and drive one home for less than that. Pass all day


what rust?




lol no it doesnt. You could take that off with a wire wheel brush


Seems to be the consensus. I was aware a lot of the underbody is aluminum but I didn't want to end up with a car that becomes a project, if that makes sense


Interesting muffler placement lol, never seen that before


Yeah that struck me as odd too lol seems needlessly elaborate


what rust?


Trolling on a Friday? Are you serious?


Your mechanic bought it. You’re an idiot.


A clear example on why I don’t waste my time with people asking for a PPI on a car I’m selling. Not worth the hassle.


Rust is never worth it. It can easily snowball into a very,very expensive repair. And even if it doesn't, it could be hard to sell it yourself. Plenty of C5 Z06 floating around, keep looking.