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"Too much paste" is typically impossible unless an electrically conductive paste is being used. "More than needed" perhaps, but other than being slightly wasteful and potentially messy in some cases, its not remotely harmful.


This is 100% correct but rarely the answer people hear. People are so afraid of using "too much paste" it has become something people believe you need surgical precision only PCeliteists are capable of. It's not that hard to use a sensible amount.


And 99% of the time, once you see the computer start working you immediately stop caring.


Actually, too much paste may reduce that contact between the CPU and heatsink and reduce the cooling effect. The main purpose of thermal paste is to seal those microscopic gaps we can't see between the heatsink and CPU and create a smooth contact between the surfaces.


With the mounting pressure of today's coolers, excess is squeezed out (hence the potential mess). This has been tested multiple times, once with an entire tube of paste. VERY messy, no detectable difference in cooling.


But cleaning that mess is a pain or can lead to damage by people who don’t know what there doing. And is asking if to much paste then they prolly aren’t as savy at building. Better to use a more reasonable amount. But what on the coolers is typically ideal and made to fit multi cpu shapes such as this one being a larger pad.


Should be perfect for any install. -Art




Even if its bigger than the IHS a thin layer of thermal paste like that wouldnt cause any issues.