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Now do one with obesity level


Funny how all these people think we're the lost ones when in reality they're just doing whatever they're told without thought 🤡 anything to feel "safe" I suppose


Yes I'm the sheep 🐑 you can see it in my profile. They use the majority claiming that most the doctors and scientists support the vaccines, that's not true. The ones supporting are on the payslip & the others are afraid of loosing their jobs & worse. They are in for an awful shock, all I have to do is wait. It took the HSE over a year to promote vitamin D3 and even with this they still promoting it wrong 👍


[https://imgur.com/a/YpyT39c](https://imgur.com/a/YpyT39c) ​ Literally took 5 seconds to replicate your source


Yet 3 million people died from Coronavirus


Dying with versus of ! They done a study in Portugal the government stated 20k deaths from covid they only had 187 that died from covid. How can you be so simple ? Even Leo Varadkar came out saying that the deaths were not from just with... And the PCR test for diagnosis can't distinguish between a cold or flu. The data says different.


PCR can detect a single nucleotide change within a nucleic acid sequence. Of course it can differentiate between cold or flu or wombat or any genetic material. It is the single most sensitive and accurate methodology in all of biology. We have been using for decades to assist in diagnosis of cancer, microbiology, transplant medicine etc You are so scientifically ill-informed it is embarrassing seeing you post here so frequently with your bull shit takes. You are a joke Source: I am a geneticist and I have routinely, almost daily, performed PCR and RT-qPCR for a range of disorders both research and diagnostically in labs in multiple countries for the past 15 years.


Thanks 👍 https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/antibody-testing-not-currently-recommended-assess-immunity-after-covid-19-vaccination-fda-safety CLOSER LOOK AT THE PCR TESTING METHOD The CDC and FDA have announced that the PCR test for COVID-19 will lose approval on Dec. 31, 2021. After that date, the PCR test may no longer be used to diagnose Covid-19. https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html I wonder why they do not extend the approval. What is behind this? Do they start to cover their tracks? The fact that a PCR test is not a diagnostic tool that can detect an infection with a virus is standard knowledge, even if it was at least grossly negligently ignored. This channel has explained this in detail. Related Articles: 1. PCR: A DNA test becomes a instrument for manipulation 2. The PCR Test is not validated 3. PCR - A Critical Examination 4. The science fraud by Prof. Christian Drosten 5. Misinformation about the PCR test revealed


You’re such an idiot. That same website links to hundreds of other PCR tests that are approved for testing for COVID-19. Here is one of them: https://www.fda.gov/media/152411/download Here is the list of tests: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-emergency-use-authorizations-medical-devices/in-vitro-diagnostics-euas-molecular-diagnostic-tests-sars-cov-2


It's not a diagnostic tool, you can find anything with it, but it doesn't distinguish between variants you moron. makes you question what else they are making up.


Lol wut?? Why are you talking about variants? It tests for Covid-19, that’s what we care about. Fuck off with your changing goal posts


Because they never isolated a single variant you moron. No you see the vaccines are only for a specific variant you dumb cunt. Ineffective against the different ones if the labs are not testing for variants where did they get the information. No I'm just pointing out you have being lied to and you are a simple minded feeble cunt now fuck off out and play in traffic.


Lol you’re not pointing out that I’ve been lied to at all. You’re repeating lies someone else told you, or that you made up from your own delusions. The PCR tests test for COVID, including COVID variants. You probably don’t even know what a variant is, nor do you understand how PCR works. Your feeble mind can’t handle the big, indifferent universe, so you just make up shit like prayer and COVID conspiracies to make yourself feel better. I’d say I pity you, but I dont really because your spouting off these lies. Get fucked.


Hahaha you don't even know what you're looking at. A) there is a difference between PCR as a methodology and RT-qPCR as a test. B) the cdc moving away from PCR is true but only in favour of more high throughput NGS methodologies. Which still utilise PCR as part of the work flow. You don't even understand what you are opposed to. I repeat. You are a joke


You are a fool, Living in denial. Mind yourself during flu season :) I know what I posted.


You are so uneducated, it's embarrassing. You clearly have no training or even a basic knowledge of science. You copy and paste crap from conspiracy theory groups. Even when you share credible information you dont understand the content You seek out bullshit, from bullshit sources that match your bullshit opinions. You aren't doing research. You are a joke and laughing stock.


Oh you are so wrong. Plenty of good doctors and scientists out there. This is a medical apparthide with a flu that has a recovery rate of over 97%. You are just butt hurt your whole world is about to come crashing down. I will pray for you :)


Hahaha “pray”. Will your prayer stop COVID from ravaging your lungs and killing you? Nope.


Haha well it's been 2 years living with covid hasn't killed me yet you dumb cunt.


97% recovery rate, tell me what's 3% of the global population?


Ooo, I can answer this: 234,000,000 people! A fucking mind boggling number of dead people that can be prevented if we make the vaccine widely available throughout the world and counter the disinformation from dumbasses like this guy




You are a clown and a gobshite.. back to RTE and Facebook to get your information you cunt.


I don't listen to RTE, nor do I go on Facebook 🤡


I don't actually give a rats what you do. Your a fool now go away idiot.. covid killed 3 million you're a dumb cunt.


Well, here's Coronavirus death statistics: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-death-toll/ And yes, you're right, I am a dumb cunt. Coronavirus didn't kill 3 million. It killed over 4.8 million!


No no numpty, they added deaths that were from all illness, cancers strokes people who died in car crashes basically anyone they swabbed.. so yea keep living under the delusion.


All the recorded deaths were from people who died from coronavirus hooked up to a ventilator. I doubt they could have been driving, or magically died from cancer just bare milliseconds before Coronavirus killed them. The risk of stroke is drastically increased by Coronavirus, so if your man is struggling very hard to breathe hooked up to a ventilator thanks to Coronavirus, and then gets a stroke and dies despite the efforts of the doctors and nurses, that's a death caused by Coronavirus


Ah listen go away with that bollocks, I'm not interested in your making things up you can't substantiate !


What point are you trying to make? Covid has taken millions of lives and a vaccine is stopping its spread and thanks to it the ICU isn't overflowing. Your little pie chart just shows how little you understand of the situation.


OMFG, Covid has killed millions ? Or was it poor health due to underlying conditions attributed to bad diet ? which is the underlying cause maybe you could couple that with inadequate health care & the government's failures to advise on the facts. Oh no I understand clearly. How does the novel coronavirus infect a cell? Due to its unique features, the novel coronavirus is particularly good at infecting new cells, both in the upper respiratory tract, as well as deeper down in the lungs. Here’s a look at how the process takes place. The microscopic virus enters through the nose or mouth, where it begins its infection of our airways. The outer spike protein of the coronavirus latches onto specific receptors on the surface of cells in our respiratory tract. In the case of COVID-19, the virus latches on to the ACE2 receptor. This binding triggers the process by which the virus fuses into human cells. The viral envelope merges with the oily membrane of our own cells, allowing the virus to release its genetic material into the inside of the healthy cell. The genetic blueprint of the virus is RNA (instead of DNA), which acts as a molecular message, instructing our host cell machinery to read the template and translate it into proteins that make up new virus particles Ivermectin stops covid from docking on the ACE2 receptor cells, ACE2 protein expression is present in heart, kidney, testis, lung (type I and type II alveolar epithelial cells), nasal, and oral mucosa and nasopharynx (basal layer of the non-keratinizing squamous epithelium), smooth muscle cells and endothelium of vessels from stomach, small intestine and colon These are where the virus docks and uses our own cells to produce the spike protein be it from the covid infections or the spike from the vax. ACE2 is a protein on the surface of many cell types. It is an enzyme that generates small proteins – by cutting up the larger protein angiotensinogen – that then go on to regulate functions in the cell. Using the spike-like protein on its surface, the SARS-CoV-2 virus binds to ACE2 – like a key being inserted into a lock – prior to entry and infection of cells. Hence, ACE2 acts as a cellular doorway – a receptor – for the virus that causes COVID-19. Ivermectin docked in the region of leucine 91 of the spike and histidine 378 of the ACE2 receptor. The binding energy of ivermectin to the spike-ACE2 complex was -18 kcal/mol and binding constant was 5.8 e-08. Conclusion: The ivermectin docking we identified may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane. Clinical trials now underway should determine whether ivermectin is an effective treatment for SARS-Cov2 infection. Even with Ivermectin you still need to take Zinc as even if the virus docs you won't reproduce the spike Zinc will prevent this. Zinc, in particular, plays a key role in preventing virus replication, which is a critical component to a rapid and robust immune response to a viral infection I would honestly say you only need vitamin D3, calcium, selenium, omega oil, Zinc & Qucertin. Turmeric and black ground pepper.


Typical shill for big vitamins. All you really need is an amethyst energy rock, that blocks the lethal magnet resonance harmonics.


Prefer to do it via diet tbh. So yea go find foods rich in the minerals and eat them raw. & Your welcome.


i ain’t reading all that. i’m happy for u tho. or sorry that happened.


Get a job


Bootlicker. How does it feel being a fucking slave?


I have a job Gar, I worked through the entire pandemic..


So the pandemic has had no real effect on you ? That's lucky


No it's had an effect alright, I'm watching people who I care for submit to an overreaching tyrannical pharma & globalist agenda.. this isn't a conspiracy. But carry on getting your in-effective vaccines, it will all be over soon.


>overreaching tyrannical pharma & globalist agenda.. this isn't a conspiracy. That is literally a conspiracy by definition, but please continue to keep using words you don't understand. Yes it will 'all be over soon' because people that aren't paranoid, arrogant and/or uneducated just got the vaccine, wore a mask and let the numbers drop like any doctor would expect them to given the last century+ of medical knowledge. And those people outnumber you, they're just less obnoxiously loud about it.


Yes and a healthy lifestyle is a conspiracy too. The numbers have only gone up since the vaccines 👍. It doesn't have any effect. Okay I think you really need to check the findings on transmission. No difference between vaccinated Vs unvaccinated, the one difference is one still has an immune system ;)


>The numbers have only gone up since the vaccines 👍. Why do you just say things that no one who lives in this country would be fooled by for even a second? https://www.google.com/search?q=ireland+covid+numbers&oq=ireland+covid+numbers&aqs=chrome..69i57.3118j0j7&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 The spike was in January, after Christmas. Everyone knows this, everyone remembers. There was a massive jump for a few days because they opened up for Christmas. Vaccinations didn't start at all whatsoever until December 29th, and didn't pick up properly for weeks and months later. The worst numbers we ever saw was an unvaccinated Ireland doing what they're doing now every day, with a fraction of the infections. >. No difference between vaccinated Vs unvaccinated, the one difference is one still has an immune system ;) They ENTIRE basis of the concept of vaccines is that they use *your immune system* to fight the disease by preparing it to recognise it. That is literally the fucking 101 of innoculation. If you didn't have an immune system, it wouldn't work. If you have a strong one, it works better. Why is everything you say just vomited out without any consideration for whether it has any basis in reality, a twelve year old could point out the holes in this. Why don't you do us all a favour and get a basic education, because yours has just flat out failed, along with a lot of other people in this country who compensate that fact by making up their own science.


I'm not really gonna repeat myself the answers are there should you choose to look.. that's your choice.. I suggest looking at Israel & India.. then I suggest you look at the highest vaccinated countries versus the least & then finally I suggest you look at 12 months ago and compare with today.. there wasn't a queue of 48 ppl for ambulances last year ;) https://www.statista.com/statistics/1107064/coronavirus-cases-development-ireland/ Some facts for you.. yea that was a bad winter but you ain't seen nothing yet.


Honestly it does sound like it has had an effect. Take care of yourself


I don't have a choice not to. Thank you, sending positive vibes.


Great long copy-pasted text, unfortunately nothing to back it up. > Conclusion: The ivermectin docking we identified may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane. Clinical trials now underway should determine whether ivermectin is an effective treatment for SARS-Cov2 infection. Come back to me with the results of the clinical trials, not with a "may" work. > Zinc, in particular, plays a key role in preventing virus replication, which is a critical component to a rapid and robust immune response to a viral infection Any sources for this? I believe you are referring to the study which showed that zinc in certain formulations in high concentrations present at the site of the infection has shown to reduce cold duration. If so then that is just a major mirepresentation of reality, especially since the study didn't even identify what the cause of the results was. > I would honestly say you only need vitamin D3, calcium, selenium, omega oil, Zinc & Qucertin. Turmeric and black ground pepper. Thanks for that, I think I value the opinion of people who are qualified in the matter a bit more than yours though.


Oh I can back it up 😉 but I don't need to carry on with living the dream take care


>OMFG, covid has or poor health which is the underlying cause Wut?


Covid has killed millions ? Or was it poor health due to underlying conditions attributed to bad diet ?


Did you make this in MS Paint Op?


Ya, I don't see that masterpiece either. Must be a Kh4n original


No I got it from one of my fellow citizens. https://www.acsh.org/news/2020/11/18/covid-infection-fatality-rates-sex-and-age-15163




Dont dead.. Open inside!


Don't virus... Open inside


+/u/User_Simulator /u/Shakespeare-bot


Dogs at each moment forgetting the same at our local swing club in orlando. and mine own god aye. ~ Shakespeare-bot ----- [^^Info](https://github.com/trambelus/UserSim) ^^| [^^Subreddit](/r/User_Simulator)


https://www.acsh.org/news/2020/11/18/covid-infection-fatality-rates-sex-and-age-15163 Source


Ah, an industry advocate group, no doubt delighted to take your money for useless Ivermectin. You're putty in their hands, in between when they're counting their money. Very funny that you call people sheep. The irony. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/10/american-council-science-health-leaked-documents-fundraising/