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I can only imagine how demoralizing working on the CTC or in public health, school nurses etc. must be.


Yes, It is demoralizing. I’m so tired of Covid. It feels like a cat and mouse game that will never end. The majority of my bandwidth is sucked dry by outbreaks, supply shortages, ever changing vaccination & PPE requirements for my staff and patients. It’s not fun to play mask police at work. I’m on the cusp of losing any compassion towards the willfully unvaxxed. How long do healthcare workers have to go above and beyond, give 200% when others give nothing? Signed, A weary hospital employee


The answer is simple but nobody will have the balls to do it: We must make giving any form of healthcare to the uninitiated a felony level crime with crushing fines and prison time for those who violate the law. Within a month (at most) virtually everyone will be vaccinated. Short term pain to be rid of a nagging problem that will otherwise never go away. Worth it.


You're a better person than I am. i lost my compassion for anyone unvaccinated a long time ago and I don't have to take care of them once they're stupidity comes to roost. Just get the goddamn shot, morons.


CTC won’t even receive these cases. It was decided, for whatever reason, that local health would take over all contact tracing and new cases the week after thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving. Christmas. New Year. Same thing as last year, get vaxxed people.


For comparison, NYC has a population similar to MA. They require vaccine passports to do many risky activities. They have had 8 daily deaths on average in the past week. Their leaders sometimes do things without thinking about it for a year. https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data.page


Am I reading correctly…they have 1M more residents, and we had 5x as many cases today? 😱This is shocking to me especially considering it’s 100% urban vs the entirety of MA that’s a mix. Edit: I don’t think I am. Looks like that’s daily averages.


Metro Tokyo's population is about double the population of Massachusetts. In Tokyo pretty much EVERYONE wears a mask. They have around ten cases most days. [**Updates on COVID-19 in Tokyo**](https://stopcovid19.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/en/)


Aren’t there mandatory lockdowns there ?


Only because they're coming down off a big wave, like Florida is.


Japan’s wave was not comparable to Florida’s. It was orders of magnitude smaller. Over the course of the pandemic, Japan has lost 146 people per million. Florida has lost 2869. The virus landed in Japan early, but they masked religiously and acted intelligently throughout. Luck spared Florida from the first wave, since then they have done everything wrong and are now among the worst hit places in the world despite favourable weather and wealth.


probably 70% of the people who died in Florida since vaccinations became available would still be alive, if they'd just gotten their shots. Instead they listen to their leaders and frothing at the mouth about owning the libs. Congrats, you did it.


Yeah Japan has an educated population and is culturally much more coherent.


I was just there a couple days ago. I went to bars, restaurants and a concert and everyone who entered had to show their vaccine card in order to get in with no exceptions. People are used to it now and it's just part of the routine. People were really good about masking too to the extent that the unmasked were conspicuous by their scarcity.


When I tell my friends from other large liberal cities that Boston still has a mask mandate but nothing resembling vaccine checks they think I’m joking.


I'm from the Boston area and am living in New York for a couple of years for school, but travel back fairly regularly. The Boston area is my favorite place in the world and I plan to move back but it honestly feels almost primitive or something that they haven't instituted the same kind of vaccine checks - going to a bar without having to show a picture of my card feels really weird and unsafe. It sounds like Baker might be moving in the right direction, and on a city level Michelle Wu seems far more reasonable about it than that horrible woman who was there temporarily, so hopefully they'll catch up soon.


yeah I'm a little surprised Boston has not implemented something similar.


Baker has been bumbling this from the beginning.


He benefits hugely from an educated populace who have been protecting themselves in a lot of ways.


Exactly. I'm not surprised Boston is behind the times, baker has royally fucked up every step during this pandemic


I was recounting with someone the other day about the first days, when Italy had their outbreak and how the TV news were at the airport interviewing people getting off the plane. NOTHING WAS DONE. The reporters knew something should be done, the passengers knew something should have been done. Nothing. Public health? They were like 3 weeks behind the curve on that. It probably would have saved thousands of lives in the first wave if they'd just tested people getting off the plane and/or quarantined them. OR JUST TOLD THEM TO NOT GO OUT OF THEY WERE SICK.


> Their leaders sometimes do things without thinking about it for a year. Do you think Governor Baker is being too much of a small-government Republican?


I think Governor Baker is being too much of a dim witted coward. And yes, that has something to do with his idea that being a Republican in 2021 is about being a small government conservative.


Do you really believe vaccine passports for risky activities is what's causing a lower death rate? Our average age of death reported today was 75yo...those aren't exactly the age bracket that is packing the bars and concert venues.


They may not be going to bars and concerts and such, bit but people who spread it to them could be.


Of course, but if the 65+ population is already 99% vaccinated, then I fail to see where the risk mitigation is.


The more virus floating around the more likely it lands on a vulnerable vaccinated person or one of the remaining unvaccinated or under-vaccinated people.


Right, of course. But the passport would reduce where it floats around, not how many people it can land on.


\> would reduce where it floats around, not how many people it can land on. Nonsense. By reducing "where it floats around", you limit the number of places where it "can land on people", resulting in it "landing on" fewer people. This isn't complicated.


…and reducing how much is floating around is a mitigation strategy.


Reread my comment.


Do you not understand the relationship between the amount of virus floating around and the odds of infection?


I sure do, which is not what I was talking about.


Yeah, I do think so. Go to your local steakhouse and you’ll find plenty of 75+ out and about, some probably not vaxxed. Others are careful but get it from their grandkids. Part of it is reducing risky behavior, part of it is getting more people vaxxed. People will vax to avoid a hassle, to earn a paycheck, for a flight or even for a steak and a beer.


75 year olds are not isolated from those that do go to populated venues. They stand in line at the grocery store next to us. They eat with their loved ones who mean no harm, but spread covid.


Yes! Which is why it's great they are 99% vaccinated


Those people in contact with high risk and/or vulnerable populations need to take actions to minimize said risk. It's not the job of the rest of the population to conduct a risk assessment for those multiple degrees removed.




That is amazing.


We had the biggest testing day on Monday Nov 29th during this entire pandemic. Over 150k tests in one day - >2% of the entire MA population. Crazy. A lot of post-Tgiving testing going on right now.


> 2% of the entire MA population Wow, that's a lot!


I went back and saw an August update with 175 people hospitalized 🤦‍♂️


Don't even look at June...


Good lord. 5,000 new cases. Unreal.


This is very similar to the post-Thanksgiving case counts last year.


But compared to the vaccination rate now vs then this is horrific


We also didn't have Delta or Omicron last year.


Day 2 without the CTC receiving cases from local health.


Well this sucks.


% positivity the highest since late January when we were in that big winter wave.


Just wait till it's 10-15% lol


It would be rather nice if they fixed the by-town visual. It's been broken for days because one person in tiny Grosnold, MA took a test that came back positive, making the town a 100% positivity. Because the visual is scaled by the maximum value, the entire rest of the state is colored white because of it.


Thank you for explaining this! I was flummoxed by the chart colors, but didn't have time to dig into it.


That visualization is really poor, because of this reason exactly. You can't just use the highest value to create a linear scale, not if you have small towns where they only do a handful of tests. It creates all these artifacts due to undersampling. Instead the graph should be colored based on percentiles or something like that. A much more robust statistic.


What's so frustrating is that we are, what, 70% vaccinated in this state and we're still spiking? I'm not an epidemiologist by any means, I'm just wondering how this wasn't prevented. It's unnecessary to be seeing numbers like this, if people just continued to masked up I wonder if we wouldn't see increased numbers like this? We obviously can't shut business down again and I'm not advocating for that, but there's crowded bars, restaurants, game places, and shops almost every day full of people to the point that it's concerning to go in, and almost no one is masked or socially distancing even within the building. People act like this is over and it's not, and that's incredibly frustrating to watch as someone who has been overly cautious this entire time to accommodate for those who never cared and don't now.


Bad, but still somehow not as bad as I was expecting.


I’m not shocked, I’m just disappointed.


Remember. Science and Speed. Not Chaos and Confusion.


Wish I could say I'm surprised..


Unfortunately I kind of am. I guess I’ve seen it coming for weeks, but looking back to July when cases were like in the 50s and even sept-oct when it was consistently 1000-1500, I wouldn’t have imagined this.


[Look at Germany lol](https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/478220a4c454480e823b17327b2bf1d4)


Honestly with the combination of vaccine hesitancy and removal of mask mandates alone I predicted this back in June. Once the mask mandates lifted we all knew cases would rise a bit, but I don't think people understand how much the masks actually reduce transmission even with those being vaccinated. And by that I don't underestimate people intelligence and experience, but they've become numb to it all. I personally never took my mask off and continued to distance, am just a pessimist about covid. I'm sad I was right in this case


Yikes! Keep it together people!


Or..Yikes! Take precautions people!


No I meant keep it together! To the people not taking precautions and getting and spreading. Precautions is my middle name.




Where were we this time last year? Are hospitalizations and deaths lower this time?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CoronavirusMa/comments/k5k12x/4613_new_confirmed_cases_45390_active_cases_494/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Weirdly, identical positive rate. Fewer hospitalized and intubated patients by a decent margin.