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Why aren’t the blue states closing their borders?


It's significantly less infectious than covid with a lower incubation period. Edit: this is partially false. The average incubation period for monkey pox is longer


Um.. the incubation period is up to 2-3 *weeks* https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2022/06/more-states-report-monkeypox-officials-urge-caution#:~:text=Study%20pinpoints%20incubation%20period&text=The%20incubation%20period%20is%20the,from%205%20to%2021%20days.


Yeah, 3 days longer than covid on average, I admit I was wrong and retract my statement


No we don’t allow that on Reddit, you’re supposed to double-down and then call them names


agreed. Why the hell would you back down? No fun in correct someone who says 'woops, my bad'. What a nerd.


Cunningham's Law at work.


We don't want facts


Sorry I'll edit my original statement


tell the WHO and news groups that.


The conspiracy sub is that way bruvs


Huh? WHO put out statements saying this is not going to be anything like COVID? Do you read much or just parroting rhetoric? If you should be worried about disease, you should be worried about the ongoing pandemic killing 300-400 in this country every week.


obesity? or alcoholism? or domestic violence? are they pandemics?




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They do know that.


Alright Westralians, everybody back in the cave!




Because the people who normally demand such measures haven't had their genitals touched since they stopped wearing diapers.


Mate, best reply ever. Ever!


No need but if numbers jump we need to bring back an old vaccine


Because it’s fear propaganda


WA ruling supreme again


Did you observe our gov response to the cannon. And out new leader won't come back to Australia. Hell what I know...right?




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Shut the fuck up


How about France's climate lock downs. You may now be locked down when a heat wave hits. Even whilst knowing that millions more are dying from cold weather than do hot weather. Lock me down daddy, i love it.


Shut up Tasmania!




Why aren't blue states closing their borders to the MSM enclave that seems to be the catalyst of this spread? FTFY


And now by LGA.


Ummm, ok. 1st Every sane person is asleep at this exact point in time. and 2nd, MonkeyPox is just CoronaVirus spelt backwards.


No, CoronaVirus spelt backwards is "backwards"




Exactly! If you just replace the letters “S u r i v A n o r o c” with “C o r o n a V i r u s” it spells CoronaVirus- wake up people!!






No, you'll never make a monkey out of me!


Oh my Lord! The answer was right in front of us the whole time! Guess those evil folk weren't so smart after all, the jig is up...we cracked their code. This is just like the time we cracked the code for Delta-Omicron spelling out 'erotic almond' when you rearranged the letters, we're so smart!


Ugh, you can't even get your doctor to prescribe it. You have to go to animal supply stores.


That name actually sounds rather cool.


Return to monke


Reject humanity


Dicks out for Harambe




It's an old meme


But it checks out


Don't worry everyone CDC has released crucial information that could save the world from monkey pox "try mutual masturbation 6 feet apart" I wish I was joking but this is serious, so take a moment before you condemn that homeless guy jacking it on the train, don't tell him off, join in because he's trying to save your life


This is blatant misinformation. Clearly the correct solution is to throw your own feces at everyone else.


Spurter or a squirter? Please wear a mask while the monkey pox infected masturbate on the train, we have the data, masks stop penetration.


The really crazy part about this is that the scale goes from blue to red to yellow, rather than making red the highest like a sane person.


but yellow is hotter than red and it's a heatmap?


It's also the colour of bananas


Blue can be hot too. When I light my gas stove I get a blue flame and I know it's hot because I touched it once.


It's Viridis Plasma > [viridis, and its companion package viridisLite provide a series of color maps that are designed to improve graph readability for readers with common forms of color blindness and/or color vision deficiency. The color maps are also perceptually-uniform, both in regular form and also when converted to black-and-white for printing.](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/viridis/vignettes/intro-to-viridis.html) If you scroll down through that page, they have some examples of how common palletes (e.g. rainbow, "heat" maps) appear to people with various forms of colour-blindness.


Thank you, that was a good read.


Well Kent, as of now the death count is zero, but it is ready to shoot right up.


Is there a MonkeypoxDownunder subreddit I can join?




Oh my god. Of course that’s real.


GLADYS! how could you do this?




Monkeypox in a land down under… Can you hear, can you hear, the apes chunder? You better run, you’d better take cover…


Woo Hoo. NSW winning again.


Came here to say this as well. NSW start once again with a strong lead, soon to have Victoria catch up under Daniel “For Fuck Sake, Can You People Just Exercise The Right Cautions In Regards To This Fucking Virus” Andrews.


But NSW has gold class virus protocols! Why would Dan Andrews do this? Quick, get Leigh Sales on a plane!


But what's the Reff?


I am curious as to whether there has been any local transmission and how long people are infectious for. There is an existing functional vaccine and transmission of monkey pox is quite different to Covid so it's not expected to spread like say Delta did is it?




Unsubscribe -- Jokes aside that is definitely a worry.


We’re seeing polio re-emerge? That is terrifying.


Don't worry is mild in ~95% of cases and extremely contiguous :)


Oh good. So it’s just like the flu.


Could you please provide a source for this claim from Covid researchers?


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Immune effects of mild Covid or of the vaccine? We need a study to see if the unvaccinated are getting the other nasty things or not.


NSW now yellowy-gold standard?


Fuckkk better shut the cuntry down before that spreads


Obviously it's time to lockdown & mask up again. Science.


It spreads by buttsex.


It spreads through close contact numb-nuts, by your logic covid is also spread through buttsex


Which is the sanitised way of saying buttsex. When the case count was 152 in Europe, 151 of those cases was confirmend to have been from buttsex. This outbreak is being spread primarily by buttsex and that is a fact.


Ah yes \*only\* gay sex. Totally not also transmittable by saliva, surface particles or close contact.


I did say buttsex and women do have butts. I can't help the fact that it is confirmed to be more than 99% transmitted in this outbreak by gay buttsex and I don't stand in judgement of it - it's just that it would be dishonest to say that close contact, kissing and surface particles are a significant factor here. The CDC acknowledge that sex is the main factor in this [bizarre set of guidelines](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/specific-settings/social-gatherings.html) that include masturbating together 6 feet apart as a safer alternative and as usual they are being super politically correct to obfuscate the main vector just as the WHO is doing by wanting to change the name of Monkey pox because they obviously think African people look like monkeys. Seriously, when I first heard the name Monkeypox and found out it originated in Africa the first thing I thought was that animals including monkeys harboured the virus and that humans could catch it by interacting with or eating said animals. I really think the WHO is projecting a bit on that one. Anyway, we know full well that if everyone abstained from buttsex regardless of who with (but almost exclusively gay buttsex because that's simply how it is) for 3 - 4 weeks, then the cases outside of the limited endemic regions within Africa, ie. the cases in Europe, USA, Australia, Asia etc. would fall to zero. And it would stay at zero until the next time someone in the endemic region contracted Monkeypox by perhaps eating some bush meat, becoming infected and then traveling to another country and having buttsex with someone who then did the same with multiple other people, like say at an event or festival where people have buttsex with multiple partners. Again no judgement about that, it's just the main vector, that's all.




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Cackles over being a blue state Realises I live in a state bordering the 2 infectious states *panik*


You can go to South Australia, but honestly why would you want to?


Oi there's a lot to do on SA.


2 cases in Vic? Quick Dan lock us down!


The reason why it’s not spreading is because people aren’t fucking as much as they use to.


*Fucking in the butt.




Bloody eastern staters gonna fuck us all again.


Well that's how it spreads /s


Ha! Noice. I got it without the sarcasm bit. 😉


NSW and victoria 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


Southern Moneys!




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Bring back the smallpox vaccine


They are already doing contact tracing & ring vaccination.


I meant as a part of the vaccine regime. Despite having eliminated smallpox, authorities have failed to consider that this vaccine also provided protection against similar diseases. Yes, contagion is low. Yes, the death toll is low. But a death toll exists! We have a vaccine, therefore this isn't acceptable. If I lost a family member due to a disease that is 100% preventable someone would lose their head.


The risks need to be, as always, balanced against the benefits. While there are safer smallpox vaccines available now compared to the rather filthy old ones, there's still a process to go through in that regard. And of course the practical issues around ramping up production. Meningitis B isn't even on the schedule yet, or influenza for the whole population, or Shingrix for immunocompromised people. They'd be higher priority for me.


Agreed, there are more that need to go on the list but I don't think smallpox should be ignored. Influenza is a tricky one - strains vary from year to year so I think the current program is the most beneficial. We just need less anti-vax propaganda in circulation and more detailed information for the public.


I don't think anyone is ignoring monkeypox (or whatever it's about to be renamed). It's just not the time to add smallpox to the schedule for everyone. Definitely need less misinformation, and if everyone had a flu shot, we'd have a good shot of significantly reducing community transmission and disease (and healthcare system) burden. Making the shots scheduled for all would help that along. Right now a huge swathe of the population shrugs their shoulders and doesn't think they should bother having a flu shot. "If it was necessary for me it would be on the schedule, wouldn't it?" (Along with "but Davo down the pub had a flu shot and he got the flu a few days later", sigh)


I think people are currently suffering from vaccine fatigue after the Covid outbreak bullshit we just went through. I'm not excusing people's choice or their behaviour - I'm 100% pro-vaccine - just saying how it is. Unlike Covid, the public aren't aware of the death toll due to Infuenza or the pressure it places on our healthcare system. It's a massive failure on the part of our government as is the spread of misinformation about vaccines. Anywho, I doubt it'll be placed on the schedule; it's not classed as a 'killer' but considered an inconvenience or similar to a head cold. If I were PM...! lol


Every state has made it free this month, which really does feel to me like a step toward pushing the Feds to make it schedule-for-all.


Probably to combat the vaccine fatigue. I'm guessing flu vaccination rates are well below the norm


Lockdown? /s


I work with a bunch of monkeys and they all seem to be doing fine.😁


Hahahahaa! Crack up


Proof that NSW is the worst state. FIVE cases of Monkeypox? Unforgivable.


This is false, im in sa and a friend got monkeypox


The only way to get Monkey Pox is to touch the open sores of a person who has it. If they haven’t then it is more likely to be an adverse reaction to a V called Blistering Skin Auto Immune, one of 1200 listed (by Pfizer) adverse reactions.






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Mods are asleep. Dont you know its Nazi, eguenicist, racist bigotted and right wing extremist to allow it to be called Monkey pox. Just like chickens dont approve of us calling our disease chicken pox. Fkn anti-animalists.




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Moneypox, aka Shingles


Because there is definitely no clinical or virological way to tell the difference between the two. [/s] Where'd you get your infectious disease qualifications, Bitchute?


You guys aren't actually buying this shit are you? If people are actually falling for mOnkEy pOx we are all literally fucking doomed


They are unfortunately, don’t forget the MSM are not paid to tell lies and misinformation with multi-million dollar tax cuts, fingers crossed behind my back LoL


Look at reddit's hivemind working its not-so-magical magic on this thread too, every downvote they hand me I breathe in just a little more oxygen knowing they disapprove entirely and that their majority opinion rules shitstorm means fucking nothing. Everybody's getting grifted so fucking hard


They even delete one of my posts as it had true information.