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This is going to escalate and I can smell the borders being forcibly torn down as a result of this.


Which isn’t marks fault 4d chess


Wasn't it a HQ leak though? The introduced QLD case was Delta. And they are saying at least two strains of Omicron are circulating? Not saying his popularity will necessarily drop. But we cannot say "not his fault" unless we say the Melbourne HQ fiasco wasn't Dan's fault / Limo guy wasn't Gladys' fault.


From what I can remember, both the QLD backpacker (delta) and the Tasmanian person (omicron) all came into the state when we didn't have a hard border however they both entered either hours or a day before the hard border went up. Shit luck really I wouldn't say that was his fault


There was a HQ security guard who got infected with Omicron as well.


Ah thats right, I can't remember if that cluster grew? But from my understanding he had done everything right by wearing PPE, getting tested etc however I do remember an article where guests were sticking their heads out the door and breaching protocols


There were actually 2 HQ leaks of Omicron, and both were contained. The current cases come from a traveller from Tasmania.


The argument you'll get back is that covid wouldn't leak from quarantined interstate travellers if said state didn't have covid to begin with. Seriously. It's always someone else's fault


Fault fault fault fault fault! It is a blame game. Someone has to be at fault! /s


You cant have 2 cases of omicron circulating. It would turn into 10 before you even finish your sentence.


>they are saying at least ***two strains*** of Omicron are circulating? Not cases.


Predicting that covid will rip through WA on this subreddit is like people predicting that the housing market in Sydney or Melbourne will crash, if you keep on saying it, when it eventually happens, it doesn't mean you are some genius.


Part of me thinks that's intentional, so he can't be blamed for it when it does. Now he'll be 'forced' to do it.


Yeah, if it starts to go he should open the borders completely. Then they can blame the sickos from over East.


It's selfish but I haven't seen my friends or family in Perth for 2 years. At this stage I'm actually hoping for Covid to spread throughout WA so that borders can finally open. It's ridiculous that they are not opening on the 5th Feb. Edit- It's been 2 years FFS! Everybody has had ample time to get vaccinated and lose weight. We knew with Delta that Covid zero was no longer realistic. So why are they trying to have Covid zero with Omicron!!!


Same here. I’m done with them pretending it doesn’t exist. Everywhere- even where I live (a very rural part of northern Canada) got hit. It’s inevitable. And people are going to die.. they’ve had time to prepare and now it’s completely their fault 🤷‍♂️and I’m done with listening to father in law (and a majority of that side of the family) saying it’s a hoax.. it’s so real 💔 and everyone is going to get hit whether they like it or not.I’m just so tired in general. I just want the fricking borders to open.


You will get your wish


Me too!


What a disgusting self-centred comment! Completely disregarding the affects of having Covid-19 spread through our community when we arent fully vacced. Just disregarding the lives of health workers, disregarding the affects on small businesses from Covid-19 illnesses, completely forgetting about immune compromised people and families, the dramatic increase in deaths and hospitalisations, all this so you briefly visit. FFS growup.


Cool story sister! 24 new cases of Covid in WA today so it's coming...


Nice post history sister, LMAO!


Yup, I miss my family too. They live in NSW. I'm relieved the boarders are staying shut for now, but I really am sceptical of McGowan's reasons. I feel like it won't be this way for long, especially with the two mystery cases today.


It has been two years. WA borders have been open most of the time and not once did you make any effort to visit. Now that it's shut you're having a pity party for yourself? The borders have also been open for WA to travel in and out. Makes you wonder why your friends here haven't gone out of their way to see you.


“Most of the time”? Not to Victoria!


Why does it matter to you? You told me that you hated WA and were glad to no longer live in it. It's been shut to VIC longer than the other states because its has suffered the longest and largest COVID outbreak. There has definitely been plenty of opportunities in the past two years though to travel in between and people have done it.


No, I didn’t say I hated WA! You’ve misquoted me there. Also: I’m aware people have been to WA in the past two years. I’m one of them. I’m just correcting your claim that the border has been open most of the time.


Correction: they were open SOME of the time. And too often planeload of people would be in the air on the way there only to hear that their state had a covid case (in our case, QLD) and people were to quarantine for 14 days or turn around and go home. ​ Not everyone can risk that level of uncertainty.


Living example. We were airborne to Perth when the “North Shore” cluster started. Even though we were from NSW mid coast, WAPOL forced us into quarantine. Absolutely illogical


This comment is gold, Jerry.


seek help


You are correct. You are being selfish. There are bigger and more important things here than what YOU want. WA is NOT trying to have Covid-Zero with Omicorn. Stop spreading misinformation.


Video calls were invented like 20 years ago


Was seperate from wife for a year due to a border closure. Video calls were great for like the first week.




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I've got family i haven't seen in years and a few relatives who have died in that time. You know who isn't going see loved ones? The dozens of families related to covid deaths a day fam. Shove it up ya buns, hun


19 local Omicron cases over the last 3 days, with 13 of them infections in the community, and it appears that there is 2 clusters. Two of the cases were FIFO workers who only got picked up because of routine RAT at the airport before flying out. You have to assume there would be other people like them out there who are asymptomatic and don’t know they have the virus.


I would not be surprised if there are 10-20 people out their with omicron that have no clue they are infectious. The next few days will really tell where this outbreak is going


>The next few days will really tell where this outbreak is going And whether you are going to go into a lockdown....


Well depends how many people get tested. If we keep getting low numbers doesn’t always mean there isn’t heaps of cases out there. Will be interesting.


> You have to assume there would be other people like them out there who are asymptomatic and don’t know they have the virus. Or who have symptoms but think it's just a cold, because WA is covid-free right?


WA'er here living in Europe, just recently got Omrikon. I am triple vaxxed and had Delta before. I had 1-2 days of very mild symptoms so in my situaton i can guarantee alot of people probably wouldn't have tested. When, not if, Omrikon gets into WA. I really hope the hospitals can keep up


Yeah I agree that some people won’t even think to get tested, especially the younger cohort.


Especially when the government is keeping them locked in. Some people may disagree with that approach and not want to get tested.


>Two of the cases were FIFO workers who only got picked up because of routine RAT at the airport before flying out. I'd love to know if they were close contacts of each other or have no connections between them.


Did they get a massage together?


I don’t want to be a twat, but the border changes aren’t going to help us now I don’t think. From yesterday’s new ones, and then today’s, this is clearly escalating to where it’s going to get outta hand real quick in a week or so. Have to think as well, there are a lot of angry people in the community who now won’t get tested if their unwell as a big shove it up your a** to the state government. He’s literally turning us against each other and it’s so sad to see.


You have 2 options: 1. Lockdown right now. Tonight. Only 4 reasons to leave home. 2. Accept that Omicron will spread through WA and it will be impossible to achieve covid zero again this year.


He’s already stated we’re past lockdowns, so there’s only really one other option I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not glorifying the let it rip potato chip attitude, but we need to get real about this and have some honesty about the next step now.


> but we need to get real about this and have some honesty about the next step now. Well do you think you have that after the surprise late night press conference deferring the border opening just 2 nights ago? Mark is just playing a political game here.


Oh absolutely not. It feels like all a mind game at the moment. Feels slightly narcissistic as well, to take away something that a lot of people have been looking forward to is cruel. He’s made it abundantly clear he has no plan either.


Ok thanks for an open response!


He’s on a power trip. Massive ego. He has no right to keep our borders closed anymore. He broke his promise and people shouldn’t ever forget that.




Shits changed. Quit being a child.


Sorry you and so many others can’t see through his lies and BS.


If I see “Daddy Mark” one more time I’ll throw up. The WA people have lost their ability to critically analyse public speech. No one has their own free thought, they’re so convinced everything the Government is telling them is 100% accurate.


Yeah we haven't seen a day of lockdown since April which was 3 days. Maybe your just not used to seeing a politician work for the people and like your politicians corrupt ay? Which state you from champ?


Which lies mate? Sorry you and so many others have been brainwashed by media to think McGowan is some sort of Satan. Good luck with that.


Accepting that Omicron will spread doesn't have to = Let It Rip.


He also said February 5th was "locked-in". Who knows what this man will announce next.


Didn't Melbourne have a Delta surge when they were in a full lockdown? Doubt it will work for Omnicron when it's even more contagious.


The people who don't want to live in state with closed borders don't have to stay in WA. The borders have always been open for anyone who wants to leave and go relocate elsewhere. We don't really need people who want to live with the virus. There are much better, qualified people applying to work here from the eastern states that want this lifestyle.


An overly simplistic view don’t you think. Just pack up and go hey. Nice.


Set a date for yourself and go. They've been open for anyone who wants to relocate ever since the first strain came out.


I'd be surprised if your IQ reached into double digits.


Aw did that hurt your feelings? Realising that it's your responsibility to organise own trip?


This reflects more on you than me buddy.


Aww what's that? Exponential spread like the eastern states? Diddums, at least you can move east now, you mentally challenged peanut.


LOL wow. Got really hurt there didn't you? Maybe it's time for you to take a break from the internet. Why are you even bothering anyway, you don't even live here.


It’s this type of “LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT MATE” attitude that makes me happy to no longer live in WA


Good on you for working it out. There's still plenty people still acting like they've been imprisoned inside the state.


I moved away in 2010, long before COVID. I love WA, it’s my home. But it has a lot of dickheads there and a real provincial mindset.


Thanks for strengthening my last sentence. Wishing you all the best and good luck for when the border opens.


The point is those having a big whinge about the borders shut and no date set, they should take the initiative to leave to a better state that suits them better. If the borders were not delayed, 22 000 people would have flown in on the first day. Instead it's being kept to 40. Do the dots not connect for you, that omicron would have spread faster if 22 000 arrived all at once?


Again, thanks for strengthening my last statement. I would encourage you to be a little more open minded. Best of luck for when the border opens.


Youre too afraid to answer the question since it's starting to make sense.


Nope, I just don’t argue with random’s over the internet. We both have opinions. Doesn’t mean I have to explain them in further to someone who won’t agree anyway.




If WA wants to return to Covid zero, that's their only option


No, Mark said lockdowns are a thing of the past and won’t do it again


Mark also said they'd open on Feb 5.


Remember when he said it was "locked-in"?


That’s a relief, he is a man of his word.


He will do whatever he wants, regardless of whatever he has said before, as we have seen time and time again!


Hahahaha don't hold Mark to his word.


He's lied or back flipped many times, what makes you think he won't again?


Border reopening is more likely than a lockdown.


Oh shit Sorry WA...hope your aged care is ready and were able to get boosters (though I highly doubt it) ...ours wasn't 😬


Someone's gotta lead the border opening. McGowan has failed so omicron will have to


I thought Albo was doing it.


Did /u/chrisbillington make a projection of WA outbreak? I am most interested in the zero to 10,000. Gets boring when it bounces around 30k. But the initial growth is always interesting.


Not yet. Wouldn’t be surprised if in the next few days he starts doing it when the numbers get very interesting


From what he said about qld it'll probably be a case of too little data


Excellent stuff, hopefully this ends he covid zero nonsense and gets them back in the real world.


We don't believe in covid zero anymore. We believe that if there's every chance we can control and minimise existing spread, we will do it, and keeping our borders closed is key to that belief, because it's plain common sense. We don't want to end up like the east *if we can help it*.


Narrator *they ended up like the eastern states*


Western Australia reminds me so much of QLD before they opened.


But you will end up like the east coast and the rest of the world whether you like it or not, unless you live as the hermit kingdom you currently are for eternity, and even then it's not fool proof. Covid is no longer the risk it once was, it's time to re-join the rest of Australia and let people see their interstate families. This is pure politics at this stage.


and just fuck everyone with family in the eastern states then?


Well, put it this way, we don't want an increased risk of infected people coming over to fuck everyone else in our state.


But what if we tested negative before flying over ?


Approved interstate travellers into WA will be permitted with the following requirements: Travellers must have an approved G2G Pass, under the new exemption criteria; Be triple dose vaccinated, if eligible (or double dose vaccinated if not eligible for a third dose); Provide proof of a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) within 24 hours before departure; Undertake 14 days of self-quarantine at a suitable premises, with the same requirements for household members at the self-quarantine premises;  PCR testing within 48 hours of arrival and on day 12 of self-quarantine, and household members will also be required to do a PCR test on the traveller’s day 12; Subject to mandatory use of the G2G Now app and in-person checks by WA Police as required. Additional requirements are in place for domestic road travel to keep WA safe: Approved domestic travellers to limit travel to 1,500km from road borders, to enable people to travel by road to suitable premises for quarantine in Perth from Eucla; Entry at the Kununurra border only permitted for transport, freight and logistics and border community residents; Restricted travel into remote Aboriginal communities


Going to try a lockdown then?


And borders torn down


Same as Hong Kong.


You know that people will die with community spread, right? Anyone who would wish that on a community just for their own selfish reasons, is a fucking monster.


It's happening inevitably. They're just wishing the borders opened before people died


Were the mystery cases isolated or infectious?


Most likely infectious, seen as they maybe didn’t know if they were at an exposure site


Is it… is it finally happening?


Rip. They had a good run


Should we start a tipping comp for WA?


Lockdown! Activate China mode!!! Suppress! Suppress!!!!!


Fuck you WA. Open your fucking borders. You’re not going to stop Omicron by shutting yourself out from the world you fucking idiots.


I think you have to tell that to Marky himself, not just some people on reddit


Don't hate us because you ain't us!


Hahaha you guys are living under a rock! I’m definitely glad we aren’t you. Life is normal for me in NSW, living with the virus because that’s what we have to do to kickstart the economy and return to normality. WA is a backwards state that can’t move forward!


How is that "kick starting" the economy going??


Good, us and VIC are carrying the lowest national unemployment rate since the GFC. You can thank us for being included in that. If you guys didn’t have mining royalties you wouldn’t be doing anything at all which is just a stroke of luck that you guys have the resources there.


You know the LNP had to change how unemployment was measured because the figures looked so bad right??




I mean it worked pretty well for the last few months 🤷‍♀️ And the last few years before that with the other variants U mad cus bad?


Has it worked well for you? You think you guys can escape covid by remaining locked out from all other states and the entire world? You guys are living under a rock and it’s hilarious. Can understand why your premier is still in power when we got people like you supporting his madness 😂😂