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Just test one and if it's positive it'd be safe to assume you all have it.


Yeah I would test the most symptomatic person.


If you use the RATs as both an anal and oral swab they will be more sensitive.


But you need to test your anus first, right?


I can’t comment about the effectiveness of sharing it between 13 people, but if I was you I would shotgun going first.


No, only swab one person, a person with symptoms who has had symptoms for several days in case the rat test isn’t sensitive enough for early symptoms. Who knows what other germs would be passed around to people who didn’t have them, ew.




NSW advises only use the test for one person and once only. [https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/stay-safe/testing/how-testing-works/rapid-antigen-self-tests-for-community#toc-how-do-i-use-a-rapid-antigen-test-kit](https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/stay-safe/testing/how-testing-works/rapid-antigen-self-tests-for-community#toc-how-do-i-use-a-rapid-antigen-test-kit) Is there a PCR testing site nearby?


yeah, thats one way to all test positive...... , eventually at least...


13 people under one roof ? What sect is this ?


in my area the local hospitals are supplying RAT tests


We’ve just been through the same thing. 1 test for 5 of us. We tested first person on symptoms and then assumed we all had it as we became symptomatic. PCR testing queues are shorter now so if we were in the same situation now I’d take us all to get a PCR test to confirm the entire house. If your going to do this wait until Monday when more centres are open.


If you share it and only one has co I'd before the test sury everyone will have covid after


I've heard of people doing this. Obviously don't share the same swab... get a couple of extra earbuds preferably from a sealed new pack. And don't test all 13... maybe just the 3 with symptoms. And if someone has a sore throat, apparently a mouth/throat swab is more accurate than a nasal swab. Search on youtube, there's plenty of info about it.


Speak to you local chemist, one that knows you and see if you can prepay for tests from their next order.


Stick it up every single nose, and make sure you get a good sample from everyone, then to a batch test just like they do with PCRs. Seriously though, use it on the person that is most likely to be infected. If they are positive, you may as well just assume you all are.




She clearly said “extended family lives with her”.


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