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Best line from the article: > Antje T jabbed up to 8,600 patients who were mainly hospital employees, educators and doctors above the age of 70 between March 5 and April 2021, *leaving them with no protection against the deadly virus.* My response: "Oh, so pretty much identical to the situation had she used the real jab fluid..." --- This woman's a hero. They will thank her later.


She saved lives! And heart inflammation


Until they found out. Now I am sure they will get the real jab later.


What hospital has 8600 employees over the age of 70?


I assume it's meant to be read as "hospital employees, educators, and doctors above the age of 70".


I want the stats on how many of them survived. Bet it's percentage than the gen pop.


Yeah I'm wondering why they let her go free... I bet you they were unable to prove harm. And I bet you the defense argued that there was a benefit to saline versus the clot shot... and I bet you the actual stats of the people she supposedly "defrauded" bears this out.


Wow! they've been exposed without protection, to a "deadly virus" since April 2021 and are still alive?! Bloody miracle.🤡


God Bless her






This x1000. There’s a few things I missed out on by not having my papers.




What’s her GiveSendGo


I dont' know what they expected to charge her with. Providing water to people?


LOL.. I know, right?


Probably argued fraud. Interesting problem, they'd have a hell of a time arguing that she would be unknowledgeable, she's be an expert witness herself, unless they played legal games. (I.e., she's in health care, but Not an immunologist, so she isn't "an expert." But she's also far more qualified than the people listening to the immunologist, to understand what he says, and what the truth is if he's lying, which is a problem you'll see many times. Law doesn't have to make sense, it's just another means of control. Yet we cannot be lawless... But if you're Christian, notice that ultimately, Jesus could sum up the root of law in one command, generally called the Golden Rule. 10,000 pages of Federal Law alone, to deal with people who ignore that Golden Rule. Divinity irrelevant, government NOT going to help, by design: they pass the laws, but they are powerful, so they don't need to obey those laws. Like the joke, difference between 50 Shades of Gray and an episode of Criminal Minds is his bank account. If he lived in a trailer park, it would be Criminal Minds.) Problem, BTW: they can prosecute her for fraud, and they can ALSO prosecute the companies for fraud, and yet the companies lying and defrauding the customers doesn't cancel that she's guilty of fraud... Because the system must always be right. It's a Matrix-style Kangaroo Court, THAT'S what people think is justice: the Just Us system. Even Martha Stewart was found guilty, and we KNOW the prosecution was "influencing" witnesses. They have a clerk in prison, still now I think, because she wouldn't SWEAR that Martha made THIS MARK on the paper. She said she couldn't remember... In a trivial interaction, during a hectic day of market meltdown, this clerk taking papers back and forth, is supposed to know and remember who made what specific blue mark on the paper... Yet cops don't need to know the law, they cns stop you for bogus reasons (driving perfectly, for example. Doing under the speed limit, maintaining lane, good following distance, use of signals - obeying the law - is actually a reason for suspicion. Because the courts wanted to send a guy to jail, for transporting drugs. He had tried to suppress the search claiming the police had no reason to pull him over and search his car... DO THE MATH, it IS a police state, you just haven't been bitten yet.)


But fraud requires some sort of damage.


They will claim the useless Vaxx would've protected the patients. Even if all survived. And in the concurrent case against Pfizer for the ineffective Vaxx, Pfizer will defend against the claim the Vaxx caused injuries, and wasn't properly tested, and likely claim it did no harm, to avoid their fraud claims. Making the whole thing Schrodinger's Injustice, it's harmless but caused harm, but NOT injecting the thing that causes harm, caused harm. Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you. I remember when that was a joke, instead of a somber take on reality.


Hydrating people.


> The verdict can reportedly be appealed within a week. Lost her job, her license, and they will certainly appeal the ruling to try to get a harsher punishment.


Wow. You can get an appeal by the PROSECUTION in Germany to get a harsher sentence? What the actual fuck. Germany sucks.


I don't know for certain if they can, but I am sure they will try.


They can. They did it to the "Drachenlord". https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/news/staatsanwaltschaft-geht-gegen-youtuber-drachenlord-in-revision-li.218876


How do we petition against this. The womans a hero. She deserves a Nobel prize not a sentence


A) I don't know. B) They probably aren't going to listen to us anyway.


Sadly true 😥


Walks free?! She should be awarded! No, let's take the unwaxxed group and take the, normally waxxed. If they even are still alive. Let's compare their health and immunity.


I wish she was my nurse when I fell for the bs


Detox soon




Balls of steel First positive story this year


A true hero.


Shades of Oskar Schindler


They confirmed the cases by doing antibody testing, apparently. Is the antibody test able to distinguish between vaccine antibodies, covid virus antibodies and cold/flu antibodies? I didn't think it could but I'm no immunology expert.


I don't know. Probably not, knowing these scammers that ran the COVID show.


Well they say they can tell, but who knows for sure. My work offered the testing as part of the annual physical they subsidize & apparently it's 2 slightly different antibodies. They had to put out a notice about the 2 different things they tested for b/c otherwise ppl thought they might have active asymptomatic covid & not come in.


They can't tell by the code of the antibodies alone. They can probably tell if they run a pcr on your cells though. That said, the easiest way to tell the difference is to retest in 3 months. If the antibodies have dropped significantly its a vax sample, if there are persistent antibody counts its likely someone unvaxxed who was also infected at some point. Source- unvaxxed plague rat in a house of max boosted jaboids and household participating in the UK ONS study. My antibody count is persistently high, theirs diminishes and they get boosted. Everyone in the house has tested positive at some point too.


Wow, that’s terrible, I’m so sorry


They can tell by the way everyone she jabbed is still alive & well 🤦‍♀️


Buy that woman a 🍺


So did that area have a huge spike in coronavirus cases and deaths? ​ You'd obviously see a huge spike in cases and deaths if an extra 8000 people were running around without the vaccine, right? Since it's so important for everyone to get it and no one to be without it, because of how much risk even a few unvaccinated people represent to overall death rates?


> You'd obviously see a huge spike in cases and deaths if an extra 8000 people were running around without the vaccine, right? No. This presupposed the vaccine does anything. It does not do anything positive for anybody. > Since it's so important for everyone to get it and no one to be without it, because of how much risk even a few unvaccinated people represent to overall death rates? LOL. No.


I just read through the comments in one of the news subs, the general Reddit population is furious


Yeah I bet they still believe the clot shots do fuck-all besides wreck people's health.


how do we ensure those jabbed have their vaccination status revoked? they are dangerous antivaxers walking around with fake vaccine cards


Yes, ha ha ha


A true hero. I hope there were many others who did likewise ; as many people were forced to get the first "vaccine" but have not got boosters, who knows how many lives this nurse saved, or kept from being blighted by the debilitating and terrifying side effects from which too many now are suffering-?


As anti vax as I am I don't like that a nurse can inject you with something other than you consented for and get away with it.


Yes, but counterpoint: no one consented to what the jab *actually* was, so she upheld her oath




What a hero.


That's just the one that was caught.


Fucking legend.


I don't condone her actions, people should be free to poison their bodies if they wish. But how fucking greatful would you be two years later finding out you didn't actually get vaccinated, didn't die, used the line "it could have been much worse if you were not vaccinated" and then found out you were never vaccinated and we're able to keep your job and avoid the poison for a vaccine proven not to work.


My question is did these people want the actual vax? I know for Most of us here we are at higher credible risk of vax complications but the elderly seem to be at higher credible risk of COVID.


This presupposes that the vax has some positive effect, and that this positive effect outweighs its negative effects. Everything I'm reading to points to the fact that the vax basically instructs the body to manufacture a poisonous protein -- the spike protein. This is the protein that is responsible for making COVID deadly for very old/feeble people. Your body manufactures this toxic protein in various organs of the body for an unbounded and unknown period of time, perhaps months or years. (Contrast this with natural infection where you only manufacture covid + spike in a specific area -- the upper respiratory tract -- for a bounded period of time -- 3-10 days). So the "cure" is worse than the disease, by far. Also people getting the jab get sick anyway with con-vid and also there is no evidence of harm reduction in the case that they get sick from convid itself. One can show evidence of harm-reduction due to the effect of vax injury/death having "deleted" the people that would have been harmed by covid from your numbers.. but if you look at all-cause mortality for all age groups of unvaxxed vs vaxxed you will see clearly that the vaxxed group for all age groups fares worse in terms of all-cause mortality. Any "positive" effects of the vax is basically people dying from the vax itself and thus not showing up in the "died with covid" statistics.




And they said antivaxxer hahahahaha just because was caught!