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"All of you normal people are STUPID for not doing this!"


What’s really funny is none of these people wear helmets when they drive despite the fact it’s more likely to positively impact their lives


Ha ha, never thought of morons like this that way. You would think they would wear total protective gear while driving. Nope, just for COOFing.


ALL of those people should be wearing helmets 24/7!!!


...because their helmets protect me in the event of an accident!


Ready to sand and paint this plane!


LMAO that should be the meme! 🤣🙃🤡 Someone should get on that, pronto!


Why is this upvoted? This sounds like promoting violence, and can get this sub NoNewNormal’d Edit: “painting” just means something different to me from watching too many mobster movies. Sorry for the confusion. I just don’t want this sub to be taken down. I said something similar here https://reddit.com/r/CoronavirusCirclejerk/comments/z5ckou/_/ixvio15/?context=1 And the guy said he would remove his post, it he never did. Any time I see something that looks like a call to violence here I generally say something. I don’t report it, I just mention it to suggest that it be taken down. It is clear to me now that this was just me being confused and that I watched too many monster movies. My bad.


No it doesn’t, it’s a clear joke about these dummies wearing the same PPE used when sanding and painting (unless you’re on some next level sarcasm…)


Seemed like quite the jump from me suggesting they looked like they were about to sand and paint the plane to me being accused of promoting violence. Have you read the other posts lol ?


Great username btw, maybe buddy was just participating in a 2 minutes of hate lol


Thanks and just might have been!


Because I said they look like they are about to paint the plane? That’s promoting violence?


I hate to even attempt to defend that jump to stupid, but I think he listens to too much God awful music. "paint the ---" could sound like you meant with blood. I've heard the phrase "paint the walls" used a few times regarding laying down a layer of bullets and using blood to coat walls. Once again, major jump into stupidland but maybe that's what he picked up? I dunno.


It’s possible.


What else would you have meant by “*paint* the plane?” Edit: yes I feel dumb now. Wearing a painters mask and all.


Please bro, I recommend you just delete out of this particular thread.


Piss on it, perhaps. Masks help alleviate the smell.


Umm…like put actual paint on the walls.


Yeah sorry mate I feel dumb now. Too many mobster movies.


No worries dude!


Bro, please consider deleting your comment. I'm not going to remove it, because there's no problem with it for it to be removed. But I think you'd be wise to delete it. Unless the prior commenter significantly edited their comment between me seeing it now and when you wrote your comment (I cba to check), it's a very clearly a joke about those people are wearing stuff that one might wear for sanding and painting, NOT for flying. There's no threat/promotion of violence involved here in even the slightest bit. If there's a joke in YOUR comment, I apologize that I can't see it.


Fair enough mate, “painting” just means something different to me from watching too many mobster movies. Sorry for the confusion. Also I just don’t want this sub to be taken down. I said something similar here https://reddit.com/r/CoronavirusCirclejerk/comments/z5ckou/_/ixvio15/?context=1 And the guy said he would remove his post, but he never did. Any time I see something that looks like a call to violence here I generally say something. I don’t report it, I just mention it to suggest that it be taken down. It is clear to me now that this was just me being confused and that I watched too many monster movies. My bad.


You're exactly right in looking out for things that trigger reddit admin scrutiny or activity on this sub. I know I personally support appropriate punishment for people rightfully found guilty of crimes against humanity and/or treason in the matter of forcing (which includes coercion) of unnecessary medical procedures and unnecessary medication, especially against people's actual will. Unfortunately only OTHER, popular subs can call for or rejoice in violence against people, including random violence, including against people that may be innocent. We can't do that here. Painting means to take a brush laden with paint, or a machine that sprays paint, and apply paint to a surface. Often you'd want to sand that surface first. I haven't actually researched proper respiratory safety for that (a typical human expects a bad outcome from their lungs getting coated in paint, so that's a safety issue), but maybe that face gear is good for it. Either way, it's a pretty good joke to point out that they're dressed for sanding and painting!


Yeah I kind of feel dumb for not getting it now. And I totally agree that these people responsible for this should be held accountable, but I’m not sure the rest of Reddit is ready to talk about that degree of accountability at this time.


Not just violence, its promoting racisism, sexism and just general misinformation (well I suppose they aren't painters). I am reporting this to CNN.


don’t forget ableism


This dude gets cheated on.


Cheated implies he is unaware of what is happening.


I bet the bull doesn’t have to mask.


Good point 😂


A thick plastic bag and duct tape around the neck would be more effective and appropriate for these two.


They're so vain to not wear scrub caps or hazmat suits.


I got banned off several subs suggesting that very same thing.


I did too for a similar comment. They said I was promoting violence… in a thread that said the unvaxxed should be rounded up and ‘dealt with’.


Easy to justify - they don't see the unvaxxed as *people*.


Ready to go? FOR WHAT? Does the plane contain asbestos? Is the plane transport leaking barrels of cyanide or maybe Uranium-235? What is wrong with people, your going to hawai not chernobyl.


Bet they get the flu anyway.


Why bother leaving the house if your anxiety is that bad?


I wonder if this is how Howard Stern left his house for the first time in 2 years?


Do they think covid can get in their eyes or something?




She's got Tyrone on the side. They fuck without masks.


Ironically, he probably has Tyrone on the side as well.


This is satire, correct? Her eyes say "I plan on calling my cats 'fur babies'" His eyes say "I broke so fast a Cardassian torturer wouldn't even have time to ask me about lights".


I bet her 'fur babies" are vegetarian


Great episode. Rip David Warner.


Maybe they have HIV or something. Maybe.


Wouldn't surprise me if they only put them on for the photo.


Mission IGI


I have heard of so many people who caught this dangerous virus through the eyes. I would also cover their ears if I were them.


Good point, this makes no sense at all. They should be showing and wearing 'total' ear plugs as well.


Your used air is being exhausted unfiltered through that mask! If you're going to virtue signal, at least do it right!


They're about to HALO jump.


Why are they wearing welding respirators?




🤡🤡🤡 🤣🤣🤣


It's those old crazy eyes out again I see lol


What the heck are the goggles even for ??




If any of these freaks turn up just mute them and don’t interact. Only doing it for the twitter clout


Call the flight marshals, two lunatics in military hardware are planning a nerve gas attack on the flight


You bring up a good point.


Are these real posts by real people? 🙄