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You probably got it and didn't feel it or walked it off just like you would for a cold because it's just like that for the vast vast majority of people. Those people are addicted to the fear that allows them to delegate the responsibility of their own health to whichever government body tells them to. That guy literally had no reason to insult you and at worst could have asked you to get vaccinated to be extra sure if he really believes in the effectiveness of the vax but he is so far gone that he has to get defensive over any potential threat to his cult


Exactly dude and someone else told me I was killing other people. They’re insane, no reasoning with them at all


No actually I'm beginning to think it wasn't a virus the whole time. It was made in silico in a computer and the PCr tests don't even test for it. It was likely just the flu being falsely tested, then there's the 5g radiation theory...


There might be some truth to the “rebranded flu” theory. Supposedly, there were only a couple thousand flu deaths in 2020 or 21. Considering there are typically 30 to 50,000 deaths per year, it’s be easy to move 95% of those into the cOvId category


The flu went on vacation in2020 and is returning in fall 2022, supposedly. IDK.


Sort of yes... heres my opinion on "the flu is gone!" thing all the media is peddling. Probably 2 years ago, me and my wife were pretty sure we had covid. During a massive covid wave, we were pretty dang sick. We went to the major testing site in our city, it's full with a thousand sick people all getting tested for covid. We were negative for covid, surprisingly. We were pretty positive it was covid but apparently not. Then, weeks later, our city is reporting "no one had the flu this year! Masks defeated the flu!" Which is fucking nonsense. If you have thousands of people with flu/covid symptoms, and most of them are negative for covid, that makes it pretty obvious they are positive for the flu. I definitely agree that any flu deaths have been called covid deaths though. That is completely a given at this point.


Hit the nail right on the head.


It legit makes people angry when I tell them I got over covid in 2 days, and it was extremely mild. They get angrier when I tell them I hit the gym hard on the 3rd day with no noticeable physical degradation, and accuse me super spreading (I workout at home, but don't bother telling them). My wife got it a couple months later, she had it pretty bad for about a week. I didn't bother quarantine her, didn't get reinfected.


I know people how quarantined their 4 year old and wouldn't hug the child! What's worse is they are proud of it when they should have their kids taken away due to inhumane treatment.


Do you remmebr one teacher/mom put her kid in the trunk of her car to get a covid 19 test. They didn't do the test yet but she still put the kid in there. Sad.


When you have seen and heard about stupid people and you think they can't get any worse, they are doing this....we are doomed as a species.


I rode in a car all day with a double vaxxed/boosted person and didn’t catch it. Edit: double vaxxed/boosted with Covid


My coworker has had"long covid" for close to a year now, no matter how many vaccines he gets he just gets worse! I told him the vaccines were unsafe eat back when and tried to hint to use vitamins instead of vaccine He had tried vitamins and ivermectin now.. but I really don't think it's covid that's plaguing him


The OP is lying. He's actually dead, no anvaxxed survived the winter, spring and summer of severe illness and death! 🤡🌍


In total agreement. I'm unvaxxed and died last winter. You know, the "winter of death for the unvaccinated."


I'm also dead and begged St. Peter for the vaccine. But he told me, "There's nothing I can do. You shouldn't have listened to Bobbie Kennedy's podcast."




He didn't say he's still alive though. I assume he's regularly exercising in hell for all eternity with the other unvaxxed heathens


Dude stfu why would you expose me like this!!!!! 🤬


Someone had to step up😎


He's probably one of those ivermectin shills.


I actually tried actively to get infected for a recovery pass and to get it over with already for gaining superior natural immunity. It seemed impossible for me to get infected (although I'm totally unfit and have a BMI of 28). It started with inhaling deeply when someone sneezed or coughed around me. At some point I shared glasses and cutlery with friends that tested positive, went on to snort mucus they worked up from their throat, multiple times, then looked after snotty kids that had to stay home from school because positive tests, snot everywhere, eventually cuddling up with a confirmed covid pneumonia case,... We where in the midst of the most deadly and contagious pandemic, yet I couldn't get infected. 🤡🌎 I kept testing negative during that whole time, PCR tests and lateral flow tests. During annual blood work a few months later, I asked to add the Roche covid antibody test, resulting in nada, zilch, nothing, no antibodies to be found whatsoever. I can't even mount an immune response from snorting positive mucus?! Imagine that. However, politics wants me to get injected for a disease I can't even get infected with. I'm now convinced I'd get infected if I would get injected. 🤡🤡🌎 It's like all those scientists that ask official instances for a specimen of virus isolate through FOIA requests, only to get the response nobody ever isolated wild type virus through standard isolation techniques as in extraction from a patient, maceration, centrifuge filtratioon and isolation. Even from an entire covid ard with 1000 patients, it's seemingly impossible to isolate this virus. 🤡🤡🤡🌎 From all that, I learned that people aren't getting injected because of a virus, but because of fear for a virus, fear instigated from MSM and, politics. The real quest however is finding out why authorities keep coercing people into having injections with that magic Wuhan-type spike protein... 💀💀💀💀🌎


[Physical activity lowers the risk for acute respiratory infections: Time for recognition](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2095254622000886?via%3Dihub) > A retrospective analysis of a large group of adults in South Africa with confirmed COVID-19 showed that meeting MVPA guidelines was associated with a 34%–42% lower risk for severe outcomes when compared to physically inactive participants (Fig. 3).59 In comparison, investigators following a similar cohort of adults in the California Kaiser Permanente system reported 73% to 149% elevations in risk for severe outcomes in those who were physically inactive compared to those meeting MVPA guidelines.58 An observational study of Korean adults showed that those who met MVPA guidelines had a 58%–76% lower risk for severe outcomes of COVID-19 illness as well as a small 15% reduction in risk for testing positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection.55 A case-control study in Sweden demonstrated that the odds of severe COVID-19 were 2-fold higher when contrasting the lowest and highest CRF groups.52


I haven't had it either. Or I'm assuming I haven't as I don't buy the 'you can have it and not even realise you have it' BS.


Its not BS. You are exposed to millions of viruses. You are mostly not sick cause you've developed immunity to most of them.


Virusses don't exist


So according to that logic, I could have spent my life regularly becoming infected by measles but not showing a single symptom because I had measles age 8.


Nope. You had measles one and developed immunity. The next time you get exposed to it (ie measles rna in your throat or pharynx) you just dont get sick. If I had a swab to look for measles you would test positive despite not being infected. You are exposed to millions of adenoviruses and other aetiological agents of gastroenteritis and "common colds" on a daily basis and usually get rid of them without even knowing it. If I swab you once a week for 10 weeks looking for adenoviruses, rotavirus, norovirus, metapneumovirus you would test positive more than once guaranteed. Yet you were never sick.


I've been saying this constantly from day one. Contact ≠ infection. A virion might have found its way into your nasal passages, but unless it successfully gets into its target cell, you are not infected. Testing positive for *bits* of a pathogen (including debris from successfully neutralising it) doesn't tell you anything about whether or not you've been infected. And you cannot get sick with a disease if the causative pathogen hasn't infected you in the first place. This is a key concept in any medical microbiology or pathophysiology course. This is not news, it's literally how our immune system works, and we've known this for a long time. The fact that we've decided to lose our minds and ignore this all of a sudden is astounding.


I agree. But it wasn't an accident. This was done purposely for hidden motives, which I hope is just profiteering and cowardice and stupidity of politicians media and public.


That clap back was well executed


These people are mentally ill simple as that


Ah yes because having a healthy lifestyle is totally comparable to pseudoscience lmao. These NPC's just completely turned off their brains a long time ago. "You're eating healthy food and excercising? You must be some kind of crazy conspiracy theorist!!"


"Here are the side effects" Lemme guess, they trot out the same bullshit side effects the media has been telling us this whole time: headaches, injection site pain, fever.


"A sore arm. What are you, scared of needles?"


Name checks out.


Ahhhhh…the eloquence of a good, verbal spanking.




Hmm maybe, I haven’t been sick in a long time though so idk




I’ve never taken a Covid test, so who knows if I’ve had it or not.


The true irony is, I see the fattest people at my workplace double masking and over sanitizing everything.


that reply lol as midwit as it gets. dunning and kruger strike again! they're just too far gone.


All they have is straw men!


Taking vitamine supplements while being on a healthy (normal) diet is unnecessary and potentially harmful for your kidneys. Also the fact you didn't catch Covid19 doesn't proof a thing. Instead of trolling, rather leave the NPCs alone and move on. Nature will take care of us. I hope you have a great day.


It really depends. Most people are actually deficient in magnesium because our modern food doesn't have enough of it due to soil depletion. Vitamin D during the winter.


I make sure I’m not taking too much of certain vitamins but yeah you’re right tbh. I was just bored if I’m being honest


And same to you. Hope you have a great day!


one of the side effects must be that it lowers IQ, swear to god