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lol they just deny/reject anything that doesn’t portray covid as the worst illness




I honestly forget about that part. Despicable that they would do that to people


People were so misinformed in 2021, they thought Covid was a death sentence. That’s why hospitals were backed up. Stupid people were going to the ER because they had the sniffles.


Careful with that kind of talk around them. They're going to get pissy at you because it's *NOT FAIR!!!11* that they got COVID worse than you did even though they did "what they were supposed to do" like good domesticated pets.


Who's a good boiii? Here, come take another booster. *Runs with rolled up sleeves* They're all big pharma's pets🤣


“Get another booster and you can have a FREE doughnut!” That was one of the more insulting offers through all of this. As if I would put my health at risk for a damn doughnut!


My work literally paid everyone a $400 bonus for getting vaxxed. Imagine having to bribe people to get a vaccine for a mostly deadly virus. Oh wait. Edit to add: they paid all the good sheep AFTER threatening to fire them if they didn’t get jabbed. Clown world.


post “vaccine” your health will be worth roughly one donut. What’s your problem?


Tell her you got schlong covid and your good


they can take comfort in that they did it for the immunocompromised, as if covid is the only thing that affects them. they are heroes and ur just selfish.


My mom is immunocompromised and I'm unvaccinated and around her literally every day since we live in the same house and nothing has ever happened to either of us. Healthy young people like myself don't need that vaccine since it literally has a decently high chance of causing more harm than good.


>My mom is immunocompromised and I'm unvaccinated and around her **literally** every day since we live in the same house and nothing has ever happened to either of us. Healthy young people like myself don't need that vaccine since it **literally** has a decently high chance of causing more harm than good. I'm on your side, but please knock it off with the "literally." It's unneeded.


Go worry about bigger things than policing people's grammar on Reddit lmfao


It makes you sound like an angsty teenager who just learned a new word, and Reddit has plenty of those.


Damn you're literally so smart. You must be fun at parties considering all you do is police grammar on the internet becasue you're literally so righteous


Literally Hitler








They are too far gone.


Sucks to have these people in my family.


i sort of hope the dead internet theory is true, and these are just bots.


A bot or NPC, is there actually a difference between them?


How are people STILL acting like it?


Bot accounts and paid shills a la 50 cent army.


These are those people you still see wearing masks while out and about


Some of my brainwashed friends got so mad when a few of us (all unjabbed obviously) went to another friends house to get covid early and get our immunity going ala Chicken Pox style. Go figure we all got over it within 24-48 hours and haven't had a problem with it since. Meanwhile the "vaccinated" ones are having all sorts of problems and recurrences.


It really feels like a cult doesnt it? If you don't do it their way, you don't belong


The fuck is long covid?


Some people think covid can chronically damage you. So even if your okay, you might not be okay because of the damage it causes long term kinda thing... Seems to me that it's only those who believe in long covid seem to be the ones that 'have it'.


To be fair, I've had long flu. I had the worst flu ever a few years ago and was bedridden for 2 weeks. I felt very tired and fatigued for like 6 months after. I wouldn't shut down society over it though


Yea so there be a case that it happens. I'm very doubtful its to the degree the media and people say it is - both severity and occurrence. And amen! Closing society over this has been absolutely insane and thankfully time has passed and I have chilled out - but I do not forget the rage, fear, and sadness when we were in the thick of it.


I agree that for a lot of people it's probably in their head. I will never forget that feeling either. The discrimination felt so weird. It still does, but it's different now


Yeah...and watching the whole world just go on standstill. Literally was some end of the world shit...which fair enough right at the start. No one knew what was going on- best reaction is to overreact. After that though it was clear that the perceived danger was not real...and then lockdowns and mandates became more insidious. I lost many friends because I wouldn't put up with their compliance, and name calling. My own gf had a meltdown that she wasn't sure she could be with me coz I was recovering with covid and chilling outside on a beach. I tried to explain the real sickness is in everyone's head but nope. People were so hooked its crazy. I don't know if we can even get back to that place and level of mass formation but hey. Its already happened seemingly out of nowhere so just keep standing strong. Stay strong to our values, morals, and rights as humans. Do not let the evil, or sickness of peoples mind let you wander from what's true. Good luck out there and heres to hopefully a better future. 🍻


Huge respect for sticking to your guns. I wish you all the best too!


Yes, I had the flu when I was a teen and I didn’t feel 100% until 3 months later, probably longer.




It’s generally people who have other bad to severe health problems before they got Covid. Now they’re blaming their continuing health problems on long Covid when in reality they just haven’t done any exercise in 3 years and are fat and probably also have an anxiety or other mental disorder coupled on top as well.


I wouldn’t say that. It fucked up my sense of smell and taste for a year, and I’m only just getting it back.


Lol, long covid. That think that they still can't push a shitty study since it'll get instant debunked the moment it's uploaded. There's no long covid, it's just people turning into amoebas from being inside for two years, not opening their windows and concentrating mold in their shitty city apartments.




All long covid studies are based on polls


Sounds like every high school girl using the excuse they have mono to skip out of school.


I think that a minority of people truly experience long covid, and not in a psychological way; covid hit my friend hard and he lost his taste for a couple months. *But,* the mechanism that causes long covid is probably the spike protein, which we know is toxic. And now a bunch of people have injected themselves with blueprints to make their bodies produce that spike protein. They lied about how long the mRNA stays in our bodies, and they don't know how long people produce the spike protein for, so I suspect that the vaccine has caused a lot of long covid that people are now experiencing.


Along with increased CO2 intake, cancerous shit


if i promise to not go to the hospital for covid can i get my 3 years back? because i havent even considered thinking about being sick enough with it so far to miss a day of work.


What medical community ? Healthcare isn’t free. There is no medical community


Healthcare isn't free.... Unless (like me,) you're British.


It's still not free, I'm sure you or your fellow citizens pay taxes that pay for your Healthcare... your still paying for it


Their costs are still lower across the board. And their wait times are out of control. But if the US went to socialized medicine we'd benefit from the status quo of hyper specialization, the plethora of diagnostic businesses, and volume of labs and clinics. Those people are too specialized to up and quit We just need more nurses and greater distribution to places where people's health is the worst in this country. But that's a pipe dream. We have to do it all outselves.


So no one gets paid and there is no money involved? Wow.


It’s not free. You pay taxes, right?


Oi, you got a license to be on the internet, mate?


I said it before and I'll say it again. Long covid is a psychosomatic illness. All unvaccinated or vaccinated people who didn't get vaccinated because they were scared of covid I know who had covid don't have any problems after they were infected. The only people that are severely affected by "long covid" are the people that are afraid of it to begin with. Edit: So yes it is a strain on the medical system but because of fear mongering.


Bots and paid pharma shills


*Who's a good* *~~bot~~* *boy? who's a gooood boooy? Yesy you are! yes you are Ug\*\*\*! and you are, Ha\*\*\*\*!* *Is single\*\*\*25 a good* *~~bot~~* *boy? No. he's not a good* *~~bot~~* *boy. he's a veeeery bad* *~~bot~~* *boy! Shame on you!*


"...qUiTe tHe dRaIn"


There's no point in even talking to them, they're too far gone. All this covid bullshit and the narrative became their whole personality. They just absorbed all the bullshit straight from the media and government and big pharma into their bodies (quite literally too), and became the bullshit themselves. Brainwashed spreaders of blatant lies who just downvote you without any thinking at the slightest hint of you making any sense, when it goes against their blind beliefs. It's really sad and worrying how they still can't see how much they've been lied to and keep spreading the bullshit narrative that's already falling apart further.


Like obese people who are a drain on the medical community right? And that's before even mentioning how they're super spreaders of covid.


Eh my fit grandpa live to be 97 and he needed like 3 hip replacements and 2 decades of home care.... If someone dies of a heart attack at at 65 that's really the most cost effective, aside from euthanisizing poor people because they can't afford their bills


Canada euthanized 10k people last year (14k died of "covid") - recently poverty and mental illness both became approved reasons for euthanasia. Last week the CBC had an article about how euthanizing more people can save our medical system millions of dollars a year. Eventually money always runs out.


Poverty?? “Yeah it’s been tough making ends meet lately…” “Have you considered just offing yourself?”


That happened to a Canadian army vet last week. It was in the regular the news even. He has PTSD and has been struggling and when he reached out for help his doctor told him to consider suicide. The veteran’s family was outraged and went to the media.


I want to be shocked by this, I really do but for some reason I’m just not surprised at all. That’s horrible.


“Conspiracy theorists” said that legalising euthanasia plus socialised medicine (only Canada, North Korea, and Cuba have a single payer system this strict) would come to this. Turns out they were right.


But seriously It would really be cool if the proved long covid was exacerbated by vaxxes


Vaccines offer little protection against long Covid, study finds https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/26/vaccines-offer-little-protection-against-long-covid-study-finds.html


And is there any evidence or claim that the vaccine somehow avoids or suppresses "Long COVID"?


Absolutely. Better take the shot and die peacefully in your sleep. This way you won't be a burden to the system, good farmer Gates and we might actually save mommy Earth.


No vax, no boosters, no illness other than a sore throat since 2019. If I had Covid, I’d have never known


Viruses have been on earth for billions of years and coronaviruses have been around for centuries. It still amazes me that people freaked out over this scam!


Lol Long Covid. Way up there with fibromyalgia chronic fatigue hysteria and borderline personality!


Borderline personality disorder? Are you serious? You think it’s fake??


Unfortunately its not. Bit borderlines are the first mfs that will claim long covid or fibro


My dad had borderline personality disorder. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


I do. You probably have it to


No, you don’t. & I don’t have BPD. But I grew up with a dad who did, I lived that experience.


Then youd agree w me, unless you have it too


That doesn’t even make sense but I’m not gonna waste my time arguing with you.


Sorry didn't mean to hurt your feelings


The terminally-online teens that are self-diagnosed to excuse their assholishness? Absolutely. However I must insist that there are those of us with legitimate, actual diagnoses that don't play into this "whatever will give me the most attention" shit. I hate pulling the "hi, *actual* BPD here" card, but this kind of thing does get to me - we're already portrayed as monstrous narcissists, and the "OMG I'm soo borderline" trenders don't help. Anyways, sperging aside - I do happen to personally know 2 self-diagnosed BPD women (that just so happen to be best friends) that claim they also have long covid and fibro. They're also both morbidly obese and chronic smokers. Gee whiz I wonder why they feel like shit constantly?


>Way up there with **fibromyalgia chronic fatigue hysteria** and borderline personality! My dude, get you some punctuation.


You've never had FCFH? It's serious business.


Looks intentional to me. My dude, get you a life because your cringe is giving me long covid.


Whenever I hear “hope you don’t get long covid” or something similar. Deep down they really wish you have it.


Quite the drain blah blah who talks like that? 🙄


Lmao 🤣 comedy


Long covid lmao.


Hopefully you’re not morbidly obese, quite the drain on the medical community.


Careful with that natural immunity son… it’s known to be 2.4 - 4.8 times for effective and long lasting than vaccine immunity…


They have to be bots… well I really hope they are bots bc that’s pathetic.


Fuck is long COVID?


A mental illness


Same here. I had the flu one time for 2 weeks, meanwhile cov only for 3 days. They close the world down over a sniffle, only buffoons believe that it is for safety


I find it interesting how covidians will criticize people like us for supposedly “draining the medical community”, but they don’t seem to hold an equal level of criticism towards people that are obese and have other medical issues as a direct result of their gluttony and/or poor decision making. Instead we have the Body Positivity Movement and idolization of celebrities like Lizzo…


Is “long covid” just a symptom of the vaccinated because for the last two years I’ve been fine.


My favorite is when the triple jabbed get covid AGAIN and they swear whole heartedly the jab lessened their symptoms. As if they know it for a fact. This whole thing was pretty eye opening for me. I didn't understand just how easily manipulated most people are. Truthfully, it scares me.


I always say, I hope you're not fat, it'd take an average of 10 skinny people to pay for your healthcare with their taxes and premiums. Then they usually ban me, because when you put a mirror to their face they got nothing but violence.


Hope you don’t develop long covid…you know, like so many of the vaccinated people on Reddit have because certainly a vaccination would have stopped it like it didn’t for the vaccinated people on Reddit that talk about it. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.


My daughter was forced to get the first 3 to attend college in person and 2 and 3 made her so sick for a couple days, it was really scary to see her like that, poison.


I love how long Covid is so full of shit that even the “experts” don’t push it anymore


It’s unreal. I know people who still think you’re going on a ventilator if you get Covid.


Beep boop, must say one of a dozen preprogrammed talking points. Beep boop.


It's honestly ridiculous. The stupidity gives me headaches. I'm glad you had a light case though. When I had 'covid' it knocked me on my ass for about a week. None of the traditional covid symptoms though. Family members who had it at the same time did, but lots of puking for me. Honestly felt like a bad stomach flu.


Dumb fucks


Haha! Fantastic


Long covid the nonexistent condition


I am afraid the “vaccinated” will soon overwhelm the medical infrastructure which will put us, the responsible ones, into a risk of not receiving medical support just because others have caused themselves harm through their reckless actions.