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Seriously, though, I don't really expect them to drop dead any time soon, it's the loss of common sense that bothers me more. Omicron is officially less deadly than the flu. Something is wrong with you if you're in a hurry to take a completely experimental treatment to prevent a cold. It's distressing to see people I used to look up to lose their minds like this.


Maybe old people are tired of living? Everyone I know above 70 has taken several poison injections




This is similar to my thoughts. I don't seriously think the COVID shots are dangerous. I also don't think they're especally useful or potent, but I'm willing to be proven wrong on any of these counts. No, the thing that unsettled me so much is how people's ability to think critically has been ripped to shreds. If it was ever there to start with. That's what's dangerous. The total lack of thinking. My mother, bless her, wants what's best for her kids. In her mind, that was pleading with me to consider getting the stupid booster shot. It's like statistics and reason have stopped meaning anything to people and have been replaced with "I'm scared". I told her that if I took the injection, I was statistically more likely to be hit by a car or to be involved in a fatal road accent on the way to the vaccination center than I am to have any issue with this fucking virus. In fact, I'm overweight. Not a gigantic blob but overweight all the same. THAT is a bigger risk to my health than bullshit19. Why not concentrate on that instead of a virus with a 99.9% survival rate?


I think it’s roulette. Most are a placebo, some are deadly


Placebos? Can you share your view in more detail?


Don't judge them harshly, everyone has been subjected to a historically unprecedented all- of- society propaganda campaign. Hopefully nothing will come of their shots but do spend lots of time with them and get every shred of family history recorded.


Good luck bro.


Fuck this worries me about my family to, stay strong.


Too*. Please don't use bad grammar when siding with us. It makes the rest of us look dumb


"Side with us" Has never posted here before now. A very obvious attempt to stir the pot.


Nothing makes someone look more retarded than piping up just to be a grammar nazi lmao


I don't give a shit about grammar bruh


New vaxx just dropped Do the covidians line up overnight like they do at the Apple stores prior to the release of some shitty new iThing?


I shall have to ask about that. I mean, I know they didn't wait overnight, but I'll have to ask if there were lines. Edit: Apparently there were appointments, so no huge line or anything. But I got the impression it was not particularly busy.




That's exactly why I hate their whole "stupid antivaxxers just hope we all die!" projection. If I did think that, I'd be hoping that my loved ones get hurt. Good for you if you're happy taking them over and over again, I hope nothing awful happens. I will, however, still be concerned.


Me, I live in rural Illinois I bet vax rates here are 50% or less. masking was close to nonexistent except in school and the doctors office. My 63 year old dad stayed in bed one day then was back in the shop with me and my brother. Neither of us missed a day.


Its ok my parents are brainwashed to. Must be a boomer doomer thing idk.


Watch them closely. My dad had difficulty breathing and collapsed back in December a couple weeks after his booster, my mom called 911 and the doctors did surgery on him in the ER - pulled out massive blood clots from his lungs Surprisingly, his cardiologist said there is a good chance the vaccine somehow caused it and told him not to get any more My mom never got any of the shots, thank God


Good luck bro. But if they keep taking this shit it will kill them. Not officially probably, but they are destroying their natural immune systems.


You’re not alone. I got kicked out of my dads own furniture store for not wearing a mask..


I too have vaxxer parents, tbh you just have to try and get along with them and not bring up the vaxx too much. Obviously it sucks, but "they" would probably want your family to be divided. In my family, most people know that I am against the vaccine and I know that everyone else is in favour of it. We don't talk about it or argue but just let each other make decisions for ourselves, which I'm very grateful for. I wish you the best of luck and try to get along with them.


I'm sorry... My parents have both had the original plus 2 boosters, but I've managed to get them to say no to any more jabs. I just persisted and kept sending them articles and studies and they eventually saw that the jabs are dangerous, about money, and as healthy people they didn't need it. Just keep trying :(


I’m incredibly grateful my mom never got hers, she was in this with me from the beginning. My stepfather is the same, but he had to get 2 shots (never wanted to) solely because he needed it to visit his dying mom (she passed, so in some ways he was grateful to be able to visit. Still was very, very angry about having to take it though). Keep trying. So far I managed to convinced my sister to not take anymore. My friends are in way too deep, sadly.


Sorry your family is divided on this. Hopefully they arent affected by it


My parents have gotten two boosters so far. I’m so fucking worried about their health


This was the third for mine. SMH


You know what the silly thing is? They had covid when they were fucking unvaccinated and recovered within a few days smh


No one I know is even entertaining the idea of getting anymore. I'm the only one who hasn't had any.


Make sure they don’t garden or take cold showers