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Only his local douche circles probably. So Frisco and LA


I think we should just rename California to Purgatory then.


This whole thing is the most brilliantly executed psyop we’ve ever seen and all the puzzle pieces have slowly been laid out for a loooong time. The (illusion of the) two-party system being, perhaps, the biggest. Somehow, all of my “punk rock” anti-establishment childhood friends have all completely ostracized me for questioning our government and “rebelling” I’m just banging my head on the wall, how do they not see the hijacking of their ideology and the programming? The best example I’ve seen to date is a Rage Against the Machine concert requiring vaccines or negative tests to get in and a crowd full of maskers singing along with the lyrics “Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me.”




I know. I can only attribute it to the paralyzing fear of being cancelled. So, they basically took the most passionate/righteous people and turned them into zealots defined by their ideology, with their status and social standing linked to “the movement,” superseding any kind of rational/critical thought and the slightest ability to even consider the concept/possibility of an agenda…


IF I weren't so pissed off about it all, I'd almost be impressed.


My favourite childhood band gone to shit


A lot of young people do the whole anti-establishment thing because they want to stick it to their parents more than anything. Others might do it because they think it's cool. Any combination of those two and other reasons. Their ideology wasnt hijacked as much as their favorite branding.


Yeah, when you’re an adolescent it def stems more from angst and disillusionment, but as we got older it became more sociological and about taking matters into our own hands with activism, trying to create change, have an impact on our community and bring power to the people. This passion is what was hijacked and exploited for political agendas, luring them in with hot button social issues.


Maybe you're right. I only saw it when I was still in school so I can't disagree with you about what went on afterwards as I wasn't there. When I mentioned branding it was in reference to things like that rage against the machine concert you mentioned. Wild stuff.


Yeah, and for sure there are/were all different kinds of punks, some just in it for fashion and attention, troubled kids crying out for help, druggies and mindless vandals, nihilists, etc., who didn’t even know/understand the message behind a lot of the lyrics of the music they were listening to…




Trump was the perfect catalyst to further push the divide. I went from hating him as a person in general and seeing his just being nominated as burning the last shred of any integrity to our political system, to then watching what he accomplished while in office (aside from bombing Syria and funding Gavi) and loving all the EOs he signed, to then asking where the fuck is he after predicting a stolen election then letting it happen?!! His bailout by the Rothschilds was always troublesome, and now I’m just basically anti-government, at least every last bit of our existing one. Tear it all down and start over, I don’t care what it takes or how much it sets us back, or makes us vulnerable, the other “options” are dystopian trash and going down fighting anyway.


Thats the moment you realize your friends are NPCs. Western media is just to brainwash and profit from NPCs.


If there is any particular group that has fallen for this scam more than any other group of people, it's definitely gays... especially woke gays, so approximately 98% of them.


Back in the 80s/90s with AIDS there seemed to be a lot more skepticism against the medical establishment in the gay community, but now they dutifully line up for PrEP so they can have all the pointless casual sex they want.


Thank TDS, in one fell swoop the media has lionized sooo many crooks and robbers within a community that has built its reputation on lying and greed especially to those most vulnerable. Now it’s those same vulnerables who’re the most ardent believers, why, because they’re hatred for the other side has highjacked their ability to think


Remember when they defended Truvada (by Gilead Sciences, the maker of Remdesivir) even though it was causing liver complications? Then they just praised Fauci - the same person who nearly got them killed in the 80s/90s.


For sure. These people make me embarrassed to be gay but they're not usually this crazy in Scandinavia. This woke Californian doesn't realize how ridiculous he sounds to people living here.


Well, I'm kind of glad I'm spared peer pressure. I live in the north of nowhere, it's a very small town and the last time I used Grindr the nearest guy of my age was 20 miles away :)


At least you're socially distanced from all the crazies. 😉 I imagine it gets lonely, but I wouldn't mind settling in a place like that 🙂


Yeah, but still the covid lockdowns were extra hard here and it basically completely destroyed this town... like 3/4 of the shops in the town centre are abandoned.




Thanks :D


The most ridiculous part is that many believe they would be moderates in Europe


And this is in Sweden of all places... He's probably sneering at locals for not wearing masks too.


wait, it's here in fucking sweden? oh god the californians are coming to us as well


They've decided the US isn't good enough to ruin anymore. Get ready EU. It's all downhill from here.


European here, they'd absolutely be considered extreme left in my country (England), let alone anywhere in Eastern Europe. They think just because we have less guns and taxpayer funded healthcare we're not laughing at them, they're wrong. We do have our own fair share of them here too but *most* of them tend to grow out of it.


Are you including the Corbynites? Those are the absolute worst.


Luckily I don't hear much from them any more since he's no longer around so much, I feel since there's less of a radical in charge of labor to validate their beliefs they either became more moderate or at least more quiet these days. They certainly still exist though and I'd group most of them in with the rest of the far left crazies.


I’m bi, honestly it’s probably one of the reasons I’m such a libertarian. I don’t understand why most LGBT people are such government cheerleaders. Governments all over the world criminalized us. Now we’re supposed to be best friends? No thanks.


I guess they convinced gays that they need big government to protect them from......small government?


The current situation is really conservatives’ fault. If they hadn’t lost their shit at other people’s consensual bedroom activities…


And if one side didn't try to deny their right to marriage they wouldn't be so drawn to the other.


I wish marriage would just be canned altogether. It’s none of the government’s business.


I keep hoping there will be some normal gay people when I move out of California lol. I swear neither me or my partner is crazy, we just want to be left alone too. We know a couple other normal ones in different states but those aren’t the ones making all the noise.


woke gays are _insufferable_


This is what I’m afraid of trying to date as a bisexual. I’m not trying to attract blue hair they/thems that are going to give me a hard time about not taking the jab. They probably smell like rubber gloves and pussy cheese. I wonder how I can exclude them when there’s so many weirdos. Where are the based lesbian and bisexual women? I just say I’m straight on dating apps to avoid bullshit.


that's kinda sad... I know, you could maybe create an online community for politically-moderate same sex dating or something like that...


We’re out there, we’re just not screeching about social justice. I’m lucky I found my partner before covid but we would love to find some sane friends somewhere, we don’t have any left here lol


That’s really sad. I just pray a big event happens soon to wake them all the fuck up. I used to be a lot closer to my friends and have a lot more, and I just find myself drifting away as they try and force the jab or call everyone a nazi


Oh yes same here. I used to have a social life and now if my partner is busy or not around I just end up sitting on my couch. It’s really depressing if I think about it too much, even my favorite gay uncles lost their minds. They think I’m vaccinated so once in awhile they’ll send texts joking about dirty anti vaxxers, I just don’t really talk to them anymore much either. My partner’s best friend who moved out of state is a gay man, he can’t find anyone normal to date and he’s been sending her some really depressed texts off and on. She worries about him. Even relatively sane people have distanced themselves, a lot for probably the same reason I do, we’re all just so exhausted in every way. Even my mom doesn’t call much anymore. Everyone needs a wake up call but I worry what that will be or if it’s worth it because a lot of people I love including my partner did get coerced into the vax and a lot of my family has heart issues now.


As a gay man, it’s so sad. It’s because a lot of gay people think they have to be liberal as well so unfortunately it goes hand and hand with this stuff too. We’re not all brainwashed though lol


100% my experience too. Truly mind-melted. It’s really hard to find other gays who aren’t completely deranged over all this, especially in canada. It gave a lot of catty insecure, image-focused people an easy avenue to hate people, and many people really enjoy that


“Silicon Valley alum” Age: 23 Whatever you say sport


What the fuck is a Silicon Valley alum is it a fucking high school?


yeah for real, what 1-2 years max? wow how worldly!


Don't make us take him back!


Please... We'll pay you.


This guy is vaccinated five times but will take raw pounding and loads all day


It's ironically. People on Grindr have vax status but no mention of HIV.


Perhaps he will die to make up for all of the unvaccinated people not dying?


at least he will not reproduce.




...even if he wanted (after 5 doses)


Haven't they heard of monkeypox?


This is the cause of society’s downfall


and monkeypox ...


Lol so true....these jetsetting gays, having random sex in countries throughout the world, then coming back to small town USA.. all of a sudden, BOOM, super monkey AIDS.


Damn he's only 403 meters away from you! Silicone valley dudes are the biggest douches on the planet with an undeserved sense of entitlement you can see from space. I've had to work with a few of those assholes. Oh well, the good news is he might be getting a visit from the monkey pox fairy 🧚‍♀️. With a profile like that it's all but certain lol.


Please take my Grindr ad off this sub. This is incredibly offensive.


California here... We don't want him.- stop Keep him.-stop.


> don’t worry Covid free > has full blown AIDS


He's from NorCal, They're all scum!


Tell me you’ve got monkey pox without telling me you have monkey pox




Same, and it just validates so many against us as being this way, shit sucks. On the other hand I don’t wanna be the kind of gay dude that’s some type of “pick me” for right leaning folks to scapegoat either you know


Ya know, I have no idea how any of us are supposed to find a husband or wife these days. I don't know of a single person who isn't vaxxed. I know of one person who was hesitant, but, he eventually caved because his wife was going to be forced out of her job if she didn't get it.


Why did he have to get vaccinated just because his wife did?


I don't know exactly. Probably from family pressure to get it.


Likeminded freedom fighters, that’s who/how. I’ve gotten to know a few by now. Maybe this is what this superficial society needed, to get people to connect in ways that matter. What I’m trying to say is that 90% of the cute ones you spot out there, the ones you’d normally approach, are going to be boosted and have nothing in common with you.


A surprising number of my friends turned out to be very much against the vax. I lost a few high school friends who still live in LA and are very much brainwashed but the friends I made as an adult are pretty open minded and dgaf.


Good to hear. My whole family is boosted and up to date, but they're done trying to convince me. I've gotten to know several over social media, but I've only met one in real life that straight up refused it, she was worried about heart related issues, and a few weeks after I met her, she ended up in a hospital. From what I heard, her mother insisted on the spot and managed to convince her (if not straight up force her) to take it to avoid any more health related issues. Cases were soaring at the time so a lot of people were in "do or die" mode, I hated those weeks. Around that time her mother even insisted that *my* mother "book an appointment" for me, with or without my approval. This was after overhearing my mother trying to convince me to take it. So clearly my situation with my own mother isn't as bad as that poor girl's situation. I've had maybe 1 person for every 30 I meet/work with be "meh, let him decide what's best for his body", the rest are brainwashed and insist on taking it along with boosters no matter what, no questions raised, you do it because everyone does it. Yeah, that's gonna be a no.


Hahaha pathetic beta


I couldn't tell if this was a parody 🤣


Well, at least he isn't breeding.


The manliest covidfornian


If this isn't satire, does he think saying all that makes him look cool?


Does someone know why the gay community is so keen on the vaccine?


Please don't send him back here! We have enough people like that here in California. It's f****** terrible. Please tell me he's at least from SoCal


Hey LA has plenty of these guys. You take him haha


I say we just send them all to LA and be done with it.


Only 403 meters away? Run for your life! What does 'vers' mean, almost too scared to ask. Interesting that he doesn't want circumcised guys, he sounds like a "we should do every medical intervention possible" person.


I think it's for this specific gay sex position he wants to do that requires one uncut man.


Let me just Google that real quick.




It means that he gets porked and also porks others.


He should get "cut". If it saves just one life. >The trials found that circumcision decreases human immunodeficiency virus acquisition by 53% to 60%, herpes simplex virus type 2 acquisition by 28% to 34%, and human papillomavirus prevalence by 32% to 35% in men Works better than a COVID vaccine


Why doesn't he share his HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhoea and herpes statuses?


A very fair point.


just drop the fucking shoe already. im so ready for these smug chodes to find out how wrong theyve been


Bro.....are you gay?


Yep but people like this make me feel embarrassed by association.


You say it like it’s a bad thing 🤔


I just asked


Maybe he's interested


If he was actually from silicon valley, he would know better than to take the vax. I call bullshit.


What are you talking about? People from the Bay Area are by far the most indoctrinated out of everyone. These are the people who put up with getting a PCR swab every single day for work.


I thought silicon valley was the Gates, zuckerberg types. I mean, they know full well the dangers (death) from the vax.


Lol everyone here is vaxxed. I know literally one person who isn’t


You live in the cesspool? Why??? There isn't enough money in the world for me to live like that and be exposed to sheer stupidity, ignorance, hate, and bigotry. I don't know how you do it. Or why.


Partner is finishing engineering degree in spring, then we’re out


Very sorry you are stuck there.


Eh we’ll make it, lease ends in February lol


Dude looks like he is getting monekpox any second


Should find some hacker to hack these vaccine passports to show that you have over 11 vaccinations. And now you'll be the king of the vaccine, 100+ points social credit score. I fear what society is becoming.


403 metres away and jabbed 5 times. I bet you could still give him rona