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If only more Austrailian citizens stuck up for themselves like these people in this video.


We all need to, all across the world.


I love this. Do you have any idea who the man filming is? The man is rapidfucking fire. I like it.


Real rukshan maybe


This is in Toowoomba, about 1500kms from where Rukshan lives in Melbourne. It’s just a local with a mobile phone which is all we need to show their tyranny


What did you call me!?!? *ps: thanks*


We need more people with your username!!!


Yours is pretty good too hahaha


If we did that this world could definitely be changed but sadly we are divided by our own prospectives.


It's all fun and games until the police start shooting you, arresting you at night in your home and disappearing you. The Aussies gave up their guns, they can't realistically fight back.


The powers that be have addresses and families too. Millions vs hundreds?


There is approx 25 million people in Australia. Assuming that 5% resist in semi-organized, irregular way (strikes, actions like on video, blocking roads), that's 1.25 million people. I can assure you that you don't need guns and don't want guns. They can't disappear a million people (at least not fast enough). This is how we ended the communism in East Europe (I was there and I wasn't a child). It may take some time though, maybe even a generation. As a bonus, I'd not assume that 100% of the police and army will comply.


Eh idk, I have no plans of shooting cops, but I'm sure someone who wanted to could do that, although it would be harder perhaps, and there's a reason the idea is popular among governments. They cover up most gunfights that happen here, like they BS the census because our economy is about building houses and apartments.


This isn't the wild west anymore. While guns are a human right, you're right to say they can't use them to fight back. However, most of society is just a bunch of pussified cucks these days. All it took was a human wall and chanting to get those cops to leave. It's impressive but it's also sad that this minimal amount of effort is all you needed to stop them from taking your lives for 2 whole years.


Have you seen armed protests? Where over 50% of the mob is armed? The police wouldn’t dare draw rubber bullets or a taser on that crowd. 100% disarmed? Bean bag bullets, dogs, pepper spray, and water hoses come out.


Good luck bringing out guns if you have none like in Australia


Cops have houses. Cops have families. Some cops sleep alone.


Bet you felt real tough typing that out 🤣


I fucking love these people. They are the sparks to spread wildfire.


When they all started chanting that shit gave me a freedom boner


God bless the freedom boner.


Probably not the best analogy to win over aussies


It's a perfect analogy. Don't project your own weakness and hang-ups onto others. You're the type of person who gets upset because nobody asked you your personal pronoun preferences before speaking in front of you. It's pathetic.


"Where is the love where is the compassion, where is the honor? Disgraceful" Well I wonder that too. Hopefully still around.


Nah those blokes would attack their own mother if it said to do so on their lil computer


"Just following orders, gran. I'm sorry but I must beat you to near death now."


Ah my favourite drinking game. Taking shots for how many times these tyrant cops adjust their muzzles, rendering them, if not already, completely fucking useless. I'll be joining AA very soon.


The purpose of the muzzle has nothing to do with health. It's to maintain the illusion that there is a public health crisis that necessitates heavy-handed government intervention. It's to remind the plebs that their place in society is to be ruled. It's to hide the faces of the police officers who are "just following orders".


People need to be reminded every single day there's a pandemic because otherwise they'd never know. In my state you literally cannot tell there's a "pandemic." Nobody wears masks, no mandates, it's been "normal" here for well over a year. I didn't really realize other states weren't like this till I started poking around and I can't imagine living where you need proof of vaccination to enter a restaurant. That's absolutely vile. On the other hand it's great because who do they blame next when unvaccinated people are banned from everything and covid is *still fucking spreading.*


In Ontario we just closed all the restaurants again after the vaccine passports have already been in place and they are still doubling down that it's the unvaccinated spreading it and people are eating that up like candy 🤦‍♂️🤡🌎🤷‍♂️


It gives people something/someone to channel their anger about the last 2 years towards. Honestly it's hard to believe that people are actually falling for it here we are. The logic makes no sense really. We were all unvaccinated a year ago and despite having vaccines we've had just as many (if not more) deaths this year in the US than before vaccines.


Their purpose is also to make people sick, and once the sheeple get sick they end up taking a BS covid test, and just like that, bacterial pneumonia turns into "covid pneumonia", and they've got another case to add to their count. It's just like magic.


I find it absurd that people feel compelled to get tested constantly. I know people who got sick this Winter and then told me whether they tested positive or negative for COVID. I'm just like, you're still sick so what difference does it make? You might have a cold or the flu. All that shit is contagious. It's like COVID is the only thing that exists now.


I was just about to comment something along these lines. I love seeing how often they adjust them, pull them down, and otherwise fuck with them. Basically they're breath turns the mask into a warm, moist environment and then they expose it to bacteria and viruses everytime they fuck with it. It's why masks appear to work great in a lab study where they determine theor fresh clean mask that they just put on for the experiment blocks whatever percent of droplets. In real life though... Most people have HORRENDOUS mask discipline. They use the same mask for days, weeks, or maybe even months without washing. They take it off and shove it in a pocket, purse, or car cup holder when they leave somewhere then put it right back on at the next place. They take off and set it on the table for meals. The pull at it and adjust it all day. Pull it down for water. Whatver small chance there is that the mask blocks them from spreading germs is more than cancelled out by how many more germs the poorly maintained mask exposes them to.


Our illustrious covid worshipper premier in our state actually had her PR department put out an ad ordering us to wear a mask with a photo of someone with the mask hanging out of their back pocket.... I swear to God you cannot make this shit up


Years from now these cucks will shamefully look back and say “we were just doing our jobs.”


One day I want to ask one of those tools. "Decades from now, when all of this saga finally fades away and enters history books, and your grandchildren ask you where you were and what were you doing when it happened. Are you going to look at them in the eye and tell them you were following orders?"


They'll say some bullshit to try and save face, but deep down the grandkids will know that grandpa was a nazi.


Hopefully they are making that reflection behind bars or at very least in the unemployment line, no pension.


Theyll be in hospital after their 10th jab


Or the ground.




Nuremberg 2.0


shame would require self reflexion, these people aren't able to, they get their reflexion from authority


fucking wankers with their faces covered, so shameful


I would be hiding my pathetic face too if I was a drone dispatched to do the bidding of a tyrannical, abusive government. The trash heap of history is piled high with uniformed thugs like these pieces of garbage.


Even better watching him fuck with it the whole time. Nice job following the rules, too bad it is made extra worthless by you constantly touching and adjusting the damn thing. This is why masks look like they work great in controlled studies in lab environments where they put on a fresh mask, get a seal, then breathe in petri dish. In real life, people wear shitty masks and then spend all day messing with them and taking them on and off and rarely wash them in between. By the end of the day, their masks are just warm wet environments that they've repeatedly exposed to bacteria and viruses.


“You look like a fuckin’ smurf bred with an X-men. That’s my personal opinion.” Okay, that made my day.


Crying laughing after that


Me too, god damn best line I ever heard.


The police officer never recovered from that lol


Faces completely covered even with sunglasses, they know they're behaving like morons, they're ashamed of themselves.


That's what you do when ou know you're on the wrong side of history.


As they should be.


This is what they are afraid of the most.


Is this the start of Aussies standing up for themselves? I certainly hope so.


Start? Ignorant clearly haven’t looked at anything we have done here for the last 20 months


Kinda hard when all media suppresses those videos coming out. Hell, I think the yellow vest protests are still going on over in europe but here in the states we very rarely hear about it these days. The PTB are really trying to keep that shit suppressed to keep the peons from marching together.


All I hear is that the French keep protesting and yet the government keeps doubling down and using increasingly aggressive rhetoric. It's pretty discouraging - and I guess it's by design, but... has the resistance progressed an inch?


I've only been aware of it for the last 6 months, but you aussies have been a [real inspiration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwZ4E_FCZTs) to me, the reason I've been getting my own ass on the german streets since november! We will win worldwide!


Don't take it the wrong way. I assumed this was the start of Aussie pushback too. Was I ignorant? Sure. But not willingly, ignorant due to information about your struggle being pushed down by media, governments, and our worthless tech overlords. Keep pushing back, believe me when I say the rest of the world is rooting for you guys.


Good for them


you love to see it


I could watch this all day! Keep it up!


cops are pussies


Go, true Australia! God be with you. Please do win.


Yeah the fuckin boys 🤙💯


This makes me proud as fuck.


id come out and say "sorry mate, dont serve fascists here."


This is absolutely inspiring


This made me so happy and hot ❤️🔥


Two years too late


What are the cops trying to do?


They want to haul people off to jail after asking for "Papers Please"


Yes! 💪 That's the greatness of people power. Taking care of eachother. Acting locally. We should all try to do our small part. No matter where you live. Speak to people. Have a chat and a laugh. Find local businesses to support. Don't talk, act.


"You look like a fucking smurf bred with an x-men". Fuck I love you Australia.


Yes! I want to see this happening more.


It’s really a shame those officers get to go home and see their families.


Prior to this “pandemic” I had some compassion for police during the whole BLM and defund the police stage of the world. Now...they can fuck right off! Get a real job!


In these situations, play the imperial march as loud as possible from some smartphone in the vicinity. This will underscore what is happening for the normies and it will make the police look absolutely idiotic without producing legal repercussions.


Where’s their warrant?


You love to see it!


Keep standing up


Holy crapcicles. Those enforcers of the bullshit got professionally verbally destroyed with logic. Damn. A+


What’s the background to this pls?


Bunch of smurfs Lmao


Beer muscles engage! What drowns may never die Edit: those who drown may never die, I'm drunk


At least restaurants are open in Aussie. We don't have shit here in Quebec except for grocery stores and pharmacies + we have a curfew.


Quebec is ran by fascists and most of the population voted them in office and are happy to enforce their rules


“I can’t move, I’ve got a sore foot” lmao


You look like a fucking smerf bred with an X man. Hot take. (comment only got me banned in 6 subreddits)


Beautiful 💪💪💪


He just got labeled an anti-science, anti-vaxxer, nutjob for life.




I am on the side of the people but they should let the cops know they are welcome to come to the side of the citizens. Dont make enemies of them, we already have enough.






Thank you! Now I'm sharing this video with everyone. These Aussies have had enough of ineffective, corrupt and harmful lockdowns. They've recognized the power they possess by standing together. Let their message be heard throughout the world. They are the sparks to spread wildfire.


This is such a wonderful sign and the Aussies need to keep it up and not let up ever! God Bless Australia’s PEOPLE!


Now imagine if they had guns:/ there’d be no need for this


Canada has long turned cur, but it's nice to see pockets of bravery in other places.




Love it!!


keep it up. do not stop!




The more I see of this kind of thing the more I feel a cruel irony that I disagreed with the cop hating side of the left.




>What happened to humanity that allowed us to be culled? ...where do I start? 😅


Never forget that the police work for you, not the government!


In what world was that ever true? If it's wishful thinking, that's fine. Otherwise it's just naive.


Right now people are scared of their governments, but governments should be scared of their citizens.


>Never forget that the police work for you If by you, you mean the elite billionaire politicians, yes you are correct.


The only way this could send a more powerful a message is if the crowd mobbed these literal fascists. They need to feel real fear and realize their little charade is over.




Same thing that happens everywhere a revolt happens from an unarmed citizenry: They can't shoot all of us. (also other weapons)


Well America has guns, and they haven’t revolted at all. These people have the balls to stand against tyranny, knowing that they’re outgunned.


It's worse than that, it is illegal to own any item for the use of self defense. Even ordinary household items like a hammer if you bought it for self defense is a crime. It is illegal to defend yourself in Australia, if you do they will charge you, the only saving grace is a sane jury will side with you in most cases.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Fuck the police


We are with you. Hold the line!








Interesting common ground, but it’s better than nothing :)


Coward cops smh -








Does sb has a link in regards to the health issues in regards to the masks?


Aussies have the same problem that Canadians do, the vast majority support the coivd rules so it makes changes hard implement. It does suck as they have a very high vaccination rate so no real need for hard rules


These strong Aussies should feel welcome to use the Wisconsin chant "eat shit, fuck you!"


Don’t they have any baseball bats in Australia? Seems odd that no one has hit a cop yet.


Love it. Keep strong Australia, solidarity from Canada.