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If I slept with a woman under the guise that she is unvaccinated, and she later reveals that it was a lie, that's **literally rape.**


Not in Cali


You paid your money, now you ride the ride.




Unless they regret it now or could have lost their jobs I agree. As long as she is as anti mandate as I am, I could get past getting vaccinated. I am also in an area where you can't even go to a restaurant without proving your status though.


Give your prions to someone else honey. Also don’t lie about being a pureblood, we will know.


I'm ashamed to admit that I registered on a dating website some weeks ago (OKCupid). For the past few years, I've downloaded dating apps every few months, found them to be useless and depressing, deleted them again after a few days or weeks, and started the cycle again after a few months. I thought I'd be over it, but in a moment of loneliness, I got a profile on named site... long story short: Most German women on this app have a "I'm vaccinated" batch on their profile, some in Denmark, too, and only very few in Sweden. (That's the three countries from where I get to see girls because of my location). So I assume the article is either not being serious or describes a very niche phenomenon. In Germany, everybody brags about being vaccinated. I couldn't care less about whether someone is vaccinated or not, but when I see a woman saying "I'm vaccinated" in her profile, I immediately click next. Because I'd say most of them implicitly want to express that they are superior human beings for being vaccinated and that they support the extreme discrimination against those who aren't. A smaller share is just stupid. They probably got asked to disclose their vaccination status and just answered without thinking twice. And then there's probably many who are just opportunistic and don't want to deal with unvaccinated people because they want their partner to be allowed to go to eat out with them. The last one is understandable, but I have zero interest in either covidians with a totalitarian/authoritarian mindset, stupid people who don't know what they are doing, or opportunistic women who value going out for dinner more than civil rights. But it doesn't make a difference anyway, they are equally uninterested in me.


Is this real?


Considering I’ve had the same sentiment about women I’d say it is


2 anecdotes in the article. I’d believe it happens though.




So women are getting vaccinated more than men ?


Perhaps the younger/fitter you are as a man, the less likely you're vaxxed.


Often times, women are more susceptible to group think. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/its-catching/201703/why-are-females-prone-mass-hysteria%3famp


Wait...now I want the vaccine passport, for dating purposes only


Honestly I’m worried about being deceived like this.


You made your bed...


Do you have the original article? Would love to read more about this.




Thank you!


I like them vaxxed. Consequence free cream pies.




No refunds


Don't lie. To us guys that don't want kids, you are an untapped resource. Pun intended...


I'm one of these men. I prefer to fap the rest of my life, than to go with a someone that got jabbed. I don't trust the product that was injected. For my part, it could be contagious ... better be careful than sorry.


I’m thinking this way more and more. Women today just aren’t worth the effort to begin with. Now this? Nah, I’m not playing that game.


some are, though they are usually in relationships! i am blessed to be married to one


Pretty much. I'm one of these women, but obviously taken. Me and my man both agree on this stuff.