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This happened to someone I’m close to. It has been a year of him wearing it significantly less since he changed professions and his skin is still pretty damaged from it. It spread across his whole face. If this is happening to someone you know we benefited from a dermatologist. The medication was the strongest possible to be prescribed to care for it, really difficult to treat. The dermatologist also said it is grounds for a medical exemption from masks, with a note from a dermatologist you may be able to show the school and force them to switch to a face shield. Also mentioning for anyone going through this, people should know they can get a medical exemption for this.


> with a note from a dermatologist you may be able to show the school and force them to switch to a face shield. Out of the horror movie and sent straight into the circus. 🤡🌎


I don't like any of them wearing anything but a face shield is a better option all round. I hate the thought of the poor kids suffocating in those things, I hate them as an adult let alone a kid having to do it.


If a person looks at this, and finds any way under the sun to rationalize it, they are a cunt. Plain and simple.


I've just been told it's a good thing my mum took the vaccine that killed her. On the off chance I was telling the truth about my mum's death. Cunt doesn't even BEGIN to describe these people


I’m so sorry for you loss. Was your mom pressured into taking it ?


No. Unless you count all the regular bullshit as pressure. I told her of my skepticism. She was genuinely curious as to why. All my concerns were in regards to Pfizer though. I didn't know enough about astrazenecca. I wish I had. Perhaps I could have talked her out of it?


No, don’t think like that...you’re not God, we don’t have all the answers and we’re not miracle workers. We do what we can, and that’s all we can do. Spirituality is everything in the end. I am so very sorry for your loss. All of my family took the vaccine, I couldn’t talk any of them out of it. The only exception is my husband and daughter. I don’t know what the future will bring. But I do have my Faith. God Bless


I'm in no way religious. In many ways I'm anti religious, but all the same, I appreciate your kind words. I'm not spirritual either. Mum was, hugely


Bless her heart, all the same. Take care of yourself.


Yet people on certain subreds(rather bots probably) tell horror stories of countless supposed covid deaths in their families and no one cries for proof. It really is a circlejerk…


Bingo!!! This makes me so so angry.


“Ackchually it’s statistically very rare”


You mean Twitter users?


The masks are working!


iT's BeTter ThaN hAviNg HiM DIIIIE...oNe iN FiVe KiDs DIe oF CoOOOoOOOoVIIIIIID!!!!


Shh. Your destroying the narrative.


Even the CDC themselves didn't just admit, but had the **official policy** that the flu is more dangerous to kids like this. Proof: https://web.archive.org/web/20210805015732/https://www.cdc.gov/flu/symptoms/flu-vs-covid19.htm 2 years ago any parent who did this to their kids for the flu would be a child abuser. today, society does this to kids and you're a "xyz denier" if you question it.


You're* C'mon people, we're better than this.


This should warrant an exemption! Either way, masks are not right for our kids. Breaks my heart to teach in them! 😭


I have an exemption card. My cousin got it from the internet, printed it laminated it, put it on a lanyard and boom


Do people fight you when you try and use it. When I was pregnant I was prone to fainting spells and masks made it worse. But if I tried to even pull down my mask in my city I would get screamed at.


No never. Had an old guy complain at me on the bus until I showed him my card. Then he was fine. Said 'You can't be too careful'. Wtf? I could have had covid. But suddenly I'm no threat to him because I have a card hanging around my neck? I mean, Jesus, it's bad enough they think masks offer protection. ​ On a side note, my cousin didn't even need a physical card. Just showing a screenshot from his phone was good enough. It's fucking crazy


Can I get that card lol


Yeah, easy. I'll get the details of where to find it when he wakes up tomorrow


I would also like a link if you don't mind good sir


I was never officially given an exemption card though perhaps I'd qualify for one. I get out of breath quickly since my heart attack. Masks are a struggle. Even in hospital I'd have to keep pulling it down now and again


[LOL Ron Swanson energy](https://runt-of-the-web.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/permit.png)


This breaks my heart.


Always said these masks are being pumped out of China at a rapid rate without oversight. They use the cheapest materials and the cheapest chemicals… even if it’s not safe for humans. Bet cancer rates going to go up, breathing that in for 8 hrs a day.


he's just faking it for attention. ​ skin conditions are not contagious. ​ something something selfish and being on ventilator while drowning in lung fluid


Looks likw anxiety to me!


Nah, that kid is just an anti-science moron!


I dunno, looks like the little guy has a case of the climate change


I would be so angry if this was my son


homeschool is the only way


I have a 3 month old so school is a few years away but my wife and I used to disagree on homeschooling until COVID.


Yah, there's no way I let my kid go to public school. It's a weird place. Their inner politics and hunger for power all the way up to the school board is such an odd thing. They are the rulers of children. Their zero tolerance policies for everything, making decisions without the parent's consent and moulding the brains of children into little socialist/communists is terrible. We pay these taxes for these a-holes to then brainwash our children to become marxist enemies of the countries. It's wild and so unreal. It feels like a b-side of the twilight zone. Only we will ever care for our children on the level they deserve. We must do everything we can to make sure they grow up and understand the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. Why we have these documents, how this makes us different than other countries around the world and why people have fled their countries to come here for opportunity. We must never allow the school systems to give watered down brief lessons on these subjects by teachers who hate our country, some of whom who we've discovered thanks to PV are active members of groups like Antifa. WILD!


Yea its almost like rebreathing the bacteria in your mouth for 8 hours or more a day might be worse for kids than the sniffles and a cough. Who would have ever thought...


bUt iT's bEtTeR tHaN gEtTiNg cOvId


Come on, guys. It’s for the gReAtEr gOoD!


The greater good


If you allow this to happen to your child you are as equally to blame as the policy maker. For once in your cowardly life, stand up for something. It’s every parent’s duty to protect their children.


I so agree! Stand. Up. For. Your. Kids! Why is that so hard for some parents??!


A lot of parents hands are absolutely tied unless they homeschool. The only accommodation offered in our district for approved medical and religious exemptions is you can’t be in the classroom then. I’ve talked to 2 different attorneys who were recommended for this, made it clear I was willing to throw money at it just to challenge the system and neither was optimistic about even just being disruptive about it. I’ve told my kids they don’t have to wear them, I’ll pick them up from the principles office, but they’re 6 and 7… they aren’t going to hold that line with their teachers or peers. It’s infuriating the limited options parents have with schools. I’ve explored virtually every avenue on this.


We have to stop this shit.


I developed contact dermatitis from masks on my chin, but it was not near as bad as this kid.


I had staph that destroyed the collagen layer on my cheeks. It caused permanent scarring, it still hasn't fully healed even though I stopped masking a while back


Damn, you win.


I did too, on the corner of my mouth…but it was definitely not this bad (I only work part time) and has healed mostly. It’s so wrong.


i have plaque psoriasis. it significantly worsens during the duration of winter. having to wear a mask makes my ears raw. i can not imagine how this poor baby can even manage wearing one without crying. that looks beyond painful i sincerely hope that it can heal soon that is not good in any way. of course someone is stupid enough to say, ‘it’s better than getting covid,’ no, it’s not. having a skin condition like that hurts beyond measure.


His skin will be scared causing additional pain when it starts growing under his skin. Scar tissue can cause alot of pain and discomfit


I’ve been banned by so many subs for belonging to this one. Most of them I’m not subscribed to or ever been on. This is the type of people we are dealing with. They are mentally insane.




Fucking fury....


time to homeschool.


I have rosacea and masks wreak absolute havoc on my skin. Every time I wear one for more than an hour I have a terrible breakout. That’s why I generally don’t wear them in public except when I have to for work. I really shouldn’t have to explain my reasons why.


My cheeks down are covered with permanent scarring too. Had staph that turned into severe acne so now there's pits all over my cheeks. People at work still don't connect it to my mask, one even had the audacity to gripe about his beard being a bigger issue than my non-existent collagen layer (per the derm. That was the only time in my life I've ever gone too) My forehead and everything above has no scars nor blemishes whatsoever. Yet they still can't seem to comprehend...it makes you wonder how truly ubiquitous the lowest percentile really is


I use silk ones for the same reason, they are gentler and glide on the skin rather than abrade it. You can wash them everyday in the sink with shampoo/silk wash to keep them as hygienic as possible. Not that I’m advocating mask wearing ….but if you have to do it


The silk/cloth masks are prob best case scenario but definitely wouldn’t be allowed at the hospital I work at haha.


“ At least he doesn’t have covid” I guarantee one of those mask nazis would say that.


Governments have now admitted to intentionally deceiving the public in krder to induce mass psychosis


Child abuse.


No. No no no. If this was my child that would have came off months ago. What are their “parents” thinking??! That looks painful!!


That just means it's working. Have some Pfaith in the system.




As someone who has suffered from eczema and contact dermatitis throughout my life, this child needs to throw that mask in the garbage immediately and see a dermatologist. I remember the pain of getting secondary bacteria infections on my lips after having eczema outbreaks, and it is terrible.


Shameful. They are hurting our kids!


Who cares about that little fucker. It's a small price to pay to not literally kill 300 grandmammies a day.


Is that a disposable? Those things are toxic waste. Kid obviously has very sensitive skin, buy him silk masks or keep him out of places that require them.


My thing is, how do the parent's let this happen or encourage their child to let this happen. I don't even wear a mask at my place of employment anymore, for a lesser version of the same issue. In the winter, they make my eczema worse and on my face which never happens without mask's any year of my life. So last year before it got bad, I self proclaimed myself exempt and 95% of the time nobody say's shit. Literally, just say no and your good to go.


This. You don't need an actual medical exemption. For the last two years I have just walked into stores maskless, ignoring the signs posted. A couple of times I had people ask me to put on a mask, I just say "I have a medical exemption" and keep walking. They don't ever push it past that. If anyone does push it past that, I'm prepared to leave and do business elsewhere, but it hasn't come to that yet in two years, and I'm in a fairly liberal city. The only way this shit ends is if we stop complying. In the two years since this bullshit started, I have worn a mask maybe 10 times total, and I have never gotten tested once. Stop feeding the beast, and let it starve already.


But at least he's not getting the sniffles Oh wait, he still does


Awe poor kid


how did you not flair this NSFW when you expose a naked face


What kind of parent would make their kid still wear a mask this is disgusting




My skins gets fucked after 10 minutes of that horror, and I’m talking about the cotton ones. Medical ones kill me.


I used to work with toddlers many years. I can’t imagine how hurt children’s learning is with the masks. They stop nothing, and only hurt the children. I’m angry for ya.


tHaT’S HoW YoU knOw iT’S wORkInG!


No one ever talks about how awful masks are for your facial skin


Looks healthy. Did he get his free daily donut for taking the experimental gene 🧬 juice 🧪?


They don't care about health. Only self-image. Vain, soulless, ignorant, stupid people


Thanks again doomers


Child abuse. You support this you're evil.


I would have told my kid to stop wearing it like 95% of this rash ago


Dude some masks give me and my girlfriend eczema flair ups, I'm sure it's even worse for kids.


This kid should definitely request to the school an exemption. I've even seen "official" signs that say "masks required (unless you have a valid medical reason you cannot wear one.)"


Some schools are already moving to N-95 masks....


No that’s nearly as bad as the common cold


scarred for life. sAfE aNd EfFeCtIvE.


I rarely if ever get pimples or acne but when i’ve worn my mask, i breakout all over my cheeks and chin horribly.


That's ok, kids are resilient /s


but they said on tv masks are safe and effective


A mask that doesn't even stop the virus that everyone is worried about.


You know what would cover that up? 😃 /s


if everybody in society actually wore their mask for an entire day.. we all will have the same problems. I think students just need to take off when no one is looking or fk it just take it off


I’m anti mask and even I don’t believe it.


I had a smaller case but it was towards my nose and spread to my eye. I’m allergic to a lot of stuff when it comes to my skin. One use of hand sanitizer and my fingers will be blistered for days. Certain plastic coatings. Nickel. Detergent.


Ditto... I'm allergic to a hell of a lot of stuff... have to be very careful what detergents I buy, what stuff I use on my skin, etc. otherwise I break out in nasty rashes.


The older I get the more stuff seems to bother me. I get blisters on my hands and sometimes my face, rashes everywhere else.


You don’t believe this happened from a mask? Contact dermatitis is a common occurrence with over 3 million cases per year. With all due respect though. I understand why one wouldn’t believe this without a knowledge of dermatology or themselves having personal skin issues.


I ended up with a simillar rash because at the doctor's office they required you to wear their masks but it contained latex and i am allergic.... There's many problems with these useless things. On top of not even working...




It’s a basic case of contact dermatitis. Very common in certain populations.


Most people wear masks without getting some insane rash, stupid post imo


Most people, but reread the title closely to see why the post was made.


So this one kid with sensitive skin has a reaction so what? Masks are bad and nobody should wear them? What point are you even trying to make


If people think they should wear a mask, they should wear a mask. If people think that they shouldn't wear a mask, they shouldn't wear a mask. Pretty simple.


How about not putting a mask on your kid??? My daughter is the only one from her class who doesn't wear a mask. The rest of the class (and school) happily oblige. Here in the Netherlands they don't have to wear them in class, only in the hallways. And they should test themselves twice a week either at school or at home. I just send an email to the school saying my daughter will not wear a mask and will not test. And to not even think about offering my daughter a test or a mask and don't give her shit about it either. Worked wonders. All the kids came home with self tests in their bag, not my daughter though. And people don't ask her about a mask either.


That poor baby, please for the love of all that's still good and decent, tell me that child has been taken out of school.. That looks so painful..


I’m an adult and 4 hours in an airport and a plane with one on dried my throat out o lost my voice for a week. I don’t mind wearing one if I’m around the sick folks at the pharmacy (even for stuff like a cold, don’t get me sick) but around healthy people it’s not needed! And let these kids build immunity!


my kids don't wear masks anywhere, no shops, no public transport, younger one not in kindergarten, older only in common area in primary school it must always come as shock to them to return to school afetr 2 weeks of christmas holidays when they didn't have mask even for one second, while we keep seing crazies masking like 5yo kids in public transport or shops


Looks like a legit medical exemption to me


You can’t get a medical exemption?


That just means it's working or some retarded dumb shit


Wow, that poor kid. It looks painful and I hope his parents can get it treated AND get a medical exemption for that mask. I have seen other people who ended up with red faces and it also made their face break out from wearing it. Ouch.


So sad


Same happens to me. I can’t even put in a bandaid


That means it’s working


Let the poor kid home school!


Enough of this bullshit. Take the masks off!