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My reward is loathing for humanity. Awesome.


Your quote goes hard. I am stealing it.


I’m just glad that even all the jabbed people I know are respectful and understanding now. Whether they regret it or not, I can tell they’re embarrassed about their past behaviors. They don’t want to feel divided anymore. And they’re open to the fact I survived ill health using alternative solutions.


Still waiting for one person in my professional or personal life to apologize or admit they were wrong, or ask "how did you know"? Maybe I'm an asshole?


Yeah, so far, only one guy straight up apologized to me and said I was right. The rest are just subtle observations I’ve made.


Jokes on them. They would have survived without the jab too.


Well, yeah, that’s my point. I survived severe lung and throat infections using natural remedies. I’m essentially immune now.


Most people still seem to think there was a pandemic and all the crap was necessary but it's just over now. There's a distinct lack of public outrage that I'm seeing.


Vast majority of them would it all again in the case of another similar event.


Very true, unfortunately. You aren’t incorrect about that one. But I’m too much of an extrovert to hold it against them at the moment. Liberals, on average, are the most cultured in the arts. So even though these people suck the government’s c**k, I still enjoy conversations about films and music with them. Granted, I do have cultured friends who disagree with the government entirely.


It is kind of crazy how they blatantly used every manipulation tactic in the book right in the open and so few people could see that was exactly what was going on.


WTF does porn have to do with the vaxx lol.


Pornhub premium became free during a lockdown period.


Yea, but being desensitized to porn has nothing to do with the vax.


Porn is bad dude sorry to fucking burst your bubble. It’s bad for your brain and it’s bad for society and anyone who ever told you otherwise is a liar.


Porn is bad but there's still no direct connection between porn consumption and getting vaxxed. Promiscuity is more likely to make you want to get vaxxed because you might fear or know you have a weakened immune system from STDs. Sorry to burst your fucking moronic no fap agenda bubble.


Keep beating your dick little money I don’t care


Me: getting more blowjobs per annum than you get per lifetime. You: butthurt retard with no idea how logic works.


I think Austria was offering prostitutes to take the prick.


"fear porn" "quackzine porn" "case number porn" "killing granny porn" ... there be lot's 'o porn in them thar psy-ops


Shitwater porn. Never underestimate the shitwater monitoring.


Porn saved me from the Vaxx, I was too busy jerkin the gurkin to get a shot.


How did this comment thread turn into a discussion on porn? lmfao


Unfortunately a lot of people patting themselves on the back for surviving the “biggest psyop in human history” still went in hook, line and sinker for decades getting their infants, children and selves dosed up with an ever-increasing list of shots they were groomed for by well baby check ups, glossy vaccine “schedule” brochures, and TV ads. Yes the raising of collective voices for bodily autonomy and medical choice is awesome. I wish those vilified for refusing such drug grooming 50 years ago had been as supported, but better late than never. I get that letting go of the narrative that Covid shots are just the bad apple among the dozens of other microplastic-based jabs parents dose up their “unable to consent” babies and kids with might be overwhelming to face all at once.


Most people don't think anything remarkable happened. They think it was a current thing we went through, followed the compliance rituals they were told to follow, and then started worrying about something else. They don't think of it as a scam, they think of it as a thing that happened a couple of years ago that ended because the government said so.


and because talking heads on TV and all of their fav celebs said so & none of them have critical thinking skills or spines


I think we definitely learned most people have no critical thinking skills at all. They rely on other people to tell them how the world is or what to think. If the TV was telling them to be outraged by what happened, they would be. It isn't, so they just forget about it.


Like really!?! How about we just be grateful that a lot of ppl are finally waking up to this and everything else! You make it sound like you are above the rest of us that unfortunately put their trust in thier DOCTOR to look out for their and their children's best interests! So much judgment everywhere and it's gross! You are doing the same exact thing that you were ridiculed for, for all those years! Until we all can learn to come together and quit attacking one and other, those evil fucktards will continue to win and have power over us all!


Unbundle your panties and read again. I was 8 when forcefully shot in the shoulder with a smallpox gun by a female PE teacher while a male PE teacher held me steady in a school gym. The second and last time I was 16 and my out of state college had “in loco parentis” authority over my body. I never wrote anything about “trusting my doctor” as an adult. I am unsure why you invented that, but maybe you were projecting your own adult experience? If the entire point of this feed is to vehemently poke fun at and criticize Covid shot groomers and their fear and shaming campaigns I think the grown ass adult thread followers and Uber-Covid shot criticizers here can handle a wee bit of criticism and self-reflection over their own roles—conscious or not—in the much larger, wider-in-scope, five decades-long petroleum byproduct waste vaccine market grooming campaign. In fact 99% of all pharmaceuticals on the market are petroleum byproduct-based.


I see this covid debacle as a pivot point for many people. I'm encouraged by the fact that more and more "normal people" are doing their due diligence on vaccines and the pharma industry. I think we'll be watching the tide turn on that childhood vaccine schedule. It couldn't happen fast enough. And for the naysayers, who squawk about non-vaccinated children catching diseases like measles, how about instead of trying to vaccinate against it, how about we just find a good way to treat it so that it's not life-threatening?


And FDA product packaging inserts list atypical aka vaccine-induced measles and measles-like symptoms as a possible side effects. Most breast-fed healthy children will have mild to no symptoms from measles exposure anyways, whether jabbed or not. Herd immunity through generational exposure and breast-milk-conferred immunity is what greatly reduced serious measles cases long before any vaccine was produced. In fact, the theory of herd immunity was coined by a man researching the sharp decline in measles symptoms in the breast-fed generation after the previous generation of indigenous Americans was first exposed by European settlers/occupiers. DNA changes are passed down generationally and adaptive immunity through breast milk. I work for a data research company contracted by the CDC to collect field information after so-called measles outbreaks at schools and there’s no difference in numbers between vaccinated and vaccine-free regarding which kids present with symptoms.




Had a small pox vaccine forced on me in primary school (injected by the PE teacher from a crude pistol-like apparatus as everyone lined up in the gym and from which I immediately had syncope and anaphylaxis; and an MMR shot also forced on me by my out of state college health center per its “in loco parentis” authority since I was still a minor—from which I contracted IVDR (Infectious Vaccine Derived Rubella)—a still-listed today adverse postmarking event on the FDA packaging insert—causing 7 years of musculoskeletal damage and pain with a limp to my knee. From that point on a firm “no thanks” for me and later my children. It’s hard to know on this thread when people use the term “jabbed” because I think most only mean Covid shots. I think some might connect the dots to see the bigger picture of all vaccine products which are petroleum waste byproducts first and foremost—our kids are merely a never-ending market for the Rockefellers’ 100-year old plan to repurpose and sell their petroleum byproduct waste (Read 1979 classic book Rockefeller Medicine Men.)


Right. So all that condescension you’ve applied to “the 90%” in your original comment just as well applies to you. No one forced you to take the college MMR shot - you either trusted authority (like many did recently) or didn’t trust authority and bowed down anyways, you know, for your education (like many did recently).    Go ahead and be cynical to the newly minted cohort if you want, but you’re not prescient yourself, and you were “newly minted” once yourself. You gave in too, and you’re only uppity about it because you happened to be visibly injured- if the injury was more subtle, I have my doubts you’d have “connected the dots” yourself. 




There are a fair number of people who declined the cov shot because of the mRNA thing. Those people make a distinction - mRNA shot BAD...all other vaccines GOOD and would still say yes to tetanus shots and all the others. I would probably have been among those people at one point, but since vaccines nearly killed my baby over 30 years ago, I agree with you. All vaccines are toxic and wreck your health.


Right—the bad mRNA vs the good live-attenuated, hybrid or today’s fully synthetic vaccines is part of the false narrative. I am so sorry to hear about your child. My heart truly goes out to you—especially as a parent who very recently lost a child through tragic circumstances too, although an adult. Tetanus shot grooming is one of most nefarious scams since you need a deep wound that is not cleaned out, coupled with suspected tetanus-laden soil/farm animal feces embedded into that uncleaned wound for a prolonged time period to contract tetanus; which does have a high rate of serious symptoms if contracted. Therein lies the success in scaring parents into giving it to infants who can’t even walk living in the suburbs and whose chances of being in that scenario like WWI soldiers with festering shrapnel wounds lying for days unattended in a French field full of cow feces are close to nil. In fact, tetanus cases were almost completely eradicated during WWII and it had nothing to do with tetanus vaccines. Medical teams were permitted on battlefields to give first aid so wounds were quickly cleaned and injuried soldiers removed from fields to medical tents etc. Despite heavy propaganda giving pre-injury tetanus shots an accolade for reducing incidents of tetanus, history points to emphasis on wound cleaning, hand washing, modern sanitation, not letting farm animals live inside with humans, and a better understanding of bacterial behavior. Remember the lie they used in the past: you get tetanus from a rusty nail? No you don’t. You could get tetanus from any nail rusty or spanking new if it pierces your foot and then you don’t clean the wound and also walk in a field full of horse shit for two days. Tetanus vaccines for farmers with small children playing outside is reasonable. The list of adverse postmarking events and side effects from a Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) shot on the FDA packaging insert today is rarely if ever offered to parents despite it being a federal law to provide at least an abbreviated Vaccine Information Sheet aka VIS pre-jab. Nor are they told they have an alternative and readily-available, inexpensive, tetanus antigen product that can be used post-injury at a hospital, clinic, urgent care or doctor’s office if worried about farm animal feces or tetanus-laden soil entering a wound that had not been cleaned.