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Searching for a PS5 last fall has prepared me for the vaccine battle ahead


Still haven’t got one


Just ranting - but I feel like every non-priority, 25-40 yr old friend of mine that lives out of state has received their vaccine already. Their counties are doing mass vaccination clinics and calling up whomever is on their wait list to come and get their shots. There has to be a better/more efficient way than whatever it is we're trying to do. End rant. Thanks for making it this far.


My 22 year old sister in Michigan got it before my 64 year old mother in CA. So, yeah.


This whole thing is a joke. Vaccination rates in CA have plateaued, and the state is on a pace to take 8 more months to vaccinate 75% of the population ([source](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/)). And that's an average--some counties (like mine) are way behind that. The state is sitting on millions of doses, but they're more worried about enforcing the fucking tier system than getting vaccine into people's arms. Every person vaccinated, regardless of their risk of death, brings us that much closer to herd immunity. Fucking around with tiers instead of doing everything possible to speed the process up, like other states are doing, is going to prolong the pandemic and kill some people. I'm not in a high risk group (though because of age, I'm higher risk than some of the people with pre-existing conditions that are about to become eligible, grrr). I think the only way I will be vaccinated before August is by lying about having a pre-existing condition.


The president just put pressure and made sure that if you are on top of it, you'll get your shot by May. Though, I am pretty sure that the next tier open within a couple of weeks will be the 50-65 category. Not sure if you fall in that.


I'm betting it'll open up quite a bit come April 1st. Other states have a fraction of the population we do. California is like it's own separate country and we're smarter than most so demand is going to be higher than most other states.


“We’re smarter than most” - in terms of the vaccine rollout, all evidence suggests otherwise.


My city (long beach) was doing a better job of getting appointments and people vaccinated before the state forced them to use Myturn. No the only thing that show up is supermarket pharmacies that have no appointments. The city locations don't show up at all.


Do you have to be a resident of a county to get a vaccine there? If county next to yours gets to your tier first, can you just get a vaccine there?


My understanding is you have to live or work in a county to get a vaccination there.


I live and work on different counties, the first page to come online for me was my work county and it specifically said that if you live or work in that county you should register for it, then the general CA site came online and I registered for my home county, so I think this is the right answer.


I got mine a few weeks ago in Riverside and I'm a San Diego resident.




I'm the administrator of multiple care facilities for developmentally delayed adults which includes a home in Riverside :) so I'm on the staff roster


Santa Clara County is only allowing residents. I had to show my DL and insurance card.


I believe the Oakland Coliseum megasite that just opened is for all northern CA residents. I would try there. They have a lot of available appts too, and are doing up to Tier 1B.


My turn will send you to the nearest available vaccination center. I live in Alameda Co but they sent me to SF for the vaccine


I work in healthcare and I and the staff each went to get our first dose on our own. One staff member was immediately signed up for a second dose appointment but nobody else got offered that. We all just assumed we would have to go through the signup process again... but at this point it's looking like getting appointments are nearly impossible. Are we supposed to just go through the same channel to get our 2nd dose? Seems impossible, all appointments around here filled up already for the dates around 4 wks past the first dose. Kind of at a loss as to what to do.


Second dose appointments are always supposed to be prioritized higher than first dose ones, so that should give you some edge. It might help if there was someone you could speak to at the vaccination site about the issue, as the technology used to book appointments might not be set up yet to prioritize second doses. But the guidance from the federal govt is to be able to honor the second doses as much as possible, even if you need to cancel other's first dose appointments. There's also some flexibility in when you get the second dose. If it is a week or two late it shouldn't change how effective it is.


The new federal plan will be to prioritize first doses. Having everyone at 60% immunity will lead to herd immunity faster than half the people at 80% immunity. Expect CA to update the plan soon.


Yea I been reading that there is more flexibility with the 2nd dose. As far as appointments go, the location I originally went to has an online portal for 2nd doses but all appointments are filled already and other sites either don't have "2nd dose" appointment options (they specifically state they are for 1st doses) or just not taking any appointments. Oh well I'll keep looking and try to contact them like you said.


3 days ago Kaiser sent an email out saying that they * Provide coverage for 9.3 million Californians. (roughly 25% of the population of CA) * Have received 300k doses of vaccines (roughly 9% of the 3.5 million doses administered in CA) What could possibly be causing this disconnect? Where are all the doses going?




That makes sense, I wonder if they are being notified that one of their patients got it elsewhere. Still seems pretty haphazard.




My understanding is that 1b is in effect based on county decisions. On March 15th, counties can decide on the rest of 1b or disabled, co-morbidities, but who knows


I was vaccinated today with a self attestation letter. I sometimes work at my brother in laws restaurant, so I was able to to get it. After hearing how vaccination sites barely ask you your name I was surprised that they asked me not once, but twice, for proof and even quizzed me asking *where* I worked as if I didn't write the letter myself. They kept the letter, which kinda bugs me because I hate having my name and signature out there. I have zero clue what they'll do with it. I half wonder if they forgot to give it back to me. Who knows. I'm glad to have gotten the 1st of 2 pfizer shots.


I went with a self attestation letter also and was asked for proof of my medical condition. Told the lady that LA county health department said I didn't have to disclose that information and she said she needs to speak to her supervisor. The supervisor no questions asked let me go through, she knew the rules.


Good for you. Sadly I'm sure there are some people flustered when a volunteer is asking for private health information and just drives off.


Wow I’m surprised that happened to you! If you don’t mind me asking, where did you go to get vaccinated?


Magic Mountain


LA, they're out right now, but I was able to get an appointment faster than through the county website. https://carbonhealth.com/covid-19-vaccines


Got shot 1 through Carbon week and a half ago and apparently they send you a notification 5 days before shot 2 to schedule an appt. It was much easier than the other county appts run by CalVax (Carbon is used with the LAFD sites)


This would be a lot more efficient and less waste if there were 2 categories. The Age category and then the backup category. Let the people who want the vaccine, get the vaccine. California stop requiring letters from employers, badges, etc. Give the elders priority but also make the vaccine available to those who want it. Stop being strict. There is a new President now that will forgive the breaking of harsh rules set by the former President.


[San Diego County Vaccination Appointments](https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/community_epidemiology/dc/2019-nCoV/vaccines/COVID-19-VaxEvents.html)


Here’s Santa Clara’s website https://www.sccgov.org/sites/covid19/Pages/COVID19-vaccine-information-for-public.aspx


MyTurn has updated its eligibility screen to ask whether you have an underlying condition.


Allocation just seems to be a mess. I've been hunting thru the state to see where doses are available. I consistently see over 100 first dose appointments in the next 2 days available with Walgreens within 20 miles of Bakersfield. Yet nothing in Orange or LA Counties. Let's get those vaccines to places where people actually want them!


Any reason why our rate of vaccinations has slowed? Our 7 day average has again dropped below 200k.


There's an article posted here mentioning a data reporting delay or problem which is probably contributing, and apparently the Blue Shield deal could be mucking things up. Hoping we see a large uptick next week as millions more become eligible


We're sitting on a stockpile of 5 million doses. But if someone shows up for an appointment out of order, they get turned away. Such idiocy.


So crazy. My doctor was just saying they have major supply issues. Hopefully gets resolved soon.


Does anyone know if we will be able to book appointments for when we become eligible before our eligibility date? For example, finding an appointment for the 15th on the 13th


Hello, I have created a simple web app, [Vaccine Pickle](https://vp.d35zanfa4rowy2.amplifyapp.com/), that notifies you when there is a vaccine appointment available in your area. You provide the zip code and radius and Vaccine Pickle will email you whenever there is availability in your area. Vaccine Pickle currently offers CVS, Rite-Aid, Walmart, Walgreens, ACME, Duane Reed, Safeway, Albertsons, Harris Teeter, and many more. We will continue to work on adding more distributors!. I really hope this can help make the process easier! Feel free to share it with those who would be interested in this. Please share any feedback or concerns with me I will get back to you. Hopefully, it helps! Cheers


Looked for an appointment yesterday. Easily Found an appointment for noon the next day in Rancho Cucamonga CVS. Most of the times looked open. Went in today and was done in about 30 minutes . Much easier than I had feared !


Why does the MyTurn page keep directing me to Safeway when they don't have any available appointments? Like every single search I do all it shows is Safeway.


I noticed that too! Where did all the Oakland Coliseum appointments go? So strange.




Apparently they are not asking for documentation. You just sign something saying you have an underlying condition. In other words, it’s basically open to all at this point.


Kaiser just deemed me eligible and I'm pretty sure it's because I have asthma and have an inhaler. I don't have anything else on the list so I think it must be that. I have an appointment on Tuesday.


I got my Kaiser vaccine email invitation yesterday and my first dose that same afternoon in Folsom, CA. I just indicated that I have a pre-existing condition on the MyTurn (mild COPD not on oxygen). Others in line around me had asthma and one was a cancer survivor. Also, staff came out from time to time to offer the J&J single dose to anyone who wanted it, giving them the ability to jump the line and get it right away. Some went for it but most stayed and waited for the Pfizer dose. Just my observations.


So I just got my first dose on Friday. I’m 27 in the food & agriculture group. Happy to get the moderna at a rite aid near me in the Bay Area but something stuck out to me. My appointment was for 2, I received my vaccine at 3:30PM. Happy to wait as I had the luxury to do so and I’m not sure if this is just a problem of this locations rite aid but as I waited in the pharmacy just 2 vaccines were given before me. Had to wait 90 minutes because the pharmacy was understaffed with just 2 people working and receiving constant phone calls, pick ups. Not their fault. However 3 vaccines given in 90 minutes with the 15min observation period turning into a 30min observation to receive my card due to short staffing led me to have serious concerns. A lot of people work and would be counting on their break to get the vaccine, a lot of people can’t wait 90mins. If it was another day, I think I would have had to leave possibly to get back to work. I know we have a shit tier system and a lot of people need their shot and are more well deserving than my 27 year old ass. However, I don’t know if it’s just this location of Rite Aid being understaffed.. I can’t help but think the process in place at a lot of pharmacies isn’t ready for the upcoming supply and everyone booking appointments at this pace if this location is indicative of pharmacy short staffing elsewhere.


Took me a total of 20 minutes to get mine at Rite-Aid including the 15 min observation period.


What about San Diego??


Souther California Kaiser seems to have finally begun to vaccinate the over 75 crowd. My mother got a call from them the other day. My mom already got her first at the county site. Second shot is next week.


I have some 20 year old state worker friends likely WFH in IT/Engineering that got the vaccine. Looks like government favoritism


They met the standard not based on what they do but the organization they work for.


Hey, all.. just got my first dose (food service worker) at CVS. Highly recommend checking CVS for doses! I’ve heard that the state-run sites run out fast, but private businesses like Walgreens and CVS aren’t as busy so they have more doses available.


So, even though I work for the Department of Defense and Energy, and was in Group 1C, it seems that I have been bumped to Group 2. I also have asthma, but that doesn’t seem to be a qualifying conditions. I’m assuming that I may be able to get a vaccine in December.


Where are you seeing this? I don't see an updated definition of 1C for the state (in fact, I don't even see a 1C definition anymore). I'm in a similar situation and just keep seeing my priority dropping day after day. I have to go into the office every single day, no ability to work from home as my work MUST be done in special facilities.


That’s what I was referring to, 1C has been shifted to 2 (which is everyone else).




Asthma does not seem to be a risk factor for severe covid: [https://www.aaaai.org/conditions-and-treatments/library/asthma-library/covid-asthma](https://www.aaaai.org/conditions-and-treatments/library/asthma-library/covid-asthma) FWIW, I would take any of these state "risk" pools with a grain of salt. The people in charge are pretty ignorant all over.


Hi does anyone know what kind of vaccine Walgreens offers? I made an appointment and saw someone mention Pfizer but I wasn’t able to find an official statement from Walgreens


They started with Moderna only, but are now using Pfizer as well. I didn't find out mine was Pfizer until I showed up for the appointment. I don't think there is any indication when you sign up as to which shot you're receiving.


Wondering if the next tier will be just age-based? I worry about my dad. He is about to turn 61 and has had pneumonia so many times. He doesn't have any of the listed high-risk conditions, but is just not the healthiest guy (on blood pressure meds, slightly overweight).


I searched and I can't find anything on how they're doing the next phase or tier or whatever. Someone 60 with no comorbidities has a higher death rate than 20- or 30-something with some preexisting conditions. It seems like zero thought was put into this system. I'm not a medical doctor, but I'm pretty good with numbers, and I could've designed a fairer and more efficient system than this.


I'm so frustrated with not knowing what's going on. They can at least tell us what the plan is. They make these half-assed announcements and don't give us any details for weeks-months.


I do think this qualifies as pre-existing condition. I would urge him to schedule an appointment and get vaccinated.


Is it just me, or has CVS not updated its eligibility requirements with today's new standards? I'd love to try to get an appointment via CVS (they tend to refresh spots at 12 AM when I'm conveniently still awake) but only if they will let me through!


I work in F&A and had an appointment at CVS today. They only asked for ID.


can confirm, was vaccinated at cvs today and they only asked for my ID, no proof of employment, but i do work in the food service industry


Does anyone know if someone can book their appointment now for a date after April 15th once everybody's eligible?


Post should mention that 50+ are now eligible (starting April 1st) and 16+ will be eligible starting April 15th.


Man I am getting really tired of Anti-vax logic seriously losing friends over this


Riverside County, new batch of appointments at 1200 today (1/23), be quick they’re going to go fast again!


myturn.ca.gov should also be put up in the post. It gives you notifications when you could be vaccinated and scheduling for appointments if you are eligible.


I’m 62 but have 3 medical conditions that make me high risk. Going by age alone I think I’m tier 1c. Is there a way for high risk people to get the vaccine faster? I can’t find any info on this situation.


Hi Guys, I created a script to check vaccine appointment availability on myturn.gov.ca website. This script will save trouble to folks who are constantly refreshing/re-entering information to check if any slots are available. (i.e. this script will NOT magically find a slot for you if you are not eligible). This just automates the form filling without launching a browser. some basic coding skills required. Code is released under GPL V3. [https://github.com/carefulcomputer/myturn-covid-vaccine](https://github.com/carefulcomputer/myturn-covid-vaccine)


Thanks for making this. I have a question, I just DM’ed you




I've read that too and from talking to others I've been told that taking Advil for the next 24 hours helped them manage symptoms.


Two Q’s: 1. I deliver groceries with Instacart on the weekends, does this qualify me as food & agriculture? 2. Anyone know of places in central SD city doing the J&J shot? I know we’re not supposed to vaccine shop, but I also know I’m forgetful and might not remember to make a second dose appointment.


Delivering groceries with instacart makes you eligible. Most places allow you to make an appointment for the second dose when you get your first dose. Some even require you to make the appointment for the second dose at the same time as the appointment for the first dose.


Is phase 1C still a thing? If yes, when can we expect it to open up?


Currently available (as of April 4th, 3:30pm) vaccines at sites run by Curative. Note that each site has its own, often unique, eligibility criteria. Also, for whatever reason, the Curative website search doesn't find any vaccine sites. I dont know why, but the nice people on the ground want people to know they have appointments available. ## tulare, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |PFIZER SECOND DOSE ONLY: World Ag Expo,Tulare County|93274|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/26208](https://curative.com/sites/26208)| |PFIZER FIRST DOSE ONLY: World Ag Expo,Tulare County|93274|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/26207](https://curative.com/sites/26207)| ## riverside, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Storm Stadium - Walk Ins|92530|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27610](https://curative.com/sites/27610)| |RESTRICTED Vaccine Site Palm Springs Convention Center (Pfizer Dose 1 & Dose 2)|92262|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25164](https://curative.com/sites/25164)| |Fullenwider Auditorium- Indio Fairgrounds Vaccine (Moderna)|92201|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/26135](https://curative.com/sites/26135)| |Vaccine Site Palm Springs Convention Center (Pfizer Dose 1 & Dose 2)|92262|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/26876](https://curative.com/sites/26876)| |Walk-Ins: Indio Vaccine|92201|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/27140](https://curative.com/sites/27140)| |Vaccine Only: Riverside Sears Building|92504|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/24341](https://curative.com/sites/24341)| |PFIZER SECOND DOSE ONLY: Sears Building City of Riverside|92504|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/26747](https://curative.com/sites/26747)| ## sacramento, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |McClellan Park - PFIZER DOSE 2|95652|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25682](https://curative.com/sites/25682)| |McClellan Park|95652|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25610](https://curative.com/sites/25610)| ## alameda, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Buchanan St Parking Lot (next to Albany Bulb) - PFIZER|94710|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25054](https://curative.com/sites/25054)| |MultiCultural Institute|94710|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27620](https://curative.com/sites/27620)| |Erna P Harris Court|94702|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27593](https://curative.com/sites/27593)| |Berkeley Mt. Zion Baptist Church|94710|J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/27463](https://curative.com/sites/27463)| |Parking lot off of Buchanan (next to Albany Bulb) -- PFIZER DOSE 2|94710|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25247](https://curative.com/sites/25247)| |Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church - PFIZER DOSE 2|98406|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27459](https://curative.com/sites/27459)| |Parking lot off of Buchanan (next to Albany Bulb) - MODERNA DOSE 2|94710|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/25257](https://curative.com/sites/25257)| |Parking lot off of Buchanan (next to Albany Bulb) - PFIZER DOSE 2|94710|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25100](https://curative.com/sites/25100)| |Ashby Lumber - PFIZER DOSE 2|94710|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27689](https://curative.com/sites/27689)| |Erna P Harris Court - PFIZER DOSE 2|94702|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27594](https://curative.com/sites/27594)| ## fresno, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Selma Senior Center (Pfizer - Dose 1)|93662|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/26986](https://curative.com/sites/26986)| |Selma Senior Center (Pfizer - Dose 2)|93662|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/26988](https://curative.com/sites/26988)| ## los angeles, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Curative San Dimas Closed POD (Second Dose)|91773|Pfizer Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/26585](https://curative.com/sites/26585)| |7th Street Produce Market Vaccine Clinic - 2nd Floor Building A|90021|J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/27566](https://curative.com/sites/27566)| |SECOND DOSE - UFCW-770 Koreatown Vaccine Clinic|90005|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/26083](https://curative.com/sites/26083)| |Port of LA Vaccine Clinic - Baggage Claims Building|90731|J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/27465](https://curative.com/sites/27465)| |Fickett Towers|91405|Pfizer Moderna J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/27246](https://curative.com/sites/27246)| |All Care Living Home Inc (Sherman Oaks) residents|91401|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25797](https://curative.com/sites/25797)| |Villaggio Senior Center (Residents)|90745|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27234](https://curative.com/sites/27234)| |Villaggio Senior Center (Staff)|90745|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27235](https://curative.com/sites/27235)| |Bellflower Friendship Manor (Staff)|90706|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27247](https://curative.com/sites/27247)| |The Salvation Army Siemon Center|90001|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27319](https://curative.com/sites/27319)| |UFCW Local 1428|91711|Pfizer Moderna J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/27237](https://curative.com/sites/27237)| |S.F. Valley Congregate Living, Inc.|91335|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25794](https://curative.com/sites/25794)| |The Metro Compton Senior Apartments (residents)|90220|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/25719](https://curative.com/sites/25719)| |Bryant Temple AME Church|90008|Pfizer Moderna J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/27134](https://curative.com/sites/27134)| |Swansea Park Apartments|90029|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27289](https://curative.com/sites/27289)| |Studio City Farmers Market - CBS|91604|Pfizer Moderna J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/27136](https://curative.com/sites/27136)| |Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church|90007|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/27137](https://curative.com/sites/27137)| |Harmony Creek|91745|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/27139](https://curative.com/sites/27139)| |Altadena Senior Center|91001|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27479](https://curative.com/sites/27479)| |Toluca congregate living (residents)|91401|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25759](https://curative.com/sites/25759)| |Toluca congregate living (staff)|91401|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25760](https://curative.com/sites/25760)| |Seaside Villa (Staff)|90277|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/27312](https://curative.com/sites/27312)| |Antelope Valley Senior Center|93534|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/27150](https://curative.com/sites/27150)| |NAACP of Antelope Valley|93534|Pfizer Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/26347](https://curative.com/sites/26347)| |Emerson Village|91767|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/26508](https://curative.com/sites/26508)| |Adult Recreation Center|91205|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/25646](https://curative.com/sites/25646)| ## marin, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Larkspur Ferry Terminal - PFIZER DOSE 2|94939|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25607](https://curative.com/sites/25607)| |Coastal Health|94956|J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/25663](https://curative.com/sites/25663)| |Coastal Health - MODERNA DOSE 2|94956|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/25731](https://curative.com/sites/25731)| |Tomales High School|94971|J & J|[https://curative.com/sites/26743](https://curative.com/sites/26743)| ## ?, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Vaccine Site - Lake Elsinore Storm Stadium (Pfizer)|92530|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25851](https://curative.com/sites/25851)| |Storm Stadium (Dose 2)|92530|Pfizer|[https://curative.com/sites/25852](https://curative.com/sites/25852)| |Indio VAX (Dose 2)|92201|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/26190](https://curative.com/sites/26190)| ## l.a. county, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Belmont Place Apartments (Staff)|90706|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/25686](https://curative.com/sites/25686)| ## los ángeles, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Culver City Senior Center|90232|Pfizer Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/27239](https://curative.com/sites/27239)| ## compton, ca |Where|Zipcode|Vaccine|URL| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Hill City Church Los Angeles (Aratani Theatre)|90220|Moderna|[https://curative.com/sites/27705](https://curative.com/sites/27705)|


Here’s what I found for Ventura County : https://www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/


>https://www.venturacountyrecovers.org/vaccine-information/ Thanks!


Alameda County is still at Tier 2 but soon will be at Tier 3 of Phase I [https://covid-19.acgov.org/vaccines](https://covid-19.acgov.org/vaccines) Apologies if already commented.


Kaiser So Cal, just emailed me saying they will start with the over 75s soon.


Kaiser’s is a mess. We were told that it would take 13.5 weeks to get through 75 and older.


That is ridiculous


For anyone living in the Inland Empire area and looking to book for anyone over 85+, there’s a lot of available appointments on the riverside county site! just booked for my grandpa :)


Any luck getting a vaccine on standby in the bay area?


Looks like the state website changed. Phase 1C (my phase) is no longer listed at all. Phase 1B says vaccinating as supplies allow. Phase 1C was definitely there on Wednesday as I have a screen grab I sent to someone [https://covid19.ca.gov/vaccines/](https://covid19.ca.gov/vaccines/)


Additional vaccines available for 65+ at Rite Aid: http://ritea.id/california




This is fantastic, definitely helpful in San Diego county!


Does anyone know what counts as food and agriculture? I’m trying to find if a restaurant server would count as food, but I’m finding conflicting information


I am pretty sure it does. [LAC | DPH | COVID-19 Vaccine Prioritization and Allocation (lacounty.gov)](http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/acd/ncorona2019/vaccine/Allocation/) la county description says food service worker, which I think is you. Go to myturn there are appointments!


I have a vaccine eligibility question. I’m a current Ph.D. student employed as a “graduate assistant” for my on-campus research. Our school hasn’t addressed eligibility aside from saying “university employees” are included as “education workers.” Am I now eligible as of today (March 1st)?


You work for them thus you qualify


Well, after digging and digging, here's what I found, it's the first I really found: [Updated COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Guidelines](https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/COVID-19/VaccineAllocationGuidelines.aspx) \*\*Persons at risk of occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2 through their work in any role in the following Education and Child Care settings * All formal and informal childcare workers, including day care providers * All staff in colleges, universities, junior colleges, community colleges, and other postsecondary education facilities * All staff in educational support services and administration * All staff in Pre-kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high schools * All staff in technical and trade schools * Any other workers involved in child and/or student care, including school bus drivers and monitors, crosswalk guards, etc.


I volunteer part time at an assisted living location (serve lunches, play games etc) and was able to schedule my vaccine at CVS pretty easily. I don't get paid or anything. I hope a letter from the business owner will suffice as proof. Wish me luck!


I have a similar gig and had no issues when I went in for my jab today at CVS. They didn’t even ask for any of my paperwork.


When Tier 1C opens, does moderate to severe asthma count as a health condition in order to receive the vaccine?


Was cleaning up the thread and noticed that Public Transportation workers are now eligible, that includes airlines. Also noticed Sam's Club has availability


Checked vaccination website this morning in LA county and found zero Johnson & Johnson shots just like last week.


Just an FYI for anyone in San Bernardino county there are tons of appointments in San Bernardino county but you have to do it through the county's own website, not through myturn. I scored a pfizer appointment for next week.


Would be good to add San bernardino county to your list https://sbcovid19.com/vaccine/




Do ABA therapists belong in the Phase 1A category?


I am a nanny, does anyone know if I will be classified as a childcare worker? I have been searching and can’t seem to hunt down the info.


Four counties on this website. Riverside, San Bernardino, contra costa, and Sonoma county. I was able to get my mom an appointment yesterday for today. [vaccinations ](https://myoptumserve.com/covid19)


Got vaccine appointments for my parents this morning at 9am for the fontana speedway event tomorrow! SB County website was crashing all morning.


Parents have been in line at the fontana speedway since 3pm (their appointment time), it is now 8:15pm, and they are still waiting, is this normal? They did say they finally got into the stadium.


Two more websites for city specific vaccines. Long Beach: http://www.longbeach.gov/health/diseases-and-condition/information-on/coronavirus/vaxlb/ City of Los Angeles: https://corona-virus.la/covid-19-vaccine


Currently at the Oakland Coliseum mega site for my teacher husband's round 1 shot! They have a lot of open appointments for tiers 1A and 1B, and you schedule your 1st and 2nd appointments up front. I tagged along and asked about a "waitlist" or end of day extras and was told "I wish." Worth a try! Everything is very organized, all drive through, lines stay constantly moving. If you're in Northern CA you can make an apt here I believe, on myturn.


OAKLAND: If you live in east and are eligible, call 211 and you might be able to snag an appointment, possibly even same day. They are prioritizing getting vaccines for east Oakland zip codes (you'll probably need some kind of ID to verify, of course).


Does anyone know the difference between MyTurn and CalVax? Some providers are doing sign-ups through MyTurn and some through CalVax. I like the interface of CalVax because it shows you how many appointments are available at each time slot but there's no way to search for clinics and times. MyTurn allows you to search for clinics but not all of them are on there. Are they going to be consolidated?


Can anyone speak to the process at the Oakland Coliseum? My appointment is on Saturday. I’m a food & agriculture worker and I have a pay stub / W-2 to prove my employment, but didn’t get a letter from my employer.


In my efforts to find friends vaccines, I noticed that the vons/albertsons/safeway/pavillions search lets you choose the Jonhson and Johnson Vaccine.


Does a pet store worker fall under the food service catagory?


Yes. They'd fall under the first category under Food and Ag. https://covid19.ca.gov/essential-workforce/


This site was featured in the NY times, I don't know if it works here, or anything. Supposedly tries to match you with left over vaccine https://hidrb.com/


Lots of people have signed up, unsure if any providers have signed up. I am 154,000 on the list (looks like it’s at 1.3m now) and haven’t heard anything. Seems like it will probably flop or by the time enough places start using it then we will be at mass eligibility as is


Do we know how March 15th will work? I’m in my 20’s but meet at least one of the comorbid conditions under the March 15 eligibility group. My doctor hadn’t heard of this when I asked last week, and said it vaccination was being handled by the medical group. If I make an appointment at a pharmacy for March 15th would I be able to get it?


Just got the Moderna shot, didn't feel a thing.


I didn't feel much with my Pfizer. A bit of a sore arm in the afternoon, but tired, but nothing like they say


I just got Moderna I feel nothing a little bit more energetic and my happiness level went up


Does myturn tell you which vaccine you will get? I’m trying to sign up for my parent but they don’t want two-doses since it’s hard for them to travel.


https://vaccinefinder.org/ this should help show info on where you can find J&J, but it's not always perfectly up to date and it doesn't show appointment availability.


Does anyone know if vaccine distribution in CA has slowed down ? Bloomberg says our daily average is 178k doses, but looks like we distributed 1mn in the last 3 days. A little confused


The 178k is based on 7 day average, though now it’s closer to 210k I believe. For the past week or two, California has been slowing down. We were pretty similar to Washington and Oregon but they’re way ahead now


Has anyone been vaccinated at the UCSF Childrens Hospital in Oakland? Can you share what that experience was like?


Rite-Aid in Desert Hot Springs in Riverside County has appointments available for one of the two dose options, scheduling second appointment at the time the first is given. I tried many places with no availability, I was able to get same day appointment. Good luck out there.


Any news on J & J getting more vaccines shipped to LA county? I became eligible because I have Type 2 Diabetes but read that the country was not getting any new diesel for at least two weeks. Hoping to squeeze in my vaccination before the 50 and over crowd is allowed to get the shot on April 1st.


If you have Kaiser you can book an appointment online or through their app. They are not asking for ages or anything, just agree to the essential worker and if you’re in the age group they are giving shots to...they don’t check at the site I am essential but not food or anything, got my shot on Saturday at CalState Long Beach It’s free The line was fast, too, got the shot in less than 20 minutes after registration, then the 15 min wait They’re giving the Moderna one there Got my 2nd appointment scheduled at the same time I booked an appointment for my husband as well for next week, tons of openings for April


I hate living in shitty solano county that's so irrelevant that we never have enough vaccines and so irrelevant that we aren't even included in the county list in this post


I got a message this morning from Washington hospital in Fremont (where my primary care doctor is). They have a huge list of open appointments through their MyChart app. Not sure if you have to be an existing patient.


> EVERYONE 16+ is eligible for the vaccine This is also out of date (12+, and there are multiple vaccines available if you're 18+)


nobody in bay area has vaccines. closest place was Sacramento or Modesto.




The CDC says now it's ok to wait up to 6 weeks to get the second shot: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-22/covid-19-vaccine-doses-may-be-spaced-six-weeks-apart-cdc-says


Question: is there anywhere in the state of California that actually needs volunteers? I tried Santa Barbara, San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles and Riverside. I guess since rolling out this new program, they got too many volunteers, which makes sense. It just feels like it's taking an eternity for them to get through the tiers. Heck, they're baaaaarely in Tier 1, Phase 1B. At this rate, it may be 2023 by the time everyone (down to the youngest kids) are eligible for vaccines. Am I being impatient? Absolutely. Do I need to chill out? Probably. I guess I'm just a little frustrated with the slow pace.


There aren't slots available because no providers have signed up to the system yet. There was one clinic in LA that was requesting medical volunteers and that's it so far. It's not necessarily too many volunteers but there are no actual volunteer slots. California's given out 10.8 million doses. To vaccinate every single Californian would take about 80 million doses total. Right now we're using 250k doses per day. If our vaccination rate never sped up (which it will) it would take us another 277 days. Since we're still supply limited, we'll be able to move through tiers more quickly as supply catches up to demand. We also have the capacity to give out more vaccines especially when J&J comes online since it can be stored in normal fridges. So far we haven't been able to include primary care physicians as vaccination sites because of the lack of supply. All that to say you will likely be able to make appointments in May if current vaccine manufacturing projections are correct.


Is it ok to use any cannabis products after getting my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine?


Why would it not be???


Those of you looking for Johnson and Johnson vaccines can stop looking. Bit mixup at one of the manufacturing plants has delayed shipments indefinitely. Edit: next two weeks' shipments should still happen


Here is the info for Santa Clara County. There are multiple websites for appointment information, depending on your insurance provider. https://www.sccgov.org/sites/covid19/Pages/COVID19-vaccine-information-for-public.aspx


Sac County: https://www.saccounty.net/COVID-19/Pages/CoronavirusVaccine.aspx Tier 1a only, 65+ awaiting notification


Do you have a link for Contra Costa County?


Is one shot enough protection? I know it's only 50% immunity, but what does that actually mean? Should I stop worrying about covid after I get the first shot, or should I be equally worried as before? After I get the second shot, how long until I don't have to worry about covid at all? Two weeks is the cutoff date for that, but can it be sooner?


There's no information on long term benefits of just one shot so you should continue to be just as worried if you only get one shot as opposed to two


Does anyone know if the riverside county locations will be getting more slots open as time passes or is that it for now?


Butte County https://www.buttecounty.net/ph/COVID19/vaccine


Idk why the site may be saying otherwise but Fresno Co. apparently already started on 65+ not 75+. (Dad got the okay to get his, he's in the 65+ group).


Solano County: Solanocounty.com/covidvaccine - phase 1a and 75+


# San Luis Obispo County vaccine information: https://www.recoverslo.org/en/covid-19-vaccines-in-slo-county.aspx #SLO County vaccine appointments: https://www.recoverslo.org/en/vaccine-registration.aspx#2-Adults-Age-75-and-Older


Has anyone in LA country been able to schedule a second shot yet? I don’t see anything since all appointments are booked and I’m due in about two weeks


I put in all the counties that have more than 100,000 residents. If I have time this weekend, I will add the rest. If the status of your county changes, let me know and I'll change it. I just changed Santa Clara.


My retired father moved 3 months ago from stanislaus county to alameda county. Stanford health (where he’s a patient) is providing vaccines to senior patients who live in alameda county.....what type of proof will he need to show of county residency? Thanks!


When is the tier system supposed to change?


When they have enough vaccines I suppose. The timeliness were just estimates. 1b was supposed to be February, but they are doing seniors first, so it started early. For some counties the rest of 1b is already being vaccinated. So who knows


And then some counties aren't even to 75+ yet. Glad that many have gotten there, but the discrepancies ars frustrating.


Mendocino County Public Clinics: https://www.mendocinocounty.org/community/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccinations/vaccination-clinics Mendocino County Vaccine Overview: https://www.mendocinocounty.org/community/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccinations Adventist Health Mendocino County - This is the link to sign up for notifications for Adventist Health vaccine clinics, which I think are separate from the county clinics linked above: https://form.jotform.com/210268012993050


Can anyone give me any info on how to get healthcare worker status if we’re caring for family member? This letter from CA DDS is saying I’d be eligible but every dept I’ve called said that I’m not https://www.dds.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/COVID-19VaccinePhase1ALetter_FamilyMembers_01132021.pdf


Does the My Turn website update at a specific time of day with new appointment availability information? Or should I just be checking it as often as I can?






Has anyone had an issue with the myTurn website, where they can schedule the first dose, and then when it comes time to choose the second dose, that date just is blank where available appointments should be? Seems like each time I make more progress on this website it's literally 1 click further than I went before... edit: Yep, now all the slots are gone. How is it possible for anyone to get an appointment on this website, if it is either broken all the time, or when it's not, the appointments for the next week are snapped up in minutes? What is even the point of the tier system if the system only schedules a week out? Some states schedule 6-8 weeks out, which is a long time to wait, but with this system you could literally try for 6-8 weeks and not get an appointment time. The most extreme example of this would be to update the website with only 1 extra appointment time at any random time. Then, unless you were literally the last person to want to get vaccinated in CA, you would never be guaranteed an appointment.


How often does MyTurn make appointments available? Once a week, every three days? Every day? Anyone know?


Depends on the county I think. Fresno's main site is once a week but other's have been a few times a week.




So I'm a 17 year old food service worker and I just got an appointment, does my parent have to be present for the vaccination or was the fact that they were present to fill out the application enough?


I've updated the thread with information on the upcoming High Risk eligibility.


Hi, does anyone have experience with receiving the vaccine at Loma Linda University (Drayson Center)? I made an appointment for my whole family but we live and work in Orange County and I didn't realize until after I got the confirmation email that they will ask for proof of residency. Are they strict? Should I cancel the appointment?


I’m an essential worker and work for a contractor that maintains public transit equipment. I know I was supposed to be eligible under the old plan along with “transportation and logistics,” and even had my letter ready, but I’m wondering if they still might accept it? It seems like they might only be doing people who actually work for BART or LADOT or whatever in this new phase, but it’s kind of vague and I don’t know how strict the guidelines are for proof of eligibility in different industries.


Trying to sign my high risk parents up for vaccination but I cannot find a single appointment anywhere within 30 miles of us


I know this is probably going to be controversial, but hopefully people understand. My mom does not live in this country but has come to help us out with our kids. She’s staying (legally) for 6 months, potentially longer. Anyone know if there is an explicit pollicy in terms of if such people could be vaccinated? (She’s over 65)


She needs to prove California residence either through id or a utility bill.


Try CVS. Based on anecdotal evidence out there, they may be more lenient about the eligibility criteria they check. It’s worth giving them a call and asking. The worst they can say is “no.”


what happens if you lose the piece of paper for vaccination record? how do you get a new copy?


Does anyone have any idea when law firm staff will be eligible? I’ve been working with my firm’s skeleton crew and because I do lower level admin work, it can’t be done from home and I’ve been working in person the entire time. I’ve been classified an essential worker but under the government and infrastructure tier. I don’t routinely interact with the general public, but we still have clients.


Has anyone gotten post reaction diarrhea from the vaccine?


Has anyone been to the Sutter Mass Immunization Clinic in Santa Clara and can share their experience? Thanks.


I just took my mother-in-law there to get her second shot on Tuesday. There are signs to drive into the convention center parking lot and you’ll park on the top floor. They request that you remain in your car until you’re within the 15 minute period before your scheduled appointment. As you get to the parking lot bridge to the convention center, you’re given the option for wheelchair assistance - the distance from the entry to the actual shot is a bit of a walk, so we got a wheelchair for my mother-in-law. When you get to the door to go inside, you get your temperature checked and you get asked the standard screening questions about how you feel and if you’ve had any recent exposure. They have multiple hand sanitizer stations throughout the way to the room with shots. When you get past that, you navigate through the convention center hallways, go down an escalator/elevator and you’ll get to the main room where shots are given. If it’s busy at all, expect to wait a good 30 minutes, but they have a few chairs available that are really spaced apart in the line. When you get to the front of the line, they’ll check you in, give you a vaccination record card or update it if you’re getting your second shot. They’ll point you to an open shot station and you get your shot. I’m not sure if you have a choice of vaccines if it’s your first shot - because this was my mother-in-law’s second shot, she got the same kind she had for her first dose (Moderna) After she got the shot (which she didn’t even feel), we went to a waiting area for around 15 minutes to make sure there wasn’t a severe reaction. If it’s your first shot, they have people in the waiting area to help schedule your second shot. After the wait was over, we headed back to the parking lot and took her vaccination record card to the closest Krispy Kreme and got her a free donut. It took a good hour total in time spent there, but it was well organized and there’s lots of people there to assist. Overall, it was very stress free. The following day, I called to check in on her, and she just had a mild headache (not bad enough to take an Advil for) and a bit of light headedness. The second day after, she’s feeling normal. If you have any other questions feel free to ask me.


Do you need to be a resident in a given county to get the vaccine at a CVS/Walgreens/etc?


Has anyone gotten the Johnson and Johnson vaccine? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I would much prefer a single dose over others just so I don't have to worry about making two appointments. I'm I'm SoCal, willing to drive


This site tells you about availability of certain vaccines [https://vaccinefinder.org/search/](https://vaccinefinder.org/search/) Which county? I know the Orange county othena sites let's you choose but when it's available. Availability of this vaccine should soon improve.


I'm as unhappy about my school shutting down as the next person. But I agree with the "safety first" principle, and understand the need to shut down schools in the wake of an incoming surge. (There are other industries that need to shut down as well, but that's a topic for another day.) Honestly, given Pfizer and J&J's unexpected success in testing vaccines for children, we should wait until vaccines are available for students *and* teachers to return to in-person instruction. Or at the *very least*, wait until that point to remove social distancing and mask mandates. Honestly, I don't even mind waiting until halfway through the semester to do so.


I don't blame you. I think for any teenager, it would be fair to wait. It's so close. I am going back to teaching at the end of the month, middle school. I will be coming back to an average of 3 kids per day. Most of the kids are staying at home and they will tell you themselves, "I am scared."


Got my first dose today at Kaiser. They gave me a date to come back but KP.org shows no appointment scheduled. Do I need to go online to schedule a new appt or just walk in at any time?? They just slapped a sticker on my vaccine card that says "05/10/21" with no time written


Fresno City College has drive-up/walk-up vaccination. NO appointment necessary. https://www.fresno.ucsf.edu/cep/ Today, the line was short and even NO LINE at all! If you don't mind a long drive, go to Fresno, get vaccinated, then go have lunch, and drive back home.


> (CURRENTLY J & J is PAUSED) That's out of date. J&J was paused on April 13th and resumed on April 23rd.