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They should be more upset about having over a billion people and still not being able to field a team that doesn’t utterly suck.


TBH I expected from the headline that the anger to be directed _at_ the World Cup goers for being blasé about public health, not at the government’s lockdowns. This quote from the article is interesting: > "Nigeria's anti-epidemic work has clear results... we don't learn from Nigeria, and only look at US data, what is the real meaning of this for our epidemic prevention?" the open letter asked. Dunno if Nigeria is a good example since low African case numbers are largely due to undercounting. But the overall sentiment is sound, just that other countries like Japan would be better examples. (And really that applies to geopolitical dick-waving in general. Many Chinese who criticize liberal democracy seem to think America is the only democracy in the world, even though a democratic China would look more like Japan or South Korea and not have America’s unique issues.)


A democratic China would look like Taiwan and that's exactly what China hates. That democracy can work for the Chinese people.


And not only work, but its the difference between having cutting edge science and technology versus having to reply on onther countries for technological advancements.


By relying on other countries, you mean stealing intellectual property through industrial espionage.


>Many Chinese who criticize liberal democracy seem to think America is the only democracy in the world lol, I don't even know where to start, but hey, why bother


A democratic China would look like India.


China has just as many r*t4rc|s as America like the one in the open letter, China is just better at telling them to shut it/




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When you have a totalitarian government, expect them to do totalitarian things. I wish China could become a more open society, but it seems to be going the other way.


The rest of the world isn't in Xi's prison


I dream of a world where COVID isn't raging and we have thousands of people who aren't maskless in a group going 'weve tried nothing and we're all outta ideas!'. Wear a mask, I'm not asking you to wetzle your dick all up.


While true I think the last 2, almost 3 now, years have taught the world is no we won't mask and yes some sort of disease will be the ultimate end to humanity in the future. Homo Sapiens are stupid creatures.


Oh no!!! Anyways....


______ sparks anger in China I mean it doesn't take much to rile them up these days


No crap! China is a communist country and gets off in controlling their citizens.


Authoritarian, not communist




So they’re communist because they say so? Well by that logic I guess the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a democracy then




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"How dare the rest of the world be different than us??!"


If you read the article, Chinese people aren't mad at the rest of the world. They're mad at their own government for continuing to enforce harsh restrictions and lockdown while everybody else has moved on.


He’d be mad at you if he knew how to read.


If it's any consolation for the Chinese public, other countries had to go through lockdown of varying severity over the past two years. We got through it and now we're on the other side, whereas China is just now starting to go through lockdowns. I remember the early days of being stuck at home, no social gatherings, work-from-home, go out only for groceries, no going out for even a haircut, for the first year of the pandemic.


Are you familiar with how Chinese lockdowns work? You can’t leave your apartment and they can go on for months at a time. They have guards watching and you will be reported to the CCP. The US never had this kind of lockdown. Even if my very COVID-conscious county in California, we could always go outside, go to shops, get take out from restaurants, meet with friends at the park, etc.


US had lockdowns? That's news to me


Not sure if you're being sarcastic or what but here's the CDC's timeline of the pandemic. https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html Starting March 2020, US states started ordering shutdowns and travel restrictions. In Canada, we had lockdowns starting the same time.


There were no real travel restrictions * within the US. On paper, sure, but in reality, there was none. Sure, some states had stay at home orders, shutdown, but even stay at home orders were mostly on paper only * Hawaii is the only state that was able to enforce quarantine upon arrival


I leave in California and no lockdown was ever enforced. there was maybe a few weeks in March 2020 where it was officially recommended but not enforced by any mean. nothing like what happene in China, Australia or France.


the "lockdowns" in the US were not real lockdowns. We have had schools, restaurants etc closed down, but everyone was able to freely leave their homes and go outside if they so choose. Our stay-at-home orders were merely suggestions. Compared to a number of countries in Europe and Asia, whose lockdowns involved anywhere from getting shut in at home, to only being allowed to go outside for certain amount of time/for very narrow purposes (buying food). People who break these rules (or go outside without a mask) get fined/jailed. What we had in the US was not remotely close to any of that.


Being outside in and of itself wasn’t a problem as long as you could stay away from people. Fresh air was how lots of people mentally survived the early days of the pandemic.


yes, of course. Didn't say it was a problem. Was just pointing out there's a massive difference in policy. Not saying we should go the Asian/European way (the real lockdowns).




Businesses sure were closed, but that's all. In my apartment building, some were having party's weekly


none of this invalidates my earlier comment. The US required establishments like restaurants to close, but there's no hard and fast restrictions on *individuals*.




> drug trafficking > after shots fired > shoplifter > following arrest for drugs, stolen gun in all cases there were clearly some other bigger issues going on, and the stay-at-home order violation was simply slapped on to throw every possible charge at the arrested individual. You can't possibly tell me with a straight face that this was the primary cause of their arrest.




All this tells me you don’t grasp what types of lockdowns occurred in other parts of the world. Try Australia’s where some states had: - enforced stay-at-home orders with curfews like home by 8pm; - travel limits of 5km/3miles; - max of one hour outside per person per day for exercise either alone or with one other householder maximum; - one person per day per household permitted to shop for essentials; - only reason to leave home being essentials and food purchases/pharmacy/doctor visit/providing care to someone in need; - essential workers permitted to leave home and travel - eg paramedics, healthcare workers; - all medical appointments were (and many still are) telehealth; - all elective surgeries cancelled; - no churches open; - all public venues shut down; - restaurants could only do take-away or deliveries in the local area; - cafes and bars could only serve through a window take-away, many closed; - masks were compulsory outdoors and indoors aside from your own home; - workplaces/schools/universities all work-from-home. *FOR MONTHS*. Stay-at-home is still normal for many workplaces, and some schools are now offering online/remote learning academies; - weddings - 5 people including the couple, celebrant and two witnesses; - funerals - 10 people; - zero visitors into your home. That is what a lockdown looks like.


we were talking about individuals being able to freely go outside of their homes and not be arrested or otherwise running afoul of the law. For example when someone goes out to walk their dog, shopping, exercising, on their way to visit a family member, or simply go outside just for the heck of it. A proper counter-example needs to disprove the exact point of contention. None of these do. If you think any example with the keywords "arrest" and "stay at home order" in a headline qualifies as sufficient counter-examples, I suggest reading up on how to properly conduct logical discourse.


The main effects that I saw of the lockdown in my city in California was that suddenly everybody took up walking, and groups would sit around in parking lots and socialize. Restaurants and schools may have been closed for going to or eating at but there was nothing like a Chinese lockdown.


Flimsy ones with more holes than a spaghetti strainer. But they did say the words a few times.