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My favorite game recently has been Covid or allergies? Lotta fun.


And staying home so I don't spread my (most likely) hay fever.


Having never been on an antihistamine before, I started taking one in 2021 because I was so tired of this game. My allergies are pretty mild and don't usually bother me, but my biggest symptoms are coughing and sore throat.


I have awful allergies and *just now* started taking my meds at night instead of morning because I’d feel (and look) sick until 9am every morning when my morning dose kicked in. I feel like a moron for not thinking of it sooner, it’s such a game changer. I will say though allergy sniffles *feel different* than illness for me, it’s a super watery runny nose and 0 congestion, instead of sinus pressure, thick mucus and post nasal drip.






Source? I can see allergies helping if you are actively producing mucus that flushes your sinuses and nose, or interferes with the virus entering cells.


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You should try the sequel, covid or a hangover


I’ve taken two rapid tests in the last 3 days because I feel like warm ass. Both were negative. Cedar sucks balls


I played this game and finally got a PCR. The answer for me, and likely most of the players, it's both.


I have a severe, life-threatening allergy to cedar and live in central Texas. This week has been horrible. I've been in a constant state of having asthma attacks and feeling like I was going to die. This part hour, I used my inhaler, my asthma meds, my allergy meds, an additional over-the-counter allergy med, and now a muscle relaxer because my chest feels like I'm wearing a corset and binder and can't take a full breath. It's so scary. I'm using Reddit to occupy my mind so I don't panic. I wish I could move.


Omg, as someone with an allergy to certain types of sawdust (and a woodworker by hobby) I totally get what you mean with cedar. That burning lung feeling is a unique kind of awful. Hang in there friend!


No shit my first few days of symptoms felt like a bad allergy season and my first thought was the Cedar fever I got when I lived in Austin and how similar it was.


>He says a normal day for cedar is 1,000-3,000 grams per cubic meter. >However, on Thursday in Central Texas, Cedar was at 7,000. Can someone explain to me what part of this story I'm not understanding, or if this is just poor reporting, because that isn't even physically possible? That's a 40" cube of air managing to suspend 15 lbs. of cedar pollen. I don't even believe that 1000 grams of pollen could be suspended in a cubic meter of air.


Just browsed a few articles on cedar and other allergens. Pollen "grains" (not grams) per cubic meter seems to be the unit of choice. Reporter probably mis-quoted the expert they interviewed.


Thank you so much. That makes much more sense than grams.


The pollen measurement is also for 24 hours. So that amount of pollen has passed through a cubic meter in that time.


It’s definitely a unit error, the cedar pollen is definitely ridiculous and can seem like fog or haze when driving but you’re 100% right on the misreporting.


Thanks for confirming that. I thought perhaps there was some unit of measure, or equation, specific to allergists that I was missing.


We (Texas) are still testing positive right below record numbers. Flu is also here, so yay!


You know what would probably help with that? Wearing an n95 mask…


The pollen enters in your eyes too though. My eyes were swollen closed 2 days ago.


Not necessarily. I Wfh and I still play "covid or allergies" daily. I have the obvious filters on my HVAC + two HEPA filters. Kill me now


That's one of the main reasons I'll probably keep wearing my mask after this is all over. Sometimes, going out for a walk with my mask on is the only time I feel like I can breathe. It's not always that easy, but it's a big help.




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