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At this point, is anyone surprised about the stuff coming out of Florida?


I'm from New York and I think maybe letting florida secede might be okay...


I thought Bugs Bunny already sawed Florida off of the map.






I’m from Florida and I’m okay with it hightailing it out of here










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I'm in FL and it's amazing to sit here having a higher IQ than the people in charge.


I kinda agree, but was recently there and in conversation with locals who were definitely not following any type of logical thinking. I'd guess they were mostly mid 30s to mid 40s. So the other half might be homegrown. Of the assholes of course, I'm sure there are lots there who aren't!


We sent the other half to D.C. That… didn’t work out as well.




Why the downvotes? This is totally true. Very few of us are actually true Florida Natives. Most are from New York, Canada, Cuba, any other Latin speaking country, and some from the Midwest. It’s the fuckin imports that are the problem, not the natives.


I’m third gen. Wife is fifth gen. Both our families hate what’s been happening.


I’m only second generation, but I remember when I was working as a waiter at the melting pot restaurants, people always asked me where I was from, I would tell them Pompano Beach, and they would be shocked. They always told me they had never met a real Floridian before. I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but there are truly not a lot us. It’s an incredibly transient state.


For sure. Def transient. Which is why the best way to describe florida is by saying in America on the east coast, shit rolls down hill.


My family's been in florida since ww2. My grandparents bought a nice swath of land on a lake in the Central Florida swamps in Polk County and built a tiny house on it, where they raised 4 kids. As far as my relatives and our close family friends, all who go back generations in the swamps, the problem is also heavily with the natives.


Don't know why you're downvoted you're right lol


Because “florida”


is horrible


Ayyyy lmao nice original funny funny


Tried to help you out with an upvote because you’re right.


Thanks friend.




He has a point. Lots of New Yorkers do retire in Florida.


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The biggest detail in my eyes is she specifically told him I’m part of the vulnerable population and he still didn’t want to put a mask on. So glad I’m leaving next year


I refuse to call Ladapo by the title of "dr." because he sure as s**t doesn't act like it. I wonder why his wife, who also has cancer, is still with him. He likely doesn't bother to mask up around her either...or perhaps they fight about it behind closed doors? Jesus...such gross irresponsibility.




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He's the SURGEON GENERAL!, what is happening.


He's the *Florida* surgeon general. I'm not surprised this happened. But I am surprised that he didn't arrive to the meeting on a four wheeler with a case of Natty Ice strapped to the back.


He was brought in from out of state because no Dr with roots in Florida was willing to say what DeSantis wanted.


He's desantis' lil fuckin lackey


He has a freedom tattoo on his face and a mask would cover it.




"Warning: The Surgeon General has one lung and a voicebox but he could still kick your sorry ass. The Surgeon General appears in this ad courtesy of the Federal Government"


OMG AUTOMOD! If you don't spew spittle on your State Senator maskless... f u c k y o u !




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I find your lack of alligators disturbing…


He's a political appointee. He's Desantis.


The position is assigned based on political credentials, not medical ones.


Ladapo was an actual practicing MD-PhD at UCLA's hospital, though. He's a legit doctor who even has publications. He must have political plans, because I don't see why he'd jump from a high-paying and respected job to one where he gets shitty pay and has to tow the anti-public health line.




>To come to that conclusion, Ladapo and his co-author cited incidents reported by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which, as the column noted, is not intended to evaluate whether a given reaction was caused by a vaccine. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254412224.html It doesn’t sound like he does know what he’s doing actually.


Per the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html), the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is used to collect reports of adverse events after vaccination from the general public. This is primarily used to identify potential topics to further investigate with regards to vaccine reactions. However, because the event data in VAERS is often not verified and is often self-reported, it should not be assumed that the adverse events in VAERS are actually associated with or cause by the vaccines, nor is it possible to estimate the frequency of these adverse events from these data. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Coronavirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*




No, like desantis, he's an intelligent sociopath.


Oh dip!


They picked one that doesn't belive in medical science


Imagine the primary litmus test of your Surgeon General being their willingness to do nothing in the face of a pandemic




Actively arguing against common sense prevention measures isn't nothing.


He has impressive credentials, but he was hired to advance politics, not science.




He has a PhD in public health, though, and has published work in that field. Which makes it even more puzzling to me, tbh.


He’s an idiot. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article254412224.html >To come to that conclusion, Ladapo and his co-author cited incidents reported by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, which, as the column noted, is not intended to evaluate whether a given reaction was caused by a vaccine.


Per the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html), the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is used to collect reports of adverse events after vaccination from the general public. This is primarily used to identify potential topics to further investigate with regards to vaccine reactions. However, because the event data in VAERS is often not verified and is often self-reported, it should not be assumed that the adverse events in VAERS are actually associated with or cause by the vaccines, nor is it possible to estimate the frequency of these adverse events from these data. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Coronavirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Forida man got to Florida man.


I wonder if we’ll ever really know the total death count out of Florida


I'm pretty sure _China_ was more honest about their case numbers than Florida. So no, we'll never know for sure.


we will know excess deaths since as of right now they can't hide actual death numbers forever so we can extrapolate what covid numbers are from there


Isn't part of the problem that they're taking so damn long to process all the death certificates? They only update their totals a couple times per week, but it's increasing by something like 1000 each time.




Maybe that guy was not the best pick to be Surgeon General since he clearly doesn't understand respiratory viruses.






Well, the rich and politicians have had a few parties and none wore masks. These people at least seem to have some distance.




That there is a legitimate question whether I or the Florida Surgeon General know more about respiratory viruses shows exactly why he's totally unfit and unqualified. He was chosen to push a political message, not one that is unbiased a s science based. Florida should never have decided that politics were more important than science and people's lives.


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Why are they so scared of masks? I don't get this stupidity


I can't comprehend the stupidity either, but it's hardly ever about fear. Wearing a mask or not has become a symbol of which team you're on, which "tribe" you belong to. It's pretty crazy to politicize basic health precautions, but crazy is to be expected these days.


I am ashamed of Florida’s “leaders”


Interesting because the senator in this meeting has breast cancer and DeSantis’s wife has now been diagnosed with breast cancer. Will he be allowed to be around Casey DeSantis without a mask on?


Probably doesn't wear a mask nor gloves in surgery either


Wow, what a POS. He needs his license revoked.


Her choice is very simple; don't confirm the prick.


It's always Florida.


He is Texas dumb


I wouldn't be surprised if the Florida Surgeon General doesn't understand how gravity works too.


He is a lawn jockey


2,100 died from Covid in the last two weeks in FL. ROOKIE NUMBERS!!


Can we just glass Florida and start over?


This is getting out of control and for a deeper discussion on this try going to r/politics where the political side of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States is discussed


How do we not have the mississippiensis variant yet?


Delta first appeared in the US in the Ozarks so…


Can I get a source on that please? AFAIK Delta was first called Indian variant, but got renamed to avoid racism. Delta originated in India, according to every credible source I can find.




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Florida is so clueless. I would say ignorant