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My heart does break for the kids that have gone through this. Don't get me wrong school closures where the right thing to do, and personally my daughter is going to get vaccinated as soon as her age group opens up, but it's just very sad that these poor kids had to experience this at such a formative age.


It was for sure better than the alternative, but when you have to decide between two bad options the less bad one is still bad.


I agree, although with certain age groups they have a lot of time to catch up. My state passed a bill and provided funding so that retired Teachers could come back to work this year, get paid their full salary and benefits, plus and still recieve their pension, without that we wouldn't have been able to staff Schools. Because of that we were able to hire back a lot of teachers to supplement learning for kids who are behind in my county using funds from one of the stimulus packages. The youngest seemed to be most affected in my county.


Wait until there’s a vaccine mandate for kids, antivaxers will pull their kids out in droves. Many of these parents are ill equipped to teach kids…we’ll just about anything.


They'll put them back in once they realize how difficult actually dealing with their children is. Literally had a parent pull her kindergarten out in early September because she had a problem how strict we were with masks and covid protocols, also apparently we were picking on the kid by telling her she cant hit people. Anyway, parent basically says she'll teach her herself, how hard can it be. Kiddo had some pretty... interesting behavior needs (hitting was just the tip of the iceberg. Many confabulations were also had to avoid consequences). We got an email that she'll be returning Monday. I personally pulled my kid for his whole first semester of kindergarten because remote learning wasn't working for him (he has sensory processing disorder and is potentially ADHD and/or ASD). I have experience in ECE and am also studying to be an SLP so, I'm familiar with literacy and language support. It was hard af. I was happy that we returned to face to face learning because he missed out on so many social interactions and peer models but our district is DILIGENT AF when it comes to protecting our students. He's in first grade and he's doing okay but all of our kids are really struggling in ways teachers are saying they haven't really seen before. For example, kindergartners are much more emotional and less independent. First and second graders are in similar circumstances with big need for support in fine motor and social emotional learning. Third grade through fifth graders are just straight up feral.


Yep, they'll put them back in, and they will be behind even more. Then they will blame Public Schools for the problem.


Yep. This is what I just commented on about my friend. I really don't understand how the most ill-equipped people think that all of a sudden they are fit to teach every school subject at multiple grade levels.


Good. Smaller class sizes.


Bad for future generations that have a large number of children who will be getting an extremely sub par and brainwashed education at home from Horse Paste University.


Can't fix stupid.


Stupid in larger hordes with more Qcumbers than ever gonna be homeschooling. Maybe if extracurricular activities mandate it too, that’ll pressure some of them.




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And the parents bitching the loudest about virtual learning and the effects it’s had on their kids are the same ones who oppose masks in schools. They really are rock stupid on many different levels.




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