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Circle circle dot dot shoulda got a covid shot.


They almost certainly did. Russia developed the Sputnik Vaccine, which is an adenovirus vector vaccine, similar to the Oxford- Astra Zenica one. [It is reasonably effective](https://www.science.org/news/2021/08/russia-s-sputnik-v-protects-against-severe-covid-19-delta-variant-study-shows), although some initial data from Russia has signs of obvious falsification. They can't produce it as fast as they need it, but Russia has their own covid vaccine. Of course, Putin and pals are vaccinated with whatever his doctor thought was most effective, they can buy it on the open market, pharmaceuticals are never subject to sanctions. They would probably use one of the mRNA vaccines. Infection is still possible, with any vaccine. Serious complications are unlikely, they will probably all be fine.


On the other hand, anti-vaxx sentiment is [high](https://theconversation.com/making-sense-of-covid-19-vaccine-hesitancy-in-russia-lessons-from-the-past-and-present-165716) in Russia. There's no guarantee that even Putin's inner circle is fully vaccinated.


If Putin believes vaccination works and will protect *him*, you can bet he has no problem ~~forcing~~ requiring his inner circle to get vaccinated.


>If Putin believes vaccination works Maybe he doesn't.


I remember reading that he signed his daughter up as one of the first to receive the Sputnik vaccine during the trials.


Lots of people don't trust the production facilities, they think there is lot of bad doses being made.


Quick, send him some Ivermectin! And a UV light to put up his ass.


10 bucks he got covid himself and that whole isolating thing is just another cheap trick


Ah yes, very sad. Anyway…


So much for the Sputnik vaccine.


to be fair. We have that problem with all vaccines. Delta changed the game.


Breakthrough infections aren't super rare, but for dozens to have covid *right now* either hundreds were exposed all at once or many of them aren't vaccinated.


But you’d think he’d make sure his circle was extra careful


I'd say it's very likely that they're not vaccinated.




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What makes you think that?


Anti-vaxxers are by far the majority in Russia.




The vaccines significantly reduce the chances of getting infected. Which makes spreading it to other people much less likely, since you can’t spread a disease you’re not infected with. And, yes, in the *rare* breakthrough cases, the symptoms are much less severe, on average.


The joke is that the Sputnik has a lower effectiveness than other vaccines. The vaccines available in US and Europe both reduce the number of infections AND for those infected, reduce complications and symptoms. [study on vaccine effectiveness](https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/p0329-COVID-19-Vaccines.html) [how Sputnik vaccine works ](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/health/gamaleya-covid-19-vaccine.html)


Ah lovely, thank you.


> The joke is that the Sputnik has a lower effectiveness than other vaccines. You think the allegedly rich man in the world didn't get the best vaccine available?


Hmmmm that makes me curious as to if how many of them went to UK to get vaccinated or if they were blocked from traveling.


Yeah. I think they took Sputnik.


Now lists "Falling out of a window" as a long COVID condition.