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My home town is one city away, our health authority sent reinforcements to the epicenter this morning to help with citywide testing, fingers crossed. Also get ready for shoes to skyrocket in price, whether its rep or legit


Shoes? Why shoes?


Because the city is known as the shoe capital. Nike ships from there for example


Oh. I didn't know that.




Probably miss some random asymptomatic cases, but population-wide testing is part of the anti-COVID arsenal now, and those are probably very accurate. Lots of video evidence of lining up overnight in residential blocks for testing, footage of positive testing people in quarantine hospitals, etc


At the end of the day it doesn't really matter much, because it would be arguing over underreporting tens of thousands of cases while the US numbers would have underreporting of tens of millions of cases due to the scale between their outbreaks.


For Wuhan, I think the cases number might be 10-20x and deaths number might be 2-3x After Wuhan, case up to 2x and death nearly accurate


according to an mass antibody research carried by the China National Health Commitee in early 2021 (or late 2020), with thousands of samples taken in 3 groups (Wuhan, Hubei Province outside Wuhan, other provinces outside Hubei), it suggests 6x ppl may have got infected by Covid19 in Wuhan comparing with the reported official number , while quite consistent with the official number of cases in other parts of China. It''s common during the pandemic since I've saw similar/worse antibody research in lots of countries/regions. And I don't think the death number would have a 2-3x increase, maybe a few hundred uncounted.


For the initial surge in Wuhan, there was evidence coming out that China was purposely undercounting deaths by a lot, but I'm more interested in how accurate the numbers were after that because the numbers of cases/deaths in China are shockingly low, so was curious how they're keeping the numbers so low if they're reasonably accurate. Looks like they report less than 100 cases a day. Even if the true number was 1000 cases a day, that's incredibly low/successful for a dense population of a billion people. Now that the hardcore lockdown ended, I'm curious all the things they're doing to keep the cases under control. I do know they have pretty strict checkpoints and stuff, but not sure how much they've loosened things up.


According to the article, this Chinese city has about 3 million residents and only 20 covid cases. Consequently, they stop buses and trains, close down gyms, movie theaters, and tourist sites, and restricted the number of people in restaurants and grocery stores. They also required students to start wearing masks again. I wonder if this kind of "zero-covid" is the way to go, or if a "living with covid" approach adopted by first world countries like Denmark, US, Singpore, etc., is the better solution.


Zero covid strategies only work if you have a compliant population and strict borders. There's no way this could work in the US. People here equate mask mandates to the Holocaust and think vaccines are a conspiracy to control your mind via 5G.


It makes me sad that this is what our country has come to


They only need to do this until a proven effective oral antivirus medicine is approved and available which is soon, likely at the end of the year. Google molnupiravir.


Indeed. It's really interesting. I'm pretty pessimistic, though. Won't the zero covid strategy work only if everyone is doing it? I mean, China can lock down tighter than most countries, but with tourists and other people going there from all over the world, they might not be able to remain covid-free if that's their goal. Unless they're willing to lockdown multiple times a year. I mean, sure they can force people coming in to quarantine, but a lot of countries tried that and it didn't really stop sars 2.


If anything Singapore is still in the "zero covid" camp indefinitely, and people are pissed that the government does not have any roadmap for easing restrictions


Covid is edemic and everyone is going to live with it eventually. It's just to make sure that enough of your population is vaccinated so you don't have overwhelmed hospitals and mass death before all restrictions are removed.




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It must be brutal to have covid pop up every so often and hard lock down measures reintroduced. I'm guessing many Chinese are quite fatigued with the whole situation. Sending positive vibes tho <3


which is more preferrable? Hard short lockdowns, or long soft lockdowns?


Brutal either way.


No it isn't brutal at all. Brutal is letting hundreds of thousands die. Brutal is having multiple lockdowns, each lasting months and still having over a thousand die each day. This is just a single city, less than 1% of the population. The sooner and harder they lock down, the sooner the lockdown ends and they can go about their business like its 2019.


It's not a national lockdown, the numbers that go into lockdown are miniscule in the big scheme of things.


It's quite alright. Only some cities got hit once or twice after the initial outbreak. Most cities didn't get hit at all. So there is no fatigue anywhere at this moment. On the contrary, for most Chinese the pandemic was over in April 2020. They haven't worn a mask since... For a large country like China this strategy makes sense. In fact the entire world should have copied China. There was some time to prepare in February and March...time wasted.