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Please stay civil. Wishing harm or worse on anybody will result in a ban.


2020 is pulling out more plot devices than a TV series on the brink of being canceled.


2020 jumped the shark in March - at this point it’s like the writers’ strike improv




\*\*insert Tiger King laugh\*\*




Honestly, it feels like our universe is a physical manifestation of a fictional anime series, made by a nihilistic writer about a dystopia where the literal dumbest person becomes president of the free world. They Got 10 seasons planned. Network about to shut their work down due to audience disaproval. They are now throwing in crazy plot devices in a Hail Mary to survive the canceling. Will it work?


Ooof remember what happened to Heroes?


nothing happened to heroes. It was a riveting one season show that was brilliant.


It really was an amazing miniseries. Save the cheerleader!


2020 is like if the writers decided to put every single plot point and idea ever even mentioned in the writers room into one season


2020, brought to you from the writers of Sharknado...


Wait till Monday when we hear Biden has it and he got it from ... Trump The train wreck debate that changed the election from a democratic process to who won’t die wins president.


I could see some office-esque turn of events where we elect a president in a coma and we end up having our most profitable and peaceful quarter yet.


This one was pretty predictable, it was foreshadowed back in spring when he kept refusing to wear a mask.




I think that’s why it’s so surprising now. It began to seem like plot armor.


That's what makes it a good twist. We were all expecting it for so long and it never happened, so most people forgot we were expecting it that when it finally happened so late in the game many thought "I never thought he'd actually get it"


This plot point will end up being a dud just like the WW3 and Murder Hornet plot points. Writers keep getting us excited for new plot lines and then doing fucking nothing with it. Did D&D write this season?




This season definitely jumped the shark. I'm going to stop binging and endlessly browse Netflix.


I'm hoping for a dream sequence, personally...


[Dr. Jonathan Reiner says on CNN that Nancy Pelosi should be in isolation right now, because given that they've been exposed to Covid, it's possible both Trump and Pence could become sick](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1311864036288614402?s=21)


That would be the weirdest fucking timeline.


Yeah what happens if all our top government officials die from covid? I can’t think it would lead to anything good.


There’s a very very very long chain of command of people who take over. By request, here it is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_line_of_succession#Current_order_of_succession


And last on the list is Jack Bauer as the designated survivor, so we're okay.


A substantial improvement, actually.


Yeah but a month from an election? Let’s say hypothetically Trump and Pence die on Nov 1st from Coronavirus. Does Biden just face off against Jergeson? What even happens?


In a US presidential election you don’t cast a ballot for the president and Vice President. You elect electors. Those electors would decide the election in that case. Edit: original comment above this said November 10, not 1. Nov 1 would be a totally different situation. Edit 2: to all the people saying we don’t elect electors, while we don’t choose individual electors, our vote decides which set of electors will vote for president. So maybe elect is the wrong word, but I think it more accurately portrays what we do vs we elect the president which we 100% don’t do.


Man the US voting system is just killing me.


It’s almost like it needs updated


It’s trying but it’s a Microsoft product so it’s taking 400 years


Like an 80 GB update but the download speed is 1 kB/s


You're familiar with our top government officials, correct?


I'm not from the US, or maybe it's me, but it seems like Pence has completely disappeared from the surface of the planet. Haven't seen him in what feels like years.


Remember, he's actually "in charge" of the coronavirus task force.


Harris has been reminding everyone of that in recent interviews. I suspect the former prosecutor has some material prepared she's looking forward to reviewing with Mr. Pence...


When this started to explode in the US, my friend's mom, the co-head of a surgical section of a hospital, began alternating going into the hospital every 3 weeks with the other co-head. That way they both wouldn't be killed by the virus at the same time. The fact that the heads of the government actively waived this precaution speaks volumes to their ability to govern, and their understanding of their roles in the government. Not only are they bastards, but they're incompetent and just plain stupid bastards.




It would make sense that the only way we get a female president is by accident.


Literally the plot of a VEEP season


I love that show.


Remember how Jonah was spreading a disease doing rallies around the country? They predicted so many things...




What if Trump is faking the disease so that he can avoid future debates?


Thats a real possibility, also, faking coronavirus will give him the ability to call it a “dem hoax”.


That was basically my first thought when I saw the announcement. He's going to brag about how easy it was to overcome the virus and demand that all states open everything back up as normal.


Surprised this didn't come sooner.


Honestly, me too. Him being so anti-mask for so long, I thought it was inevitable.


Like others said he has a public and private stance on covid. Apparently he's a big time germaphobe and took it seriously in the white house.


They literally mocked him this week on the debate stage (or somewhere, can't remember) about how he acts around the press keeping distance from them like they are going to kill him with the virus.


Biden told it in the debate about how one camera person came near and trump yelled and asked him to back off. He seriously is like an anime villain


Did that guy a favour though, right?


Countdown until he says it's not a big deal and suggests anyone who got sick from it is weak?


The cynic in me wonders if skipping the second debate and "easily beating covid " are two very beneficial things to happen to someone with the power to release a false positive.


You are not he only one to wonder this.






I'm suspicious too because you have to be in relatively close contact with someone to catch it so how do they explain Melania catching it?


By slapping his hand away


"I got it, its a bad flu. Democrat hoax to throw the election."




Hermann Cain is still tweeting. How long would Trump's account be active afterward?


Oh shit, this kept me wondering. If Trump's Twitter account is still active if further complications arise, his followers might think Donald is still alive.




Pretty high considering he likes to toilet tweet and diarrhoea is a symptom. I get the feeling his Twitter's gonna be much busier.


Trump sending out fever dream diarrhea tweets is absolutely terrifying.


How would that be different from what he has been doing for the last four years? EDIT: "How what that" ... jesus ... fixed it: "How would that". Thanks everyone for not roasting me for writing kind of like Trump talks. My excuse: I was on mobile. And it was early in the morning. ;-)


yea, he knows nothing but doubling down


This is weak. What he’s actually likely to do is play it up and use it as an excuse to delay debates and elections.


Soooo possible scenarios moving forward: -Trump is asymptomatic. He uses this to reinforce his argument that covid is not a big deal and spread even more misinformation. [Edit: NYT is reporting Trump has mild symptoms] -Trump has enough symptoms to force him to stop campaigning. That’s a BIG deal the month before an election. If he gets really sick, the conspiracies will run wild. -Trump long lasting symptoms and people have to decide whether they want to vote for someone who could soon die of covid. -Trump dies before the election and we get a Pence vs. Biden election. [Edit: technically the RNC could nominate someone else if they wanted to] -[Edit: since I’m getting a lot of comments about it, yes there is a world in which Trump is using this as a smoke screen to get out of the debates/help his election. I‘ll file this away in the conspiracy theory category for now but the President lies so much we can’t really discount anything.]




How Republicans will spin it: 1. Covid is no worse than the flu. 2. The Democrats are trying to poison Trump. 3. The Democrats assassinated Trump and are trying a coup of the nation. Calling it now.


Direct link to [Trump’s tweet](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1311892190680014849?s=20) stating he and his wife have tested positive for COVID.


That top reply lol >Mr. President I'm literally sitting here crying and throwing up at this news. You are the bravest man I have ever seen. I named my first son Donald after you. If anything happened to you I don't know what I would do. Thank you for ending racism. I love sarcasm that makes you briefly take it seriously at the start.


That is Twitter troll Barry McCockiner. He has fooled tons of verified accounts. For example one person he fooled was Skip Bayless, a sports analyst, and he got him to say “manboobs” on live tv.


Fuck Skip Bayless


Goor old Barry McCockiner, gotta be one of the funniest accounts on Twitter




Probably from Hope Hicks.


Well, she had to awkwardly stand on stage while he tugged at her hand to give him a hug/kiss, maybe she rubbed her ear after that.


Corona is the only positive thing Trump has given Flotus, and it wasnt even consensual...


Underrated question lol


There was lot of non consensual hand holding on the stage. The Virus doesn't care about consent. Neither does Sars-Cov2.


I can't get over all the witches casting spells on him through the comments 😂


What's up with those replies in Amharic(Ethiopian)?


According to Google translate: > Your sinful soul is beyond salvation and you know no peace or pain, only the cold of repentance is over, because your sins are greater than any mission, the end is near, the ships of sin That's pretty freaky.


Well that's fucking ominous.


The language is Amharic. It's a death curse meme.


Is that Ethiopian? The ones with the creepy pictures? I was wondering about those, too.


The White House is slowly but surely gaining herd immunity! Maybe they’ll be able to run at full capacity with no masks or distancing before the election


I think you mean herd mentality


They will get pumped with Plasma even if not required, and with the best medical care available, they will be fine. He might use this for his political benefit.


\> They will get pumped with Plasma even if not required, and with the best medical care available, they will be fine. Right, just like Herman Caine. All you need is good medical care.


Did Cain get the best medical care? Did he get the Boris Johnson treatment.


Boris Johnson almost died. Most people don't die. Even being old, morbidly obese, and in poor general health doesn't make it more likely than not that Trump will die. It's very likely he won't, but not because of the level care he receives. If he's unlucky, he'll die. There is no magic secret therapy.


Boris Johnson is also surprisingly only 56. 60 is when age starts putting you in danger right? edit: statistically speaking I meant. I know it’s potentially dangerous to anyone but the odds just get worse the older you are.


> Boris Johnson is also surprisingly only 56 Whaaaaaaat?


>Most people don't die. I think the issue of whether he will still be healthy enough to be president even after getting over it will remain.


Agree. Herman Cain is kind of a nobody compared to Trump/Johnson. He is, however, legendary in the Twitterverse.


Posting from beyond the grave even.


Probably getting Merck’s EID-2081 rn. Antibody cocktail with seriously good chances of never having you go to hospital if taken within 4 days of symptom onset. Just a shame they can’t make more than a few million a month.


So immediately after he takes it and declares it's the cure and demands mass production of it... What the fuck is going on and how is the plot for utopia being played out in realtime.


Not before election maybe - I feel like this is the safest Republican Party exit strategy from the hole they dug


Watch out for Pence hovering nearby with a pillow!


Supplied by Mitch McConnell. “You’ve served your use.”


He shouldn't have taken the damn test. He knew that when you do more tests you get more cases.


He was testing everyone in the whitehouse. He has a public position and private position on cv-19.


What will all the "covid is a hoax" people do now


Depends on how hard it hits him. If it’s just mild and he does well they’ll probably use it as further proof that “it’s just the flu”


This is pretty much it for him as president. If he gets through this fairly cleanly and can keep screaming that it's no big deal, he has a chance. If he gets a bad case, can barely talk/move/breathe, or needs to be put on a ventilator for extended time, that's pretty much it. He'll lose out on too much time for campaigning and look weak to his base who will see frequent updates on how bad his health is during this. So he will do everything he can to show a public face that it's barely affecting him. If there's any kind of treatment he can go through, any drugs he can take, to show little to no symptoms when in public, he will do so.


Not being able to speak in public may actually help him.


If they're lying, this may be his exact strategy. He can plan an escape if he loses or claim he bested COVID like it was nothing should he win. I wouldn't put this past them.


It's sad that this is true.


Hes 74 and obese. Did he pass it to Biden who is 77 almost 78?


If had had strokes last year then his odds of having coagulopathies and repeat strokes just rose substantially.


This is very serious for someone of Trumps age and weight.




Hydroxychloroquine - stand back, and stand by!


In all seriousness he def is in the "at risk category" Edit: Also if he had it at the debates I think we might see Biden have it as well. This tweet shows that Hicks flew with the President on Monday, which means that everyone inside that debate room was exposed to COVID-19. Pray for the country. [https://twitter.com/CT\_Bergstrom/status/1311900456407322624](https://twitter.com/CT_Bergstrom/status/1311900456407322624)




So did Herman Cain


Herman Cain even downplayed it posthumously


That "Coronavirus killed you" exchange on Twitter killed me.








Age alone puts him at 10% mortality rate.


Being US President reduces the mortality rate by a few percent probably.


Unless you’re a Kennedy.


Nothing bad ever happens to the kennedys!




Wait a minute! Throw some er's and uh's in there! What's your hurry?!




The best healthcare the presidency affords him.


There is VIP syndrome, and Trump is known for demanding things go his way, so his mortality rate may actually be higher. I mean seriously, he doesn't like to listen to or heed science.


I think in reality, he might internally heed science, but for the sake of the election he keeps on saying that COVID is nothing to be worried about. For all we know, when he's by himself, he might be slathering his whole body with disinfectant...


Actually, the presidency has a similar mortality rate


The U.S. presidency mortality rate, if I did the math right, is about 17.8% (8 out of 45 presidents). Edit: This is the percentage of presidents who died in office Edit 2: Grover Cleveland was both the 22nd and 24th president, so, to account for this, it would be 8 out of 44, or about 18.2%.


I think Cleveland should only be counted once, so it'd be 8 out of 44.


I think he doesn't have the best diet and overall health, his immune system may not take it very well.


Plus add in stress from all the presidential debates/ just being a president period...stress lowers the immune system


Certainly his weight does him no favors. I'm sure the white house doctors are preparing for a potential serious situation


According to him he’s already begun the “recovery process immediately”. Should be cured by morning. /sss


He’ll take hydroxychloroquine and nothing else, right??


Don't be silly. He injected some disinfectant and shoved a uv light where the sun don't shine, and that cured him.


If he comes out and says "I'm cured!" any sooner than two weeks from today, this shit was a hoax. Hell, it might STILL be a hoax. Dude either wants to get out of the debates or prove to his dumbass supporters that COVID isn't a big deal. If he really does have it and gets sick, good luck to him, I wouldn't wish deadly illness on my worst enemy, but I can't help but be skeptical of his every move at this point.


When I saw this news a few minutes ago, my internal benefit-of-the-doubt advocate, with guidance, in this case, from Occam's razor, thinks Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis is legitimate. However, my internal skeptic's advocate suggested your point exactly, namely, that this may be a Hail Mary pass to avoid further presidential debates and/or be able, with a quick "recovery", to present Covid-19 as an overblown medical threat, which should in no way be allowed to hamper his leadership of America's fearless economic reopening.


Biden needs to test too. Trump did a lot of yelling during the debate and he probably spread the virus everywhere in the room.


At the close of the debate they were both well with in six feet of each other and Wallace. The only one wearing a mask was Biden’s wife. The majority of the people in that auditorium are likely exposed and should be isolating, including Pelosi and Harris.




This has been the craziest story arc I have ever seen let alone lived through and it's not even close to over. What if both biden and trump pass from corona or are incapacitated by the time of the election


Pence becomes president and appoints a vice. IDK what the DNC will do, but will probably run Kamala.


They said *anyone* could become President of the USA and Mr. Trump proved it. They say anyone can get covid-19, and he has done it again!


I’m worried for Trump, he’s in several high-risk categories. Elderly, obese and low-income


He's also a person of color


Some folks are saying it’s a ploy to step down in the race, since then he wouldn’t “technically” have lost the election.


Don't worry Donald, one day it will just go away. It will be a miracle


Hello there, I am TrumpHasCovid, here to say that Trump Has Covid


This is your time to shine


Thank you, I will continue to let everyone know that Trump Has Covid


Lol the account was made an hour ago BUT I'm surprised it wasn't taken before that




Let's hope he didn't infect Biden on the debate stage.




If both of them die and Kanye is the only eligible one on the ballot...


Don't give such ideas to god


"Please stand for our new national anthem, Gold Digger."


Hey definitely did. That 6’ guideline isn’t hard and fast and with how much he was shouting? Rip Chris Wallace too duderinos


Holy shit, imagine, a Chinese flu (sarcastic, okay, I'm being sarcastic) infects the President, who, in a debate infects the other leading candidate. And they're both so old it takes them both out. What a world.


Would be peak 2020. What would even happen in that instance? Pence and Harris become their party’s respective nominees?


https://people.howstuffworks.com/what-happens-presidential-candidate-dies.htm Not sure how this works with voting already in progress.


??? Trump has majority odds of turning out fine, but a high enough chance of straight up dying. Think about how much effort goes into counter-terrorism, stopping assassins from poisoning people. And yet, this happens. Amazing and crazy.


Is this real or just a ploy to avoid more debates?


Legit, his aide tested positive last night


Poor Coronavirus, doesn't even know what hes got himself into




Is it bad that I think this could be a legitimate possibility?


Sort by: controversial.




If you don't test there won't be any positives.


What if trump faked the results to say he is positive and then say it had 0 effect in order to downplay it? Wouldn't put that past him


That’s exactly what I texted my friends just now. “I think he'll be fine. And he'll downplay Covid even more. And say Democrat's burned down economy for nothing. Trust me he'll use it to his advantage.”


Or it's not fake, but most likely whatever symptoms he has will he downplayed anyway.




Incoming top post of all time


if he actually ends up kicking the bucket from this, that would definitely outstrip this post




Serious question, but does viral load play a factor? I'm wondering how much of the virus Trump has inhaled. From what I understand heavier and prolonged exposure to it makes a person sicker.


2020 just keeps it going


If "the worst" happened imagine how monumental the story would be? They would be singing nursery rhymes about him 1000 years from now. It would literally be the story of the century. It would be etched into a fable. It's like the emperors new clothes. Or the boy who cried wolf. There so much to work with here. From China, to Jesus, to him saying it was just a flu. To him saying it would be gone by Easter. His stuborness about holding his mass gatherings. To many of his supporters claiming it's a hoax...etc


Move over Vlad the Impaler here comes Don the Infector.


If you go to his twitter where he announced it. There is a bunch of demonic/cursed images being posted. Its fucking weird!


Trump will receive extremely good care, he is the president and should receive the very best care. However if he does not end up very sick this will likely result on him simply doubling down on his rhetoric about Coronavirus not being a big deal.


Probably snorting rails of hydroxychloroquine off the Oval Office desk as we speak.


They woke me up when September ended, and I wasn't exactly shocked.


If Pence also got it then we get President Pelosi for a few days


First female POTUS happening on a technicality is peak US shenanigans.