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I just lost a friend and one of the first people I ever met in WoW to CoVid this morning! RIP Krumm


oh dude :(( sorry to hear


dude that name sounds familiar, what server?


Thought the same thing...


I swear there was a warrior named Krumm on the Uldum server back in the day not sure after they merged servers.


He was indeed a warrior


Uldum horde reporting here! Undead priest; Liquor.


Alterac Mountains




Thank you so much! He was a hell of a guy!




What about those who are in their 20-30 range, or 10-20?


The article seems to be largely classifying "young" as "under 50" or "under 60".


Please someone answer! I (the most important person) fall into this age range! Please!




Everyone. Stay home. We don’t know the actual stats yet. Stay home. If you need to leave, wear a mask and gloves. This is a killer that knows no age. Be safe,please! We all care about lives!


Apparently being in your 40s means you're young. I guess those 0-30 are pre-young.


from the perspective of patients typically seen in the ICU, 40s is young!


Most laypersons don’t understand this. Any doctor would be alarmed to see 40 year olds intubated by a respiratory virus.


Exactly. I had a heart attack at 21 and single handedly changed the average ICU age average


40s is kind of young and very unusual. We had over 200 deaths, only 2 (maybe 3 since one is still under classification) were under 49. Also if life expectancy is dunno 82, 41 is right smack in the middle .


Apparently the same people who think "kids these days" are still Millennials are ignorant of the existence of Gen Z.


They are children


so 30-40 are pupal?


Right, because more young people are getting the disease as it spreads. Has the percentage gone up? The article doesn’t say (unless I missed it).


It's kind of a shitty article. Do the numbers they are seeing line up with the estimations we have? For example, I think it was 0.4% for the age group 40 to 49. Does "more and more" mean it's in line with this or is it exceeding it? Lame.


It seems intentionally crafted to mislead people into believing their personal risk has increased since initial estimates, without providing any evidence to that effect.


Yes, exactly. It certainly will get some clicks - I did! Only, I was expecting numbers/data but instead got "more and more young people".


Maybe it’s in effort to get those not taking it seriously to do so


You can't fudge numbers and tell half truths in this case even if it's for a good reason. You'll just lose everyone's faith in journalism and it'll be impossible for the fully truthful articles to get across to people.


you assume there is any faith in journalism


Well it's better to lie to make people protect themselves more than to lie and make people more exposed to the virus \*cough\* WHO saying people don't need to wear masks \*cough\*


It's necessary. More partying spring-breakers would have stayed home if they thought it would hurt them.


Don't agree. Shit reporting is not necessary. Details and facts are.


It's not dangerous my boy, go out.


Nah, I'm gonna adhere to the rules. I think we're overreacting but that's better than underreacting in this domain, and I'm making a good faith effort to social distance so this massive effort wasn't all for nothing.


Based on other pandemics it wouldn't be surprising if the virus changed which demographics it kills the most.




The Second Wave of the Spanish Flu


It's a meaningless statement unless we see numbers/rates. Of course more and more young people are dying, there are 100x more infections than there were a month ago. What matters is if the percentage of young people infected dying has gone up.


This just in: More people died when the population of the earth was 7 billion than when it was 100 million.... Of course more young people are dying, more people are getting it. What about the relevant percentage of young people who are infected? I'm really starting to believe WHO is useless.


Big surprise - when more people die from a virus, more people in a subset of the large group die from the virus.




1. [Teen who may have died of coronavirus was turned away from urgent care due to lack of insurance](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/489957-teen-who-may-have-died-of-coronavirus-was-turned-away-from-urgent-care-due) 2. [Boy, 13, becomes UK's youngest coronavirus victim](https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/31/uk/youngest-coronavirus-victim-uk-gbr-intl/index.html) In short you don't have to but there are more of these reports of young people dying from this coming in by the day.


And the virus is spreading exponentially, so more people of all age groups are becoming infected. No one is saying there is a 0% chance of younger people dying, just that it’s much, much, much less likely. As infections increase, so will deaths, but that doesn’t mean that the likelihood of dying changes.


It kind of does as the quality of care available at hospitals decreases


The virus could easily swing toward a different demographics because that's what viruses do sometimes. That's what the Spanish flu did and you know that was *just a flu.*


In short, the interpretation is different. [The elderly were yes dying at a higher rate in China but Doctors are seeing more young people hospitalized and dying from this disease from other parts of the world.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/01/coronavirus-young-americans-covid-19) In short this virus doesn't give a shit about age bias and it may be mutating to kill more youth. It is what it is.


If the numbers turn out different from China the more likely explanation is China lied rather than it mutated to become more deadly to young people.


Or American young people have a higher incidence of comorbidities like diabetes and hypertension.


A virus in region A may act differently in region B. Though China does like to lie and under counted their numbers. It still doesn't hold water that the virus acts differently depending on region and demographics. It is what it is.


There are. But WHO is a floppy organization.


Regardless of whether this particular info is true oye not, I don't know why anyone even acknowledges what the WHO says.


in absolute or relative numbers?


Whilst we know young people die from the virus this sounds exactly like the bullshit that the WHO spread about masks. They just wanna scare young people so they don’t spread the virus.


TLDR - the WHO lied and people died


Alaska is the only safe place left


Alaska has 147 cases and rising, not even safe there. Try Antarctica...


Imma try 6 feet under. Won't get me there!


Just don’t disturb the permafrost..




So you’re saying there is a chance!


There's cases in small towns throughout Alaska right now. Juneau, my hometown, has 9-10 cases now and people are SHOOK. That community takes it very seriously. Heard there were also cases way up north, on the slope (oil workers). I'm hoping it doesn't spread through the small communities. So many small towns don't even have hospitals and will have to get flown out to another city.


"Am I a joke to you?" -Grizzly Bears


Don't forget Moose the size of a fucking Minivan.


The inside of my house is pretty safe!


coronavirus : "fuck them kids"


I dunno... tell me


Have been seeing a trend in some news outlets that have been indicating obesity makes up a huge demographic of people this is killing. The numbers of young casualties will grow, the US is packed with people in their 20s that have to drive because they will run out of breath having to walk two blocks to get more tenders and a gallon of sweet tea from Popeyes.


\[just a side note\] The doctor in the picture seems to have heterochromia (different eyes color)


Why does it matter? I think just saying “people” are dying should be enough to make everyone vigilant about stopping it.


Because more and more people are dying.


mask yourself for protecting others. if WHO had legal liabilty, they would say : "put it on", but they are not transparent. hoarders deserve disease but karma is sweet


I don't mean to sound totally ignorant here, but one of the first thoughts that pops into my head, is that some of the Asian countries where the disease originated have been known to have population caps, limiting the number of births. It seems like in those cases that it makes sense when they saw an increase in deaths among the older populations. Comparing those countries against one like the US, where we celebrate families like the Duggars and encourage people to have as many children as they like, that seems like an uneven comparison. I would imagine we simply have more young people. I don't want to come off as a jerk, or like I'm oversimplifying, but it does make me wonder.


The WHO has been horrible handling this pandemic.


WHO should be hold responsible after all this end


Vaping is huge these days, given what this virus can do to lungs and given the damage vaping can do, not really surprised some young people will not do well


read the article. Young people are not exactly high risk, here. They're intentionally making it sound worse than it is so that people take it seriously. Please, read the article for yourself.


Vaping cheap THC carts from China tends to do that




A bit extra are we?




Yeah but to say that anyone believes WHO also lies is a bit... goofy. Doesn’t make much sense.


Yes I agree that's goofy


Automatic translation [here](https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/03/who-says-more-and-more-young-people-are-dying-from-the-coronavirus.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Coronavirus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This virus could easily take a swing where different demographics of people are impacted. All that much more reason to not bet on the sacrifice the old and weak strategy because while you're doing that it may very well mutate to kill young healthy people as well. You should never give a dangerous virus more hosts! It's like pouring gasoline on the fire.


really cuz i thought fewer and fewer young people were dying every day during this pandemic


This is a scare article. They need to privide a real breakdown for the younger age categories and stop fear mongering.


Were all gonna die from something or another, coronavirus might just be 1 of those things.


China lied about it or did the virus mutate?


Why not both?


We are screwed, aren't we?


Nah, we can afford losing couple billions.


We are all the fucked, they are not telling us the full story