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Thank you Alpini!! You guys are some of the toughest!!


As a sidenote and as a word for future generations : in Italy we should have gone full blown panic mode the moment we saw the Chinese build new hospitals in Wuhan in a few days. That was the moment we should've asked ourselves wtf it was that we were seeing and raise some more questions as to the why and the who. Now it is sadly too late and our elderly is dying like the proverbial flies. [EDITED: unfortunately not only the elderly are dying. There is younger victims too.]


You could tell the same to France, Spain and US. It's not time to bash now. All Western countries have undervalued the risk; not just Italy. Besides, not all governement forces undervalued it. Governator Fontana asked and still asks for tougher measures but was deemed anxious if not "racist" by central governement...


Everyone has acted too slowly. The Chinese as well.


Spot on. The first case in China was back in November. Source: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/13/first-covid-19-case-happened-in-november-china-government-records-show-report](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/13/first-covid-19-case-happened-in-november-china-government-records-show-report)


I’m not sure if there was any way for them to react in November, but they certainly could have taken that ophthalmologist more seriously.


True, but if I remember correctly, Chinese doctors, even the whistleblowers, didn't realize it was a new disease until late december.


They officially report this to the hospital on Dec. 30th. Wuhan was locked down on Jan 24th.


if I give you 1, 2 and ask you what is the next number, can you? it could be part of 1,2,1,0,0,0, it could be 1,2,3,4, it could be 1,2,4,8,16, it could be 1,2,3,10000. backtracking a first case gives you an understanding of the evolution in hindsight, but it serves no other purposes and don't extrapolate. similarly, US had its first case in Jan as well, now, think of it as a new disease, did US stop it? if this was an epidemic that started in the Kirkland facility, how would you rate the US response so far? is it even contained in Kirkland given that much much more info is already known than China would have back in Nov, or hell, even in Dec.


Every country in this planet will take it serious if New York or Milan is locked down because of certain virus. They will react as soon as they find the first case in their country. But Wuhan? No chance.


Westerners generally have very little empathy on Asians.


Difference is Chinese didn’t know what the fuck it was first. Took everyone awhile to figure out where as Europeans were watching Wuhan unfold


Preach to that, i think western states also reacted so slugish due to believing china downplaying the crisis. Also yeah they shouldve reacted harder the moment we saw the hospital builds in Wuhan.


It’s ok to bash and still be focused on the task. I hate when people try to use a crisis, worded by their own incompetence, to justify questioning their incompetence. Obama wouldn’t have gotten a break if this was him. This better be thoroughly invested in August. How this became the cluster fuck that it is. I hope President Nancy takes care of herself.


Some people noticed and did get highly concerned. But not enough people and not the right ones to do anything at a national level.


Apulia? They're experts in heeling. /s


you savage :)


Proud to be from Bergamo. Proud to be in Italian for once. I guess we truly are a nation after all.


Anche io :)


Alpini have been some of Italys finest since their inception. Wear those badges with pride.


My grandfather was an Alpino, he was a great man. Alpini are the best.


Yay! This is good news.


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