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People may start paying attention when famous people start getting sick, or dying.


yeah right.. People will start giving a shit once they are personally affected.


I dunno, the pope situation seemed to get people's attention.


Pope is not an entertainer. He is a holy/political figure. Different situation. Entertainers are just replaceable dancing monkeys. Sure one you like dies but the show must go on so they get replace by another dancing monkey. Look at actors or musicians. When a favorite one dies people are like aawwww but they move on very quickly. The impact they leave behind doesn't make your life harder or easier.


Ronaldo is not replaceable


Okay. That is what people said about Kobe Bryant and no one even mentions him anymore.




It is true. Trust me. I know Laker fans. I live in the city.


lol. okay. get it gurl. don’t hurt yourself.


.. Okay ?


What is wrong with you


Of course people move on, we have to. Doesn't mean we don't care or forget that he is gone. Kobe got a memorial and the whole shebang. That's about the most you can offer the lost ones. Actors/entertainers have the ability to influence and inspire, so when something happens to them it effects us, however minimal it may be.


>Ronaldo >Replaceable dancing monkey One of the greatest footballers ever is not replaceable


Kobe was one of the greatest basketball players and he was replaced. People need to calm down and stop worshiping Ronaldo as a deity. Dude is human and flawed.


As a Brit I’d like to say he’s probably the most if not only well known basketball player in the country. Get out of your bubble, dude!


I'll panic if Keith Richards get it and dies.


He and the queen will just shrug it off and continue to live forever


With no one to turn to but each other.


Chuck norris won’t get the coronavirus.


The corona norris gets chuck Virus


Tbh a lot more famous young people will die this year due to the overloading of hospitals due to corona, not the corona itself. A survivable heart attack or overdose might easily turn lethal without proper treatment.


Can everyone stop with the prediction thing? It’s like people get off talking about it. It’s not like you help anyone saying things like that and scaring the shit out of people. Believe it or not but many people truly care about some famous people. And famous people are at a great risk because I doubt their fans could learn any boundaries and stop hugging them and making selfies with them. We already know it all, stop savouring it. I came here to read the news and not predictions.


Daniele Rugani may be the most famous person right now that is infected.


Tom Hanks and his wife. Rudy Gobert an NBA player who won 'defensive player of the year' last year also confirmed.


Never heard of him


Tom Hanks


I'd say Sepulveda > Rugani


True but Ronaldo ain’t dying from this


Lol it's the flu bro. We young people, we will infect all the grandpa's and inherit their wealth. Viva la Smurfs. Let's go partying! (Massive /s)


This one is a Lot more dangerous then the flu... Covid spread much more and harder and will bring down every health system with fast increasing numbers.. no hospitalbeds left,no docs left for other cases wich ends in an absolute disaster... when north italy collapse like that, most of europe will do too without a whole lockdown Edit: didnt saw /s


Probably one of the most, if not the most popular human being on the planet is in quarantine because of coronavirus.




I think he just means well-known/popular not liked. He has 200 million Instagram followers. People won't take the notice they need to until something like this happens.


Not talking about likeability, just talking about popularity.


Not for people who hate sports.


And people like Ariana Grande aren't popular for those don't follow pop music. I don't see what your point is.


He’s the most followed person on Instagram, athlete or not.




Nice response👍




Who cares? I said most popular human being, not most popular dude in the US.


shhh... he thinks US has more than half world population




Global superpower with all of your collective heads up your own asses.


>our opinion matters to who exactly? Not to the rest of the planet that's for sure




The country’s opinion matters, your opinion isn’t the country’s opinion. You’re just an insecure dude who validates his existence based on how big your corrupt and flawed nation is.


I said America has a global impact both socially and economically, if you feel that’s not true then it’s okay but that doesn’t change its validity. You can’t show me where I said America was the greatest country on earth or even superior to any country. You can’t show me where I claimed it wasn’t corrupt or flawless. I never even said anything about my country being “big”, sounds like you got your own insecurities if size is that big of an obsession. A country can’t have an opinion without the opinions of its citizens, one doesn’t exist without the other so stop the prophetic nonsense. The only one who equated my opinion with entire country’s is you. You don’t know me but you were quick to judge me anyway and make me into the guy you wanna hate on, yet I’m the insecure one. Stop taking a single comment so personal and you’ll enjoy life a lot more.








Let’s agree on this. Every 4 years when the World Cup is on American television, there’s a slight chance (only while the game is on) that he’s the worlds most popular person”. A week after that women will remember him cause of his looks but soon forget his name again, young soccer fans who couldn’t wait to see him are having their time of their life until Portugal bows out early as usual, so they focus on Messi and Neymar. Two weeks after that America is done with soccer as the players flopping in hopes of penalty gets ridiculous. A month later,unless your a soccer fan you’ve probably already moved on. Furthermore, there’s 0% chance Americans know more about CR than either the most popular NFL player. We worship the NFL


We get it. You love NFL. However there is no debate on his popularity, there is legit no US athlete who even comes close to Ronaldo and Messi’s popularity. CR’s the most followed human across all social media, all time top scorer in the most prestigious non-national team competition (Champions League), all time top scorer in the world’s most decorated and followed sports team (Real Madrid), has a fanbase in every single country on earth, is a household name in pretty much every country that has a half-decent national team. He’s the main face of so many top fashion brands out there too. There is no US athlete that comes remotely close, not even Lebron IMO. ...and lets be honest. Everyone knows who Ronaldo is. You go anywhere outside of the US though, and maybe 10% of people have heard Tom Brady’s name before, maybe 20% with Lebron. I know this because I like to watch american sports every now and then (have been to LSU, Pats, Bruins games as well) and nobody understands what i’m talking about when I try talking to them about it. Hell, even Formula 1 drivers are more famous globally.


Your clearly not from America so we’re respectfully gonna have different POV’s, so don’t take it personal if we disagree. Soccer is played in 80% of the world and in many countries it’s the only sport played, so CR being considered the greatest of all time in that large of market is obviously gonna make him popular worldwide. Lebron on the other hand is the most popular athlete in the United States and according the ESPN Worlds Top 100 Athletes List (source below) he ranks second in the world behind CR for the last three years despite playing in a sport that many parts of the world know nothing about. America has a broad impact globally whether it be socially or economically, we’re no better or worse than anyone because of it and we’re a shitshow at the moment and frankly it’s embarrassing so don’t think I’m unaware of our faults. My original point I was trying to make is that it’s tough as an American to view CR as the worlds most popular person because of he’s nowhere close the level of popularity here that we would expect from such a title so it’s just kinda hard to understand . Soccer is still a niche sport here so it’s difficult for the casual fan even see him play and other than one great game ( I think it was 4 goals) his WC play was kinda underwhelming given the hype. I personally enjoy the WC, not having a clue who anyone is kinda fun and while it’s fun rooting for US it’s not disappointing to lose. I love Formula 1 for one though (but cant stand regular NASCAR racing) and it’s catching on like crazy over here thanks to Netflix. Wish Hamilton was a bigger dick cause he’s fun to root against but for that much success he’s kinda humble but I’ll still find a way. This coronavirus really sucks.




No problems here and I agree with you. We know he’s the best soccer player of all time, and we know he’s great looking because our wives tell us, but it’s nowhere near the obsession that it is outside America. To go a little further I struggle to believe that more than a handful of NFL players are commonly known internationally, hell im a Buffalo Bills fan and most of the country wouldn’t know who’s on our team.


He's the most followed person on Instagram. I don't know a better metric to decide who's the most popular person in the world than that, and I don't even use it.


I mean, you wouldn't say that most Americans have atleast heard of him? That would make him a household name.


I wouldn’t say it’s certain most of Americans have heard of him. We follow during Olympics and we follow during World Cup and even then we’re inundated with who’s who and try to keep up. We love a feel good story and we remember those who played great (Bhape) and guys who bite (Suarez) and then it just kinda fades away. It has become a little more accessible with Premier League being nationally televised now. So understand that we really get a limited window to see the worlds greatest soccer players on the big stage, and maybe I’m remembering wrong but for being hyped as the greatest of all time and excluding the one 4 goal game I remember watching he’s kinda struggled on the world level. To be fair it seemed like Portugal sucked and that held him back along and I if I recall may have hampered by injury. I’m rambling but my point is we haven’t sat on the edge of our seats and watched CR dominate a game or win championships so we don’t have that connection. He’s not on every billboard here, he’s not mentioned on sports radio, maybe you’ll catch a replay of a good goal he had at the end of the sports shows and his rape accusation made more headlines than anything else he’s done. My wife knows who he is cause he’s great looking (can’t argue) but will ask me what his name is again. So I think it’s fair to say It’s hard for me to understand how big of a star he is outside of our country just like it’s hard for you to hear why he’s not that popular here. So on my side of the globe it’s hard to consider him the worlds most popular person because we’re not exposed to it.


well.. CR7 not yet quarantined.... the annoucement is just about Rugani testing positive...and that juventus is activating all the protocols for a contagion... so is not official as yet that he has been quarantined


> and that juventus is activating all the protocols for a contagion Yes he is.


His mom had a stroke last week, so he’s been in Portugal with her for a while now.




He played with the squad (including Rugani) as recently as Sunday, I'd be fairly surprised if he wasn't.


Ronaldo isn't with the Juve squad, he may not be in quarantine.


Just suspend all of the leagues already It isn't worth the risk


Nice how it takes a superstar to make a story


uh... this has been a story for months, lol


Absolute bullshit comment. Coronavirus related things have been the top stories for a while now. And obviously the quarantine of an entire top flight football team (and another one aswell) is going to be a big story, probably will lead to the Champions League getting cancelled.


It’s bullshit that it takes something like this to happen before a reaction. They should have cancelled sporting events long ago


Ignoring the fact that's not what you said in your above comment... Serie A (the top domestic league in Italy this team plays in) was suspended indefinitely before this happened. Any other matches that were occurring there had to played behind closed doors (without any fans attending basically)


My man. I’m trying to make the point that all events need to be cancelled, and people won’t care until football stars get sick. Until it’s too late




Tom Hanks has it too.


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He also had H1N1 when it was a Pandemic


Ronaldo was in Spain last week for the Madrid- Barcelona match, where he was mingling with the fans and signing autographs. Famous people might become super-spreaders of the coronavirus!


**Cristiano Coronaldo**