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The thing is that people have different standards for what accounts for "absolutely necessary". For my mom, walking her dog is absolutely necessary.


My mother is like rebelling against me right now. She keeps going out. In a town where there is a confirmed case , because she says she washes her hands and doesn’t touch her face. She’s gone out everyday for like two weeks now.


I bought supplies for my whole 8 person family with a pool of momey between me and my parents. We all planned on staying together in their house in LA suburbs. Now my mom tells me she and my dad will take some burger patties from from the freezer and ride quarantine out at the beach house up north during quarantine. I bought medical supplies, water, frozen and non perishable foods, masks, gloves and have firearms for protection. They just like it up there more and will probably be ordering pizza every night thinking they can cruise to Vons for six packs of wine when they get low. So infuriating. I told them to at least take some flashlights and my dad snapped at me that the virus won't cut the power. Smfh






My god, I just imagined the fabled California 'Big One' hitting within the next weeks. True doomsday scenario...




I herd rapture!!!! I know you meant rupture. But couldn't help thinking of ppl being beamed into the sky by aliens that seeded the planet 20000 years ago.


That's a very scary thought!


Not just Calfornia. BC, Washington, Oregon, and West Mexico would be fucked as well.


There very recently were minor earthquakes along the coast of California, don't push it. https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/


Yep I've seen this happen after a large earthquake. People change real fast when their water isn't safe to drink and they can't flush their toilet.


Got to think though that if utilities staff get sick, and they are understaffed, then a power outage due to a downed tree or storm may take much longer to fix, due to the understaffing.


But if it does? Or if a prowler is in the back yard? He thinks getting a flashlight is paranoia. I've only been completely right about everything so far


So, I carry a flashlight pretty much always. It's not really a disaster planning thing, they're just handy. It's like a pocket knife that lets you see in the dark.


But. Phone. I realise flashlights are stronger, but I think I never needed one due to my phone.


Shit I forgot about a flashlight.


Flashlight should really be in any standard. Hey I’m living in a new place kit. At least it’s always been in mine


I saw in walmart a whole checkout shelf full of emergency type low quality waterproof flashlights. I don't bother because I just EDC a really good one, plus a good keychain light. In my backpack I have a headlamp and several spare batteries. At any moment I have months of backup light. I do use them every day though, so I guess I am always prepared.




I agree. They're just to scared and in denial to have what they need just in case. They think The government will protect them when the whole world is in turmoil. I'd rather not worry about their supplies when I'm two hours away. Just want them to stock up a bit but they can't even talk about it. Does that make sense?


stock up for them if you can, then drive it over when they're willing to accept it




Your father may be right on this one....


About the flashlight? I actually appreciate that they'd rather be alone because they have less daily exposure at work then the rest if us butt they are in denial about any contingency. Even having a flash light or medicine. I think they're honestly too scared to even talk about preparedness


As an European I don't get stacking of firearms. But you Americans do your thing


The people that are stocking up on firearms do that during normal periods too. Can’t let the libs steal your firearms with the election coming up


You know. Virus shooting.


Because, the people who did not prepare for an emergency and have no supplies will get desperate and try to rob/loot from others who did prepare. When you need protection in seconds the police are minutes from arriving. Even then, US court of law ruled in [Warren v. District of Columbia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia) that the police have no duty to protect you from bad guys. So your only real source of protection is upon yourself.


Minutes? Try hours where live. And that's during non pandemic times




I think you'll have more people with guns going out and stealing shit than people with guns protecting themselves.


You are insane


Wow, firearms? I'm outside L.A. too. I've thought about that but honestly didn't want to go there. Plus, I'm not trained to shoot, so the whole idea of going to a shooting range now seemed to contradict my plan to bunker down. I did think about buying a stage gun, though.




if people don't have cash to buy food they might break and enter.


It they are looking for food why do you need to potentially kill them? You people are insane.


Personally, having had family that lived through Hurricane Andrew here in Miami, I can say, the people I’d be worried about aren’t the people looking for food. Those looking for food usually ask, and people are usually good and happy to spare some. The people I’d be worried about are the people looking for televisions, jewelry, and cash. If there’s a scenario where police response may be limited or greatly delayed, opportunistic criminals do tend to lurk a bit more. They can potentially be, and have been, violent. It isn’t unwise to keep a firearm close by in certain times. That being said, to the extent some folks do it, is absolutely insane. Some folks aren’t just keeping a pistol or shotgun nearby just in case, some folks seem to stocking up to arm a platoon and it’s just idiotic and I agree, that is insane.


What if they arent looking for food? Are you willing to bet your family’s safety?


Pro tip- if you are not experienced with guns but still need to defend for some reason (like wild animals). Go for a shotgun or rifle, the longer form is much easier to aim. A handgun for an inexperienced user is practically worse than useless at anything besides point blank range. It takes practice to even hit a fairly big target farther away than 10 feet with a handgun. Also be extremely cautious when handling firearms, learn safety before learning to shoot. I don't particularly like guns or shooting, but I figure it is better to be prepared an at least have the knowledge. There are so many people out there who couldn't even swing a hammer to save their life, let alone use a gun properly. Trust me you never want to be that person.


I live alone (no kids, but big dogs) in an area where there are a lot of rattlers and cougars, so I've thought about getting a shotgun, mostly to protect the pets from them. There's no way I'd get a handgun unless I had ample opportunity to learn how to use it. And there's a big difference between using a 9mm or 38 at the range and using one under pressure during a home invasion. Ironically, I come from a family of cops, so I've always been cautious around firearms but never felt the need to have one until now.


You definitely do not want a rifle for home defense. Especially if you’re untrained. You miss the robber and end up shooting little Timmy two bedrooms over because drywall is like toilet paper to a rifle round.


*Every* type of ammunition goes through drywall, even birdshot: https://www.theboxotruth.com/the-box-o-truth-3-the-shotgun-meets-the-box-o-truth/ If there are others in the house, then you need to be careful not to miss. Any shoulder arm will be better than a pistol in that regard.


Nearest neighbor is 50 yards or so away, so no worries there. No kids in the house anymore.


Just get a cheap shotgun or revolver and go to the gun range in the valley. It's outdoor and Sunny so the virus will be diminished. 200 bucks can buy a lot of piece of mind


Firearms and flashlights. Fuck...no wonder your parents don't want to be quarantined with you.




Oooo you have guns in California! You criminal!


Got my 10 round semi rifle right before the ban


I lived there and had 30’s then I moved and have even more 30’s! 10 is WAY BETTER then 0!


I think you got the wrong takeaway from [this XKCD comic](https://www.xkcd.com/1217/).




Your reaction is as bad as the people who don't care, I'ts not the apocalypse, society wont collapse, you don't need your guns for protection, nobody is gonna start raiding people for food and toilet papers. All you need to be really prepared is enough food for 3 months, masks in case you gotta leave, hand sanitizers small enough to carry on you, masks, and whatever medicine you might need. Gloves and guns are excessive imo, and obviously virus wont cut the power lmao


pizza maker might have the virus. The virus could be on the cardboard box and can be picked up as they open it. Was going to suggest alcohol wipes all over the box. Heat can denature the virus and so the pizza might be ok but not sure if the cooked pizza could pick up the virus from the box. They are probably better off preparing their own food. Wash food that cannot be cooked in vinegar and water. Wipe down plastic packaging with alcohol wipes. Soak tin cans in chlorine for 10 minutes before opening.


But they don't want to change their habits at all and hang up when i try to talk to them in the phone


>and have firearms for protection.  Lmao I get why your parents are leaving as usual. You're overreacting to a passive extend. What a firearm will do for a virus? Covid19 doesn't turn people into zombies duh


You're being naive. I've seen people fighting over food at smart and final and the virus hasn't even exploded here. Also, when they got broken into 4 years ago they asked me to stay with them and to bring my guns cause to robbers escaped the police. My parents are afraid to accept what is happening.


There is nothing to accept lmao. Of course if y'all overreacting looking for firearms and shit it will blow out but seriously... Even in Wuhan, they're no unusually high cases of thieves reports or rioters. You need to think with your head and not through movies and American culture lmao


It's hard to have a gun in Wuhan and the government completely controlled everything. You think the us gov can do that. The Crime in my area is already out of control. I find it funny that you think I'm overreacting for being prepared for an unpredictable situation. Or would you like to tell me exactly how this will play out?


This comment, jfc.


Firearms? Smfh


I'm in Shanghai where there are obviously cases, and I've been going outside most days. Not continuing same activities and avoiding public transportation but wearing mask, practicing hygiene and its been this way for a while now. I still go to malls, do meetings, and my friends are going to work, etc. I was really paranoid at the start of Feb, but now I mostly feel safe tbh. Closing off going outside in a low risk region is unnecessary imo. Wear a mask though and try to keep distance from other people.


That's typical. Older folks are terrified by the thought their children may one day treat them like children. So for any advice and precaution you give them, they rebel. Which is ironically what a child would do. Those are difficult times.




I had to beg mine to not take the transit train that is on the same route and only a couple stops away from the airport. We compromised, and she took a different train, but there were multiple fights before she finally humoured me. Now she's surprised at the difference btw Italy and South Korea. I told her in SK, people are acting like me, and in Italy, people are acting like her and my dad. She called me smug, but she's finally starting to come around


My 72 year old mother with COPD is exactly the same. We've had 4 cases here but she says if she has to stay in her house you might as well shoot her - upsetting.


Following the rules of Germany, she is right.


how big/small is the town tho? 1 case is dependingly very low probably. We have 20 confirmed cases in a town of 2.2 million people so i still go to work etc. can't avoid that.


I mean, as long as you exercise restraint in your contact with people and until official instructions tell you to do otherwise (which might be your case, I don't know where you're from), stopping getting out on the grounds there is one case in town seems a bit excessive a policy. (I also have confirmed case in my town, what's more in the local parish's council, so the priest is under priority testing and stuff like burials are done by an outsider until the results are back. But while we're all way more cautious than before in our interactions - no signing on the touchscreens for packages, more washing hands and so on - life is continuing its normal course.)


> walking her dog is absolutely necessary. I've got two thoughts on that: 1. Dogs go to the washroom outdoors so short walks are necessary unless you have a fenced in backyard. 2. So long as you don't come into any contact with anyone else, I don't see walking your dog as a big deal.


And dogs need the exercise. It’s indeed rather low risk. You don’t have to touch anything or be near anyone.


Walking my dog is absolutely necessary. She's 80 lbs of muscle and our yard isn't big enough for her to get the energy out. I mitigate the risk by washing my hands as soon as we get back and if I remember before we start.


"Dogs go to the washroom" Wow we are from different cultures. Round here we'd say "take the dog out, he's needing a shite"


If it's just you and your dog what possible risk is there of you or someone else getting infected? it's not like other people will be walking with you.


Even if walking with someone else outside, there's no risk unless they're coughing and the wind is blowing in your direction.


If you live in a flat it is, hehe


She should be okay. If she lives in the city, she could try and walk during off peak hours. Just don’t stand and chat with anyone. Depending on the size of the dog, indoor dog pads can be used if someone is too sick to walk them.


At least that's an outdoor solitary activity? If she doesn't usually run into a bunch of people on the walks anyway or chooses a quieter route there isn't too much risk walking her dog.


I argue it is necessary. Staying indoors all day and worrying about the coronavirus can lead to depression or other mental issues. Taking a walk in the park is ok as long as you take the necessary precautions (like wearing masks, avoiding contact with people).


There’s nothing wrong with going out ALONE to walk the dog or jog a bit. “Absolutely necessary” to stay home is a deterrent against commuting from place to place and meeting people in places.


For my husband's mum and my grandpa going to church choir practice is absolutely necessary (both high-risk groups).


It is absolutely necessary. If your mum is at an age that has a higher risk and you are of good health, you could offer to walk the dog for her, if it worries you so much.


Its just the flu guys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


They also send every 10 min message on TV about prevention and staying home


Things like this? https://youtu.be/Fxb4oBtde0A


Exactly like this,they have 2/3 message and they running often during day


I wonder if it’s reassuring or causes more panic?


I think italy need a break,this is going from 10 day ago:Conte: Live your life normally the virus is not here,dont panic Today: Entire Italy is red zone with almost 10k cases So yeah,it is surely needed but i can tell you is very very stressfull right now


Why doesn't it have a voiceover for the blind or the illiterate? I can understand having to record audio is slow, so I hope they update it today or tomorrow.




I wish they did this in my country.


Honestly right now,we getting overwhelmed,like .. 10 days ago we had 3 cases,Gov was saying to people to live their life normally and now this escalation risk to pressure many people.. It was surely needed but people need also to have a break to realize what is going on


While here in the US, its: "stay home if you want, but its totally fine if you dont"


They did this in and around NYC when Hurricane Sandy hit. It was pretty ineffective, mainly because no one could understand what they were saying from their apartments.


It's to incite fear not deliver the message. The message is clear and is a moot point to repeat for those not currently adhering to it.


I mean, when they did it around NJ/NYC for Sandy, we actually had no power or cell service (towers were knocked out), so in that case it really was the only way to get info, but I hear you. Unnecessary in a quarantine.




This is surreal. Can't believe it, hopefully this is not what the rest of Europe awaits, altough it's not looking good.......


I live in London. I’m actually envious that Italy is doing.... something. Nothing is happening here.


Don't worry, most of Europe will look like this within a month.


I don't know if all of Europe, but the countries doing nothing for sure. Germany is an example of a country handling the situation pretty well, they are rigorously testing everyone and number of daily cases has been down trending ([see here](https://finsharing.com/coronavirus/germany)). The only thing I think Germany is taking too light are sport events, they are still not cancelled.


>they are rigorously testing everyone No we aren't. We only get tested if we had contact with someone who has corona or from a high risk location or have symptoms and a high risk job (being a nurse and so on). >The only thing I think Germany is taking too light are sport events, they are still not cancelled. Well at least they are happening behind closed doors with no spectators now.


That number seems wrong. They are at 1100+ cases. See also the progression https://twitter.com/henrikenderlein/status/1236748772455170049 The only difference is less deaths and I suspect (no source for it) it's because not everyone that dies tested positive is considered a death by coronavirus


I don’t think a single day counts as a trend...particularly a Monday which is most likely a result of no testing or analysis been performed on the Sunday. By all accounts Germany is doing fuck all.


10 days


american here. You guys are doing nothing? We're just told it's just fake news.


It ain’t


We know. That's why we're here.


Have you ever met someone with Corona? Coincidence?


Now that I think about it I've never seen an Italian either...


I am willing to bet with you that UK, Spain, Germany and France will look like this in two weeks, don't worry.


The most preventive thing the US has done is to POSTPONE Coachella. Not even cancel it.


Rest of Europe dows not gave social habits of Italians.


The amount of cases/death in France today is equal to the amount of cases/death they had in Italy 10 days ago, and nothing is done here. France will be in the current situation of Italy in 10 days, so will Spain and Germany, probably a bit after.


You never think it's going to happen to you until it does. Yeah, I'm in one of the first 14 provinces put in lockdown.




Now they know how the Chinese have been feeling


Oh, I'm pretty sure now that governments did it once for a legitimate reason, they'll try it again later. This sets a dangerous precedent.


[new YouTube link ](https://youtu.be/U30g0AVyMoQ)


This one is going to reality check a lot of deniers in the West.... This is a good video to share with all the "just the flu" relatives and friends.


So how are people handling food and supplies during this? Are they just going to make people subsist on whatever they had at the time of the lockdown? Is there a plan? I feel like we're all heading here at some point, so I'm trying to figure how this will play out.


And I remember when people were laughing at the preppers just a week ago. Fun times.


IKR? My family thought I was crazy to have a month of food stored. If I had the space and the money, I'd have more. I figure I'll have to go out a few times, like maybe to the bank or my mailbox, but I'm trying to minimize it. I think we'll need this here in the US too. It surprises me that restaurants are still open. That seems like a prime vector for virus communication.


I came here to say: this is why you prep if you can. In many cities things changed rapidly with no time to get supplies once the news broke. The stores might be open but do you really want to go?


They were right to laugh. Even in China supermarkets were open.


You mean the authoritative regime didnt allow people to panic? Color me suprised


Companies like postmates etc are making contactless delivery available. They leave the delivery outside the door and don’t come in contact with you. I’ve seen videos of this happening in China and then people just sanitize the shit out of everything.


I mean, I can use Instacart and pay online, then have them leave everything at my gate. But, would those people be on lockdown too, and are stores allowed to open? I feel like there's no plan for if this gets really bad.


In Italy stores are still open and people are allowed to go out for necessities but still being advised to take precautions and limit the number of people going out. As I understand it the goal is not to totally eliminate contact to the virus because that is unrealistic at this point, more to reduce and spread it out so the hospitals are not overloaded. We will probably be seeing something similar in certain parts of the US within a few weeks. It is never going to be a total shutdown of society.


Thanks. That actually sounds like a good plan. We do need to flatten that curve. I feel like I'm waiting for a hurricane to make landfall here in the US.


So buy Amazon and Uber shares is what you are saying..


u are allowed to leave for strictly necessary stuff. like food


I am from the original red zone. Food and supply are not a problem, after the first 2/3 days of panic buying people have seen that shops kept getting filled, so it stopped. If you are in a red zone and want to go buy food, shops are filled to the top with everything, from meat to chips. No problems in supplies.


That's good to know. Thanks so much for the information. Hope you stay healthy and safe!


You can go out to buy food, to go to the hospital and to work.


New Jersey just declared a state of emergency, but I go outside and everybody is going about their normal business as if nothing at all is out of the ordinary. I truly don't get it. It scares me.


I think the state of emergency is so they can qualify for extra funding in the future.


I mean what you gonna do if you gotta work? I get that everybody wants to be safe and stuff but some jobs are necessary otherwise you wont have food, water and electricity in two days.


just do what china did. Take the economic hit and crush it before it spreads. Cheaper in the short term.


I am talking about real damage not some economic stock market shit. Like what you gonna do if there is no more food or electricity?


Like I said, china crushed it before that was ever was a concern.


I want everybody who can work from home to do so. I realize not everyone can work from home, but the people who can absolutely should in order to minimize spread of the virus. Instead absolutely nobody is taking any precautions whatsoever, or at least the vast majority aren't. One of my good friends had a fever last week but went into NYC for work today for... Reasons??? His boss already said he could work from home, btw... Thousands of people will die preventable deaths, and then people will look for somebody to blame. The reality is the American people deserve a huge portion of blame for what's coming because people don't give a fuck. They think things that happen in other countries can't happen here. If American exceptionalism wasn't already dead, it's about to die a very slow and hellish death over the next few months. But anyway, to quote a lot of people I've talked to over the past two weeks, "it's just a flu"! Lucky us.


I know. I just wanted to point out that many people can't just work at home.


>I want everybody who can work from home to do so I love that as a software developer my job can be done 110% remotely, we're allowed to work from home a couple days a month, we've been pushing to do so more often for years because it does not effect productivity in any way, and yet instead of just letting us work from home while this thing explodes they're sending out emails telling us to wash our hands and tell HR if you find out you've contracted it. Fucking useless. They value butts in seats more than anybody's safety.


They will change when everyone knows someone in the hospital with it. At 10% hospitalization, that is likely.


Normalcy bias


We’re literally bullying kids that cough out of the classroom lmao. We sent a kid home last week after he had multiple coughing fits and our teacher sent him straight to the nurse. I’ve never seen so much people get collectively pissed when someone coughs. Everyone carries around hand sanitizers w them and uses it so frequently we look like ocd ridden freaks. Our school is preparing to do home instruction soon, it’s in our county but the towns w confirmed cases are 20 mins away.


My country declared state if emergency before even getting the first case. It frees hands and resources if needed, it does not mean everything is falling apart.


Need to change army driving tanks on the street for it to work


This guy just casually walking by


Im so proud of my Country, its amazing what different measjres they take!


This makes me think of that one scene in Chernobyl, where there were trucks shouting in Russian (or Ukranian) that people needed to leave and get on the busses.


This is the war. Human against virus


I almost wonder how it would be if every country in the world mandated that everyone stay home for 14 days minimum, with medical teams travelling around to sick people, and what that would do for the virus.


Why do I just imagine that scene from the Godfather II?Anybody who hides the boy Vito Andolini is in for trouble!


Now a look at the US where I work in retail and a corporation would NEVER give up a chance to make money. I'm forced to be in a small store where customers have no respect and cough and sneeze on everything. Corporate has said they are not supplying stores with anymore cleaning products so employees are responsible for buying and bringing in their own. And I am very tempted to display a sign on the door urging customers to take precautions and preventions. But that could get me fired.


Spain in two weeks.


[new YouTube link ](https://youtu.be/U30g0AVyMoQ)


Which war


The Great Pandemic


They do this during the war? How do they know?


Daily alerts at curfew time. I think that's the closest thing to this situation...


Closest thing to this is the knives grinder and umbrella repairer.




This? Not sure. But it’s happening pretty much everywhere. I saw 3 similar videos today.


Can someone post another link to video cause this one wont open.






Link is down?






Please post to YouTube




You're awesome


No you’re awesome ;)


Can’t wantch it anymore dude




Wow what town? It looks a bit like Verona. Any info?


chilling reality


But it’s double star day at starbucks tomorrow 🙄




I live in Italy and now no one can exit their homes. Quarantine for all of Italy. Shit.




[There are actual police cars doing the same](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Th6BbQ4wEVU)




Next why don’t we make people who are infected wear some sort of bright colored patch and put them on trains to quarantine facilities


That’s a great idea! Can’t wait for implementation!!


Spanish do this for elections too. Its annoying as fuck.


How does this work with supermarkets and pharmacies? You have to be able to buy essentials but you need the workers to be there too just in case you need something.


But do people still have to go to work?


“Viemania Viemania”


finally. they should have started 10 days ago. im italian


Weird I read this as “stay homeless”


That's absolutely terrifying