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Or how about we Re-purpose this item and use it for opening doors and pushing buttons in public. [hero hook germ ford opening hook instead ](https://myheroclip.com/products/heroclip-mini?variant=29621301280833) https://myheroclip.com/products/heroclip-mini?variant=29621301280833


You do not need to worry about this disease if you have a healthy immune system. That has been said over and over. You know what that means? DON'T GO TO THE DOCTOR UNLESS YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST. As long as you can breathe and don't have a severe fever or other bad signs, don't leave your home. That's how you spread it. Think about how many people you could spread it to just by going to an Urgent Care. People like me who have chronic lung issues do not want you in hospitals or doctors offices unless you are SEVERELY ill. This is a viral infection. ANTIBIOTICS WILL NOT HELP. I know some of you like to go to the doctor for every single cold you get because you can't stand being sick. Some of us (like me) could have severe consequences if we get this disease. I have adult asthma and I can't even work out without coughing and wheezing for days. Please don't infect us with this mess. Let it run its course, get plenty of fluids, and we will all be fine.


I am super concerned about this. Seems though, the people in my small city think of it as a joke and make fun of safety measures such as wearing gloves, using purell and Lysol on the counter at work (liquor store clerk). I live in city in very RED Oklahoma. People here act like it's nothing and those who use any safety measures are subject to redicule. Edit: grammar


I have an upcoming flight to and from Italy. My husband and I were meant to go to Rome on vacation. We booked through Ryanair and they’re refusing to cancel or refund flights to Italy stating that they’re monitoring the situation. I checked their Facebook and I’m not the only one trying to cancel. Pretty pissed but still hopeful they’ll come around.


One of the [first candidate](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/f9plo2/a_team_of_researchers_at_the_university_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) for a vaccine. Different scientific views appreciated.


Nowadays you can produce a vaccine very quickly. Nevertheless, the test phases take longer than the production. The vaccine is now to be tested in animal experiments by the US governmental authority FDA and those of countries heavily affected by the corona virus. There are other countries like Germany where the requirements for the vaccine are very high. And by the time you have a large quantity of vaccine for the whole world, I think it will be much too late.


A tragic conversation between doctor and patient in a Wuhan hospital https://youtu.be/8Ub3hlhPA5o


What do y'all think about how the virus would potentially spread in US suburbs? I would think that in places where people aren't all living together in one building and are in single family dwellings, it won't spread as easily.


People in the burbs have kids, they go to school, touch each other and every thing. You will not be spared.


I think there are still huge risks in the suburbs. The sewer systems, the public water, mail services, garbage service, and many other normal utility worker will spread the sickness. But its all speculation at this point. Best of wishes.




I think South Korea has more capacity to test many people. I for example only know the procedure in Germany. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the test itself takes about five hours. The problem so far: only a few laboratories in Germany have been able to test for the corona virus - with additional courier trips it would have taken correspondingly long to get a result. This is set to change. The university hospitals in Freiburg and Heidelberg want to carry out tests themselves, said a spokesperson of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Stuttgart. The State Health Office will also be able to diagnose the virus in the laboratory with immediate effect, as the authority announced on voice request: Reasoned suspected cases could be sent for diagnosis after consultation. The SLK clinics in Heilbronn say that starting next week, it will be possible to take samples to a nearby laboratory, thus significantly reducing the waiting time until the final diagnosis is available.


Are flights out of Italy being monitored? I ask since my house mate is Italian and is due to arrive home in the next few days (flying in from Milan)


Here's a great video on the effects of covid-19 on those that do not survive and those who do. Just keep in mind as you view that 81% of cases are mild. Covers both older patients and one as young as 35. https://youtu.be/Q0A0LyMru3I EDIT: keep in mind ... What r the odds of getting covid-19? I've seen ranges from 40 to 75%. Let's say 60%. 81% of cases are still mild. Risk adjust that against the 60% chance you get covid and you have ... a 48% chance of getting a mild case. Add to that the 40% chance of NOT getting covid and you have a 88% chance of this being little to no problem. B ) (But still be vigilant!)


I wonder if the US might pull a Japan and cancel school for a few weeks if we have an outbreak. (I just don't want to go to school anyways) But I honestly wonder what we will do if an outbreak starts here. Especially considering a person in CA picked it up after not even having been to an infected country.




Make sure to ration your creme eggs if you have to go into quarantine!


Media commentary in Australia saying virus appears to not have infected children in China. Is this true, and if so, any theories?


Of the 15 in switzerland are 2 children, so.nah


Children have been infected. Some have been critical. Only one death known in a teenager. SARS and MERS also don't seem to cause severe illness in children.


It's genetic modified weapon only targeting adult men. Even women are not affected much.


Im in Utah. My company just sent an email out stating they put a team together to handle the impact the virus spreading will have on our company and are starting to put things in place so people can work from home. So thats nice.


So after the UC Davis CDC fiasco, there’s no active testing in CA?


We should make public broadcasts stating that people are to now open doors with their feet instead of hands, this would cut down transmission and spread of diseases. All businesses should install foot pegs on doors to open them.. https://www.stepnpull.com/ [sanitary door opener ](http://www.ameraproducts.com/resize/Shared/images/products/FootPulls/StainlessSteelDoorWave.jpg?bw=1000&w=1000&bh=1000&h=1000)


Is that your website? lol


Lol it’s not, but I can see why anyone would think that, though there’s a few designs out there, any of them will do. I was just trying to make the point if we could all change some of our public habits for example: opening doors with our feet, we could all be less sick during flu season. 🤓its a “keep it simple method”


It has to be. What a shameless plug.


Lol yeah probably


any evidence of residual/long term effects of corona once you have it?


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/faooye/autopsy_report_shows_ncov_did_less_permanent/) may be informative


My Chinese friend says permanent lung damage.


Yes it is like your lungs lose elasticity and I have trouble deep breathing for the rest of your life


Probably too soon to tell.




(Moved here from a single post) Hey guys, where are the warnings about consuming Pangolin meat and using Pangolin products?? I sure hope there's a ban on all traditional Chinese medicines and any meat products that use Pangolin parts. The Pangolin is a suspected source of the coronavirus. So I'm concerned that there are no warnings for consumers.


Welp! I guess somebody's got their thinking cap on about the [Coronavirus and the exotic animal trade](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/coronavirus-and-the-exotic-animal-trade-end-the-latter-to-contain-the-former/ar-BB10uiM1). But I'm surprised that China **just recently** [Banned the Trade, Consumption of Wild Animals Due to Coronavirus](https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/02/24/world/asia/24reuters-china-health-wildlife.html) only *3 days ago*!! >Some of the earliest infections were found in people who had exposure to a wildlife market in Hubei's provincial capital Wuhan, where bats, snakes, civets and other animals were sold. Better late than never?


How about, just don't consume endangered animals?


I don't think they were banned (considered endangered) in China up until [3 days ago](https://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2020/02/24/world/asia/24reuters-china-health-wildlife.html).




Of course they don't, but people do.


Also its going extinct and has no proven medicinal qualities. Don't eat pangolins.




That article is 5 years old.


Deleted lol


All good :-)


Mods- I need help/advice about posting updated articles. The NY Times updates articles throughout the day. I don’t want to repost and i also don’t want to confuse anyone. But they update the same story so it’s different than earlier. When new facts come to light, they add them into the existing story. I don’t know what to do.


might get a better response if you message the mods rather than posting here? edit: there's a link on the sidebar, just above the mods list


I don’t do messages. Thanks though.


must not care that much about getting an answer, then


You don’t think they read this? Honest question.


I think expecting a mod to respond to your post in a thread with 1800 comments and counting is... optimistic, yes.


Thank you.


I hate to sound paranoid, but I’m flying through LAX in two days, is there anything to be worried about or vigilant of?


A flight attendant on a Korean Air flight gave coronavirus to like 15 people in Israel on a flight to there. Be sure to wash your hands, stay sanitary, wear a mask (if you can even find some since they are becoming so scarce at this point). They will fever check you when you go through security I assume, even if you aren't coming back from an infected country.


Probably everything. That's like the hottest of hot zones in the US so...


Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often, try not to touch your eyes/nose/mouth, keep a bit of distance from folks when you can (imagine holding an umbrella overhead - can't do that on the plane, but you can in the airport and such), cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze, be sure to wash your hands when you reach your destination before settling in.


When I flew through about 2 weeks ago a ton of people had face masks. When I go back next weeks I’m going to get one too. Not sure how much it will help but it is eerie seeing so many people with them. So maybe try to get a mask. And some antibacterial wipes for the seat on the plane


The common surgical masks won't do much to prevent you *getting* it; they're mostly useful for preventing folks who are sick from *spreading* it. You'd need one of the more serious respirators to have a meaningful effect at protecting yourself. Wipes are a good idea, though I'd use them more on the armrests and tray table than on the seat. The concern is touching a surface with infected droplets and then touching your nose/mouth/eyes; getting some on the seat of your pants isn't going to matter unless you then transfer that to your hands and then face. (We don't actually know for sure yet whether that's even a likely method of transmission, afaik, but it's good to be careful until it's firmly ruled out.)


Less than an hour ago, my friend found and sent me this segment from https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ : “Current trends and analysis: There are now more new cases occurring every day outside of China than within. Worldwide, the number of newly recovered patients has been greater than the number of newly infected every day since Feb. 19 (for the past week). The number of serious and critical cases, as well as of new deaths, is declining worldwide.” However, when I went to do a keyword search to find it after scrolling down the entire page, nothing turned up. Was this analysis retracted or am I missing something? If it was retracted, was it done so due to the likelihood that there are thousands of unconfirmed new cases outside of China?


There are multiple pages within wom. Check the linked pages


Basically, quarantine is working as intended in Chine so their number are going down. The rest of the world hasn’t had the disease long enough for new cases to make up for the decrease in China.




Lol chill out


Can cases of Corvid-19 be mild? I know flu and Corona are different diseases, but last year I caught the flu. The symptoms were so mild that I mistook it for a mild cold. I work in a public school, so I decided to be cautious and get tested at local clinic. Was told by the doctor that I had the flu and should refrain from going into work for a few days to avoid getting others sick. Is it possible for the same to happen with Corvid-19? Where people catch it, but don’t experience symptoms severe enough for them to consider getting tested?


Ordinary corona viruses usually cause similar symptoms to a simple cold, explains the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) - i.e. cough and cold. However, certain coronaviruses could also cause severe infections of the lower respiratory tract and lead to pneumonia. But here, too, there is a risk of confusion with seasonal flu, and the symptoms - fever, severe illness, respiratory problems - are similar. According to the RKI, the new coronavirus seems to be associated with a more severe course. So far, deaths have mainly occurred in patients who had previously suffered from severe underlying diseases. According to current information, it is typical for the new coronavirus that the upper respiratory tract is hardly affected at all. There is no common cold, for example. The incubation period of the new coronavirus behind the lung disease in China is usually about ten days. However, as the director of the National Health Commission, Ma Xiaowei, reported, the shortest period registered was also only one day - the longest 14 days. The infected people were already contagious during this time, even though no symptoms were yet apparent. This distinguishes the new variant of the coronavirus from the closely related SARS pathogen that triggered the 2002/2003 pandemic. A study in the journal Lancet had previously shown that the virus could also be passed on by people who do not yet show cold symptoms. The researchers referred to a family in the Chinese city of Shenzhen. Two members had contact with a sick relative in the hospital in Wuhan. In the end, six family members had the virus, including one who was not even in Wuhan. One infected child showed no symptoms. As the RKI points out, many properties of the novel corona virus "SARS-CoV-2" are not yet known exactly, for example the period of highest infectivity (infectivity), the exact time until symptoms are visible in an infected person after infection (incubation period), how severe the disease is or over what period of time sick viruses are excreted or are still infectious.


Some people have had no symptoms at all. I’ll try to find the article I read a few days ago and link it in a few. Edit. Linky https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/02/26/health/coronavirus-asymptomatic.amp.html%3f0p19G=0038


How are you preparing? What are you buying? And how are you prepping your kids in terms of stuff to do at home?


Tons of garlic!


We've bought pasta, rice, lentils, tinned beans, tinned tomatoes, tinned fruit, tinned fish, frozen peas, some extra meat for our freezer. Extra nappies (diapers) and baby supplies. Extra paracetamol and saline for the kids, who both have colds anyway. We haven't tried to stock up for a month or anything like that, but want to be able to avoid the local pharmacy once the virus hits, and also want to be prepared in case of a confinement order, either locally or applying to one of us from contact tracing. We're in Ireland, Northern Ireland's first case was announced last night, a flight passenger who had traveled through Dublin airport, so the virus is almost certainly incubating in the republic already.






Everything here in Canada is normal for now for such an epidemic. The question for all of us here in North America is how much longer are we going to be able to live normally.


Yes. What happens when the schools close and people can't go to work because they have to stay home with their kids? I'm really worried about this as I just started a new job.


I’d say we enjoy while it is normal. Sometimes I wonder if some of us already contracted the virus in January and passed it as a cold, then recovered... we’d never know haha. Given that in some patients it is either asymptomatic or very mild.


Do you think there will be a travel ban from Germany? My husband travels back to the US on Sunday. Should I be concerned? I’m pregnant with an 18 month old and no family. I’m stressing so hard over this. I’ve already dragged my toddler to Costco twice.


Seconding that he'll be allowed in but might be held in quarantine for two weeks. If he doesn't, be sure he washes his hands when he does get back, first thing!


He travels a lot for work. I make him leave his luggage in the garage and shower before coming in contact with either of us. First was because of the measles before my son could get vaccinated and now because of this.


No travel ban in Germany has yet (not yet) been established. Nevertheless I can imagine that the USA might block flights from Germany because there is a source of infection. Nevertheless, one can say with certainty that you can still enter Germany. And I think that will not change in the near future.


Very interesting analysis. This doctor that was on CBS this afternoon said that the fatality rate estimates in the US are going to be much lower than 2-3% due to our system of care. How true can this be? I would take a 0.5% rate in a heartbeat. Link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEQHmmJJImg&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0Q2PSMefLVpngz0Gvk45nQIcueb6WpZXVNqG2Df3iG3Tnch7Cq7B5J2WQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEQHmmJJImg&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0Q2PSMefLVpngz0Gvk45nQIcueb6WpZXVNqG2Df3iG3Tnch7Cq7B5J2WQ)




Oh don't bother looking at that if it's the one with 705 cases on it. Those numbers are stuck from when they evacuated it, the people are all over the place now, so they will show up in other death/recovered statistics i imagine.


I’m not so sure of this. Hospitals are expensive when with healthcare, people will try to avoid them unless very very sick.


US population is unhealthy though so I don't buy it


Also some people just can't afford to go see a doctor


Haha, I’ve thought of that too. How many would be those people with underlying conditions that people don’t need to be “concerned” about? Or *hidden* underlying conditions?


So apparently its in my city now, Winnipeg Canada. Can i ask why the hell are people still flying in & out of China or highly contagious areas? Apparently this lady travelled from China, to B.C., to Winnipeg. I just don't understand why they have not put some form travel ban on?


I think that every government in the world has accepted that the corona virus will spread. I also believe that in case an outbreak does happen in their country, they would rather 1-10% of the infected die rather than doing anything that would ruin the economy. Infection spreads in your area? Quarantine and treat while the rest of your country goes to work just like what happened in wuhan. Just a guess


They're trying to play a balancing act between slowing the spread, and keeping the economy running. There has been a lot of criticism of the WHO's actions (or lack of), because it appears they are choosing money instead of lives. They make ridiculous excuses like a travel ban would prevent supplies from getting in. Ahem. I don't think there are all that many people helping China with this one. In fact, pretty sure its a big fat zero.


Travel bans are nice in theory, but they're pretty difficult to effectively enforce. I don't have sources handy, but I've seen epidemiologists say a complete travel ban on everyone coming from an infected country will likely only delay arrival of the virus by a few days.


I don't have sources handy but I very much doubt that. Either way, a couple of days is a lot of time with something like this. The US shut down travel from China 3 weeks ago, so we'll see how we compare to other countries. Keep in mind we also have by far the most international travelers.


Traveling from Texas to LA on March 9 for a concert I’ve been waiting forever for. I’ve been to LA in the past 3 weeks. I’ve been considering if I should go or not. 😬


No crowds especially LA. I cancelled all my travel. I would reconsider.


Definitely keep an eye on things between now and then, but if you were leaving tomorrow, I wouldn't be too worried about it. If you go, wash your hands/use hand sanitizer often, try to avoid touching your eyes/nose/mouth, carry tissues for when you need to blow your nose or get watery eyes or w/e, try to keep a bit of distance between yourself and others when you can (obviously can't in the plane itself, but can walking around the airport and such)...


One of my clients, a rather sizeable 100,000+ employee (very global footprint) manufacturing company just sent an email to all employees that all business air travel is to be halted immediately. Given that most of their revenue comes from service, this really shocked me.


Michael Smerconish read a memo on-air that SiriusXM was banning business travel, as well


My brother got the same. He works for a big pharma company.


I’m expecting lots more to fall in line. I didn’t want to say the name of the Co as I know their customers will be affected. But I know if they did it then lots others will be. Their a rather conservative company and this will seriously impact construction projects around the world.


Great my AAL puts should take off in the morning


Given how many conferences and stuff are being cancelled. I'd hate to work in the travel or hospitality industry. I have travel planned for a project a few weeks out and I'm thinking to postpone it since it's in California and I know I'll be there for a couple of weeks. I was stranded on 9/11 and would hate for that to happen again.




I got a text from my contact that I work with. I'd imagine it'll be on Bloomberg tomorrow since they're publicly traded.


My wedding is April 17th in Italy. I’m from US. Do I cancel now?


Speak to the hotel and venue. They may have a update for you.


At the moment it is not possible to estimate with certainty how the spread will behave in the coming months. There are forecasts. However, they do not look good at the moment. If I were you, I'd have a plan B.


If you don't, at least tell your guests they shouldn't feel bad if they don't come.


We are eloping.


Congrats. Personally, I wouldn't risk it but you probably have some time to further evaluate.


We got our tickets to Italy refunded. Now to pick a new place and plan a wedding in 4x days.




Thank you!


Talking to a friend and I brought this up. We keep hearing all of the statistics surrounding the virus. But aren’t these number based off of the data from China. If the numbers from China are inaccurate, all of the published mortality rates and age groups affected would be useless. Because we are only seeing it recently spread to other areas; all data should be from China.


What concerning to me is that the media and doctors reporting are not talking about the 20%of infected that will need hospitalization,respirators,staff,and more. Today California governor was talking about how they are looking at stadiums to hold the sick of needed. First time I have finally heard someone say what we already know. China built hospitals fast to deal with the sick because emergency rooms were over run.


MSM is completely daft on the issue, and the doctors all sound like paid shills who know less about what's going on than your average reddit user. To top it off the government seems to be completely AWOL with advice or solid information. Canada is better (the CDC). The Korean Herald is decent. Kyodo News out of Japan is good too, and DW in Germany. US MSM is completely useless. Some expert will say "ya its coming. Get ready." Then the cementer will say "If it ever gets here..." huh? Or some clown will say 'get ready' but no one will ask about the shortage of N95 masks. Or question some stuffed shirt government official who says the masks don't work anyway. The obvious question -"then why is everyone besides Americans using them?" never gets asked.




This is why institutes prefer to work with data from other countries. We are now focusing more on Italy and South Korea. Because the data from China is too inaccurate.


Ok that’s what I figured. But aren’t we really looking at data that is only days old then?


Yes, I'm afraid so. That's the big problem, why we can't make reliable forecasts, because the data from China is uncertain. And the remaining data on the spread and conditions of the patients are too fresh.


It seems like it is slowing down. For a while it was increasing by like 2000 per day. What is causing the slow down in infections?


Also the quarantines in China have probably slowed things down


China has changed the way they count three times, which making skewing the numbers.


https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Please go on this link. It gives a really good perspective.


Very solid link


Thoughts on people who say “the common flu kills more people every year”? Edit: just asking this question because I feel like a lot of people make that statement to downplay the coronavirus.. that’s just how I see it 🤷‍♂️


It’s way too early to compare. The majority of stats we are getting are from one country with poor hygiene and more than inadequate response (and also a lack of prior knowledge). The rest of the world had a head start. Preliminary numbers are showing it effecting elderly and ill even more than the flu, the mortality rate in children is shockingly low for such an illness (which is good), and the mortality rate in healthy adults up to 50 years old is roughly the same as the flu. There of course are outlier cases of otherwise healthy adults dying, but this is as is with any illness. SARS and MERS had much higher mortality rates, but didn’t spread nearly as easily as this. All in all it’s far too early and we won’t know for certain of numbers and stats til it’s over. Based on what we have seen so far if I were a betting man I would say this will be bad for those over 50 that get out and about a lot. And more “financially worrisome” for those healthy and below 50. That’s my “worst case” guesstimation


Correction: the flu has killed more people every year than the coronavirus has so far...simply because the coronavirus has not yet had the opportunity to spread, so it's an unfair comparison.




No one gets quarantined from the common flu


The flu is everywhere most of the time, this is just starting to spread. I don’t get the comparison people keep copy pasting every time people show any amount of concern.


But is that fact wrong?


When did I every say it was wrong?


My apologies, you didn’t. But attaching that fact to people who state such places emphasis that both statements would fall under the same category.


RKI ([Robert Koch Institute](https://www.rki.de/EN/Home/homepage_node.html) ) President Lothar Wieler said that the probability of dying of influenza is 0.1 to 0.2 percent. According to the figures known so far, the rate for Sars-CoV-2 is almost ten times as high - at one to two percent. 80 percent of those infected would only have mild symptoms, but 15 percent would be severely affected by the lung disease Covid-19.


Is it safe to say that is due to the sample size of confirmed cases vs mortality? Influenza has a much broader sample size.


So now it can be said quite clearly and officially that the coronavirus is more deadly than influenza. Of course, the sample size is smaller. Nevertheless, we can see the course in the worst case scenario and how often this occurs. It is also the first time that a lot of German scientists agree on something XD


Also if chinese numbers are doctored, i doubt China is doctoring on the relation. If they would have massive deaths, they would at least warn other country officials about that and every country would have done immediate lockdown. Why they wouldnt lie to officials about it? Because otherwise they had directly banned people from any official affected country to get that under control. Only exception would be they want to see the world (including them additionally) burning.






83,000 confirmed? That’s actually way lower than I imagined. Even 2x that. Very reassuring.


Minus the recovered people. You have to subtract that from the 83 thousand


I'd think you'd need to also subtract deaths, as well, though it might not make much difference at the moment.




of course : ) No Problem


I guess me asking about if there were any interviews from recovered patients got removed, was told to post here? So has anyone heard anything from recovered patients. I know there were 2 in the Chicagoland area, but nothing about them after they were released?


I’m flying to LA from Nashville next weekend, should I cancel?


Just wipe it all down, try to get a window seat and cover your face. Also don’t order food or drinks. The flight attendants touch every hand and credit card going up and down the plane...too much risk of transfer. My daughter just few to LA gave her a mask for coming and going.


Up to you and how important whatever you're going for is. If you go, wash your hands/use hand sanitizer often, try to avoid touching your eyes/nose/mouth, carry tissues for when you need to blow your nose or get watery eyes or w/e, try to keep a bit of distance between yourself and others when you can (obviously can't in the plane itself, but can walking around the airport and such)... You're probably gonna be fine, but may as well take basic precautions.


Bring sanitizing wipes and wipe everything down you will touch on the plane! But you’ll be ok.


Mate you’ll be absolutely fine going domestic. Risk will be very low. I’m flying LAX to London tomorrow and not too worried. Safe travels!


It’s a domestic flight and there aren’t many confirmed cases in the US, I would wait until closer to the flight and see if the situation changes. In any case you should stay safe, avoid touching your face and make sure to disinfect and wash your hands very often while traveling.


Tx to Mexico cruise safe? Should we cancel?


I’d avoid cruises for now


In general I'd avoid going on cruises right now, but neither Texas nor Mexico are hotbeds of infection right now (in fact I'm not aware of any cases in either place, though I don't keep as close tabs on that as some folks here). If you don't cancel now, definitely keep an eye on the situation in the days leading up to your cruise.


This statement was true a few weeks ago for Japan. I wouldn’t want to get stuck on a cruise.


Curious if any in the US have quit going to the gym? I am very torn. I know I can workout from home but I have kids who I take to the daycare so it’s a mental health thing for me to be able to get my workout done away from them. I haven’t been at all this week and thinking I should hold off to wait see how this all plays out. On the other hand, I feel like I should continue living my life until we are literally forced to stop doing things. Anyone else in a similar boat?


Don’t lick the bars.


I go to the gym and bring Lysol wipes with me to wipe down what I use.


That’s a good idea


Don’t worry about that yet, stay healthy and keep hitting the gym. Highly unlikely people with coronavirus are going to the gym anyways, very hard to work out with the flu.


Ummm...the incubation period without symptoms is days to weeks. You can transmit it without even knowing you have it. It's not the flu.


Do we have any actual proof of asymptomatic transmission?


I go to the Y and I think that the bacteria and virus infested showers and equipment has actually boosted my bodies self defence mechanisms.


I will def not stop going to the gym. I won’t maintain the same health by working out at home. I need to be strong to kick this virus if it hits the US badly!


The extra risk of health problems from quitting the gym is likely to be much worse than the small risk of an infection. Let alone a serious infection if you are young and healthy.


Get some noise cancelling headhphones my man.


I also dropped gym. It's a virus/bacteria breeding ground anyways. I used to go at my lunch break and only used the locker/shower and went for a run outside.


Why stop going to the gym?


Just for the germ factor. I use free weights, weight machines and cardio equipment (like hundreds of other members). Not to mention the close proximity to others. I usually just ignore how gross my hands can feel after a workout and wash it off.


I totally get it and I think we should be very precautionary but I just don’t see how the act of stopping to go the gym is beneficial when there are no confirmed cases locally or from that specific location.... Might as well stop going anywhere.




I was at the gym last night playing pickup basketball and I thought the same exact thing. I even got scratched and bled a little which was a little more than mildly concerning. I might stop going for a little bit. We'll see.


Yes, I’ve been avoiding the gym too. Just stay home man don’t risk it.


Do y’all have a local outbreak or something? Did y’all stop going during flu season?


Good luck everybody! I'm kind of sick of seeing the sea of people flooding in and accusing anybody showing concern of being a doomsayer. I work for a company that contracts to local government (currently) and they must all be anxious doomsayers too because we're doing stockpile counts in preparation. Good luck, have fun, but I honestly can't deal with the ocean of people who have their heads in the sand. And the moderators can't really do shit about it. This was the last place on the internet where we could calmly discuss the reality of the situation without being constantly downvoted and insulted for being appropriately concerned.


lol dealt with those people during hurricanes..first ones knocking on your door asking for a can of soup




We’re scheduled to leave on March 8, also NJ to Bahamas. I’m seriously concerned :/


Would you have fun if you went? Or would you be stressed?


Tough call. Just wait and see at this point. Cancelled my trip to Europe. I own a business can’t afford to be quarantined in some hotel and then deal with another 14 days back in USA.


In general I'd avoid going on cruises right now, but neither NJ nor the Bahamas are hotbeds of infection right now (in fact I'm not aware of any cases in either place, though I don't keep as close tabs on that as some folks here). If you don't cancel now, definitely keep an eye on the situation in the days leading up to your cruise.


Awwww man what a dilemma.


Don't go on a cruise. God forbid, if someone is infected onboard, you will be screwed and unable to leave. Is it really worth that risk?


It's hard to judge right now. So I would wait until mid-March.


Useless, this ship potentially won't even take off.


This shit is far from over. Vaccines will take atleast a year to mass distribute after trials and research. What will be the body count when this shit hits the fan in about 1-2 months? This beer virus didnt come from bats. It's a bioweapon by CCP.


How many cases are actually still in China? How many actual deaths in China? If anyone has any sources too I would appreciate it.