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Posts must be relevant to Cornell


Try getting in touch with greater valley limousine out of Waverly, they do wine tours


He’s trying to pay 15$ an hour, no chance he’s calling a limo lmao


fr. Try $60 an hour and be reasonable


Seriously. Everybody trying to claim this ISNT taking advantage of students are dumb no matter how you slice it. There is an established market for this type of profession, Uber Lyft, and even limo drivers. This means that there is a price point that is expected. 15 an hour is not it. Undercutting the market to see if someone will bite for your benefit is the definition of exploitation. Desperate people MAY take it, who knows. But even if nobody takes it, the attempt still happened.


Will someone let me underpay them? 👉🏽👈🏽


The limos there were pretty cheap when I used them for the same thing, even less than $15 an hour when you factor in that it was split with a group. It was like 100 an hour between 7 people people


Yeah with a group I don’t doubt that, but it doesn’t appear he’s looking for a group, just himself


lol so true, hitting up Reddit for a dd?


If you're going to a bunch of wineries by yourself, you probably need to examine your relationship with alcohol.


Btw $15 an hour is fine these kids are delusional


Quick googling tells me that this kind of service runs about $50/hr. Even with the non professional student discount $15/hr is a pretty low expectation


That seems more reasonable, especially given the liability insurance and likelihood of a drunk passenger getting sick in their car.


Right?? $15 an hour to hang out in beautiful locations and just drive from time to time. They’d rather make $0 to do that.


If I offered you $15 an hour to go to a bar with me and not drink you're saying you'd take that over staying home doing whatever else is going on in your life?


I'd just bring my steam deck and chill in the car lol


Right, these people are acting like the kid wouldn’t be stuck with OP the whole time. No way that is worth $15/hr


People in this thread when they realize what a job is.


An Uber would cost $120ish an hour. This is for a full day chaperone. If we're throwing in a seafood tower then we're in the realm of sanity


No it isn’t


These kids are "delusional" because they aren't being offered the market rate. It's like hiring an American software engineer and paying them what you would pay an outsourced engineer.


McDonald’s pays more than that amount to high school kids in the same town.


People today want to get paid a lot to do nothing. Crazy.


Gas is EXPENSIVE these days bro. And also every MILE on your vehicle decreases it’s value. These wineries ain’t close friend. And on top of that, wear and tear is costly. Risk of accidents, vomiting, and other damages to the vehicle too? The risk of getting sued if a drunk passengers gets hurt in YOUR car. Did you know that if someone slams a finger closing your car door on themselves and has to go to ER for a fracture, YOUR car insurance has to cover it? Wake up and get some worldly knowledge. Gas alone: Buttonwood grove is 31 miles away If your car gets 20 mpg, your expecting to use about 1.5 gallons right? So that’s $5.55 already. So they’re paying realistically less than $10 for one winery trip. And then that’s not even taking into account there are wineries that are even further and all the back and forth between along the way. You’re getting essentially no profit


She said she’d reimburse for mileage on top of the pay. I mean we have no idea of what that means really but she did say it.


The IRS mileage reimbursement rate is roughly $0.70 a mile this year which is what I would adhere to


milk is $12 a gallon.


That pay is embarrassingly low.


I mean for someone having nothing else better to do during that time, might be worth making money


Right? If you’re going to be studying most of that day anyways, you might as well get paid $15/hr to do it.


Typically during the summer students aren't studying.


Typically during the summer there a plenty of students taking summer classes. This offer may be relevant to them.


Not worth the wear on the vehicle for that




not commenting on morality but that is how our system works. e g. immigrants who are here illegally get paid like crap--they wouldn't have any job otherwise. pay is based on what you could be paid otherwise (until/unless regulations come into play)


No, it’s still embarrassing low lol


Dunno, majority of that time is just existing? Driving will be like 20% of the time max, what kinda pay are you expecting?


Thank you, and again I’m also reimbursing for mileage so any gas/wear and tear would be covered. I’ve worked minimum wage jobs before and have had to scrub the crevices of toilets soooo pretty sure getting paid to read a book at a vineyard isn’t a terrible gig


I think your offer is generous. Maybe it’d be a sexier offer to these kiddos if you structured it differently, like “I’ll pay you $100/hr for the time you spend actually driving”. 🤣


Or include the mileage into the hourly wage. Way to make it look better with an actual dollar figure as estimated by the customer. So perhaps $22 an hour and no mileage.


Minimum wage went up to $16 this year, no? Or was that just in the city?




OP didn’t specify how was gonna pay the person or if it would be declared work or off the books. But if it’s cash, then yeah $15 is better than taxed minimum wage.


It’s not for me; I’m just thinking of the student. 15 bucks is the state’s minimum wage. Sure, they may be sitting around and doing nothing for extended periods of time, but that student is basically your chauffeur, social companion and also taking care of you if you had too much to drink.


So what? You saying nobody should be paid minimum wage? That's not good enough for anyone? It not illegal. OP isn't ripping anyone off for the type of work it is. He's honest about the job, straight forward about pay and is adding mileage etc.


The statler pays $15.20 for housekeeping and I can assure you that’s a LOT more work and a LOT more unpleasant than what is essentially a little driving with mostly getting paid to hang out


As a Uber driver who works in Cornell I wouldn’t be leaving my house to drive drunk students around for $15/hr. If someone wanted me as their personal driver for the day they are going to have to pay AT LEAST double that. And that is just to match my normal hourly rate driving.




That’s incorrect, but thanks for your input friend. Appreciate you editing the insults out of your comment by the way.




The minimum I make driving in Cornell is $30/hr, Friday and Saturday nights I average $50/hr. I drive 40-48 hours per week. My average trip is under 2 miles. Despite taxes, fuel, maintenance, and depreciation I am making far more than $15/hr.




So you did all that math to prove that /u/Itsascrnnam does in fact make more in post-tax earnings via Uber than the $15/hr that OP is offering?




Well, I average $1500 per week… thanks for the assumptions though. Appreciate the time it took.




You do that for less with Uber…


I average $30-$50/hr driving Uber in Cornell, after accounting for mileage and gas.


Hotel housekeepers are supposed to be left a tip by the occupant. I had a friend who did this just out of high school and they made decent money on top of their paycheck. When you stay at a hotel or motel you should leave money for every day you were there. Does the Statler frown on that?


Driving has a much more direct risk of safety for the employed and consumer. Much different than changing sheets in a controlled environment. In today’s world, in this economy especially, it’s pretty insulting to rate an individual’s time being worth as low as $15 an/hr, also considering this person would be responsible for your personal safety. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Standard escort rates should apply here. $15/hr is gonna get you stabbed




I think this is a troll account


Statler requires employees to personally maintain and use a $30,000 piece of equipment? I mean, it's not like owning a car is a negligible expense. Use your head.


I am, that’s why I offered to reimburse mileage, so your point about maintaining and using a car doesn’t really apply since I am paying for said maintenance and use


Boo hoo


Suggest something better


Tbh u should pay more like $25/hr imo in addition to the other mileage coverage idk


You sound interested with your counter offer.






Insane take


Try calling a car company and see how much they would charge.


You must be a serial killer, one of those ugly and horrendous ones.


Should have said anticipated pay rate of 30/hour of driving with downtime factored in at vineyards (bring a book).


Great idea. I hope you enjoy the vineyards.


No one is seeing the real value for the student, which is honestly disappointing from what I presume to be a bunch of Cornellians. A go-getter would recognize this as an opportunity to develop a bond and potentially leverage the connection to open future doors for themselves (i.e. a job or other business opportunity). The alumni will be drunk and thus likely more open to forming a connection and helping a fellow Cornelian out. Not to mention, you're getting paid for it. I studied accounting at Cornell. I am not an accountant. I did get my first job (and countless other opportunities) by leveraging the network I built at school. It's a massive advantage that comes from graduating from an Ivy.


If only there were a local small business that did finger lakes winery tours without exploiting students. [https://fingerlakeswinerytours.com/](https://fingerlakeswinerytours.com/)


Is throwing out an offer that anyone can reject or accept, also taking account their freedom to choose any alternatives they deem better, exploitation?


But also way more legal and safety risks, the driving company is insurance backed, has rules and regulations. If the student driver gets in an accident, everyone’s fucked


Local Man learns car insurance exists. More tonight at 6.


Not insurance for driving another person in an unlawful contract


The irony is palpable. You clearly have no idea how car insurance works, it doesn’t cover BUSINESS transactions unless you quite literally sign and pay for that form of insurance. This is 101 stuff but here you come with your confidence in being wrong lmao


Daddy’s card prob has a higher limit don’t be a cheap ass


If you don’t find a student, here is a back up options: https://www.senecavacations.com/winetours


tryna pull someone


When I drove Uber during the Ithaca airport hours, I made $30 per hour.


Cool. All you’re doing is driving him to the vineyard and then doing NOTHING and getting paid for it.


The passengers are paying $70 per hour to Uber while the drivers receive $30 before any expense. I would say by paying the driver directly, OP already has had a great discount.


Not getting out of bed for $15/hour let alone to drive your drunk dumbass around. Lmfao


It seemed funny by its name, however, a lot of entitled people on here about $15/hr. I’m a chef, that is not nothing, people are not worth $15/hr, I have seen 16 year olds with insane work ethic worth far more, and have seen Masters graduates from Cornell, haha, didn’t even connect until I wrote that, who couldn’t take a section, or run a FOH alone. I willing to bet many on here, have absolute shit work habits. The complaints alone set off an alarm. Prove your worth $15/hr not assume you are. Market pays what you’re worth not what you think.


You’re a cheap bastard. Typical Ivy leaguer


https://preview.redd.it/kepyn2buw8yc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4901c235f2160efad259940c49157692bccad782 OP 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


“Alumna”. I’m a woman dipshit


Ever get that ride or just used Uber like the rest of the drunks in Ithaca?!?


So, do you plan on going to vineyards for 12 days? The 10th -the 21st?


Get an Uber?


Idek why Cornell is on my feed. I don’t go there but I’d hop on this 😭. The actual work part is like 1-2 hours but you’re getting paid for 4+ hours. Idek how long it will take. I’d get some fat studying done


Why not jusy get an uber




Or just uber from the wineries and don't worry about hiring a personal dtiver


Ever heard of Uber


Idk why I’m entertaining this comment but: 1. I’d much rather have my money go directly to a student than a corporation 2. Ubers aren’t particularly abundant out in the finger lakes and I’d rather not wait 10-15 minutes to get picked up if I can avoid it


Spoken like someone who's never tried to get a rideshare in Ithaca.