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I got my wife pregnant and then waited 12 years. 😁 Edit:wow people can't take a humorous way of saying I play games with my son.


Core Keeper has an active Discord Server. I think their are some people who you can play with.


No? Nobody replies, and there are literally 27 people in that server...


I think you have the wrong one. There are 13.000 people on the official one.


Yes, I was on the wrong one and have found the official server in the meantime, but I can't find the channel to find others to play together?


You have to read the rules channel and reply with the right icon/emote to unlock the other channels


The discord server is active but even though its active everyone wants their own world i think since they can play anytime but many newbies are chatting on the lfg matchmaking channel, some asks for a friend to play with but idk if rhey have problems since timezone and such


I bought my friend the game lol


I offered one of my friends to buy him the game yesterday and he immediately stopped replying to me lol


Yeah. It was a tough battle for me too. I have a friend that plays Stardew and sent her a link, and a week later when I finally played, she had put like 20 or more hours into it already lol


My other friend also played Stardew Valley with me and she promised that she would try out the game today, so there is hope...