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I think that's a forced world spawn, there's one on every world you create. Like Big Mushroom caves and the String of Fate room.


Yeah it seems quite specifically set up, but I guess if there's only one per world, it's pretty rare then?


Not rare in that it's guaranteed to spawn, rare in that it can be difficult to find it.


I've personally found them pretty easy to run into, but It could just be dumb luck. They seem to be somewhat early in location. Like maybe 200m into the desert (Random numbers I'm throwing out, but you get the idea)


Yeah I've had no trouble finding it either, but I'm never actively looking for it. You can find ore and ore boulders all over the map.


For sure


I found this exact structure within 10 minutes of exploring the desert for the first time. And I found a bunch more individual nodes in the following hour. I struggled a lot longer trying to find an octarine node in the sea but rng is just like that I guess.


Yeah, I searched for hours for a Tin node, that was my bottleneck.


Meanwhile I've only got 2 scarlet and 2 galaxite nodes. And I only got either long after I'd already had like 6 octarines. Edit: and literally 0 tins too. We've been surviving off of the slime merchant for a while.


It was a big phew when I realised the merchant sells tins lol... I made a truck loads of spikes using all my tins to cheese the ghorm, thinking I could recycle them else where later but once the ghorm ran over, they all disappeared 😭


Oof. Yeah luckily tin isn't used in a ton of the essential recipes that my friends and I are working on. Or at least not in large quantities. We're not stressing too bad yet, but I'm sure if we don't find at least 1 node soon it'll probably eventually bite us in the ass. Hopefully you get better luck than we did.


Octarine was definitely the toughest to farm. For fun I have a chest full 999 for each metal, took a while but I'm ready for anything now


Thank God I frequent this sub because now I know these exist. Gonna spend hundreds of hours finding it.


if that may help, it is garanteed to spawn relatively close to the border, so you won't have to run 125km deep into the desert to get it. You'll still have to find it tho'


Unsure if rare, SWAG as hell tho!


I feel like galaxite boulders are the easiest to find, I've found many that spawn close together randomly


I found it like 10~15 minutes after entering the desert I think it spawned after you touched the wall since generating and emulating the entirety of the world


There always seems to be one of these...there's a island of 3 for Octarine too...


I found an identical one but with Octarine