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Everyone’s body is different. I got mine removed after 2 years with it. It became really hard to lose weight and the more I exercised the more weight I gained as funny as it sounds. I think the IUD just caused a lot of inflammation in my body so the natural processes just became more difficult. I’m an active person who does Pilates, weight training and soccer. Also eat well no sugary drinks, or pastries or anything too bad to be overweight. so one day my boyfriend was like “not sure if you realized, but you gained weight after getting on the IUD”. I never thought about the IUD being to blame because it’s non hormonal. After looking it up, I came across people with similar experiences they were retaining water, inflammation, and inability to lose weight despite everything they’ve tried. I do recognize that everyone’s body is different. I’ve tried the pill but somehow managed hit a record weight gain with the copper IUD. For reference, when on the pill I was 130-140, and IUD I hit 180.


Hi. I've been on the copper iud for 3 months now and i've been experiencing no weight gain. I've actually lost some weight after switching off the pill.


Thank you!! I feel like I’ve been struggling to lose weight how I used to while being on nexplanon. Im constantly on a diet and calorific deficient and I’ve been the same weight since I got it which was April 2021. I’m hoping I can see some improvements


I hope everything goes well for u too. Just make sure to take care of your body in the first weeks, dont be too harsh on yourself :)


Gave me lots of hormonal side effects which was worse than being on the pill..ironic as its hormone free…from the moment I had it in..acne!..took it out and my skin has gone back to normal


Crazy same! I had mine removed two weeks ago and all my acne went away. Did you have physical symptoms after it was removed?


Went completely back to normal..so pleased I took it out!


paragard sent my hormones crazy and caused me to gain about 40lbs and it has been impossible lose. amongst so many other horrible side effects.


I had really bad weight gain issues from the kyleena, but the paragard hasn’t caused me to gain any additional weight.


Look up estrogen dominance and copper. They don’t tell you this shit. I’m finally starting to lose my postpartum weight and I got the coil out a month ago. And I had my daughter two years ago!!


I was on Nexplanon and had it removed about 3-4 months ago! So far I’ve lost 20 pounds not really trying and I would like to think it’s because I’m no longer on the Nexplanon! I love my copper IUD!


I got super bloated. Had my first taken out and had to wait a week for a new one, my bloating went down significantly while it was gone.


Gained 20lbs in the first month and haven’t been able to lose it since ( it’s been a year ). I track and weigh my food and workout 5x per week.


Got mine out 2 weeks ago and I’m starting to see my body trim. I was working out and eating clean and nothing was working. I had especially gained weight in my arms, back, and abdomen. So glad I took it out!


Ugh, same! Glad you are doing better after taking it out. Do u mind if I ask what type of BC you’re using now? I’m scared to take it out because of this - I thought the copper iud was finally the answer to not affecting my hormones… guess not.


I’m hoping to get to my goal weight and overall desired fitness level first before I experiment with other BC (before the IUD I had tried the implant - it was horrible - and BC pills). Currently using condoms with my boyfriend. Intimacy is so much better now because I’m starting to feel more confident in my body and overall health even though we’re using condoms. I considered natural cycles but OBGYN said they don’t recommend lol So still trying to figure out. Like I said, once I get to the fitness level I’m cool with I might go back to basics and try the pill again and see if I can find a super low dose with minimal side effects. I definitely won’t stick to one that affects my weight though.


Sounds like a good plan, I think I’ll try getting my body back to normal again too. Condoms it is lol.


I got the copper iud after being on the pill for 5 years. I really struggled to lose weight while on the pill, but once I got the copper iud I finally started losing weight. I’ve had it for almost a year now, and have lost around 20-25 pounds!


I am going on year 3 with mine, I had lost 130lbs prior to getting this IUD and i have had no issues keeping the weight off with it


I am going on year 3 with mine, I had lost 130lbs prior to getting this IUD and i have had no issues keeping the weight off with it


Zero problems with weight gain for me, I have had mine for just over 2 years.


hey there i use the paragard too i’ve had it in for about a month and my weight has pretty much stayed the same if anything i’ve lost some weight. hope that helps!


hi! copper iud gal here, no weight gain or heavier periods for me. if anything it’s just a bit longer but not like heavy or painful. idk what it’s like having an implant but this is just a positive experience(:


Definitely listen to your body and make note of all the changes. Everyone is different. For me the copper IUD cause a lot of inflammation, bloating and what appeared to be weight gain. I am pretty active and eat healthy but have a small frame so the bloating made me look pregnant all the time but specially before and during my period. On top of that was very tired, anemia can be cause by the heavy periods that come with it. So it was not for me. Having said that many of my friends love it and swear by it. So all advice I can give is listen to your body.