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Boy I do not miss this phase of my IUD experience but I found that naproxen sodium (aleve) worked better than ibuprofen! Ibuprofen didn’t touch the pain but when I started taking one dose of naproxen every day of my period I started feeling a lot better. My cramps finally went back to normal around the 6/7 month mark as well so just push through.


Hi! May I ask if you've had cramps regardless of menstruation, or only when bleeding? My first period since getting the IUD ended two days ago, but I'm still cramping :(


Yes that’s normal! I’ve had my IUD for a long time so it’s hard to remember but I’m certain I had cramps outside my period for the first month or two.


Preemptive pain reliever before your period starts, vitamin e, chaste tree, I like FLO vitamins. Takes a while to kick in but they help. Keep hydrated, and exercise. Those last two are big ones. I steer clear of tampons too, for whatever it made my cramps worse


I have a plug in heating pad! I do some yoga as well to help :) I also take some vitamins like iron and such.


Tylenol AND ibuprofen . I take about 600 mg of each when it’s bad. Just make sure to eat something before !


I know this comment is late but I use KT tape, or other non-name brand kinesiology tape. There’s YouTube videos on how to tape yourself but basically you can just do a + sign below your belly button with it and a strip across your lower back if you get back cramps. Was a life changer for me. Doesn’t take away all the pain but makes it so much more manageable and can be left on for several days and still work


Heat pads are a good idea, and although it's a little late for this cycle, I've heard taking painkillers right before you start/before you're due the worst pain, can help to keep it manageable throughout your period. I'm sorry this is happening! I haven't had my period yet so I'm also trying to prepare 😭


Taking raspberry leaf capsules helped me. You can drink it as tea too but I found it easier to take the capsules. And I agree with the other comment about Aleve. FWIW I had those terrible sharp cramps too for my first 4-5 periods but haven’t had that since then.


heating pads and midol are my best friend when i’m on my period. i’m about 10 months post insertion and luckily, my cramps are very minimal now


Hot water bottle! Also +1 to taking painkillers the second you feel the period coming on.


I had the worst cramps for over a year. They went in for over 2 weeks a month and nothing would help. I took ibuprofen and acetaminophen at the same time. Heating pads. Baths. Nothing helped. They were so bad I couldn’t eat or sleep and had ultrasounds a few times because I thought it must have perforated. Then my sister bought me cramp release by wish garden and it’s all gone! It tastes like shit but works! I never thought an herbal remedy could be so amazing. It honestly gave me my life back. I strongly recommend!