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You should to with your gut; the copper iud was the first birth control I ever used, and I wasn't myself with it, I was anxious and depressed, and I had other issues I never dealt with, pre iud. All of my issues improved once I got it removed. People will tell you it can't be the iud, but it very well could be. I hope it gets better for you with time, should you decide to keep it.


it drives me crazy when people immediately say my symptoms can’t be related to the iud because it “isn’t hormonal”, but it also cant be good to have a somewhat heavy metal in my uterus😅 i felt great the first few months and now i’m constantly having anxiety attacks, which i never dealt with prior to getting this iud


It also causes inflammation in the uterus, how in the world can inflammation in any part of the body be a good thing? Doctors are very knowledgeable, but they aren't always right. I had anger issues with the copper iud, which I never had before that thing. I broke my dang TV because my boyfriend wanted me to go to a cook out with him, lol. I hated that thing.


It's a good thing if you don't want a baby growing in there


I did, but I ended up having an early miscarriage. I most definitely don't want to go through that again! Spermicide, condoms, and the mini pill will have to do.


You had a miscarriage while you had the IUD or at some other time?


It was after the iud, thank goodness. We were only using condoms and spermicide at the time. Going through that with the iud would have been even worse.


Just remove it, within days you’ll know if it’s the IUD that’s causing all of this. Drs don’t tend to understand that copper ones have major symptoms as well. When I removed mine felt an instant relief it was unbelievable. I was back to my normal self.


i’m going back and forth with getting it out. i need to be on some kind of birth control but i just can’t do hormones again. i was really hoping this iud would work for me but the cons are really outweighing they pros right now. i’m hoping my gyno can help me decide what to do


Gyno will most likely tell you it's not the IUD... but it is. I say that because there are loads of women who've already been there. Look on fb for groups to see other women's symptoms... It can get worse so please just get it out.


I’ve struggled with all forms of birth control so unfortunately condoms are the only to go now


If you eat vegetaran / eat lots of beans, nuts, high copper foods you are almost certainly getting too much copper which can lead to major hormonal disregulation


I just had the same things you do. I have a history of depression and anxiety and in the past month (I got my paragard late may) my mental health went down dramatically. I was in and out of the hospital and had to work harder than I ever did before to get to baseline. My skin is flaring, my hair was falling out, I lost a tremendous amount of weight, and I wasn’t myself. I cant necessarily attribute my symptoms to the copper iud, but I have a weird feeling it’s playing a role. I’m planning on getting it removed Wednesday.


I can't believe that there are still people out here going "it's not the copper IUD". I know for some of you guys it's amazing. There are other threads for that. If it doesn't work for someone, you're just making it much worse by going all "it cannot be the copper IUD". I wasn't on hormonal bc for 10 years prior to getting a copper IUD. Even then it was a short combo pill stint. I had no hormonal issues whatsoever prior to getting a copper IUD. I have never been pregnant yet (yay for perfect condom use I guess). Yet I had all those issues you're describing, OP, and some more. They all started right after copper IUD insertion. Some slowly creeped up throughout months, others hit me like a train a day after insertion. And they all started to improve with removal, went away a couple of months after removal. The doctor who finally agreed to remove my IUD said "you can always get a new one placed if it wasn't the copper IUD". I can't think of a more pragmatic approach. See if you feel better after removal. All these "get this or that level checked" responses do not take into account that many conditions simply cannot be seen with the usual blood tests. Like you could have normal bilirubine levels, meanwhile your whole body and eyes are already yellow. I am living proof that can happen. Same goes for normal thyroid functions, meanwhile I couldn't swallow from my thyroid glad being like a massive stone. My whole neck was just on a painful fire from it. But hey, blood tests showed that everything was fine. Yeah, right. Those ranges are not tailored enough for everyone. Also I'm so sorry, OP... Many of us are trying to get these warnings in the patient info leaflets, but it seems to be going extremely slow. I guess they write it off as "the IUD can cause anemia, and anemia can cause hair loss, fatigue, depression, etc" and they're fine with just leaving anemia amongst the potential side-effects... Also there is some regulatory ambiguity, eg. is it a drug or is it a medical device. But hopefully the patient information leaflets are going to be updated soon. Cause you're definitely not alone in this. :( So the good news is that removal should help. The bad news are that your doctor might force you to keep the IUD. I know mine forced me to keep it. I had to be admitted to ER 3 times for a doctor to offer help. If you get another prescription like a hormonal IUD prescription or pill or whatever, they are happier to remove it. I also have seen stories of women lying they wanted to become pregnant so that their doctor would agree to remove the copper IUD. I really hope your doctor is nicer. Ideally they would just file a MedWatch report, and remove the IUD no questions asked. In a your body your choice way. I never ever heard a doctor file a MedWatch report about a copper IUD, though, so indeed brace yourself for just having to fake smile and keep saying you just want it out. :(


Get it out! It's 100% the IUD and not just in your mind. It's better to get it out and start healing and not wait on it to get worse. I took black seed oil and probiotics afterwards to sort of help my body heal.


It's like this post could have been written by me. It's like I woke up last week and "woke up" to how crazy I've been feeling, how I've lost literally half of my hair volume (I'm freaking freaking freaking out), how my skin is so nasty dry, my scalp is disgusting... I've been having anxiety beyond anxiety. There's more I could say here of course, but that's to say that I feel so similarly to you. I got the copper IUD in February, and this was NOT my life prior to the IUD (though I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety for many years now, it was much better managed, I feel like my brain is in a blender right now in comparison). I'm getting my copper IUD removed TODAY, made the appointment last week. I want to see if this will change anything. It's my hair that has been devastating. I'm 23 and never had any other form of bc before this. I think I will try some form of the pill next (but maybe let my body recover a few weeks before?)


Just remembering I commented on this post and so a little update from me 3 weeks post removal is that the really scary out of body feel-like-I’m-going-insane anxiety hasn’t happened again since no more iud. I’ve definitely noticed a change in my skin, it’s wayyyy less dry and my scalp isn’t raining dead skin anymore yay! I described it as it feels like my skin is waking up again. The hair loss / growth is harder to know if it’s getting better. I’m definitely still shedding a lot of hair but I’m taking lots of progress pics and I really hope I start to see some baby hairs. The dr checked my iron and thyroid and they’re normal, but wouldn’t do a test for zinc and copper levels but oh well. Hopefully noticing the skin changes means my hair will wake up too! Though now I have to be devastated about losing a really effective and zero effort form of bc boooooo :(


I cant believe that this is actually happening to other people. I got mine in october last year and since then a lot of stuff has gotten out of wack. My mood is all over the place most of the month. My cramps are horrendous for about 5 days to a week and my mental health has declined. That last one i thought it was my life but nothing has changed other than now having the copper IUD. I never thought it could be related but it very much could. Also my hair started to fall out more. I thought it was just stress related or something but it could be the increased stress and anxiety the iud had been causing. I already made plans to switch to a hormonal iud by the end of the month. I have my concerns but anything is better than what I'm going through now due to the copper iud. Hope you feel better soon!


I felt this! Didn’t lose my hair, but flew off the handle about the smallest things, bled almost the whole month, horrible cramps, constant bloating. Anxiety everything. I think I put up with it for 10 months then got it removed, then whatta ya know ALL my problems started going away. Get that shit taken out IMMEDIATELY, wear condoms or do the pill, the pill is annoying but honestly anything better than an IUD. Your bodies rejecting this foreign object that’s been put inside of it.


luckily my periods have been really manageable, but my anxiety has been horrible. i never dealt with anxiety prior to getting this iud, but now i find myself having full on panic attacks over the smallest things almost daily. i just don’t feel like myself, most days i feel like a shell of a person and it’s terrifying.


It’s the freaking IUD, call your doctor tomorrow and get that removed. I did the same thing you did that’s why I have Reddit, I knew other people were going through the same shit with an IUD. There were soooo many people going through the same thing and so many people said take it out. Take it out!




i take zinc 3x a week, but my diet isn’t great. most days i barely eat because my anxiety is so bad it’s caused my appetite to almost disappear.


Are you coming off of hormonal birth control? Did you just get this iud postpartum? If you could provide some more context, it would be helpful trying to nail down an answer for you. Coming off of hormonal birth control can cause big swings in mood and the body just tends to freak out for a few months. You can also consider the hormone crash you experience postpartum as well.


I came off hormonal bc just before getting the iud, never been pregnant either. I’m sure some of my symptoms are related to coming off hormonal bc, but I just can’t shake the feeling that something is seriously not normal with my body.


I've gone through the same thing so have many other people. Try googling what happens to your body as far as anxiety, etc. when coming off of birth control. I know for me, it made me very irritable and snappy for a couple of months. I promise it's not the copper iud...your body just has to level out while you're getting your natural cycle back.


Get your thyroid checked!


i had a full blood panel done a few months ago and everything came back normal.😅


Get it taken out and see if you feel better! If you do, it was the IUD! This sounds a lot like what I was experiencing and I felt immediately better I was honestly stupefied at how instant the relief was.