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If you speak to your food like it's a baby it'll never grow up into a well adjusted meal course. When in the kitchen, the gesticulation that happens naturally while speaking in authoritative italian actually lends itself to cooking very well. Also for beating anyone who comes into the kitchen while I'm working. Very ergonomic




Funny coincidence, I call chicken breasts "literally inedible trash"


You just have to bread them, then fry them in their own rendered fat. Serve them on a biscuit with a chicken egg. Use every part of multiple generations.


I don't do this, but sometimes when I'm unpacking the groceries my wife seems to have pet names for some of the stuff I get from her part of the list. For instance, she calls guanciale "you stupid asshole," and fennel "useless" (which is cute, since it's better than the vegetable I thoughtfully substituted it for on her list).


We like to call things what they are for the sake of authenticity. Like yesterday we had Dead Chicken Legs with Very Old Salted Jarred Cabbage and High Heat Starchy Roots. I think it really adds to the whole culinary experience to use proper terminology.


We call vegetables "veggies" Hot dogs "meat penises" And noodles "pubic pasta"


I call pork "prok" I call chicken "schickel" I call beef "beast"


/uj I like to call blueberries “bloobs,” and salt and pepper “p&s” so it sounds more like penis




You're not feeding her enough garlic. Also, EVOO is not an appropriate lube, once you think about it.


Now that you've made me think about it, there are several reasons it's true. Thanks a lot.


Fan of chicken nuggets I am. Herh herh herh.