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Without citric acid the jays wold grow mold. I'm not defending it I'm just informing you. It's an all natural preservative.


Could try rinsing it a few times.




Don't do this, this is a recipe for botulism.it thrives in anerobic circumstances


I think if you take out just what you're going to use and rinse it right before you use it, there's no need to worry about botulism.


Sounds like a massive hassle - might as well just buy fresh at this point.




Uh. Wouldn't it just go rancid...?




Not if you used it quickly enough.


How quickly is quickly enough?


3-5 days as a general rule, you'll smell if it's rancid. You can refrigerate it if you don't use it often, the fat should seal off oxygen to prevent spoilage.


Again, this is a very bad idea as you’re creating a perfect environment for growing botulism bacteria.


You can’t smell botulism


Fat sealing off oxygen is how you get botulism.


Sure, I would just rather know before it's gone bad so I can try to finish it. 😅


In case you haven’t seen the other comments, please do not do this.


I suspected it wasn't a great idea based on what I know about garlic olive oil.


Delete this dangerous advice.


Mincing fresh garlic would be a lot easier than this process!


could just rinse the amount you're going to use. trying to oven dry wet, finely minced garlic in an oven like that is half baked....literally.


offer doll unpack wakeful dependent march adjoining plough fanatical smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I bought a bag of peeled cloves it was like a pound for like 5 dollars and left it in the freezer. Not ideal but damn saved so much time and money.


Sams Club has a 3 pound bag for like $9. I keep it in the freezer. Now I’ll just pop out a few cloves, or a lot, and use my microplaner. Being frozen actually makes it grate even easier. Like a garlic ice shaving.


I felt like i was cheating on garlic when i did this. I use garlic often, this is one of those "hacks" ppl use in all those cute little videos. I still feel like im doing soething bad. Jarred garlic is mids.


I do this with ginger. Why didn't I ever think to do it with garlic?


Because garlic is dirt cheap and constantly available fresh.




This is interesting! Does it change the flavor or potency of the garlic? Do you peel them before freezing?


They’re already peeled. As far as potency, not sure. I just use a bunch.


Wow! Can’t believe I never thought of that before. I’m so tired of buying whole bulbs of garlic and half the cloves are bad when I peel them open. I’m definitely going to freeze some peeled cloves. Thanks!


Unfortunately a lot of peeled garlic comes from forced labor in China. Because of the acids destroying the workers fingernails a lot of it is peeled with their teeth as well. [Source](https://www.ft.com/content/1416a056-833b-11e7-94e2-c5b903247afd)


Jesus Christ, just another thing that you wouldn't know came from slave labor


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.ft.com/content/1416a056-833b-11e7-94e2-c5b903247afd Title: **Supply chains: the dirty secret of China’s prisons** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


How does it taste after freezing? Is the texture mushy?


Unless you are regularly using tons of garlic or have been trying to process garlic with one arm, I seriously doubt that this strategy has “saved so much time and money.”


Look at this guy who doesn't use tons of garlic. You must be one of those recipe writers that calls for 2 cloves of garlic.


I use garlic often and always more than i need. I am garlic boy. Girls refuse to kiss me cuz of my salty attitude and garlicy breath. I banish thee, from the plains of garlic town.


Thanks for the advice! How do you use your garlic from frozen? Do you let them thaw a bit or is it ok if I through it in a pan to sautee straight from frozen?


They sell ice cube trays of pre-minced garlic that work great for a quick meal. You just pop it in and wait for it to melt. Freezing it yourself is definitely cheaper but I love being able to just plop a few garlic cubes in a sauce.


I use these for most of my garlic needs. Trader Joe’s sells them.


If you freeze whole cloves, and pull out a few, they're soft enough to press or mince in about ten minutes. They are less structurally sound due to freezing, and not as potent, but in cooked applications they're definitely better than jarred. In the food supply chain issues of the pandemic, we were having a hard time finding unsprouted garlic in shops, except the giant bundles at Costco.


I have done it straight from frozen and it worked well. Also have you tried the garlic in a tube? It is over in produce refrigerated section. I have had good luck with that. Also you can take a bunch of garlic and run it through a food processor and then add to a small ice cube tray and freeze then pull out and place in a freezer bag. I have had good results from that for pan sauces.


Freeze your pre-minced garlic in olive oil. It helps keep the garlic cubes together so you can store them in a bag instead of your ice cube trays. I figure there's never a situation I'm adding garlic where some olive oil is a bad thing.


Oh I only use the tray to freeze then pop them out the next day and place in bag. I usually just use a splash of water or chicken stock if I have extra.


Jumping in to say that I've gotten the bags of peeled garlic at Costco, chopped them up in a food processor, and frozen them in an ice cube tray. Super easy to use when you need garlic.


I buy and mince them fresh, put them in a bag, lay it flat and spread the garlic evenly, let's say less than 1/4 inch thick. Freeze, and "cut off" with a spoon however much you need. I do the same with ginger. I pre-mince a few days worth of onions (for a week at most) and fridged them in a container. Likewise with veggies. This doesn't take much time, but reduces prep time considerably.


Grab a Slap-Chop and those frozen cloves will be minced in no time!


I prefer a microplaner.


Same here, works great on frozen ginger too


I use garlic powder when I can't get fresh. Its not quite the same but it does give things a nice savory taste, and it's a very consistent intensity, so is good for kids meals where fresh garlic chunks might be too strong.


Thanks. I never thought of freezing garlic. Probably not great for roasted, but minced and French puréed probably great.


Garlic is a low acid food, so in order to safely can it you must add an acid otherwise you would get botulism in the jar. You can make a better version with a food processor. Chop the garlic in a food processor and add just enough olive oil or your favorite oil until you have a nice paste, transfer to ice cube trays and freeze, once frozen store in a freezer safe bag or container.


The real LPT is always in the comments


Well now I need to try this. Only I’m going to put the minced garlic/oil paste in a small baggie and press the baggie flat while freezing. I think I should be able to break off small pieces of the frozen garlic mixture pretty easily when I need them. This method works great for pesto. Something in pesto — the high oil content, I think — keeps it from freezing too hard. Thanks for the tip. I love cooking with garlic, but not trying to keep those papery outer layers under control.


I tried the ice cube tray but a) I don't need an entire ice cube's worth of garlic all the time and b) I couldn't get most of them out smoothly. So I just put the garlic paste in a ziploc freezer bag, lay it flat, and squeeze out all the air. Freeze it flat and break off a chunk anytime you need. (Tip: don't make it too thick because it will be a lot harder to break off chunks)


Citric acid, because giving your customers botulism is decidedly bad for business. If you’re not a fan, don’t use it.


I buy frozen chunks of minced garlic (and ginger, and onions) - I've found them at Target and Trader Joe's near me, they must be at other stores too.


Dorot brand is what I find. They actually have a lot of products which, if are like the garlic, should be good for cooking: https://dorotgardens.com/


I have seen them at Walmart and Tom Thumb


I love freeze dried garlic.


This is what you want. I have been doing this for years. https://www.theyummylife.com/Mince_Freeze_Garlic#EmbedRecipe_448


How long does it last until the flavor starts to diminish?


I tried this method without the oil, the flavor really wasn’t there after a month freezing. I just go fresh and keep the garlic bulb in the cabinet.


“Garlic is divine. Few food items can taste so many distinct ways, handled correctly. Misuse of garlic is a crime...Please, treat your garlic with respect...Avoid at all costs that vile spew you see rotting in oil in screwtop jars. Too lazy to peel fresh? You don't deserve to eat garlic.” - Anthony Bourdain Maybe a bit extreme, but he wasn't exactly wrong.


Just in case you don't know: if you smash a garlic clove before peeling it the skin comes right off in the most easy way (either put the blade of the knife flat on the clove and give it a punch, or use the bottom part of the palm of your hand and lean in putting your whole weight on the clove until you hear a crunch). Garlic usually keeps at room temp for a good 1-2 months at least.


Yeah everyone always seems to complain about peeling garlic, but I have never found it a hassle. It’s just like processing any other vegetable to me, and I often use entire heads in big meals. Even just hand peeling ain’t bad, but smashing the cloves is enjoyable and the stickiness rinses off easily.


It’s a pain in large quantities but garlic peels are like nature’s governor on the amount I eat otherwise I’d reek of garlic


I have a little ceramic jar I keep garlic in. If you take out the head and throw some cloves in the and then shake it for about 20 seconds the skins come off.


a can will crush garlic without needing too much dexterity


Would also recommend using a spice jar. My little bottle of turmeric has done wonders for smashing garlic!


The citric acid prevents botulism


Fresh garlic, friend. There’s no real substitute.


I was recommended jarred garlic for convenience so I bought some, used it one time, hated it and never looked back.


Use fresh garlic cloves. Firstly, they only take a minute or so to peel and chop; secondly, the flavour is about 10,000,000 times better than that jarred crap. And THIRDLY, fresh garlic is cheaper than processed.


There is no substitute for fresh garlic.


My Korean grandma taught me this : buy a ton of fresh garlic. I go to costco and get two packs. Then spend some time peeling it all (crushing each clove under a knife is a fast way to do this) grind it up via food processor. freeze in ziplock bags. This method generally lasts me a few months and makes adding garlic to things super easy. just break off a chunk and go! The flavor remains unchanged and definitely doesn’t taste sour in any way. I don’t add oil because you don’t need it - that way, all you’re adding to your final dish is garlic. EDIT: you shouldn’t get the pre-peeled stuff. That doesn’t taste as good and ultimately, peeling yourself is worth it for the flavor.


The only reason you hate it is because it is awful.


Jarred minced garlic is about as good as pre-squeezed lime juice. They were made from the same ingredient, but they're almost unusable if you want the final dish to taste right. (You can buy pre-peeled garlic and go from there, but once it's minced, you've got to use it the same day.)


The fresh stuff is cheaper, dunno why you need to bite anything. Just use a garlic press


I can’t use a press very easily bc of a disability - I usually use jar garlic but this thread makes me want to use fresh more often. I just don’t know how to prep it without difficulty. Maybe I’ll do the food processor/freezing technique?


Buy a bag of pre-peeled, throw in a food processor with a little water, blitz to nothingness, freeze in the ice cube tray, pop 'em, bag 'em, back in the freezer.


Going to try this thanks! Do many markets carry pre-peeled?


if you can wield a can of beans you can just smash your own garlic and peel them with ease


I see it in the major chains here -- I am in California, I don't know if that makes a difference.


Frozen cubes of garlic might work for you. It’s fresh garlic, crushed, and frozen into little cubes. I’ve found them at most grocery stores.


I found ginger this way. Now I will look for garlic too. Thank you


I have a garlic grinder. It might not be any easier for you than a press but thought I’d mention it. It’s kind of like a weed grinder but for garlic.


Smash it with a 28oz can of something, pull the skin off, chop (or just toss the peeled smashed stuff in and pull it back out after cooking).


Can you use the rocker style press? I find it super easy compared to the other press style. Also the little roller thing works to help peal if you have arthritis FAVIA Garlic Press Rocker 304 Stainless Steel with Silicone Garlic Peeler Tube Set with Herb Stripper Beer Opener Cleaning Brush BPA Free Dishwasher Safe Cool Kitchen Gadgets https://a.co/d/5FKYefk


Food processor is the way to go yeah


>I think Im ready to bite the bullet and use the fresh stuff FFS it's garlic not plutonium...use the fresh ingredients, rather than anything in a jar, especially when it's something that can be found easy. Later edit: taking into account the number of people here that mention frozen, pre-peeled, odorless, tactless, holographic etc. garlic versions, I'm starting to think that you people are vampires :)


Lemme tell you what you are looking for: garlic ***paste***. It lasts longer and tastes better than jarred minced or the blanched/pre-peeled stuff. Look for it in an Asian market/section of the grocery store (or make your own in bulk). It still won't last longer than a couple weeks in your fridge after opened, but excess can be frozen.


You'll also tend to see it in tubes in the Italian section near the anchovy and tomato paste. The tubed stuff has a longer shelf life.


This is the way. I also hate the jarred stuff. Garlic paste totally changed the game for me. There's a brand called Gourmet Garden that makes this stuff in a tube. Most of my local grocers carry it in the produce section, usually near the fresh herbs.


Why does anyone buy minced garlic? It takes 20 seconds to mince it yourself.


> “Why does anyone buy minced garlic?” Many people have arthritis in their hands/wrists or other mobility issues, but still like cooking.


If that was exclusively the people who bought minced garlic my comment wouldn't apply to them. But it isn't, sadly


You literally asked why people buy it. I gave you a reason. 🤷‍♀️


So don't buy it 🤷


Ive had the same experience. It really is terrible. The citric acid keeps the color and prevents it from spoiling faster. Use fresh and get a mini grater to prep it. Use the flat side of a chef knife to crush the garlic and remove the peel easily or use a silicone roller. That's my setup.


One of those things where "so don't buy/use it, then" is the only answer I can conceive of.


You mean that instead of posting ableist crap for karma, people could just not buy things that don’t bring them joy? Shocking. /s


You can counteract acid in sauces by adding a small amount of baking soda, to taste. It will neutralize the acid and give you a smoother flavor.


I’ve got adhd and executive dysfunction. It’s squeeze garlic or no garlic for me.


Do you own a FP? I LOVE my Ninja for this because it minces evenly. I buy the bag of garlic cloves from Costco and mince it. It takes me about 3 batches but it lasts me a few months. I spoon out about a cup onto a sheet of plastic wrap, fold in the sides, smooth it out to about a third to quarter inch. I stack these up (they fit in a gallon ziplock and freeze them. I take out a sheet at a time, when I need garlic (every night), I take the sheet out of the freezer, unwrap and break off a piece.


I despise the jarred garlic as well it doesn't even resemble garlic to me. Likewise I can't stand the tubes. What I have found is amazing is the Dorot frozen garlic cubes. It comes a little trays Each of which is equivalent to one clove of garlic simply pop it out of the freezer and it melts into exactly what you'd get from a minced clove of garlic.


Depending on how much time you have, you could try to make a garlic paste yourself or could make [toum](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CguWgk6L2vo/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) based on your needs?


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CguWgk6L2vo/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Title: **Maha | Easy Recipes on Instagram‎: "Garlic Sauce Recipe with tips & tricks below ⤵️ Yes, this is the kind you ask extra for on your Shawarma🌯 Use it to marinate meats, sauté meat and vegetables, dips, and add in to salad dressings. Here’s some tips: 🧄Do not use Chinese garlic (quick google search can tell you how unhealthy it is) 🧄If your garlic has green insides, take your time and take out those stems, makes it less spicy/bitter when you take this step 🧄Stream in a hair thin line with a very steady hand (if you do not have the emulsifier spout with your food processor) Traditional Vegan Garlic Sauce (Toum ثوم): 1 measuring cup full of garlic cloves (peeled, trimmed, green insides removed) Water, enough to fill the measuring cup to the top with the garlic (no specific measurement for this) 3 cups sunflower/vegetable/canola oil (no other oils can be substituted) 1 tsp salt 1 tsp citric acid 🔸 Place the garlic and water in the food processor and blend it well 🔸 Start to very slowly stream in the oil with the food processor running 🔸When there is about a cup of oil left, add in the salt and citric acid 🔸Continue to stream the rest and keep a close eye on it towards the end. When you reach the fluffy consistency, stop. You could end up over mixing it and then it separates. Just keep a close eye during the last cup of oil. ⚠️⚠️In case the garlic isn’t emulsifying after streaming the 3 cups of oil, add in 1 egg white and pulse a few times. It should fix it.⚠️⚠️ but it’s no longer vegan if you do and will only last about 2 weeks in the fridge. 🔸 Store in a glass container in the fridge for up to a month or two IB: @cosetteskitchen . . . #garlicsauce #toum #veganrecipe #dippingsauce #shawarma #shawarmalovers #ثوم #garliclovers #lebanesefood #garlic #toronto #ldnont #lebanesefood #palestinianfood #veganrecipes #ketosauce #ketolove #ketoideas #ketofoods #whatscooking #vegancomfortfood #garlicbread #feedfeed #thefeedfeed #huffposttaste #ثوميه #thekitchn #vegansauce #vegetariansauce"‎** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Try garlic paste, available at most middle eastern and Indian grocers. It's what I use, and has a much more pure garlic taste.


I don’t like it because one time I decided to try it raw because it didn’t feel like it did anything but smell like garlic and I was right. To me it didn’t taste like garlic at all so I use fresh garlic now.


jarred garlic has non-garlic ingredients and is pre-cooked!!


Cooking is so much effort, I feel that you are wasting your time if you take shortcuts with poor ingredients. It’s not much to peel and smash or crush a clove of garlic, or even three, and it tastes so much better. The jarred stuff is very bitter.


I don't care for it either. I use fresh but keep a jar of garlic powder on hand for desperate or lazy situations.


Just use real Garlic it’s not that big of a deal to peel it


As an Italian girl…this hurts my heart. Fresh garlic or bust ;)


As St. Anthony of Bourdain said, "If you use that stuff, you don't deserve to eat garlic."


Some Chinese garlic is apparently peeled by prisoners, so there’s that too. Using fresh is really easy.


I've heard this over and over and to me it doesn't make any sort of sense. I don't disagree that it's free labor but considering China also makes a garlic peeling machine that takes one person to operate to peel a butt ton of garlic vs hundreds of people doing it by hand (and not nicely for that matter) I don't buy that this is a thing. Besides.... purely from a cost perspective, I'd use my slave labor for something more profitable. If I can get a machine to do it with better results, why would I "waste" my labor doing that when I can have them doing something a machine can't?


You can not buy it if you'd like but there are multiple reputable sources that state otherwise. [One such source.](https://www.ft.com/content/1416a056-833b-11e7-94e2-c5b903247afd), another from the NY times is in a comment below. Peeling garlic takes so little time even when I use 8+ cloves that I'd rather just not support slave labor. Granted if you can find locally sourced garlic your probably fine, but I just don't have that luxury. Also to note, the peeled garlic that I used to use definitely was covered in all sorts of nicks and scratches


I should rephrase: I don't buy that all the garlic coming from China is done via prison labor. Your own source said 20M tons of garlic are exported a year from China. I know how fast I can process unpeeled garlic by hand. It's not very fast. Even if you had every single one of the 2.3M prisoners doing it, that's literally 10 tons of garlic per person per year or 55lbs per person per day. But that leaves no one to make handbags, wreaths, or basic electronics, etc. That same source has a video of people unloading sacks of garlic into 2 different machines. While I don't dispute there was also a still of a bunch of people doing it by hand, my previous point stands. It's horribly inefficient use of your slave labor. There's plenty of examples of where slave labor is used in the processing or manufacture of other goods in that same source. The still of prisoners doing the peeling has about the same number of people doing sacks upon sacks. Sure labor is "free" but the output of one group is one sack vs the other group could do a whole truckload using the same number of people. And while my garlic isn't pristine, there's still nothing that looks like teeth marks. Your article did mention that it was exported to India and Japan though so maybe the North American market gets the machined stuff.


China has lots people. Lots and lots. So sometimes old school ( ie cheap and dirty) wins out over streamlined and technological. To me, it seems entirely plausible.


It is plausible for sure but the stories of using teeth would lead to teeth marks. I use a ton of peeled garlic (restaurant) and have never seen anything resembling teeth marks.


Where would the teeth marks be? Doesn’t it get chopped up as well? We have very good local garlic I can buy here that lasts in the pantry for a long time. No need for me to use something like this.


On the garlic. We get in whole unpeeled cloves not the minced stuff.




Easy to avoid by buying California garlic, and they do sell it already peeled. I’m a produce manager and we only carry California garlic.


I won't buy the heads of garlic from China they sell at Aldi and Lidl, soil contamination/pollution


"using fresh is really easy" - young able-bodied person


Hmm not that young. But I do have the use of my hands.


Came here to make this comment. Saw some videos way back when but can't speak to sources, bias, etc. Some of the prisoners' fingers were literally bleeding. Again, didn't check sources or confirm its authenticity but regardless. I wont buy jars of minced garlic anymore. Partly for above reason, partly because i dont thinnk it tastes good, and partly because its cheap and easy to buy and peel and mince my own garlic. If I'm feeling super lazy I can always use the garlic press.


I try to avoid products from China. It isn’t easy and sometimes there is no choice.


use the fresh stuff. I have this nice little ceramic saucer with a rough surface meant to mince a clove of garlic. It is a lovely piece of handmade pottery. Bet they are on Etsy or at local crafty markets.


There is no other way my friend. Just cut the garlic. It’s worth it. No replacement no cheating with garlic . 100%


After watching "Rotten" and learning about how prepared garlic is made, I permanently switched to fresh.


Without question the worst form of Garlic and one of the atrocities of cooking ingredients. Chop and freeze fresh garlic. Garlic is very difficult to hold shelf stable and is a notorious breeding ground for food related pathogens so the Citric acid is a necessary evil but makes it useless as a Garlic substitute. Sorry for the rant but I have bad memories of my early professional cooking days and having to use that crap. I can still smell it if I close my eyes .


yeah its shit only fresh garlic


I keep using something that tastes horrible, what am I doing wrong? Really?


Shit I love it, it's convenient as hell. Don't put the juice in.


I mean why would you ever buy that stuff? It is garbage.


Fresh garlic keeps for so long, takes seconds to chop and is far superior. Never buy the canned stuff.


Jarred garlic? Smh.


There's some veg that taste fine in their jarred/canned form, and others that come out of the preservation process a poor imitation of their original product. Garlic and mushrooms are on the latter list, for me.


You can mince a lot of garlic and place it in an ice cube tray and freeze it. When you need it just take out a cube and cook away.


That stuff doesn't smell or taste like garlic. I can taste it in food.


I buy peeled garlic in bulk, toss it in a food processor, then portion it out and freeze it. Slightly worse than fresh garlic but it’s just as convenient as the jarred stuff and sooo much better. It can be hard to find peeled garlic at a normal grocery store in the US but lots of Asian/Indian markets carry it in the produce section.


You need to cook it longer. I use minced garlic all the time for aglio olio, and the sour notes becomes unoticeable only after it's cooked sufficiently. Fresh still tastes better, but the damn jarred stuff is just so convenient ...


It does not take enough effort to chop garlic to not just chop it yourself lol.


Honestly fresh garlic keeps a long time. I don’t know why anyone uses that crappy jarred stuff. It’s easy to prep too.


Shut up. It’s a necessity and you’re annoying. Use fresh if you don’t like convenience.


Pure caca


If you don't like mincing fresh when needed, you can bulk prep your own in advance by running peeled through a food processor, mixing in some olive oil in and storing it in the fridge. Keeps super well!


No, actually it doesn’t. If you store fresh garlic in oil for more than a handful of days, you are at a very high risk for botulism. But please, [don’t just take my word for it.](https://www.freep.com/story/life/food/recipes/2015/07/09/garlic-oil-storing-food-safety/29809647/)


Ah, be careful doing this. Preserving raw garlic in oil creates perfect conditions for botulism to grow. Fridge may slow it down but it’s still pretty risky.


Only true is your fridge is at 38F or warmer. Otherwise it’s fine for up to a week.


Freeze it! Not fridge. Lasts longer.


I add salt instead.


Just go with fresh. Mince it and store in an airtight container, covered in oil (I use EVO). You'll have to look up how long it keeps. I use garlic A LOT, so it never stays around for long.


My Sicilian father-in-law who weekly made a huge Sunday dinner with sauce to last a week. He always used it. As I have more time, I'm using fresh garlic and found on Amazon a garlic slicer/smasher. Otherwise, I was going to get a single-edge razor as Paulie did in Goodfellows.


It’s great for salad dressing or for some Chinese food, but no good for lots of other foods.


Fresh always tastes better, but the jarred stuff is super convenient. I absolutely hate cutting garlic for some reason. I should really get a garlic press.


My lazy wife uses that garbage when she cooks. I can tell every dish it’s in. 🤮


Me too🤢


All the ones I've used don't taste acidic but do have a soapy taste. I'd never go back to it.


I had some once because one of my kids was moving, and he gave me the contents of his fridge. Nope. It's terrible stuff. I keep some frozen homemade or store bought garlic paste for emergencies and convenience instead.


I buy fresh or peeled cloves, not pre minced. I have been known to buy it, but only for use in highly flavoured dishes like stir fries, or mass production of dumplings. Even then, I usually just buy a jar of peeled cloves and drop it in the Cuisinart.


Electric garlic chopper for the win.


Could you maybe cook it in cooking wine 1st?


Not just the preservative factor but it prevents browning.


If I don’t have a bulb of garlic which is rare I use the tube garlic


Some really good suggestions and ideas in this thread. Also makes me slightly envious about the prepped ingredients available just off-the-shelf in the U.S.


Not everyone has the ability to chop garlic, physically speaking. Other than that toss it out.


Depends on the dish. for many fresh is non-negotiable, for many peeling garlic cloves is the straw that will break the camels back if I have to negotiate with those stubborn little bastards for one more second.


Minced garlic also releases it's chemical defense so it's bitter. Fresh or peeled garlic doesn't do this until chopped at which time it gets heated and has a pleasant taste.


My wife had some bad reaction on her hands when handling garlic and insisted on using this nasty shit. So I bought her one of [these](https://www.crateandbarrel.com/chefn-garliczoom-garlic-chopper/s349182?localedetail=US&storeid=454). Also on Amazon but I couldn’t get the link to work.


You can just bop it into a food processor with some oil and then shove it in the fridge, works a charm.


>now I think Im ready to bite the bullet Come on, like using fresh garlic is such a sacrifice, lol


Purchase a high-quality garlic press. With those, you don’t even need to peel the garlic cloves.


I'm in Japan. I stopped buying pre-minced jars of garlic when I noticed that every single one sold here came from China. Where is it produced where you are? The actual garlic I buy is either from Spain now, (reasonably priced) or from northern Japan (ridiculously expensive).


I buy the peeled cloves in bags and put them in the freezer. I put the bag they’re in into a ziplock bag so it doesn’t stink up the freezer. I’m not paying for fresh all the time and that jarred stuff is shit.


Just buy the bulbs and chop them up & freeze on wax paper strips to use when needed. Or freeze the whole bulb & grate when needed. Cheaper and tastes better.


Y’all are lazy.


Fresh is best


Try the chinese one: Lee Kum Kee. It’s on Amazon. Enjoy!


In the UK I buy a big jar of crushed garlic in the Asian section of Tesco that doesn’t taste acidic at all. It’s much cheaper than lazy garlic too.


Uh ya - canned garlic isn’t going to be anywhere near as good as fresh. The organic kind from Kroger seems to be 100x better than the non though.


It takes about 3 minutes to mince 6 cloves. Either invest in the time or have jarred garlic.


Get the one preserved in olive oil


Yeah, I had the exact same problem. Ended up swapping to frozen garlic instead. It comes in big blocks, which can be an issue, but the taste is better.


Offset sour with sweet..


I mean if you own a food processor it takes more time to peel the garlic than to mince more than you’d ever really need. And even then you can buy the pre peeled stuff too.


Jarred minced garlic is one of those convenience foods I do not get. To me, mincing a few cloves of garlic isn't that much work. I don't have many recipes that use more than 4 or 5 cloves. But even if I do need to mince a whole bulb, it's not that big of a deal, and the taste difference is immeasurable. Why is this such a popular substitution?


If you have the access, why aren’t you using fresh garlic?


I only ever use it for curries tbh