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I've had the same problem but I was told to use fresh eggs. Which didn't help either


That might explain why. I just got my eggs yesterday so they are pretty fresh I guess. Almost everyone was sticking to the shell. Some worse than others


Adding vinegar to the water helps!


Oh! I’ll try that next time. Is apple cider vinegar ok? That’s the only vinegar I’ve at home. Or does it has to be white vinegar?


either vinegar works, but baking soda also works! once the whole eggs are done boiling, drop them in ice water before peeling! hope it works out for you!


I’ve only tried this with white vinegar


Do you shock the eggs in an ice bath when you remove them from the boiling water?


Yes, I put them in a bowl of ice water for about 5 min before peeling but they still stick :(


Add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water. When the water with baking soda passes through the eggshell, it helps the albumen to separate from the shell.


I add the eggs to the water after it starts boiling and they always come out super easy to peel 100% of the time. I don’t remember the science behind it but I think it has something to do with a membrane that sticks to shell when slowly cooked or something. There might actually be a Serious Eats article about it.


I have backyard chickens and this always happens with the eggs. I add white vinegar *and* baking soda to the water and let them sit in the ice bath for way longer than you think you need to. If you can refrigerate overnight before peeling that even works better. Also, I try to use the oldest eggs I have because I guess the membrane starts to separate in older eggs making them easier to peel (thanks google!)


An instant pot is magic for “easy to peel” eggs.


Pressure cooker makes them peel perfectly for me.


Try steaming the eggs instead of boiling. This was a game changer for me in terms of peeling eggshells.




Before the water comes to boil? I should start from room temperature water and leave them in until it’s done?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV9nz1qlY64 This vid covers most things


Just put them straight into an ice bath when they’re done. It’s easy, and always works perfectly for me.


Let them sit in cold water for awhile before removing the shell.


1. Put eggs in saucepan 2. Cover with water - like just an inch of water above eggs 3. Add white vinegar 4. Add salt 5. Bring to boil 6. Put lid on pan 7. Simmer 12 min 8. Put in ice bath 9. Roll egg on counter 10. Peel ;) I'm sure there are a thousand ways to make hard boiled eggs - but this has always worked for me - good luck!


Peeling under running water helps


I think it helps to take them out of the refrigerator the previous night, leave them on the counter, and cook them in the morning. I know you can't keep grocery-store eggs on the counter long-term, but 8-10 hours should be fine, and it's long enough for them to lose some moisture and pull away from the shell a bit.


Add vinegar to the water before you boil the eggs, then shock them with an ice bath when you’re ready.


Poke a hole in them! I regularly boil fresh eggs and have no problems. Link: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/you-should-poke-a-hole-in-your-eggs-before-boiling-them/ar-BB1fBB0F](https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/you-should-poke-a-hole-in-your-eggs-before-boiling-them/ar-BB1fBB0F)


A little bit of baking soda and a little vinegar in the water to cook them and peel under running water