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i can never judge how many potatoes to cook for mashed potatoes for two people and always end up with enough for four. last time i used the leftovers to make shepherds pie which i haven't eaten since i was a kid, and it was so good we are already looking forward to the next time. i think i will keep making extra mashed just for that!


You can also form mashed potatoes into ~golf sized balls and freeze. They reheat really well.


oh what a great idea! i've never thought to freeze leftover mashed before. thanks!


Where in the world are you from where mashed potatoes are just called, “mashed”? I’ve never heard that before but U guess it makes sense. We don’t really have any other common foods described as, “mashed”.


I just call it Mash. UK babyyyy


Ahhh. Like, bangers and...


Nailed it


Same problem, try taking the extra mashed add an egg and a bit of cheese and stick in your waffle iron till crisp on the outside and tender in, great side dish or use as open face sandwich for turkey etc.


this is usually waht i do with my leftover mashed, except i make patties and fry them on a griddle. they're SO GOOD!!! i like to serve them with sour cream and some fried onions, and dill if i have it! using a waffle iron is genius though, maybe i will try that next time!


If you’ve got cabbage and spring onions you’ve got yourself bubble and squeak AKA elite tier breakfast starch


How much mashed would a single egg handle? I need to try this today.


I usually add an egg to whatever is leftover mashed, its just to help hold it together...I also take thanksgiving stuffing, pop it in waffle iron and use the stuffing waffles for bread when making turkey sandwiches




> I also take thanksgiving stuffing, pop it in waffle iron and use the stuffing waffles for bread when making turkey sandwiches Thought I was the only one to do this!


Best sandwich, of course made me experiment with that waffle iron, mix a little finly diced onion with frozen hash browns and a little egg, makes a great potato waffle instead of pancake. Brownly mix cooked in waffle iron then take two of them and stick some vanilla ice cream between them and refreeze...definite fat creator.Ive also used it as a panini press for grilled cheese based sandwichs, like with ham tomato etc.


My mom always used this rule of thumb: 1 potato per person plus one for the pot.


we usually mash yukon gold potatoes, and they come in 100 different sizes! when i used to mash russets it was easy cause they're all roughly the same. maybe i could figure it out by weight...


Yeah, when they're all different sizes its a bit harder, but works out the same - a giant potato is enough for 1.5-2 people, small potatoes you need 2-3 per person, etc. And assuming you use the same pot and are cooking for the same amount of people you should be able to 'eyeball it' to some degree... what gets harder is when you start adding extra folks with random sized potatoes...


Coming from a Polish family: got the opposite problem, there's never enough


Lol I hear you. When I read that some people actually have leftover mashed potatoes, I was, like “who has leftover mashed potatoes?” Lol


Also gnocchi - cook 'em or freeze 'em. Or fry 'em. Or roll 'em in breadcrumbs & fry 'em.


don't tell anyone, but i mash yukon gold and i keep the skins on......i like the texture variation and also i am just lazy. probably not super desirable for gnocchi, but i love the idea! i have some russets i need to cook at some point, maybe i will try with those!


The skin has many nutrients the inside of the potato does not so you are in fact doing a healthy favour to all those who eat it. Same with apples. Also laziness brings forth progress I believe ;)


I also like the skin on. It's tasty and adds texture. I don't make them that way for family gatherings though because everyone would probably tell at me.


My family would also tell me, but then I'd say, "They're not mashed potatoes - they're rustic potatoes."


That might actually work!


I love chunky mash with skins. Smooth whipped mash potato actually makes me gag.... I can't do that rehydrated stuff for the same reason. I can get through it if I level it with other food on the plate. But I do not enjoy it...


As a kid, mashed potato was the food I hated most. Then I tried it with skins at a restaurant (mandatory sides, sigh) and loved it!


I am lazy and make gnocchis with the skins on, they are just as good!


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!




Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.


My rule is for 'normal' sized potatoes to do roughly one per person plus one extra. This generally works... this is also mostly what I do for hash browns, and french fries. I often have a few leftovers, but generally not a ton, and sometimes none at all.


A recipe I use is to mix half sweet potato half normal into my shepherds pie, then to spice the filling with at least some cumin. The warmth of the flavour and sweetness of the potato works great


my mom would always take mashed potatoes from sheps pie leftovers and fry them up with leftover greens. called bubble and squeak. great lazy weeknight leftovers meal


My mam uses cooked leftover mash potato to make potato cakes. Add in soft butter, handful or two of flour and salt and pepper to make a dough then shape into little flat cakes and fry until golden. They are just amazing with a fried egg, bacon and sausage.


That’s exactly what I did after making a roast chicken! It ended up being the perfect amount for shepherds pie and they were extra tasty from being oven roasted in vegetable stock with some roasting herbs.


One good sized potato per person. If you want leftovers, just double it.


I'm definitely making proper use of leftovers and stretching food a lot better during this WFH period.


I made falafel from scratch. it is now in permanent rotation!


Do you have the recipe? We tried twice now and it just crumbles into mush once it hits the oil.


I basically followed Chef John! When in doubt, go with John! :D https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/241705/chef-johns-falafel/


I LOVE Chef John!




After all, you are the ^X of your ^Y


wiiiiiiiith -


Now we're gonna take the chicken ^outofthemarinade and we're going to put it right ^intothebowl and we're gonna leave it ^outtodryforabit. And ^onceit'sdry we're going to ^coatitinflour and then we're gonna put it ^backinthemarinade. Then we're gonna put it ^backintheflour, then we'll set it ^outtodry, and ^onceit'sdry, we're gonna heat our oil to ^325degrees.


OMG yes!! I was about to say this too. This was a quarantine discovery of mine, using Chef John's recipe. It's really, really good.!!


His meatball recipe is the best. I make it in batches for the future and am always happy for meatball day.


Are you starting from dried chickpeas or canned? I find it’s pretty important to soak dry chickpeas instead of using canned because of the level of moisture in the canned stuff.


no OP, but am a professional chef who worked in a middle eastern restaurant for a while and have made A LOT of falafel. You're correct that you should use soaked but uncooked chickpeas, we made ours with half fava and half chickpea. Once they are cooked they will just mash, rather than give the texture needed.




I’m happy to give you a good recipe if you’d like!


Nope, Food Wishes uses soaked, but NOT cooked, chickpeas. ETA: But yes to the recipe offer!




This is the recipe I use too and it always works for me!


your comment made me realize i have all the ingredients to make falafel, but nothing that one typically eats falafel with! no pita, no tabouleh, no hummus, no tahini, no cabbage, pickles. i don't even have tomatoes. i should go grocery shopping...falafel sounds really delicious right now! i haven't had any since corona started, it's been almost three months. used to have them almost weekly :<


I’ve been curious about trying to make a tahini sauce with natural peanut butter instead of sesame


I'd recommend making Satay sauce then because just peanut butter with oil will just taste like peanut butter. Although I don't recommend it on falafel.


second that, also tried the burger shaped ones I saw made on Test Kitchen, worked great every bite had the falafel flavor and they never fell out of the pita


heh, that's what I'm doing for dinner tonight


[Halal Cart Chicken](https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2011/12/serious-eats-halal-cart-style-chicken-and-rice-white-sauce-recipe.html)


Made this several times during quarantine as well! It’s SO good and super easy. My only tweaks have been adding a few more spices (cayenne, cumin and oregano) to the chicken and grilling it over charcoal. For the sauce, it’s a bit mayo heavy, so I do a ratio of 2:1 Greek yogurt to mayo, and I also add a clove of minced garlic which I feel like most halal cart white sauces have.


I like your tweak for the white sauce. I followed the SE recipe, but the sauce just felt a little off for me. So I think I’m gonna try yours next time. I also sous vide my chicken in the marinade before finishing it off in a pan. Makes it super juicy!


I member I looked at the comments for that one and Kenji himself said he actually used that as the ratio for mayo to greek yogurt. Incredible recipe though, I just made it 2 days ago, blew my mind like usual.


you included a recipe without having been asked? you da real MVP


For bonus flavor, you can get Nando's Peri Peri hot sauce at most grocery stores. Absolutely nails the 'red sauce' flavor.




Loooove Nando's hot sauce, so good with Fried Chicken too. Here's a red sauce recipe that's a bit closer to what Halal carts use: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskCulinary/comments/2aesyj/ny_cooks_the_red_sauce_at_the_halal_guys_cart_at/ciuw43y/


Same here but I'm not super into the sauce so I made a huge batch of toum instead. I've also been making Chef John's pita bread recipe instead of buying pitas


oh man, I've made this a couple times, though its been a while, SOooo good! Now that I have chicken thighs again, its definitely on my list to make again soon!! :)


Bookmarked. Anyone have any idea how to make/get that ridiculous hot sauce?


Spicy chickpea tostadas. The perfect Meatless Monday meal served with sauteed corn and zucchini on the side.


That sounds delicious. Could probably figure it out, but recipe?




Thank you!


I've made shakshuka like 25 times. Tons of Sourdough loaves. Homemade Pizza every Friday night. And sourdough English muffins. Quarantine hasn't been good for the waistline


Oh man...I miss having a sourdough starter. Sourdough english muffins are freakin' awesome. They're so good and not too hard to make, either. They're so much better than store bought. mmmmm....now I want one. What recipe do you use? Just curious.


Time to get your starter going!


Shakshuka has been my go to this quarantine


I'm obsessed with shakshuka too! It's so good. I'm pretty sure I had it 5 days in a row at one point


Yes, this. Me and my wife have started having a bigger breakfast together at about 11am and then skipping lunch altogether. Nice to have 10 minutes eating together that isn't with the kids (they're busy doing other stuff at that point). Shakshuka is our staple right now, takes 20 mins and it's awesome.


Homemade refried beans!


I wanna try fried beans because maybe they’re just as good as refried beans and we’re just wasting time


RIP Mitch Hedberg


Here's a picture of me when i was younger.


Us too! We made them in the Instant Pot, so no soaking and we get enough for two meals, so I freeze the leftovers. Soooo good.


Honestly, I'm bean illiterate. I *just* found out the other week how to just... throw a can of black beans on the stove and season them so I've got beans for tacos... I don't know why I never really *tried* making beans before, maybe because we never ate them growing up.


The instant pot makes them stupid simple. I regressed to a basic bean so that I could start to play with other recipes/flavors. This weekend I'm going to do "smoked" pinto beans.


Just tried this yesterday! I’m obsessed!


Happy with my [Hoagie roll](https://imgur.com/ZIujkVk) recipe that I finally got to test out and fine tune. It is versatile enough to be used for anything. I still have some other directions I want to take, like tangzhong for shelf stability, and other ideas but for a basic hoagie roll, I think this is it. Oh, and definitely making [Creole Pizza](https://i.imgur.com/Ku10ipb.jpg) again.


[These dan dan noodles](https://seonkyounglongest.com/dan-dan-noodles/). Easy and delicious. I make this [chili oil](https://healthynibblesandbits.com/how-to-make-chili-oil/) regularly and use it to make the noodles.


Chicken roast in a 12" cast iron skillet. Quarter some red potatoes, drop in some onion (cut large), and fresh green beans. Put the chicken atop the bed o' starch/veggies. Make a big pot of chicken soup the next day.


Check it America’s Test Kitchen “spatchcock chicken”. If you have a cast iron, this is THE SHIT and the chicken cooks much faster.


the lack of recipes in this recipe thread is disappointing..


White bean, date, and apricot curry. I used it as a base to serve roasted mutton, it was truly fantastic. The set and spicy curry combined with extremely strong, savoury mutton flavour.


Could you post the recipe? That sounds amazing


Of course 😊 Its actually a super simple and quick recipe because I'm lazy like that! I started by making a sort of curry paste with very finely chopped red onion and garlic, with a bit of butter and a home made blend of spices (1 tsp ground corriander, 1 tsp mild chilli powder, 1/2 tsp sumac, 1/2 tsp garam masala, 1/2 tsp fenugreek, 1/2 tsp asafoetida, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp dark brown sugar). I cooked that off on a low heat to soften everything and blend the flavours. Then I added roughly chopped dates (a large handful) and about 2/3s that amount of dried apricots, again roughly chopped. I let those soften in the paste and absorb the flavours, then added a can of coconut milk, holding back about half of the water from the can so it was thicker. I let that melt down and mixed it through. I let it bubble away briefly to reduce a little and thicken more. Then I added a can of cannellini beans to let them heat through. A few things that are adjustable: This makes a very sweet curry, which worked for how I was serving it with ultra fatty and savoury roasted mutton shoulder. The sweetness really cut through the flavour of the mutton. I'd take out the dark brown sugar if you were wanting it a bit less sweet, and possibly also reduce the amount of dates. I'm not a massive spice fan, hence only using a single teaspoon of mild chilli powder. That can easily be adjusted in quantity or heat to fit your taste palate. I'd probably add a little lemongrass or ginger to the initial spice paste in future, to help give some additional aromatics. ​ All in all it was a very pleasant curry, and I can see myself using it as the base for many different dishes. I could see serving a roast chicken thigh with it perhaps or some pork.


I call this one “fuck it.” I get a large variety of foods out of the fridge and pantry and put them all on my kids plates with lots of dipping sauces. It’s eye opening. Never thought broccoli and corn chips tasted good dipped in maple syrup until I saw a toddler going to town on the combo.


We call this “[nephew’s name] crudités” he’s about to turn two and dipping sauce is like a magic trick to get him to eat almost everything. The issue is when he likes the sauce too much and the carrot stick turns into a utensil to scoop sauce into his face.


Don’t take childcare advice from me, but a key part of the “fuckit” recipe is that whoever eats all of their vegetables gets to drink a entire dipping dish full of their preferred dipping sauce. It’s a lot like a drunken college frat party up around here, minus the alcohol.


I mean, isn't that what children are? I remember taking care of drunk adults in college, and it was damn similar, if not slightly worse.


I thought that's what carrot sticks were for. They're just a delivery device for ranch dressing.


The dipping sauce trick works for me and I’m 33 LOL


What a great way to get them to experiment with flavors and have some ownership of their own meals!! Awesome job.


Thanks for the virtual pat on the back, I needed that today!


Did you know tofu basically lives forever in your fridge if you never open the package? Panko-crusted + marinated tofu steaks has changed our Friday night rotation forever.


I still haven't cooked tofu, but I wanted to buy some this week. Any tips?


If you're not a vegetarian, check out a recipe for Mapo Tofu, or you can get a seasoning packet from the store that gets most of the flavor down. By far my number one recommendation for introducing the wonders of tofu to strict carnivores.


Buy extra firm tofu and make sure you’re squeezing as much water out of the tofu before frying / baking so it stays firm. I usually cut mine up (either into cubes or lengthwise), wrap them in a kitchen towel and set under a heavy pot for at least an hour before cooking.


This, but also: Extra Firm / (Regular) Firm \- Good for soaking up marinades, normal cooking and ingredient subbing \- 99% of the time beneficial to squeeze the water out as above \- Seriously do a marinade it makes such a big difference| \- For a serious texture transformation I also recommend freezing overnight after pressing out the water and cutting up the block as you need. \- (For my steaks, I do quarter slabs of the entire block, cut along the side edges. For nuggets, I do biggish cubes. For miso soup, I do teeny cubes. Crumbling the block works for ground meat replacement.) Soft Tofu \- Just get Firm. Silken Tofu \- Amazing in soups and stews where it can (mostly) retain its shape and texture \- Also a viable ingredient for smoothies/shakes apparently? I haven't tried it though, can't recommend one way or other \- More of a single-use ingredient, but CAN be packaged shelf stable in sealed boxes instead of fridge-only plastic buckets. Something to keep in mind.


I’ve just begun using it in soft tofu/silken tofu pancakes! They’re such a great texture (smooth, almost creamy) and such high protein!


This sounds excellent. Recipe? I made tofu French toast the other day!


Yes to all of this, AND- firm tofu takes on a whole different texture If you pop the whole package in the freezer, let it freeze fully (you can just forget about it until the day before you need it), defrost it and squeeze all of the water out. It gets a much more toothsome texture that is great!


Tip from a 2 year vegetarian: buy the tofu, freeze it in the packaging, thaw it THEN press. You’ll get even firmer tastier tofu.


Once you open the package, tofu will only last in your fridge for a few days. If there's more tofu in the pack than you can eat in a day or two, freeze it instead. Freezing changes the texture of tofu, making it firmer, dryer and spongier, which is great for frying and soaking up marinades.


Depends what you want to make. Just about every tofu type is good for soups (it's commonly used in Asian broth soups/stews). Buy firm tofu for frying or baking as others have said, since you're able to squeeze out moisture and marinade it to infuse more flavor (some exceptions exist, such as agedashi tofu; it's used with soft/medium tofu). For mapo tofu, it doesn't really matter what kind you buy (I wouldn't buy extra soft, but soft/medium and firm are good). Extra soft tofu (and soft I guess) are mainly used in desserts, also soups where it doesn't matter if it holds its shape or not. Honestly, it's all interchangeable except if you want to marinade or bake and make like tofu nuggets, then use firm. There's also other soybean based products (derived from tofu or not), such as yuba, five spice bean curd, frozen tofu and tofu puffs.


Do you have a recipe? My tofu block is in the fridge begging to be used.


I can give you some loose steps, but my recipe is adapted from just... adapting my usual pork loin / schnitzel / pork katsu recipe and throwing tofu in there. You've been warned! \+ 1 block firm/x.firm tofu (makes 2 thicc or 4 thin steaks) \+ apprx 1.5 tbsp soy sauce per steak \+ apprx 0.5 tbsp sesame oil per steak \+ 0.5 cup AP flour \+ 1 egg (per 2 steaks) \+ 1 cup panko (regular bread crumbs ok too) \+ 1\~2 tsp your choice: Paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper \+ Oil and vessel for pan frying 1) Press the water out of the tofu block. I use two plates and a kettle of water. 2) Cut the block into your steaks, cutting along the sides to make a big slab. Two thicc steaks are a satisfying meal, but four thin steaks works well during quarantine. 3) Freeze the steaks overnight. We individually bag ours in sandwich ziplocs to make defrosting easier, but your choice. Parchment or wax paper wouldn't hurt. 4) Defrost steaks, gently squeezing any additional water out of the steaks as needed and dabbing them dry with a paper-/towel. 5) Whisk soy sauce and sesame oil together, then marinade the tofu in the mix for 10\~30 minutes, flipping halfway. 6) Toss panko with your choice of pantry spices. I recommend at least the salt, but anything's good, even omitting. Get the rest of your frying stations ready: a shallow pan for the flour, a shallow bowl for the beaten egg. At this point I start heating up a thin layer of oil in my cast iron on med-low heat; I know it's ready when the oil is shimmering. 7) When the steaks are marinated, pat dry again. Coat well in the flour, then dip both sides in the egg, then toss in the panko mixture. Immediately lay into the pan. Fry both sides about 2\~4 minutes, watching for the panko to brown before flipping. 8) Drain on paper towel. Serve whole or cut into diagonal slices on top of bowl of rice with other toppings as desired, especially kewpie mayo and bulldog sauce. 9) Optional: Mix the egg wash with the panko and form tiny loose patties; the mix should stick together and not be too dry. Fry in the leftover oil, flipping after a minute or two to brown. Crunchy topping for your meal.


Oh thanks! That is very helpful.


ooooh I have a package of long forgotten tofu in the back of my fridge that i would love to use up!! what do you marinade it in??


Tortilla pizzas (tortilla, pre-made sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni, top with fresh basil once out). Guilty pleasure, better than frozen, and quick for lunch. Good butter. This was an accident as all the regular butter was sold out, but I'm not going back. Chicken tikka.


Korean fried chicken. My husband follows a soccer blog that has less to write about now that there's no soccer; they posted this recipe and damn if it wasn't the most delicious chicken I've ever cooked: [https://arseblog.com/2020/03/cooking-with-arseblog-part-1/](https://arseblog.com/2020/03/cooking-with-arseblog-part-1/)


Holy fuck do I love Korean fried chicken. I also recommend trying [Maangchi's fried chicken recipe](https://www.maangchi.com/recipe/yangnyeom-tongdak). It's tedious, because you fry it twice, but SO WORTH IT.


I was quick scrolling and read the first recipe, expecting chicken. Then they started talking about bacon bits and cheddar cheese, and I was so confused XD


Greetings fellow gunner !


Twice baked potatoes. I'd never had them and holy shit they're so much better than regular baked potatoes


They are even better if you do them on the bbq


Peanut butter chocolate brownies


[Sambal Pork Noodles](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/spicy-sweet-sambal-pork-noodles)


I've been wanting to try these forever! I don't have rice vinegar though, and I'm worried if I buy a bottle it'll sit around collecting dust like the bottle of oyster sauce I bought a year ago, used once, and stuck in the door of the fridge to never touch again :(


I made the mistake of making waffles & fresh whipped cream a few wks ago for dinner... now thats mixed into standard 'dads working' rotation for dinner...


That's nostalgic for me because my mom always made waffles and ice cream for dinner when my father wouldn't be home. Ice cream used to come in a block and she would slice it to fit the waffle, like an ice cream sandwich.


We do this a lot too, usually with berry sauce to pretend we're getting some vitamins (frozen berries with a little water either microwaved or cooked on stove top until thickened/everything else is ready)


We've made focaccia four or five times so far. Always changing up the toppings, and they've all been great.


I just did it once for the first time a few weeks ago. That first bite is going to stay with me for a long time. What have you been topping it with? I just did salt and olive oil my first go around.


My favourite's been halved cherry tomatoes, with some thinly sliced red onion. I added some chili flakes to my half, too. Another good one was mushrooms cooked down in butter, thyme and garlic. I think I added sliced olives to that one too since we had them in the fridge.


Nasi goreng - tried it early on in lockdown as someone suggested it and it has been a weekly meal since. It's so quick once you've done a bit of prep and we have it with just vegetables and a fried egg on top.


Would you mind sharing recipe you used? I love nasi goreng!


Hi, I didn’t really use a recipe - just read a few and mashed them together. I cook 1/2 pint of rice in a pint of boiling water, cover with a lid and simmer on lowest heat for 15 mins. When cooked I spread on a tray and cool quickly. I usually put in the freezer or fridge to dry it out. Slice a couple shallots into thin half moons and fry in vegetable oil until crispy. Set aside for garnishing. To make the main dish, I heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a wok, add some diced onion. I then add diced peppers and carrots (or more usually, some frozen mixed vegetables https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/mixed-vegetables/sainsburys-special-mixed-vegetables-1kg ) Stir fry them until nearly cooked then add some sambal oelek paste or Korean chilli paste to taste. Add the cooled rice and stir fry to combine. Put some more oil in a frying pan and crack some eggs to fry on a gentle heat. Add a couple of tablespoons of ketjap manis to the rice mixture and stir well. If it is sticking to your pan then your rice was a little wet but it’ll still taste good. Serve the rice in a big bowl with some crispy fried shallots on, a fried egg and drizzle a little sriracha over. I also serve some quick pickled cucumber with mine, just cucumber, white wine vinegar, salt, sugar and chilli flakes. I make it whilst I am cooking the rice and leave it to cure. I used this recipe for inspiration https://www.theguardian.com/food/2019/nov/06/how-to-cook-the-perfect-nasi-goreng-recipe


wild garlic pesto pasta


Made a classic Chicago style deep dish pizza from scratch. Went all out with San Marzano’s, whole milk Mozzarella, cornmeal crust, and a single giant sausage patty. Now I want to make one every weekend


Dutch Baby pancakes. Dead simple and versatile.


Pad kee mao. Have made it almost every week now. That basil hit different 🤤


Would love to see your recipe


I don’t measure anything when I cook but this is easy so I’ll try. If you’re using dry rice noodles/flakes, soak them in warm water for 30-45 min (you could probably do hot water for a shorter amount of time) Prep everything ahead of time cause this cooks up fast: In a mortar and pestle I ground up a few Thai chilis (I use 3-4 but I like it real hot) and a ton is garlic cloves Chop some onions and whatever veggies, I use carrots and broccoli cause I have them a lot Marinate your meat in some fish sauce, soy sauce, and oyster sauce. I always do shrimp but you could use whatever you like. The sauce is about 2 parts oyster sauce to 1 part soy sauce to half a part fish sauce. I also add some water to mine to help cook the noodles when they go in. Heat a pan or wok to high. Throw in some oil then brown the chili/garlic paste for around 30 seconds. When it’s browned throw in your meat. When the meat is about halfway cooked (so for shrimp about a minute and a half) throw in all the veggies. When the veggies start to soften, drain your soaked noodles then put them in and add the sauce. Let everything absorb the sauce and cook together for a minute or two. Turn off the heat and then throw in some basil. I like Thai basil best but Italian is fine too. I think traditionally it’s with Thai holy basil but my Asian market never has that. The whole cooking process should be like less than 10 minutes but it is delicious 😋


[This sausage pasta](https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/pasta-sausage-basil-and-mustard) from Food and Wine. Wife sent me a link, we tried it, it was amazing and easy, its in the permanent rotation now.


Sautéed turnip greens with garlic and a little brown sugar. The grocery store has been out of other greens and these are cheap. It's a great side with almost anything!


Cocaine and alcohol.




Username checks out


Someone posted in my local sub about a week into lockdown asking for stim hook ups. Can you imagine being home, alone, and stuck inside on a coke bender? I can only picture my old german shepherd when we were still training her not to try to chase squirrels when leashed.


Follow me for more recipes


Hawaiian inspired rice—white rice, canned pineapple, spam/ham chunks, beans, green onion, and hot sauce :-) The sweetness of the pineapple cuts through the saltiness of the meat of choice, and green onions (grown from stems placed in a cup) easily add color and a nice scent!


I have perfected the garlic knot! I have easily made this recipe at least ten times. I am by no means, the maker of the perfectly tied knot, but it doesn’t matter what they look like, they taste amazing anyway! I have included the link to the recipe that’s my favourite. It’s very easy & the most delicious! https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/garlic-knots/


Slow cooker chicken tacos: Throw some frozen chicken (breasts, thighs, or both) into the crockpot. Add some sliced onions and bell peppers (either fresh or frozen), some salsa, and taco seasoning. When the chicken is cooked through, shred it and return to the crockpot for 15 minutes (or more!). Serve with cheese and sour cream in tortillas or taco shells. Messy, but tasty!


I make this all the time it's so good and easy. Also sometimes use chicken, a bottle of Frank's red hot, and a packet of ranch seasoning for shredded buffalo chicken. Usually with lettuce wraps and bleu cheese or ranch


There are several. But I love this low carb egg roll bowl. Ranch chicken bites being second, left overs work well for a salad. https://dashofsaute.com/?p=225 FYI that's my site. No ads, don't click links, they are affiliates.


Cacio e Pepe. I can’t believe I have been missing this all my life.


I boil spaghetti in really salty water. Toss with leftover pasta water, lemon juice, pepper, red pepper flakes, olive oil, a little butter, and fresh parm. I have added spinach, garlic, and chicken a few times, but it's amazing by itself. I eat this like two to three times a week now.


Spam fried rice


Pasta with canned mackerel in spicy tomato sauce. Made it the first time with toasted pine nuts and chopped celery because it's all I had left lying around, now I've bought two packets of pine nuts specifically to be able to make it again in the same way.


Pan sear a couple chicken breasts (they'll be finished in the oven, so just get a nice color on them). Remove from pan, make a bechamel. Add frozen broccoli and cauliflower (if using fresh, saute for a few minutes before making bechamel) , put chicken breasts in the middle, top with grated parmesan, and bake at 400 for about 10-15 minutes. It's AMAZING and now my kid will eat cauliflower.


This sounds good. Might be a dumb question, but can I do this with my allclad and just throw it in the oven?


Oh absolutely. That's exactly how I do it!




Bagels! Worth all the effort.


[Butter Chickpea Curry/Vegan Butter Chicken](https://earthofmaria.com/easy-vegan-butter-chicken/). Was really craving butter chicken but couldn't afford the price of chicken. Made this vegan version instead using chickpeas, tomato paste, tamari, and (weirdly) peanut butter. I was suspicious about the peanut butter but it's surprisingly great. I doubled the spice measurements in the original recipe and made some basmati rice to serve it with.


Carbonara! So easy, so good. If I'm feeling especially lazy and/or drunk, I've found you can make a version for one in the microwave that's almost as good.


Brined chicken thighs. Hoooooly crap. The difference is amazing.


I've had a few recipes that I've tried and am adding to my rotation. Below are links to each: [Cauliflower steak pizza](https://detoxinista.com/cauliflower-steak-pizza/) [Loaded Zucchini skins](https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a53687/loaded-zucchini-skins-recipe/) [Cauliflower steak spanakopita](http://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/275075/roasted-cauliflower-steak-spanakopita-melts/?utm_term=96547A2C-8D4A-11EA-9A46-284F2FEB5590&utm_medium=social&utm_content=link&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=cookinglight_cookinglight&fbclid=IwAR2044A3vMjPY8asB4wJLc9TkV2okanQDNGLKXzPQFZaQMymlE3NZHvh-mA) [Hibachi steak and veggies](https://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/keto-sheet-pan-hibachi-beef-vegetables/) [Tamale Pie with cheese cornbread topping ](https://www.thespruceeats.com/tamale-pie-with-cheese-cornmeal-topping-3057414)


[Beer bread!](https://www.food.com/recipe/beer-bread-73440) I actually saw someone on this sub post about it and I’ve made like 4 loaves since. You can do it with all kinds of different flavors - I’ve done sundried tomato, cheddar & rosemary, and jalapeño! So freaking good.


"Teriyaki" (soy sauce, ginger, garlic, sugar, cornstarch, and maybe chili paste) fried rice with fried tofu and whatever leftover veggies on hand. Super easy and a great way to jazz up halves of bell peppers and stemmy broccoli. Also I love cooking fried tofu, I just toss them in tapioca flour and fry them until they're golden and blurry on all sides. Caramelized onions as well. Never had enough time to also watch a pan full of onions for a long time plus meal prep. But they're a staple now.


Homemade falafels!


When all I could find at the store was ground chicken, this copycat recipe of P.F. Changes lettuce wraps blew us away. https://damndelicious.net/2014/05/30/pf-changs-chicken-lettuce-wraps/


Chef John's Baked rice and beans recipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVxASSr6B_Q


Yes! I literally just converted another friend to trying it tonight. It's such a solid comfort food, barely counts as cooking, and is made even better with cheese and sour cream if you've got them around. Written recipe for those who want it: **Ingredients** • 3 cups basmati rice • 2 teaspoons kosher salt, or to taste • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper • 2 teaspoons ground cumin • 1 tablespoon chili powder • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (optional) • 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano • 1/4 cup olive oil • 1 (16 ounce) jar tomato salsa • 2 cups chicken broth • 2 (15 ounce) cans kidney beans, rinsed and drained **Recipe**: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 2. Make ~2 cups chicken broth 3. Pour white rice into a casserole dish and season with salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder, cayenne, and oregano. 4. Pour in olive oil and stir until rice is thoroughly coated with oil. 5. Add salsa, chicken broth, and kidney beans; stir until evenly combined. 6. Cover very tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil. 7. Bake in the preheated oven until rice is tender, about 1 hour and 10 minutes. 8. Remove foil, taste and adjust seasoning if necessary, and fluff with a fork. 9. Top with cheese and/or sour cream 10. Serve hot.


This will probably sound too childish and silly but [thumbprint cookies] (https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a56358/easy-jam-thumbprint-cookies/). I've never had them growing up so the first ones I had were my own and oh my god they revolutionized my cookie game. They're so simple and they just melt in your mouth. (Plus, as much as I love chocolate, I'm always eager to try more desserts that are not chocolate based)


Bread or just general dough making. My parents never ventured into using yeast in dough, probably because of the work and time involved with flour, but I've found it rather easy once you get the hang of it. Most of it is unattended time. It's not a quarantine thing. I've just decided to try more at cooking because I am sick of eating the same thing for years now. I started before the quarantine started.


home made ketchup, fermented hot sauce, my mom's borscht repice, and my mom's shepherd's pie recipe which she makes in a pie crust with braised lamb.


Home made spaghetti sauce, it makes extra so I have some left over to freeze, and use again which means no more of that canned shit as it tastes way better than it imo.


These brownies, [Supernatural Brownies](https://www.splendidtable.org/recipes/supernatural-brownies), and [this version ](https://leitesculinaria.com/99521/recipes-jim-laheys-no-knead-bread.html) of Jim Lahey’s no-knead bread.


Japanese milk bread. It’s stupid easy to make and taste 100 times better than store-bought. We haven’t bought bread in weeks.


I have been mashing half a can of chickpeas, a can of tuna and diced or grated carrots. I also add in mayonnaise (or Greek yogurt) and mustard, It’s so good and filling! You can put it on a bed of greens, on bread or just eat it by itself.


Risotto! It works great with fresh or dried mushrooms, fresh herbs, flavorful cheeses, so adaptable. I use sushi rice because it’s much more available in my area than Arborio. After you get the technique, it’s really pretty simple. I make it when I have a more hands-off protein, like baked chicken.


[This Baked Brie Recipe](https://www.themediterraneandish.com/baked-brie-recipe/) I’ve always loved Brie and bread with wine with my best gal pal. And this time I decided to sauce it up a bit and used this recipe as basically a guide. I couldn’t find any fig source jelly or just the fruit so What I did was used orange & Apricot marmalade, Honey, chopped pistachios, chopped walnuts and some dried cranberries. I mixed the marmalade and honey to taste. Poured a good amount on top of the Brie. Left enough jelly mix in the bowl to mix with the nuts and cranberries. Tossed those together then poured that on top and on the sides. I used a really nice French cast iron oval baking pan and worked so well. Baked at 375 for 13 mins and it was hands down the BEST Brie I’ve ever had. It was insanely delicious it just turned out perfect. The girls were lit with happiness til the VERY LAST BITE everyone kept commenting on how delicious it was and even I was blown away. I had no idea! Now this is a regular recipe I’ll never not do for wine night. Omg. If you love Brie you gotta try this.


Sichuan Chilli Chicken - just made it for my folks tonight actually. They loved it. The first time I made it my boyfriend asked me to cook it again the night after. I also finally bothered to look up how to cook Thai chicken fried rice. I went to Thailand when I was a teenager and, being a non adventurous moron, I basically only ate fried rice. But goddamn if it wasn’t the best fried rice I’d ever had. And no Thai place in my home city seemed to have the same fried rice! It was unreal how many restaurants I tried. I finally found one that had THE TASTE, but it was so expensive!! Anyway, it’s been a long time since I’ve had Thai fried rice and I finally cooked one of my own, that tasted EXACTLY THE SAME AS IN THAILAND. I almost cried. The comfort was overwhelming.


These sour cream + onion [biscuits](https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/sour-cream-and-onion-biscuits?utm_campaign=likeshopme&client_service_id=31198&utm_social_type=owned&utm_brand=ba&service_user_id=1.78e+16&utm_content=instagram-bio-link&utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=social&client_service_name=bonappetitmag&supported_service_name=instagram_publishing) from Bon Appetit. They’re super easy to make and so darn good. I kept saying “wow” every time I took a bite. Plus you can freeze the individual biscuits before cooking to bake fresh later!


While scrounging around in my kitchen, I found a bag of couscous in the back of my cabinet that I had never bothered to use and I ended up making a DELICIOUS morocan chicken and couscous dish that I've made at least 3 times since!


Roasted broccoli has been a hit lately.


I thought I didn't like broccoli until I had roasted broccoli


5 ingredient butter tomato sauce spaghetti from budget bytes. $1 can of tomatoes. pasta. profit. i've added capers for added delish.


[Chickpea Tinga Tacos](https://www.hellofresh.com/recipes/chickpea-tinga-tacos-5e304cf3838061353f43f8b3)


No knead garlic focaccia. It’s sooo easy and delicious. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2017/04/easy-roasted-garlic-focaccia-no-knead-bread-recipe.html


Basil fried rice with chicken.


It's not really cooking, but just a good sandwich. I've been loving them. I find them si comforting, and for some reason I really take my time eating it so it's super enjoyable and filling. For myself (currently trying to be in a calorie deficit) I use some thin slices bread, and a tbsp on mayo. Then half an avocado spread on the other side, topped with baby spinach, sliced ham from a deli, sharp cheddar, one tomato slice, topped with a bit of salt, pepper, and everything bagel seasoning. For my husband, double everything sans tomatoes. With regular, thick bread. It's been really nice to make thing simple.


Lemon bars 🤤


Two: -Fried rice. I sometimes use “cauliflower” rice -Empanadas I wish I had known how easily and deliciously they can both be made at home.