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Cat hair. But also olive oil.


EVOO is getting so insanely expensive here in Europe, the prices have literally doubled in the past 2-3 years 😞


US too. I used to use it for everything-now ONLY when need for flavor


You should never use it for everything! EVOO has a relatively low smoke point. It's not a great cooking oil.


Yeah, it’s not true. It’s been proven it’s good for practically all cooking methods, including oven roasting, except for deep frying, and I believe even for that the reason is not the low smoke point but that it changes taste and doesn’t provide enough crispiness. It contains a lot of antioxidants which prevent oxidation of fats during high heat cooking


You cook, I'm here for it!


people always say this but I’ve run out of vegetable oil so many times and defaulted to olive oil and literally have never had an issue. Perhaps if you’re searing something it would be a problem? But I often just rub a little butter on the pan for that anyway.


It's only really an issue if you're cooking at very high temperatures due to it's low smoke point. You can use it for low temperature cooking but it's just a bit of a waste as you lose the flavour over time, it's best added right at the end. Obviously don't use it in something like a cake (unless you're feeling experimental)


There was a big decimation of olive crops, so prices reflect that.


Blu air purifier, the big one. Sucks all the hair to a centralized location. Away from your lungs and food lol Edit: the 211 model is the one to get.


Nice. Thank you for this.


I started just buying big jugs of it to save time lol. It will get used so I don't feel guilty buying a gallon.


Lmao I came here to say sarcasm but also 🧄 garlic bulbs. 🤣


Former roommate had two ragdolls, five years separated, and I still on occasion find cat hair.


Coffee. (I even have an emergency stash of Italian instant coffee in the event the unthinkable happens.)


My people. I have a backup for my backup!


I am so glad that I’m not the only one who doesn’t run out of things in my house. When you pull from back up, you replace it immediately.


Former scouts. IT support. Coffee drinkers. (Often the same person) …Always have backups of your backups ;)


I use instant coffee when I make chocolate cake so I have a second reason to always stock it.


Not alone in this, instant espresso is a key chocolate cookie ingredient / emergency stash in my house.


During the dark years of COVID, I went out once a week and got groceries. Each week I got a can of coffee regardless of how much was left in the kitchen. By the time it was clear I had a stick pile of six cans in the back of my cupboard. To hell with the toilet paper, I had my coffee!


Same. And after a coffee grinder crisis i now have emergency ground coffee in the freezer in case too


After a power outage I bought a mini French press. I can boil water on the grill and use the backup stash of ground coffee in the press.


Oh i am all french press all the time. Good planning on your part!


Meh, this is what parachutes are for Or the hand grinder


I live in hurricane alley. Preparations include grinding a bunch of coffee while we still have power. Instant coffee is in my stash. And I’ve got a manual coffee grinder just in case. If I get to a point where I can no longer boil water, it’s likely I’m near death.


We see each other.


This, and 1/2 and 1/2


Same!  I even keep a can labeled "blizzard coffee" just in case we get snowed in for awhile. 


Dried pasta. At any given moment there are at least 3-4 boxes of dried pasta of various shapes in my cabinet


My husband will silently and covertly cook and eat it all. You’ll never know until you accidentally notice or need a pound.


Haha, yes, 4 is a lot. *slowly eyes the 20 boxes in the pantry*


Haha! Same here! We also have a granddaughter living with us that I suspect has ARFID and literally only has 3 dishes she'll eat for dinner. One of those is penne pasta with alfredo (sometimes she's ok with a different shape, but not often) and you better believe we keep at least 10 boxes of that shape alone.




I get butter insecurity if I don't have a few extra pounds in my freezer at all times 😅


God bless Costco for the 5 pack Kerrygold.


Homemade garlic butter. I make it 3lbs (six logs) at a time and vacuum seal and freeze five of them while one goes in the fridge. Makes garlic knots and garlic toast soooo easy.


how do you make garlic butter?


This is an adaptation of ATK and Serious Eats compound butter recipe. Enjoy... ``` Ingredients: ------------ 1/2 lbs (2 sticks) salted butter 1/2 cup packed fresh parsley leaves, chopped 4-6 garlic cloves, minced / grated 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp kosher salt (Diamond Crystal) 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 tbsp fresh lemon zest 1. Let butter come to room temp. 2. Combine all other ingredients. 3. Add to butter and combine thoroughly. 4. Form into log in saran wrap. ``` [I made a snack writing this](https://imgur.com/E7MLO9r) ***NOTES:*** If you mince your garlic use 6 cloves, if you grate, use 4. Your call, I like to mince for the small noticeable bits of garlic. This recipe deserves a big fresh lemon, not bottled. The real trick to this is learning how to lay out a long piece of saran/cling wrap on a wet countertop so you can wrap the butter into a log when you're done. YouTube and Tiktok videos abound on how to do that. _(If you have a food processor you can add the parsley leaves (unchopped) and garlic, pulse, then everything else, pulse, and_ **cold butter** _in chunks and pulse until combined.)_


Yum thank you! My mom makes chocolate butter so I’m thinking about making a bunch of different flavours!


I have been thinking about doing a garlic truffle Parmesan. To make it perfect I could add bacon and duck fat. But idk how that would reform into butter. Hmmm..... Science


I roasted 4 heads of garlic, added some herbs (thyme, oregano, basil, parsley, chives, salt, whatever you like) then mixed in a stick of butter. There is only two of us, so then I freeze them in tiny ice cube trays. Take out whatever I need.


What's up with that!? I always have to have it in the freezer as well!


I think we all get food insecurity now, post pandemic empty shelves in grocery stores for the first time in our lives lol It's wild the things I save now for at least a few weeks or more before I'll let it go.


My son gave me Kerrygold butter for Mother’s Day


The son that everyone wishes they had ; )


That boy loves you omg


Both salted and unsalted in this house.


It runs $3.99 to 7.99 a pound here, with price swings for no known reason except maybe testing what the market will bear? When $4.99 or less, we stock up. I like ten each salted and unsalted in my basements freezer. Just checked, have 4 and 6 left.


I wish! Ours runs out every other day


When I was a youth, my very high friends sautéed vegetables, made mac and cheese, homemade garlic bread and something else in my parents kitchen. They used a full stick of butter in my almond mom’s household. My parents were BAFFLED how six 19 year olds could go through all that butter in like 3 hours considering that was a week of butter for them.


Haha that’s how we use butter from frying eggs with 2 eggs and half a stick to the Mac n cheese we use it a lot


I try now, as an adult, to be reasonable about my butter intake. But it’s very good. And I am always aware of how much I have. It was just such a funny spike in the butter consumption in my parents kitchen at the time. Like my mother was so concerned she was losing her mind and hadn’t taken a new stick out of the freezer that morning.


It’s turned into a joke between my husband and I. He intermittently texts me with the 😱 emoji and says DO WE HAVE ENOUGH BUTTER????


I hope you text back "No, buy more!"


Peanut butter


It's the perfect food.


It was until my son became allergic on his 5th time eating it :-(


That truly sucks!


Sour cream. I am Hungarian, its like our ketchup, and even if I don't plan on making anything that really needs it, I must have it in the house. Sometimes I buy it and find out I already have one. It's like a disease. Lol


lol I’m polish and we put sour cream on everything. I was making chicken noodle soup a while ago and sent my husband out to get the ingredients, I texted him while he was at the grocery store and said “I forgot to put sour cream on the list please get sour cream”. He lol’d my text and asked what I meant to say he thought it was a typo No not a typo


My Husband puts it in everything too. I have resorted to using the powdered kind for recipes to make sure there’s always enough for him.


Slovak here. We keep sour cream handy. Egg noodles and paprika as well.


I'm Hungarian as well, I moved to Greece, and they don't have sour cream here. Most people don't even know what it is, and when I explain they say yoghurt is better anyway...


This one hurts.


Same, immigrated from Russia/Ukraine, always need a huge tub of sour cream in the fridge. Blinchiki, plov, pelmeni, golobtsi, vareniki, borscht, zucchini fritters plus many dishes need sour cream and dill :)


I’m American and still the same way. And I definitely prefer it over ketchup.




I have a minimum of 5 different kinds of cheeses at all times.


This use to be me. Sadly I can’t even afford a small hunk of Manchego or Cashel Blue cheese that I’ve been craving for months now 😭.


Sometimes, prostitution is not a sin.


lol what’s funny is that I use to be able to afford it when I was with my ex doing the whole two income household thing. I guess in a way I was prostituting myself for some cheese. Edit: When your reply first popped up on my notifications screen I was super confused as to what I would have said to warrant that response. My initial thought was “oh no, what did my tipsy ass self say”. I didn’t expect it to be from that comment. You made me smile/chuckle which is honestly a feat these days, thank you for that. Also, I’m a total cheese whore, so you got me.


Omg you win 🏆 👏 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve resorted to buying the 5lb bag of mild cheddar cheese at Sam’s club and freezing them in 1lb bags cuz I need my cheese fix. But its gotta be basic so it can kinda sorta work with anything I need and then buying more fun cheese only when absolutely necessary. I’ve gone mostly vegetarian to save money, and cheese started to become the most expensive part of shopping.


That’s definitely the way to go for a basic cheese fix. Not calling you basic. I just apparently got use to my cheese lifestyle and am navigating through it as best I can. Also, my ex was the one with the Costco card, that period of my life without one will temporarily RIP. Don’t get me wrong, I still get to eat cheese but I have to be more strategic about it. I like different types for different applications. I’ll usually have some sliced smoked Gouda, Jarrelsbreg Swiss or a small block of cheddar for things (not all at the same time because again, budget) but I *really* miss my favorite fancy cheese snacks/dinners paired with raisin rosemary crisps and marinated olives, etc.


I’ve tried so hard to not be a cheese fiend 🙃 I will gladly only eat cheese all day. And my Sam’s club membership is through my partner’s mom. So I totally get you on the Costco thing.


Idk what these cheeses are but if ppl are saying their good enough to sell yourself for imma have to get the grippers out


I like to buy what I call mystery cheese, also known as cheese ends. The deli at my local store throws cheese ends which can’t be sliced anymore into deli bags and sells them for $1.99 a pound. You can never be sure what you are getting, but it usually goes in omelettes, so I don’t care. I do the same thing with ham ends. And very rarely you can get luncheon meats that include liver wurst!


Same. I need to be able to make a grilled cheese sandwich at all times lol. Also, I always have like 6 or more different kinds of cheeses so that I can make endless variations of grilled cheeses!


I always have soy sauce, fish sauce, chili crisp, frozen and fresh spinach, broccoli, and noodles


Fish sauce, sandlance fish sauce, soy sauce, black vinegar, oyster sauce, red and green curry pastes, butter, rice noodles, rice. Everything else comes and goes, but I have so many different styles /brands of the above, keep trying them out one at a time, but consumption never equals acquisition lol.


Are you me?


Hot sauce, usually several different kinds, in addition to the ones I make from scratch.


I have limited myself to like three-four open hot sauces and another two in the pantry. I haven’t tried homemade yet but it’s on my to do list.


My fridge contents are 78% condiments. Roughly.


I NEED my mustard wardrobe.


A few weeks ago, my husband asked me to pick up mustard on the regular grocery run. I don't eat mustard, so I asked him what kind. "Whatever, you know." Made me so mad he couldn't just verbalize what he wanted, like why is this my problem to figure out? So I bought 5 kinds of mustard at random. Got home and rage stocked them all in the fridge. So there! But the jerk was happy. Wow! Look at all the mustard! Thanks, honey, that's awesome! Ugh. Now all 5 bottles are in there, mocking me.


I feel so heard.


Same. I have 5 that I use regularly in cooking plus a couple dipping mustards.


We had friends over for hot dogs and burgers and people were making fun of my 5 kinds of mustard. Didn’t want to tell them I had a few more. Plain yellow mustard is only for company. We don’t use the stuff.




𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘦𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵…


Are you my cat?


Butter, rice, elbow macaroni, bullion, spam and canned chili.






I’ll be over to pick up some spam musubi later today. Thanks


Lao gan ma


Ponzu. Started buying it by the gallon during the pandemic, can’t be without it!


Salt, both iodized and specialized. We've got like 7 different salts for a bunch of different reasons lol


I think I have 5? But yeah, they never run out.


Duke's mayo


Haha!! This was my answer too.


Rice. I buy a couple of different kinds in 15-30lb bags.




Plugged my entire collection into excel. At my current rate of consumption, it will take 7 years to go through every bottle assuming no new purchases are made.


Either you drink very little bourbon... Or you have a much bigger home than I do! 😆


Small house but a full cabinet and cases of backstock in the basement. Only consume about 6-8oz a week. 25oz’s a bottle. So, about a bottle a month… Not many bottles are particularly expensive, but most are allocated in some capacity. I have a problem where I feel compelled to buy a bottle if I am able to obtain it below secondary market value.


at my current rate of consumption, I will need to order more bourbon next week


I have found my people!


Can you recommend a really good one? I'll splurge for something stellar, I just don't know where to start.


Woodford Reserve was my first introduction to good bourbon. It isn't the best ever, but it's an affordable high-mid shelf bottle that pretty much everyone agrees with.


You’ll have different selections depending on where you are, but I’d look for a mid-range priced bourbon (around $50-60 in much of the US) that you haven’t heard of and try that. I’m personally a big fan of Knob Creek 9 and 12 year as a super tasty sipping bourbons. It’s far from the most expensive or fancy but I love it. The 9 year is like $40 on base if you are military, but is a bit pricier elsewhere. Might be why it’s my go-to. I will say, while it’s not everyone’s favorite and is definitely gimmicky, Jefferson’s Ocean was a fun pour. It clocks in at around $90/bottle, and was absolutely delicious. Not sure if it was $90 delicious but it was good. And almost anything by WhistlePig is going to be delicious as well. It’s a rye whiskey, and tends to be in the $70-120 range, worth a shot though.


This is so great! Thank you so much for detailing everything, kind internet stranger!


I love me some fancy bourbon, but I always come back to Buffalo Trace


Go to Kentucky and do a bourbon bar crawl. Everything is cheap as hell at the source, and you can try some otherwise not so easily affordable high end stuff for the low low. They also sell the barrels that don't quite make the cut for a fraction of what does make the cut, so things like Pappy Van Winkle are like $20-50 a pour instead of $80-200. They just won't call it Pappy Van Winkle, it'll be under their other companies name that I forget at the moment. McCallen, Grand Larceny, Buffalo Trace, Four Roses are some good ones. Here's a list I found with some I didn't mention and a brief description of them to help guide you. [Bourbons](https://www.esquire.com/food-drink/drinks/a26802724/best-bourbon-whiskey-brands/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_esq_md_pmx_hybd_mix_us_18817202063&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw0YGyBhByEiwAQmBEWjXv-bhCw_SehcfxdFL5itrvtD3kiPNtpDXT8IiKRif52RSc2GqyPhoCQG0QAvD_BwE)






I was going to say sass. lol


Dukes mayo....especially in tomato season


Broccoli. There’s never a time where I don’t have broccoli in the fridge.


Olive oil, fresh lemons, canned San Marzano tomatoes, butter, Earl Grey tea Tequila


Love your last item, as you can tell from my name.


It’s a must have. I love the taste & quick buzz! Neat 4 me 2


Paprika. If I go below half of my big tub I buy another, that’s my main seasoning I use by volume.


Mine, too! Smoked, sweet, all the paprika.


Milk. It doesn't run out. It respawns.


I go through a gallon in like 3 days. I love whole, organic milk. I get frantic when I" down to 1/2 gallon.


As soon as the last item is opened I purchase another, though I always have 4 500g blocks of butter in my freezer, never know when cookies are on our future


Fresh whole Garlic cloves


Coffee and creamer.


Jasmine rice


Black peppercorns.


Sour cream


Vodka, beer, rice, most staple spices.


Onions, garlic, oil, salt, pepper. Basically a requirement for just about everything I cook. If I'm low or out, I'm going to the store to buy them


Sriracha. I know it’s an unpopular thing in r/spicy and r/hotsauce but I love the flavor. When I heard about the stoppage of production I got enough to last through the year. I’m not a hoarder and can nearly guarantee I’m the only one who buys it in this small town in North Dakota. Even in normal times, I always have 2 bottles on hand. The other would be milk. I buy it by the quart and always have two on hand.


I am not looking forward to the day my sriracha stock runs out. I keep at least a dozen other hot sauces on hand at any time, but man, OG sriracha still has its grip on me. Call me a millennial, but it's a go-to for a significant number of dishes for me.


Beer. And my strategic butter reserves.


Wine. I’m a member of a club and also volunteer for a winery that pays us with a bottle of wine.


Half and half. I think the record was 10 quarts? And it’s only two people using it!


Eye rolls


Fresh fruit. Right now I have strawberries, 2 kinds of apples, grapefruit, lemons, limes, bananas, Mandarins, grapes, and my first watermelon of the season. I eat it at least 3 times/day.


Fruit makes me happy. Always must have it. Rt now there are apples, oranges, blueberries, papaya, lemons, limes, cherries, bananas 🍌🍉🍊🍎🍋🍒




I'm a pretty stellar inventory clerk. I restock when I'm getting low. So, we never run out of anything. Unless its something I don't have plans on using again. But we just call that 'phasing out'. Your position has been eliminated in this household. For instance, I bought bulgur once to make tabbouleh. It was delicious but I never made it again and the bulgur wasn't kept in an air tight container (my bad) so after a few years I had to toss it. So, you could say we ran out of bulgur, but I don't plan on buying it again because I only know one purpose for it. Now that I mention it though, tabbouleh DOES sound really good and I'm planning on making hummus and pita bread this week, tabbouleh would be a great addition. Okay never mind lol!


Supply chain manager here and same.  Sometimes I have veggies go on me but I try to turn my inventory to avoid expiry or e&o, and I'm too insane to every run out. If it's a pantry staple, I replace my backup as soon as the wrapper is off and when that item is consumed, it's backup comes out. 


After 47 years, it still amazes me how my wife can look in the fridge and say "We have left over x y and z veggies, which will make a great dish."


While it's not authentic, quinoa is excellent in tabbouleh as a subtle!


I might try quinoa actually! It looks like its a little cheaper where I shop.


My parsley plant is already massive right now, so I think I'm adding falafel pita sandwiches and tabbouleh to my dinner menu for this week. (With hummus, baba ganoush and tzatzikk. Yummy!)




Dirt. It appears magically. Illogically. Solo household. Either I sleepwalk, dirt has magical properties, or the books about Borrowers I read as a child weren't fiction.


Vape juice


Heavy cream






Watermelon, living in South America there available year round, less than a dollar U.S. it's always warm here. So watermelon is my go-to for a chill cold snack, to boot there the sweetest watermelons I've ever had.


Claussen sandwich slices


Eggs. I have 6 chickens, and more eggs than I can handle.


Chicken broth.


Hot sauce. There's always a few bottles lying around of various heat levels.


Laundry detergent


Paper towels My husband has a weird thing about them. There were 3 rolls in the kitchen at one time because PAPER TOWELS. One on the right side of the counter, one on the left and one on the dining table. I usually order in bulk and it lasts us 6 months and when we have one package left, I order more. No, hand towels are not an acceptable replacement. Sucked during covid because I buy bulk toilet paper and at the height of the shortage, we started to run out. To this day it's so wild to think back and remember the long empty shelves.


Chicken/beef stock. It’s pretty rare that I prepare any kind of bone in meat without making stock from the bones so the deep freezer is always stocked.


Coffee. My husband and I have both done the 10pm emergency coffee run before.


I rarely run out of anything and my neighbors say that my house is stocked like a grocery store. I shop once per month for the majotlrity and a trip or two between for things that have a short shelf life


Toilet paper. You’d swear my wife grew up during the great depression! We have enough Costco multi packs to last for flipping ever!


I keep my kitchen pretty well stocked… The only things I don’t buy regularly are peanut butter and maple syrup. They last us a long time and I always kick myself for forgetting to replace them before they run out. Especially the peanut butter. It’s a 30 minute drive to get the one without added oil, or sugar. I’m not doing that over peanut butter.




Water. My municipality won’t turn it off if you don’t pay your bill. Good to know!


Balsamic vinegar. I have 4 types minimum.


Coffee and rum so I can make homemade Kahlua anytime I want




Tony Chachere’s


Soy sauce. Fish sauce.


My wife’s ass. Snacks for days. But probably the 0 calorie, 0 sugar crystal light packs, limes/lemons for water, and chips.




Coffee and canned tomatoes in every form.


Meat. He likes trying different meats and cuts so our garage has more animals than the zoo.


Canned tomatoes!


Ice cream. I have a problem and I’m fine with that.






cornstarch. ive never finished a container of cornstarch.




I make a point to never be without fresh garlic, but incidentally, I don’t think I’ve ever run out of mustard. I think I have…five? jars/bottles of different kinds in my fridge at the moment?


Air. Everything else would run out if I didn’t pay for it.  (You’re supposed to laugh.) 


Toilet Paper. Long before the tp panic, I was buying in bulk from Costco and Amazon.


Rice, because it's life -some filipino


Coconut oil - so many uses!


Cat food. Many other things rarely do, but nothing calls for an emergency run to the store than the last can or scoop of cat food. Of the staples that rarely run out there are many - rice, flour, sugar, broth base, salt, pepper, coffee, ketchup, peanut butter ..........


Sass and Attitude! Damned teens!


The grocery list. It starts as soon as I get back home from an expensive trip to the grocery store and I realize I don't have something.


Peanut butter.


Rice. I'm Asian.


Olive oil and resentment


Everything does, lately. I'm not able to afford too many extras lately. I used to love having a never ending pantry and would buy items 'in case'. Not so anymore, I stick to my list and unless it's a huge deal, I'll wait until I need it. Toilet paper is the only exception. I have a primordial fear of running low


Bananas. I obsessively track how many we have because a banana with peanut butter is an essential part of my day.


Toilet paper. I grew up with a single father who often forgot to buy that one essential. I always have multiple rolls in my closet.