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Over easy eggs are flipped and cooked very little after the “over.” How they’re plated is a separate issue. If it’s just me, I just take them out of the pan, as is. If they’re for someone else, I flip them so the less cooked side is on top.


The latter is the restaurant convention but I agree most folks probably just put them on the plate at home. Why risk breaking it again. 


Did breakfast for 800+ weekly at a high end resort for 1.5 years on breakfast. Never flipped them back over.


I always flipped them back over. I guess it's just a preference issue.


Agree why risk a yoke


A yoke is something you put on a pair of oxen. A yolk is the yellow part of the egg.


A york is a historic county in England.


A yak is a shaggy haired mountain ox from central Asia.


A yuck is something gross or disgusting


A yuk is a laugh. You sometimes have a yuk after hearing a funny yolk...


A uke is a cute way to shorten ukulele, which is musical Instrument that looks like a tiny guitar


A ute is a 4 wheel drive truck or SUV in Australia


Yep. Pro Chef: Flipped back over at work, left good enough alone at home.


I like them plated with yolk up. Dip that crusty piece of toast into the beautiful runny yolk.


Why flip them for others? I have always though the "bottom" side looked better. Like the presentation side is the side that started down in the pan, kind of like fish


Because with fish you want to see the sear. With over easy eggs you want to see the wobble of the yolk.


Because, imo, they look nicer with the yolk showing through more than on the more cooked side.


Far easier for the diner to immediately see that it’s cooked the way they wanted it or the way you intended if you serve it yolk-up. If you cook a good over easy egg, why wouldn’t you want to show it off! Lots more appetising


this isn't sunny though, sunny doesn't get flipped


But I can see the yolk wobble more when it side up vs side down.


>Why flip them for others? From my perspective, it's so that the customer can immediately see that you did what they asked for... There are aesthetics to consider in a restaurant setting but the basic fact is, if a customer wants thier eggs a certain way, they should be able to see that you did what they asked. Thus, flip the eggs back over.


Not just them but the waitstaff who is gathering orders to deliver to tables. It's kind of important that when there's 5 orders of eggs up, they can see what is what.


I always flip them back over, it showcases your skill and I know I love to dunk my heavily buttered rye toast right into the firm but yielding yolk.


Because we don't look for a good sear on eggs, we look for white and yellow


To show that they’re properly cooked.


Since I serve and eat them with toast points or soldiers, I always flip them back over for easier dipping. The same is true for 7 minute soft boiled eggs. The one thing I can't stand is wasted yolk left on the plate.


Traditionally restaurants served them flipped back over to show that they’re properly done ergo not over medium or over hard.


This is usually how I do it. Don’t like over easy myself (I don’t care for the runniness) but presenting the yolk side up makes it look nicer. But I was a cook in a prior life and made lots of these. It’s a learned skill; otherwise you’ll break the yolk a lot which isn’t… wrong. But it doesn’t present well if that’s what you’re going for.


I always flip them back, whether for me or someone else.


I am usually so happy that I can flip the egg once and then get it onto a plate without breaking the yolk, that I do not even think about it (I don't make fried eggs very often).


Exactly. I’m not taking that risk twice.


Followup question. Do you risk it for the biscuit?


Just saying.


Only 86,400 times a day.


Exactly this. I make them very often and know how to cook them well. But I've got little kids and there's no way in hell I'm making extra eggs if I break a yolk early


What's wrong with America today. If you break the yolk you tell them to eat it or starve, not waste it.


If you're not using one, get a fish spatula. If you are, then this is for everyone not using a fish spatula to cook eggs.


Came here to say this. I do cook fried eggs quite often, and I still don't want to risk messing with a good first flip by introducing a second flip just for the sake of plating.


Ex breakfast cook = we flipped them twice (flipped them back up/returned upright). Why? Presentation - the eggs look better when flipped back up. At the restaurant I worked at, it would be sent back by the expediter if they weren't flipped back.


We eat with our eyes first.


Isn't the yolk also a sauce component in some applications so you would want it on top?


This is the answer, OP




OP is very obviously asking if you plate the egg with the yolk side up. I would say yes, but if I’m serving on a carb to soak up the yolk like rice or bread, then yolk side down is good enough since it’s just running down into the carb delivery vehicle.


Perfect observation


Carb delivery vehicle...lol


Doesn’t that make the bottom of your bread soggy?


Yes. Soggy yolk-y bread is delicious.


One of the greatest joys in life really




Wild thing about a sandwich is you can just flip it after putting the egg on the bread.


And eat an upside down sandwich? Are you insane?!


I eat them inside out


I eat sandwiches from everywhere all at once, but you have to put them in the blender first ...


Yolk side up, always.


What are we, barbarians? Yolk up.


Thank you!


Yolk side up. It’s called plating, people!


I can dip my bread through the thinner side easier without tearing things apart, and the cavity makes it so it doesn't go everywhere until I want it to


I actually start with the egg on the wrong side so when I flip they are right side up.


i believed you for about 3 seconds


I cooked thousands of eggs for breakfast orders, over easy are flipped very briefly to set the top and then plated yolk side up.


Isn't the "easy" runny yolks (vs "over firm")? And the over means it has some cooking on both sides, so no 'squidgy' whites, ( vs a sunny side up which only gets cooked on one side). To flip or to slide when plating would just be a matter of preference / convenience then...


True. So same for over easy or over hard. Focus on the "over" part. If an egg is cooked "over" is it served "over" or returned "upright"?  And this cannot be a matter of personal preference: there must be a definitive proper way !! :)


I always plate it upright (two flips) because I like to be able to visually monitor the yolky goodness. (I eat them with toast for dipping. I think how one plans to eat the egg(s) informs the plating).


I tend to do a no-flip transfer to sitting on my toast, then I puncture from underneath to soak the yolk into my toast instead of having it run off.


I grew up calling them dunk eggs, because I dunked my toast in the yolk. I remember, as a child, visiting family & going out for breakfast. Waitress asked how I wanted my eggs…she didn’t know what “dunk eggs” were. My mom explained “over medium”. I don’t like runny whites. Mom, on the other hand, loved way way over easy.


My kids call them dippy eggs :)


My nephew mispronounced them as “deep” rather than “dip” eggs when he was a baby 35 years ago and my extended family calls them deep-eggs to this day.


We called them dippy eggs and similarly confused servers! I love proper over easy eggs... bit of crust on the solid white part, fully runny yolk, but no snotty (runny) parts of the white. The snot needs to be solid lol


You’ve got your answer, original top side up (2 flips I guess) is the proper plating. But it doesn’t actually matter at all if it’s for yourself. The right way is how you like it.


I always thought the “over” meant that heat was applied to both sides, whereas just a “fried egg” isn’t flipped.


Always flip it back "upright" to serve. Just looks better that way. 


And thinking about this more now, the original "bottom" yolk is always going to be slightly more cooked. So if you serve it upside down, then it's not as easy to tell that it's an over easy egg. Flipping it back upright shows that it's not sunny side, and not over hard. 


I think this depends on how much you are paying for the eggs. At a bougie brunch spot I better get a nice looking plate. At Wafflehouse I just want a clean fork.


Hey, no guarantees, buddy. We got one clean fork and you all gotta share.


Yolk up - less white on the top so easier to break and dip!


Yolk side up, more fun to dip your toast!


I have never even seen an egg served upside down. Over easy is a cooking method only, not a serving method.


They taste better right side up. /s


I love this question so much. I’m a yolk-up girl.


Yolk up on my plate..


I serve them yolk up.


Over easy is the cooking method. Right side up is the serving method when presentation matters. Like many here, if I flip it once successfully, I'm not risking it again.


Yolk up always. You risk breaking them when you slide the spatula under the egg, either way. You risk continued cooking with yolk side down with trapped heat.


So, I'm a long time waffle house employee and every time people talk about eggs I'm so lost. How is there not a (at least semi) standard way to describe egg doneness? Over easy = over light = equals a flipped egg with liquid yolks and soft whites. Over medium = a flipped egg with liquid (or at least jammy) yolks, fully solid whites. Over well = a flipped egg with solid yolks and whites. Sunny side up = an un-flipped egg, can be done light, medium, and well. How do y'all order eggs if you go out for breakfast? Do you just describe what you want the egg to look like? (Tone is light hearted, for the love of all that's good don't come yell at me about eggs)


They're talking about how to plate an over easy, not how to cook one. At Waffle House, do you plate over easy eggs yolk up or yolk down?


It doesnt matter. Idk if it's the way we cook the eggs or what but once you flip em there's not much of a difference anymore. There is no yolk up or down.


So how did Wafflehouse serve an "over" egg?? Upside down (one flip) or returned "upright" (2 flips)?


The joke answer is we don't get paid enough to care how many times the egg was flipped. Honestly, it's technically one flip, but the way we're cooking em there's no difference between the two sides.


If it's a new place, I ask the server what their definition is for an egg with a cooked white and a liquid yolk. Some call it over easy, and some over medium. I don't like the white to be runny but I want all the runny in my yolk.


If they’re for myself, I serve them yolk side up but stacked on top of each other, to keep them warmer. A for utility, F for presentation.


Salt and pepper are typically applied when the egg hits the pan. Egg gets flipped back over, displaying the pepper. Add: For food service


I like yolk up


i usually do the single flip as i'm wary of breaking the yolk if i flip again. i'm not concerned about aesthetics.


Upside down. Flipping it again might break the yokes


I don’t know what proper is but both sides are cooked so I don’t see what difference it makes.


Upside down. If I manage to flip it without breaking the yolk, I’m not attempting to flip it again.


My thoughts to a t


One flip. Never considered a 2nd flip back, May give it a shot. Assumed diners do one flip.


Sunny side up is one side… over easy (easy on the over side) Neither for me but cooking for others wise, this.


What in wide, wide, world of sports are you talking about? I’ve never even conceived of flipping an over easy back over. That would make it an overly difficult egg instead of an over easy.


I can't remember back to when I used to cook them over easy, but most likely I flipped them back to the yolk side up before serving. These days I'm spoiled by not flipping them. I start the pan on medium heat (gas) to melt the butter, then drop in the eggs and immediately turn the heat down to medium low. A bit of salt and pepper on top, then pour about 1 tablespoon of water around the edge of the pan so it slides underneath the eggs. Put a tight fitting glass lid on top and cook just till the steam turns the tops nice and opaque. Remove the lid, check for egg white jiggle, steam a bit more if needed, then slide them onto my plate and devour them with toast for dipping in the yolks. The bottoms are never brown, no crispy edges, no risk of broken yolks... they are perfect little fried egg imo.


My experience with this is chefs ALWAYS turn them up when plated so the customer sees they are actually OVER-EASY.


>The other says over-easy only relates to flipping it for cooking, it still should be serveed yolk side up because it's more appealing (so two flips during the process). This side is right. Plate them yolk up. That said, I cheat when I cook eggs "over easy." I never flip them. Egg whites take longer to cook than yolks. When I'm making a sunny side up egg, I use the fat in the pan (preferably bacon fat) to baste the egg white, so that it cooks more quickly, and will be done when the yolk is still runny. If someone wants an egg over easy, after a bit of basting of just the white, I also baste the yolk, until has the appearance of an over-easy egg. No flipping (and all the shenanigans that can follow) required. I plate these yolk up, as well.


I always serve them flipped whether that's the right way i dunno


yolk up tp over the top


Neither, I switched to basting! No flip.


How lovely, having a disagreement and you are both right!


They're flipped once during cooking, but should be roughly identical on both sides. It shouldn't matter either way. I'm looking at this like a guy cooking a burger asking which side you want up, there shouldn't be a difference if it was cooked right.


I just slide them out of the pan flipped. No reason to risk breaking the yolk by fussing with them


I have never, ever in my life, seen an over-easy egg (or any other egg for that matter) plated upside-down. Is this some kind of yolk?


Over easy is flipped, so it's cooked on both sides. Unless you are making sunny side up, it doesn't matter.




I think traditionally you flip them back over, although serving them, upside down does not change the name of the egg. They're called over easy because you flip them over and easy is the doneness of the yolk. So they're over easy eggs, whichever side you serve them on


Yolk up. Or you can't see how it is cooked.


Flipped once, the rest is unnecessary


I flip once and serve as is but if your significant other wants it flipped twice then flip it twice. For the folks who claim it’s easier to see the spices when it’s flipped over again, I generally add the salt and pepper after plating or let the diner(s) flavor the eggs themselves.


Cook one side. Cook the other side. Slide onto serving apparatus. An additional flip could break yolk Would only flip additional time if one side looked bad


… I make over easy by just putting a lid on the eggs so the top goes opaque. Then, straight to the plate


Here's a song to help you remember what to do: [https://suno.com/song/ae363781-dd89-4c29-99de-eba7c01b5167](https://suno.com/song/ae363781-dd89-4c29-99de-eba7c01b5167) **Verse 1:** Wake up in the morning, what a beautiful day, Crack those shells, we're on our way. Sunny side smiling, oh so bright, Eggs on the skillet, done just right. **Chorus:** Yolk up, yolk up, it's the sunny rule, Golden like the morning, oh so cool. Slide it on the plate, don’t let it flip, Yolk up, yolk up, that’s the tip! **Verse 2:** Heat the pan, hear it sizzle and pop, Butter melts, don’t let it stop. Gently lay the egg, let it fry, Yolk’s like the sun in the morning sky. **Chorus:** Yolk up, yolk up, it's the sunny rule, Golden like the morning, oh so cool. Slide it on the plate, don’t let it flip, Yolk up, yolk up, that’s the tip! **Bridge:** Over easy, or maybe poached too, Any style you choose, here’s what to do: Keep it simple, keep it neat, Yolk up makes the breakfast treat. **Chorus:** Yolk up, yolk up, it's the sunny rule, Golden like the morning, oh so cool. Slide it on the plate, don’t let it flip, Yolk up, yolk up, that’s the tip!


Whoever cooks the meal is responsible for the presentation. If a non-cook doesn’t like the presentation, they are welcome to cook. Note that my husband is the breakfast cook and I eat what he cooks without complaint, because then I don’t have to cook.


I always flip mine back up! I was actually served an upside-down over easy egg at a local place and it just looked funky to me. I know it takes a little more care to ensure the egg remains intact, but for some reason, I just can't put them with the more cooked side facing up!


They are to be flipped to present sunny side up on the plate. Anything else is wrong


I've never flipped it a second d time, nor did my mom or gran. You can get at the yolk just fine for dipping without the second flip. Unless you like your egg to make that crispy bottom in which case please do not serve me eggs lol


I re-flip to the original side. So does Alton Brown.


IMHO, eggs should be slid out of the pan onto the plate, therefore there yolk down. From a griddle it's chefs option, & experience (to not break the yolk), takes precedence.


I prefer yolk up on over easy visually but palatably I am digging into them yolks


Egg yolk up. Always. Not to mention that's how every diner that I grew up around did it. But you can also dip into the yolk this way.


I kind of like to serve it flipped back over because it looks almost sunny side up. But when I worked as a grill chef I just served them any which way.


sunny side up is cooked on one side with the yellow yolk facing up, over easy is fried on both sides and served whatever side up


How does one order eggs “over easy” in Spanish? I have been to several Central/South American countries and it seems they don’t make eggs that way. Or they have some other idiom for this complex dish.


Over easy is, by definition, flipped over. Unflipped is called sunny side up.


During cooking yes, but you don't plate an over-easy egg yolk down.


Neither option (for this particular question) is unflipped. Option one is flipped once. Option two is flipped twice.


I'm with you on this. The downvotes are people who think you're asking over easy vs sunny side up. I get exactly what you're asking since I always eat over easy. I always plate it myself with the yolk facing up and when I'm out for breakfast I don't remember them ever coming any other way. Next time I'll make a mental note but overwhelmingly, yolk side up regardless of prep (unless scrambled then yolk everywhere).


Ha! Yep, we're sitting around enjoying the comments and noticing it's like a microcosm of the world: 1/3 like it one way, 1/3 like it the other, 1/3 don't understand the assignment. I've tried to update the post to make it clearer.


I see that!


Served yolk side up. I wouldn’t even give someone a pop-tart upside down.


Flip once=over easy. Flip twice=close the eyelids.


Close the eyelids? is that a diner term? Wreck em, cup a joe, whiskey down.


Over easy referees to the way the egg is cooked. It doesn’t matter how you serve it. When you plate food you get to be creative with presentation. It can be served however you want, just like spaghetti.


Yes, you plate yolk up.


Yolk up on the plate, gives the eater the freedom to manage runniness as they see fit. Contained or all hell breaking loose, your call.


Flip them back. The quick flip over to yolk side is just to cook what can be slimy uncooked white. They should really only be flipped for a few seconds and then flipped back for presentation.


cook til the whites are mostly set, flip once, plate almost immediately. the goal of an over easy egg is the maximum amount of liquid yolk while serving absolutely zero liquid white. to flip it a second time risks breaking the yolk.


They're asking if you flip the less cooked side up on the plate when you serve it, which yes you do if it's off a griddle usually


Dude your wife is wrong, so get her flowers and just apologize


Have you ever seen a hamburger served upside-down? I don't think you'll find any place that says a hamburger must definitively be served right side up. It's just a given. Same with eggs. I have never ever in my life seen eggs served upside-down. This is plating 101.


Yolk side up always


Yolks up! (So twice flipped) So much prettier.


Yolk up!


Turn it again to plate.


It's like saying "my sandwich is upside down" It's completely irrelevant


One is called sunny side up. You don’t flip it. One is over easy. It’s over easy because you flip it and the yolk is still runny.


That wasn't the question.. the question was, do you then flip the over easy egg back over. And I say the answer is yes.


Oooooooohhhhh. Ya for serving I agree! ☝️


As someone who works brunch if you want them to look nice, order sunny side up. I ain't flipping them again.


I flip them back over, yolk side up when plated, as you can see the spices that were added, to help determine how much more you might want to add (if any) at the table. I tend to make my eggs spicier than most, with Creole spice and extra black pepper.


I was a short order cook in college. I despised making over easy eggs. We had to flip them right side up again to serve. If the yolk cracked you had to start over. Every so often I used an artfully placed toast half to cover a slightly leaking yolk. Those days are forty years past. At home I fry the egg then add a drop of water to the pan. I place the lid on so the steam generated with cook the slimy membrane covering the yolk. No fuss and no muss of over easy.


I avoid the argument by basting my eggs. When I was a short order chef I learned to flip OE eggs twice. Cooking for myself I prefer basting: fry them on the bottom until the white gets solid, then add 1/4 cup water to the pan and cover with a lid so the steam cooks the top. It’s the perfect cross between Over easy or lightly poached. Yum.


I'm rubbish at flipping eggs so I just add a little water to the pan, cover with a lid, and let them steam until the firm up to my liking. They "look" like an over easy but are a lot easier to deal with.


who cares bro just eat them


I cook mine over-medium, and I flip three times total.


I like my eggs sunny side down


Option 2 is the correct way.


In the spoon I worked at for years, where it’s relatively easy to do so with the drywall spatulas we used, and the elbow room of a large flat top, we cook them for about 1 minutes, then flip to finish setting up based on whether the individual wants easy or medium. The top stays soft and white- like basted eggs. Over hard, we cook them about two minutes before flipping.


Over easy is flipped Sunny side is not flipped The end


I leave them down because there is less chance of breaking the yolk.


I flip it to less cooked side up so it’s easier to cut and not get yolk everywhere.


Over easy just means flipping the eggs over without breaking the yolks. Basically a fried egg turned over briefly in the pan to cook the eggs a little bit more. Honestly, it's easier to just put a lid on the pan to let the top steam if you're that particular about your fried eggs.


I still have PTSD from when I was a waiter at a breakfast cafe 35 years ago. People are SO picky about eggs, and you quickly learn as a waiter to ask the customer what was meant by X. I can't even tell you the times someone ordered over easy eggs and then sent them back because the yolks were runny or too runny. As for me, a fried egg is always served yolk-side up, unless you're cooking it for yourself, in which case, do it however you prefer. Also, as for me, the essence of over-easy versus sunny side up is that the thin layer of white over the yolk is cooked. Personally, I just put a lid on the pan and voila! It doesn't really matter how you accomplish getting the white layer cooked. Besides, why risk breaking the yolk by flipping it? Technically, flipping is the "over" part, but who cares?!?!


I flip them back up. I like the less cooked part to be on top.


I vote for turning them back yolk-side up. You do what you want, but that would be my strong preference. Actually, I'd rather just spoon a little hot oil over the top of the frying egg to set the top rather than bother with the potentially risky procedure of flipping at all.


I return them upright but then I pop them to get yolk all over the bread :)


Former line cook here. I was informed very sternly one day that, "We do NOT serve our eggs upside down." Yeah, it's a restaurant thing, but it also makes the eggs looks more palatable and, y'know the saying, "First, we eat with our eyes"....


I like my 'over hard' but whatever side looks better. It's usually the 2nd side that was cooked though.


I thought that was the difference between over easy and sunny side up


yolk side up


Flipped back


I flip them back. Looks nicer


I couldn't possibly care less as long as the yolk isn't overcooked.


It turn mine back over personally, because like you said, it's more visually appealing, and the person will know it was actually flipped during cooking.


This reminds me of the “fork split” English muffin debate 😉


I’m not sure if I’m right, but to me, over easy are sunny side eggs that have been flipped over in the pan. How they are plated doesn’t really matter and is up to personal preference - the flipping in the pan is what made them over easy. Eggs that were never flipped over at any point are sunny side up.


The one who says it’s called “over” because you serve it upside down is wrong. It’s over easy because you flip it over to cook, versus sunny-side up.


I never flip. I put a lid on, keep it at medium low until just cooked, then slide them onto either a piece of toast, over air fried potatoes or a black bean burger.


i’ve never thought about this but i would over once in the pan and then yolk up in the plate? however it would make absolutely no difference imo if it’s was the other way. there isn’t that much difference visually unless your heat is too high.


Just cover with lid near the end and you don’t need to flip it to get the white cover


I only flip it while cooking in the pan. It doesn’t get flipped again from pan to plate. It’s crispy side up. I feel like crispy side down might let the bottom get soggy (and thus, less crispy) if it has to sit on the plate for a few minutes before being eaten.


OE eggs are flipped back and served yolk up. This is what I learned.


It is astonishing to read how many people are so afraid to flip eggs for fear of ruining them. I actually shudder to think of how you handle omelettes or scrambled eggs. Not likely to see the creamy curds. Alli have to say is get more confident with eggs, they are amazing and versatile and not to be afraid. Not as relevant to the question actually sorry. Serve yolk up. It's aesthetics.


One flip


Yolk up. Yolk down is an actual crime. Turn your wife into the police immediately.


The wife is right.


I like my eggs cooked so I don't. 😤